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oops typo
it does like quite nice man!
I have to say I miss the aubergine color..
the orange buttons are a bit full on though
for the actions
yeah man, that was a really nice touch
@JorgeCastro that's what they use on their site. I almost wanted to go with an aubergine color button
who were you working with in design, alejandra?
Tanya. but she's a middle person i think
she just forwards designs over
@Jin I think aubergine would kind of make sense for the meta actions (mod tools etc.) even.
for the new look
For those using the 2buntu app, it's broken.
I made some changes to the API.
Erm... I'm still waiting for Qt5 to land in Precise and Quantal...
@Jin Overall I'll gladly trade in the aubergine for like the third link on www.ubuntu.com, heh.
As a side note: Why exactly is AU becoming more and more "official", without involving the AU community directly in that process?
what do you mean?
@FEichinger Good question.
@JorgeCastro From a "normal user" POV, AU now feels a lot as if it were the tech support site for Canonical -- And as far as I can tell, AU isn't being asked if it even wants that.
It's not a tech support site, it's what it's always been
it's just being mentioned everywhere
and why wouldn't AU want to be mentioned everywhere?
The AU users just seem a little isolated in the whole scheme of things..
Kinda like everyone else makes the decisions for us.
shrug, design people do design things, that's what they do
It's just a weird feeling for people that aren't more involved in the bigger Ubuntu Community.
So by including askubuntu in the main header of all ubuntu.com sites ... how is that not being involved in the bigger ubuntu community?
Putting it bluntly: AU recently gets stuff like the new design - and what we're "supposed to support" - forced onto it. Mind you, I'm not saying that that's bad, I'm saying that the AU community is, for the most part, not involved in it, beyond being "allowed" to give some input. The new design is definitely an improvement, I just flat-out don't like the nature of the process.
It's just being made to match the rest of ubuntu.com
@FEichinger even the "old" design of AU was provided by Canonical. design.canonical.com/2010/10/this-week-in-design-8-october-2010
@JorgeCastro No no. I was saying, for me (and people like me) who aren't active in the greater Ubuntu community it feels weird.
I'll get used to it, I just need to have it zoom in to like 125%
there's something odd about the font in the supercollider dropdown too
@JorgeCastro Ooh I should do that.
@Jin I'm aware. And, again, I'm not saying that it's bad. It's just - as Seth says - weird to the user who's "just" involved with AU, or any other subset that doesn't include the higher levels of the "hierarchy".
@FEichinger How would you do it differently then?
@JorgeCastro Pretty much what I'm doing as well, yeh.
Speaking for myself, I actually appreciate when a company lends its design resources on SE sites about their product to keep the branding consistent. Canonical is the only company did that. I wish I could say the same about others (Wordpress, Drupal, Wolfram etc)
let me repost that part
@FEichinger How would you run the process differently?
@Jin It's great, indeed. And I can appreciate that angle. The other angle is, however, that AU is a comunity initiative - and not a Canonical service. And every now and then, there's much less community to it.
@FEichinger I don't know how ubuntu communities are like, outside of AU. :) I assume there are other support forums out there as well?
There's a lot.
Of other things. Tons and tons and tons.
is AU the largest and most well known?
I don't think so.
@JorgeCastro I honestly don't know. I just wanted to voice that - to me at least - it sometimes feels a bit like we're presented as unpaid tech support. Given that even the ubuntu forums don't get this much coverage, that's all even more so.
@Jin The ubuntu forums would be the biggest: ubuntuforums.org/forum.php
@FEichinger I don't think it's presented that way at all
as unpaid tech support I mean
To me, it often looks like this: New version is out, new feature comes up, Canonical declares "Hey, go ask on AU about that, if you need help!" and we sometimes haven't even decided if we actually can or want to help with it. (f.e. Ubuntu One being an offender in some regards)
there are plenty of Canonical people participating here.
I just never imagined someone would think that having people excited about the site and integrate it more into other parts of ubuntu would be a bad thing
And I appreciate that. It's great that there's so much involvement from Canonical. But on the flipside, it leaves some users out of the loop, or gets stuff pushed way over their heads. Heck, just think about how much the chat does for us in terms of getting involved.
Jin posted the image on meta when it was ready
I don't think you get it.
if it makes you feel better I didn't get to see it before you or anything
We aren't talking about the design.
before it was totally the opposite: meta.askubuntu.com/questions/261/…
@JorgeCastro It's not a "bad" thing, it's just that users like FEichinger and I who aren't Ubuntu members or whatever, sometimes feel lost when AU gets discussed, talked about and changed inside the greater Ubuntu community.
people all over ubuntu talk about AU. You're not missing anything by not being there.
@JorgeCastro That's why I said I don't know what should be changed about it. It's a tough balance - and right now we're moving towards the other extreme, imo.
This is an SE site, not a Canonical site and it just feels.. different when canonical and official Ubuntu people come around.
We don't have some channel where we plot out what AU is supposed to be
This is why I've never really talked about this before.
I've been here for 3 years, so I don't get why you'd feel different
Being a Canonical employee and such, I'm not sure you can quite understand.
Both employees and other community members have been participating on AU since it's inception.
I'm done with this topic ATM.
Wait, one last word:
I'm deeply sorry for breaking this loose. As I said: The decisions that are reached are - for the most part - great. It's the lack of communication with the (AU) community that just feels weird. Sometimes - again: to me at least - it very much feels like it's out of our control and we're just supposed to roll with it.
Never mind.
There's no need to feel sorry
I'm not sure how to word it.
you should always bring up what's on your mind
@Seth I actually think we recently edged out Ubuntu Forums in size
I didn't know that.
AU has 6.7million some views a month
@Seth according to quantcast traffic stats on ubuntuforums, we get more traffic :)
few things in Ubuntu are bigger
have you guys had this feeling about Canonical doing too many things with AU lately?
@Jin Thanks for getting the new design up! grumbles about dots ;)
@MarcoCeppi i'll email Tanya about the dots..
@Jin no big deal, just on large monitors it can get dizzying
I'm finding it hard to express the feeling, but here's what it kinda feels like:

For us who aren't connected to Canonical it feels weird because AU is becoming more and more "official" in the Ubuntu world, and we aren't in that world. It's kind of like AU is divided between being a SE site and being a part of Ubuntu.
yeah, I think that's awesome!
Uh.... OK.
@Seth I can understand where you're coming from. We've always ridden the "line" between Ubuntu site and Stack Exchange site. IMO, when I became a pro tempor moderator wayyy back ages ago, our goal was always to be ask.ubuntu.com. We wanted to be the canonical (heh, pun!) source for questions and answers. This global nav, the installer mention, being on the application-development juju and ubuntu-one sites have all been steps towards that goal
We have our own StackExchange, that's fricking cool.
We just feel sorta left out. This was supposed to be a SE site. It's turned into a Ubuntu site.. and now I feel vulnerable (since I have no Ubuntu connections). Basically that's it..
We're a Stack Exchange community Ask Ubuntu, asking and answering all the glorious questions about Ubuntu and it's ecosystem
@Seth so apply for ubuntu membership?
if you feel left out join the project!
@MarcoCeppi That makes me feel better :)
@JorgeCastro I am thinking about it.. Starting has been confusing though.
The fact that Ubuntu/Canonical recognize our efforts and want to promote us should be a proud feeling, not one of sorrow :)
@JorgeCastro And here comes one big problem: Why do users exclusive to AU need to become Ubuntu members to stay involved with the direction AU takes? That's essentially where this is headed.
@Seth Like half the people in this chat room are members, we can help you do an application, etc.
@MarcoCeppi Change is... hard. Even when it's good. (I'm not sure this is considered change per se..)
I heard you get perks for joining ubuntu membership... like your own Ubuntu Sharingan
user image
There's being nudged into the spotlight and then there's being pushed into the spotlight. Sometimes, it's more of a shove.
@FEichinger That's what I was trying to say essentially. Couldn't put it to words.
@Jin AFAIK you do.
ok so don't apply then, the choice is up to you
@JorgeCastro I'm not sure I even know what an Ubuntu membership is. I don't even understand how Ubuntu works. I can't find good resources either. The Wiki's are a bit too localized.
@Seth I know a great site for questions like this ;)
when did Ask Ubuntu surpass Server Fault? that's news to me
"(i) Official Ubuntu Membership means recognition of significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community."
@Jin Oh, we've been beating around the top three for a while now
@Jin A while ago, if I recall correctly. I think ... Robert mentioned it recently.
I remember when AU was tied with Gaming.se
@Jin around release we can get real close to SuperUser
@Jin heh, the good old days
@jin thats how we gonna overtake microsoft one day :D We are sneaky!
I remembered we passed Gaming, and then they ran that Skyrim vs. COD contest
@Rinzwind LOL
and they crushed us for a while
it's still absurd to me that Stack Overflow is still greater than all the other 104 sites combined..
yeah, the scale isn't even close
@Jin it has the most garbage too though.
@Seth 6.7k new questions a day... I feel bad for SO mods..
@JorgeCastro And what is "significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community."?
@Jin I'm surprised by how a site that is so full of elitism can sustain such a large userbase.
I gotta run.
@Seth that can be plenty of things
We'll chat later about it
@FEichinger big city problem.
@seth do circles so you can post every now and then
@MarcoCeppi Oh..? I didn't think here was a good place for these questions...
@Seth yeah, asking questions about the Ubuntu Community are certainly on topic
@Jin Yeh, well, I think it also boils down to there hardly being any other programming-related Q&A sites that aren't circlejerks of five people.
@Jin @FEichinger It's Stack Overflow or Expert Sexchange ;)
@MarcoCeppi That's why I specifically used the word "circlejerk" there. :P
Because it is so gorram appropriate.
speaking of GAMING.
anyone wanna hit up this European Escalation game on Steam?
@FEichinger I don't think anyone likes it when their questions get closed/edited. but that's what keeps SO's quality high. Also, most people(new) don't read the FAQ
another misconception is that the mods close questions.. which isn't true. most of the time it's the community that cast the close votes then the system takes over.
@Jin It's not so much about the nature of SE. There are people that are familiar with SE, but avoid SO like the plague. It's even worse with MSO.
It's really not about the closures, or the edits, or the other stuff that's just part of SE. It's the vile and trigger-happy part of the community that is just impossible to keep somewhat controlled.
@Jin ... if you've not already answered this ... why doesnt the "forum" link do anything in the global menu?
@fossfreedom Oh. Not just the forum link. All of the "More" ones, for me.
@fossfreedom mmm looks like a bug. i pinged our dev about it
@Jin oh - ok. thanks.
@Jin Clicking anywhere on the More list closes the list again - perhaps it closes before it registers the link click event?
@FEichinger our dev is looking into it now.
when do ubuntuforums get the same makeover?
@JorgeCastro Not really my genre. And a little too expensive for that. :/
@fossfreedom try now. should work
@Jin super-speedy work. Give that dev a beer!
@fossfreedom i'll feed him a slice of bacon
New design!!!
Q: Is there a way to remove the bar above the status bar?

Meer BorgThere seems to be a bar above the "status bar" with Ubuntu/Community/Development/Ask... it wasn't there before and its wasting space as I would never want to click on any of those. I have used Ad Blocker to remove it but that seems overkill. Is there an option to change this back to the way all ...

@AskUbuntuMeta Harsh words.
@AskUbuntuMeta No one had upvoted the question :S
Q: How can I build OpenSSL from source on Ubuntu?

cwdI would like to make a few changes to the OpenSSL code, like hiding the version number from users and possibly some other security enhancements that are not standard "configuration options" (I've been searching a while for on this) I know I can grab the source code from the OpenSSL website - but...

Days ago I watched on TV a free passwords manager software. But now I can remember the name.
If someone knows an application just let me know.
Maybe I'll create a question, if this has not been asked before..
Oh, yeah. Definitely.. Password Management Applications?
Has it come out yet? — Lucio 1 min ago
@mateo Changed your name?
@seth just got rid of the salta part
I see :)
You use Flickr right?
Hmm. Maybe you might have an answer to this question:
Q: How to keep your photos in sync with Flickr?

Damn TerminalI have a ~/photos directory where I keep all my photos. I'd like it to be automatically sync'd to flickr (with their recent generous expansion...) -- all pictures in this directory automatically uploaded to Flickr (visible to me only and without any manipulation/resizing). Is there a tool for t...

They changed alot recently
Who's they? Flickr?
Yeah, a terrabite for everyone, fullsize pictures.
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