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Unity file dialog & window resizing in general http://bit.ly/iOZwZp #unity
@RolandTaylor I have to disagree with you on that one.
I don't have an Internet connection that would make it feasible to download an entire DVD ISO file.
The 11.04 ISO took 2 hours to download via Bittorrent already...
...anything longer than that would be intolerable.
@GeorgeEdison where do you live?
if you live in the US, I will send you a CD/DVD for the price of a stamp.
next time
with the software of course
@TheX Thanks... but it isn't the US.
Rats... well if you ever move to the USA the offer is always there :D
When I was a lot younger, I didn't even have an Internet connection - so I'd buy the Linux magazine that included one.
(I remember buying a Linux magazine with the entire 4-CD set of Fedora 4.)
@GeorgeEdison when I first started with Linux, back in college I did the same thing because I couldn't figure out how to burn an ISO image...
@TheX At least my first CD burner came with Nero :)
@GeorgeEdison you've probably still got better internet connectivity than we do here
@ajmitch Where is "here"... UDS?
@GeorgeEdison new zealand :)
a long way from UDS
@ajmitch Oh, never mind.
@GeorgeEdison though our speeds aren't awful, I've got a 20GB monthly data cap
hence why I agree with you on keeping an installable desktop on a single CD
@GeorgeEdison what is your interweb connection speed?
> "Grade: F"
I thought you aren't in the USA?
I'm not.
Time to fly. See you all later.
1 hour later…
Does anyone know if there's a way to make the lock screen the same as the login screen?
For example, the lock screen is all black except the dialog box, but I want it to look like the login screen when you first enter a user session
where is ubuntu's syslog.conf http://bit.ly/mffajV #configuration
3 hours later…
Good morning all
How to make lock screen look like login screen? http://bit.ly/kMjLNM #1104
waves @Rinzwind
waves back @Takkat
soooo there I was sitting in the train this morning. Girl sitting next to me.
I open my notebook. Press power on.
10 seconds later desktop pops up.
Girl goes "that booted up fast"
I said "That's Ubuntu for ya " _O-
"Looks cool with that sidebar"
so I took out my backup cd and gave it to her _O-
tell @KaustubhP, he's frustrated that he can't help out girls on windows :P
@Rinzwind: did you get her number?
I mean you need it for further free support :D
naaaaaaa she was way too young for me :X
I told her to visit AU thought :D
so even YOU might get lucky
I do NOT take responsibility for any n00b question though :D
@Rinzwind some noob Q are really nice and easy rep :P
But I hate good questions from new users where you take your time to give a really good answer but never hear a thing again
me wants ->
hmm that did not go as expected
looks dark and evil
wtf =>

It is the unofficial part 2 of Demon's souls. The best RPG in ages :) :)
is constantly drawn afk from work
This is going to be a bad day :(
Too bad I have so liitle time to play. Last game I played must have been Tomb Raider I - that was ages ago
I have my holiday planned just after the release of FF14 :X
@Rinzwind posted in Regulators. Needs closing.
flagged it :=D
waves the red flag @Takkat
If they are fast enough they get the Peer Pressure badge :P
I might be able to get that one :D
what post do you want me to downvote? :D
naaaa D:
I have a post with +4 up and -3 down :X
uh that's controvesial
Ubuntu uses dash and not bash?
as command line shell
@Rinzwind i did read that !
A: Cannot use up down to navigate terminal history

RinzwindThat user account is not using bash (or one of the other built in shells). Type bash on the $ and you will get another prompt and history will be there (albeit showing only the bash history and not what was executed on the $ you have now). Have a look at the Ubuntu page about shells. It also ex...

dash does not have history so ... that topic to me(!) is a bug: setting up a 2nd user should have it use bash as default :P
i don't know why they named that chrome.angrybirds.com
easy rep for me thoug
it works very well in ff4 as well
why can't I find a nice how to about adding bash to a new user :(
Q: How do you use a shell other than bash at a terminal as default?

AntonyWhen you drop to the terminal (via Applications -> Terminal or Ctrl-Alt-F1 etc.) bash is used by default to interpret your commands. If you wish to use another command interpreter (like zsh or fish), how do you get this to start as default?

see my alteration to the answer Takkat >:D
likes links from AU to AU
42 rep to go \o/
@Rinzwind my estimate is 11 am UTC ;)
it's seems Oneiric will have quicklists default :)
@Rinzwind for what applications ?
11.10 will be awesome!
@Alaukik cross the board :)
@Takkat we say that for every release don't we!
@Rinzwind ??
@Alaukik I didn't :P (still on 10.04 on main box)
upcomming changes....
Android Version of Ubuntu One file syncAndroid Version of Ubuntu One file sync
Ubuntu one contacts for Thunderbird
Quicklists and Lenses coming in Oneiric
Ubuntu One Shotwell plugin
@Alaukik I meant QL for all lenses
@Takkat i think that if unity was not the default then then the radical awesomeness increase would have stopped in 10.10
True but I also think they pushed it too much
(like they wanted to be the 1st and before gnome3)
:) Unity is so brilliiant - I do miss it already in my main box
it grows on you quickly :D
and that in itself proves it does work :)
Running Unity makes it even harder to work with XP
install a dock in xp :-X
(rename it Unity _o- )
waves back!
Yeah, you posted them some time earlier. Nice!
make sure to checkout #ubuntu-uds-kazinczy
@OctavianDamiean how do i do that?
@Alaukik join irc.freenode.net on IRC and join the that room
where can I see my own accept rate? :D
you can't directly just calculate it yourself
@Rinzwind its 100%
@Alaukik is my AU calculator it seems D:
now who was here when Oxwivi asked this
Q: Assign run command for all media files

OxwiviCurrently Totem/Movie Player opens and plays any type of media files, be it audio or video - is there a way to change that run command?

well it is very easy duckduckgo.com/?q=2%2F2+*100
I should just copy the chat into his topic or is that not-done :X
I like ducks!
@Rinzwind i actually like rabbits more !
Rabbits nibble computer cables. Ducks don't
Therefor ducks +1
Ducks are never housebroken -1
rabbits don't have a rabbitrabbitgo.com so -1 to Rabbits
1 hour ago, by Takkat
This is going to be a bad day :(
Far too much work to do here
@Alaukik can you cast your close vote on this one as well please?
Q: One malodorus file keeps most Multimedia from loading....

the old rangbecause of Canonical malwishes (dis Unity) I have been re-installing 10.10 many times lately... I have procedures written, files in 'safe' folders and such... Because of grossly unnecessary problems with Unity (11.04) and Mint (11.04) I have reloaded system at least 6 times in last few day... (s...

type 2 times as fast and you'll be back 2 times quicker :-)
to me(!) this -1 vote is uncalled for.
@OctavianDamiean Done.
Q: Assign run command for all media files

OxwiviCurrently Totem/Movie Player opens and plays any type of media files, be it audio or video - is there a way to change that run command? EDIT I am already aware of properties option from right-click's context menu, but as I said, I want to change the run command for all items considered to be me...

@Alaukik thanks :)
@Rinzwind I already work at x4 pace
so that would make it x8 D:
poor fingers :=)
@Rinzwind poor brain
how's this for an award winning attempt to gain rep:
crap maintenance killed my edit :(
@Rinzwind still 1h to go :P
@Rinzwind i have a much easier answer :D
@Alaukik hmm?
17 rep to go O+
it takes me 12 days to get to about 2000 rep
main man Jorge has...
17175 rep. So we round that up to 18k
sooo... I shall catch him in (18000/2000)=9 * 12 = 108 days.
@Rinzwind time to put out bounties!
Jorge has spent a lot of bounties for people...
On 9.9.2011 I will catch him
@Alaukik when that dude was here he wanted it command line and not gui
@Rinzwind it was not specified in the question
see my comment >:-D
I plussed his - :=D
hey why is your name not mentioned when I type @ :(
@Alaukik... the way you tell it does that include ALL media types? (cuz he is picky about that :=D )
@Rinzwind so you suppose jorgecastro won't get any rep the next 108 days? :P
@htorque ni? Ik rounded it up to 18k >:D and used 120 days instead of 108
(9.9 seemed like an easier to remember date so I worked towards that answer)
you gotta solve: your_rep + x*167 = jorge_rep + x*(whatever rep he gets a day)
your_rep + x*167 - yourbounties = jorge_rep + x*(rep he gets a day) - hisbounties
yourbounties and hisbounties are unknown - we can't solve this
right, it's jorge "bounty" o. castro :P
they aren't unknown anymore
eg: -500 Feb 3 bounty
future bounties are :P
future activity is :P
@Rinzwind you can select all audio or all video and you can do them one by one won't take more that 5 seconds .
961 rep to go to become a member of the 10k club
@htorque would be a small step for @Rinzwind but a giant leap for @Takkat :D
trusted user 45%
protect questions 60%
access to moderator tools 90%
still not trusted :(
since community is not really a person. how can it protect this question
Q: Unity keyboard/mouse shortcuts

htorqueIn Compiz-based Unity, are there any pre-defined shortcuts, e.g. to open the dash or unhide the launcher?

not a real person, but a user that can be controlled by mods i guess
woohoo, 15 upvotes on package-management, two more tags and i'm a generalist :P
whoo! i am the top user for the software-reccomendation tag !!
@Alaukik cool :D @htorque you do not need a tag to be trusted here :-D
Trusted users are allowed to perform trusted actions, including:
Voting to delete answers with score of -1 or lower
Voting to delete questions immediately after they are closed (even if they are new)
Editing all tag wikis on the site
only 11k to go
well you can still submit tag wiki
Natty crashes randomly and jumps to login http://bit.ly/mRxoes #1104
and get 2 rep for taht
@Alaukik sorry you misunderstood. He wants -all- mediatypes even the ones not in that list ;)
(I was asking if there are any missing ;) )
then you would have to untick the "only show.."
Small feautures list for 11.10: omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/…
(all around quicklists)
I'm not sure everything looks quite right here
@badp this is a quiz to see who spots it first? :D
@Rinzwind It's pretty glaring
atleast the access time seems normal :X
@Rinzwind: 2k \o/
Can i reinstall pulseaudio?
@MarcoCeppi I have a question about the Austrian LoCo integration into AU
waves back @OctavianDamiean
morning all :-)
nice weather today isn't it :-)
I thought we had an eclipse of the sun
posts a Meta post about his idea/question
waves at @Takkat and @StefanoPalazzo
then heavy rain thunderstorm and now all is damp
@Takkat the next one is on June 1st
I bet it's raining on June 1st
everytime some exciting astronomy happens it's cloudy here :(
If not cloudy I forgot about it or am sleeping :P
well it's going to happen at night, so I guess you won't see much of it anyway
unless you go to the north pole :)
I never go to north poles on wednesdays
this calendar here chooses random months all the time :(
we're forced to use GroupWise
never managed to make it do what I want
and then I come back from lunch to see
"Congrats, you've gained the privilege – edit questions and answers learn more"
blog.stackexchange.com ← se podcast 04 with Marc Gravell and Jon Skeet
@Takkat ooh you spotted it before me \o/
@ Rinzwind You must have had your regulation 5 fruit and veg in one sitting
2 hours ago, by Takkat
@Rinzwind my estimate is 11 am UTC ;)
Q: Austrian LoCo team Ask Ubuntu integration idea

Octavian DamieanI'd like to have our LoCo team (Austrian LoCo) fully integrated into Ask Ubuntu. Now the question or idea I had is, what would be the policy on questions written in German and translated into English by our LoCo and possibly other german speaking Ask Ubuntu members (only if they want to help wit...

@Takkat it was at 12:00 +- 1 minute :D
So UTC wise spot on :D
@Rinzwind no, I forgot that UTC has no summer time - too bad
@OctavianDamiean you are aware of our current policy yes?
well I use the term loosely
@StefanoPalazzo English only?
@OctavianDamiean Basically, though I was going to say, someone posts a question in english, he gets a few snide comments, somone else translates it, the person never comes back again :P
@OctavianDamiean I had the same idea the other day when a spanish q got closed: why not have a user setting where we can set all languages we speak and read and have askubuntu filter on tjhose settings.
Then AU could be multi-lingual
@Rinzwind well that would be a thing which the entire Stack Exchange platform would have to implement then
@OctavianDamiean and the entire stack would benefit from :=)
@OctavianDamiean I don't think we'll get new features into the site for this. It's something the people at SE are thinking about constantly, they'll want to do their own thing. But you could set up a translation queue sort of thing at the loco's site
1. 1 settings, 2. 1 small line of code 3. profit?
or somewhere else
@Rinzwind indeed, I'm not arguing against that in any way. it was being discussed on meta recently
I would have no problem with people just posting questions in German, though I guess if we started to endorse this kind of thing, it may turn into a big problem some day
@OctavianDamiean oh ok. though regarding your meta topic: why not have a loco member alter the startpost into english?
@StefanoPalazzo yea that was one of my concerns as well
your option could be abused (it would be the 1st answer and could get upvotes)
@Rinzwind well that would be an option too
oh wait with "below" you meant IN the question but underneath it?
@Rinzwind yea
@Rinzwind but I guess having the original content replaced with the translated version would be ok as well
Hi everybody, there is a way to send a message to a user not logged in chat?
@OctavianDamiean think it be worth while adding my idea of a user defined language filter?
Or will a "no not happening"answer be the default :-D
@haltman yeah, just @reply to their name. you can also type @@ to get a search box. the message will show up in their global inbox
why doesn't Linux have a feature for this (except the reinstall feauture) :D

@Rinzwind Hi, Do you remember my problem with ubuntu I resolved problem was my keyboard and mouse wireless
@StefanoPalazzo thanks for information ;)
sure @haltman :)
@Rinzwind now the problem is how to make work them togheter LOL
@Takkat I've resolved my problem it was due to my mouse and keyboard wireless! thanks again for your help!
@haltman oh, that's interesting - I didn't know that mice/kbd problems cause black screens.
@Rinzwind have you some idea for make them works?
@Takkat I just connected wired one and all works
@haltman the unforeseeable mysteries of hardware issues :P
@Takkat Or may be monitor because I have connected another monitor too..I have to do some tests
@haltman nope. Never seen it happen before and searching on it come up blank too :(
anyone here know anything about css?
I'm having some trouble :\
summary has float: left, aside has float: right, now I need to do clear: both afterwards, but what do I do if there isn't an element to do it on?
I.e. <header> is the last block element on the page
insert a dummy element? :X
@Rinzwind yeah, but the page is going to be created by a program, so I'd like the semantic structure of the markup to be as straightforward as possible
I'm hoping there's a way to do it without changing the markup
let's see if we have something like that :D
I think I'll just have an empty <details> element afterwards, looks like it should work
ooh idea!
can't you put a div.container in the css that contains both summer and aside and closes with a clear:both? (I am no expert in css though :D )
I saw one of those in our code :D
↑ I really don't know what I'm doing here :P
@Rinzwind I have some strange aversion to divs
I'd rather use some descriptive element, like <summary> or <aside>
Q: How to copy/paste text from remote system?

karthick87I used to access a remote system via VNC viewer, but when i copy some text from remote system and paste in my text editor(local system), nothing happens. Do i need to install any additional packages to achieve this task?

hello @karthick87 :)
hi @StefanoPalazzo \o/
@karthick87 still no answer? :X
@StefanoPalazzo in ubuntuforums i have a question, can you debug the problem ?
@karthick87 sorry, I've no idea what's going on there
did you ask the question here?
No, i will rise a question here now.
Anyone out here ?
@jfmessier what is ur problem ?
I have some problem getting dual monitor display using an ASUS board. It used to work flawlessly using the proprietary driver (NVidia-based), but installing it under 11.04 only makes one monitor working, and it cannot seem to detect the second one.
@Rinzwind I'm really lucky! LOL
Lucky you :-)
everyone comming to this chatbox always has the most difficult problems to triage. Even the smallest question :D
Q: Unable to login into my user account.

karthick87All of a sudden i am unable to login into my user account. I have activated root account and i am able to login into that root account, however i cant able to login into my user account. I am very sure it is not a password error. When i login into my user account the screen flickers and again it ...

@karthick87 that image is way to small for me :X
@karthick87 check the permissions to .Xauth* in your home dir.
if that files is touched by root it'll change the persmissions (but I can not read the image's error notice so I am not sure).
Is there any tutorial for programming Unity indicators? http://bit.ly/jxDdfE #unity
@Rinzwind I think 90% of people write here because have a problem and ask for a solution..
Jorge is addicted to angry birds? :=D
@Rinzwind can you pls post me link for play to angry birds on the net? Thanks
it's in the post Jorge made ;)
@Rinzwind Thank you! ;)
hey at least I can help you with that >:D
@Rinzwind LOL no you helped me with my problem I apprecciated it ;)
@Rinzwind the steps seem to be IRC->Forums->AU->AU Chat :P
@Cas oh? lol
karthick87 seems to be getting some help on UF with his problem :)
well with no answer still he has progressed up the scale to AU ;)
ive seen it a few times
there is seriously something wrong with me :=D Is see a topic about coding indicators and I've been thinking about what indicator I myself would want just to start reading the link Jorge posted as an answer :P
AND WHY do I never meet any 21 year olds that offer to have sex with me?
@Rinzwind there you go: an indicator that shows the list of 21yo singles worldwide
ciao everybody!
68% done... again.
@Rinzwind They're too shy to tell you on the internet.
well I was wondering cuz of a story on thesun.co.uk NSFW "Woman’s sex with five boys seen from train"
Goddammit goddammit goddammit.
# mount | grep target
/dev/sda1 on /target type ext4 (ro,noatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered)
# umount /target
umount: can't umount /target: Device or resource busy
# lsof /target
/bin/sh: lsof: not found
# /target/usr/bin/lsof /target
COMMAND <etc/>
lsof <etc/>
lsof <etc/>
# which umount
/bin/sh: which: not found
@GeorgeEdison @TheX The idea is to produce a CD and a DVD. The CD would just be an installer (without everything in it- just the basics), and the DVD would be a fully stocked Desktop with everything in it.
@RolandTaylor NOOOOOOOO!

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