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There. That's probably your best bet.
install experimental plugins compiz in ubuntu natty? http://bit.ly/jSfz9H #1104
3 hours later…
How does Ubuntu handle file-system fragmentation? http://bit.ly/iiI4FV #filesystem
So I finally found a way to get gettext translations in HTML and JavaScript.
...and I used it in StackApplet.
If anyone speaks a language other than English... here is where you can help StackApplet out!
I speak 3 dialects of Klingon...
@TheX I know Google has that as a language... but does Launchpad?
I don't know, I was joking
I don't know Klingon...I barely know English...
@GeorgeEdison and it is my native language!
2 hours later…
Good morning :)
Any open source alternative to Roboform http://bit.ly/kfule6 #1104
I never thought I'd see Microsoft buying Skype.
There goes all hope of a Linux version right there.
@GeorgeEdison better start trying to switch your friends to ekiga !
@Alvar 6 am :P
Q: How to copy/paste text from remote system?

karthick87I used to access a remote system via VNC viewer, but when i copy some text from remote system and paste in my text editor(local system), nothing happens. Do i need to install any additional packages to achieve this task?

@karthick87 I've seen that. C&P is done to the remote machine's clipboard. But it would be a nice feature to have indeed - haven't found a solution. Nevertheless it should be easy to scp the clipboard content.
but I don't know how to do that
hi guys
Hello @rovshango
Hi All..
Hi @Silambarasan
waves @Rinzwind
@karthick87 c/p depends on the remote system. not all support it. I'll have a look
heya @Takkat maybe add his name in front of your comment here: askubuntu.com/questions/41688/…
I was wondering if I should edit the UF solution in there myself _O-
@Rinzwind too late to edit but if he comes back he will be notified anyway
ok! thought the name with @ was required to make him notice (still a n00b I am it seems)
It usually is but you also get a notice if your Q or A is modified
wtf I have a 4 starred comment proud
now why aint a 4 star comment a badge? >:D
you already have one ;)
regarding that... I thought finding THIRTY q+a's that are worthy of upvoting would not be a problem. But it sure was _O-
go for Outspoken :P
outspoken? :X
@karthick87 gnome-rdp has copy/paste capabilities >:D
10 stars? wow :X
You may also be a good candidate for the first Legendary :)
starts looking at badges again
Legendary is really hard, nobody has it here
crap 200 rep in 150 days? :X
I don't think it's possible - too many non-voters here
this is my 10th day (so 9 days since it is still early)
I have...
3x 200+ :X
so it will take me just a mere 450 days
@Rinzwind that's an extremely good rate
well I have 1 184... if that would have been 200+ it would be (9/4)*150=...
340 days or so
I already thought Unsung Hero might be acchievable - but isn't w/o cheating
"Zero score accepted answers: more than 10 and 25% of total "
25% is the hard bit
me still had badges open :=D
you aint getting me a 3rd time ;)
Peer Pressure would be easy to get :D
just ask a Q why XP was better than Unity :D :D :D
But take care it does not get closed too early
want to give it a try?
@Rinzwind don't want this badge :P
I'm still shocked from when I "earned" the Tumbleweed badge
chrome on windows got cracked _O-
"VUPEN Pwned Google Chrome aka Sandbox/ASLR/DEP Bypass "
I am always glad I have no more windows (at home), here at the office XP feels like 110% security :P
could be a case of "ignorance is bliss" ;-) lol
we have paranoid admins here
but I don't complain - system is stable
what's with all these people typing i instead of I?
My teacher once deducted a whole point for dotting a capital i :X
he said "it's a small letter i cuz it has a dot on it"
hmmm.... I seem to have a trauma.
we once had that discussed as one aspect of editing posts - can't find the meta link atm - I always edit this when I'm editing but I don't edit enough.
@Alaukik ubuntuforums.org/… LOL
btw @Takkat is Octavian Damiean the one that made the shortcuts on the Ubuntu wallpaper?
@Rinzwind sry (phone). Yup @Octavian made it
thx :) next time I see him Ill bug him about that :=D
rather hug him :P
time for a quiz! :-D
@Rinzwind even that is a easter egg . post that as an answer!
As thy commanded!
now I wonder... when is this chatbox the most crowded? :D
that way I can plan a 10 starred worthy comment :D
omg - they brought me a huge pile of work ducks
@Rinzwind bug me! :D
@Takkat I wish they brought me some work :D
@OctavianDamiean yo! :D
Hi @OctavianDamiean
@OctavianDamiean I was wondering omdat the wallpaper short cut keys thingy...
do you have a transparent one?
(one I can gimp over my current desktop one ;) )
@Rinzwind you can download the SVG and just change the background ;)
svg svg svg where art though svg
ok Ill find it >:D
@Rinzwind that is just below the actual image
finally the rants about ubuntu containing "no netflix" will be obsolete !!
@Alaukik cool now Netflix needs to expand outside the US :P
@Alaukik now I owe another user credit for rep >:D
Natty hunting easer eggs: wtf... youtube.com/watch?v=DpBbYb8bXxs
What new easter eggs are in 11.04? http://bit.ly/j1w5x3 #1104
it not installed by default .
@Alaukik I added a comment to the topic
and included the ppa :(((((
so my answer is wrong :*
it's not a natty easter egg
@Rinzwind that's why its a bug no!
@Alaukik ANY OS should be forced by law to have it show random easter eggs during eastern!
@Allan it has been fixed
"Natty easter egg" only show stupid YT videos about some freaking little kid looking for cholestorol.
@Alaukik is that like a gui version of fortune
@Allan yes
@Alaukik btw was looking up the wiki on kernel oops and found a few screen shots with ascii art in the log because what you want when your computer crashed is something to laugh about!!?
@Allan of course otherwise you'd weep :p
laughing is better than weeping isn't it? :D
can it happen in natty ?
there'd probably appear a narwhal instead
What a kernel oops
that's moo! :D
M+M++M+++M+++MMMM=+=M=M==~:M,,.M ...MMM
MMMM+++MM=MMM=====M=~M~::,,,M. .M.M,:MMM
M=+M+MM=MM=M~~~M::MMMMM.....M ..,,M:~==M
M MMMM~M~M:M:M,,M,,M..M... MM.M.,,,:~===M
M=M MM::,M.M.. M..M M. .M M ..,,,M:,,:~==
~:MMMMMM,.. ..M..M..M...M...,,M::~MM:,.MMM
,M.MM~~~ MM+==++==M M~:M:
MMM:~= =M=M
sudo apt-get install moo
@Rinzwind that isn't a cow is it? It is a horse
oh :D
damn formating
there is one for package sl too I think
@Allan awesome!
o/ btw
it's a freaking TRAIN _O-
sudo apt-get install sl
and type sl on command line _O-
Q: What is the best practice for security updates?

S BHi, For all of my official ubuntu updates (main universe multiverse restricted) I use an Israeli mirror of the ubuntu repositories, with one exception: for the security updates I use http://security.ubuntu.com. The Israeli ISOC mirror also provides the security updates. What are the pros and co...

I would expect mirrors to be mirrors... or am I wrong there?
'allo @Rinzwind @OctavianDamiean @Allan @Alaukik @Takkat
Goede morgen back at ya @KaustubhP
Hi @KaustubhP me still working on my growing pile of work
@Takkat making it a. bigger b. smaller c. the same size.
@Rinzwind dutch, eh?
@Rinzwind 2-1=3 :(
@Takkat atleast make your work into a heap, you will be finished in O(n log n) ;)
@KaustubhP would you prefer to be greeted in Japanese, German, English, French, Spanish or another language? >:D
@KaustubhP lol - I am lucky, always finished by 5 pm (by increasing pace)
I once succeeded in a ebay channel to teach americans to use dutch words. It went so out of hand I got banned :-X
(thus ending my ebay adventures)
darn ppl do like their easter eggs. It is going to be my top rep answer soon _O-
oh - that reminds me to vote ;)
I feel like scripting an easter egg package :P
something like when it is around easter it inserts eggs at random places _O-
@OctavianDamiean \o
@Takkat why do I start to think all ppl in this chatbox upvote other ppl in this chatbox more than others? :=D
@Rinzwind because we all do think so. It's contagious ;P
autologin + encrypted home is not possible.
(can't choose it during install).
@Takkat I see boobs!
@Takkat HA! I saw what you did there! a baby got his milk! :=D
another idea. If you keep editing the O for an o they look like bouncing :=D
I think I leave it at that and go get me some dinner :X
hi, what's that furball? :D
@htorque that's the Prickly Porcupine :P
it really has to work on its appearance :P
call for crossbreeding :>
looks like a blowfish, though
@Rinzwind as long as i understand it :)
oops, I meant, as long as I understand it :)
Morning @all
hello @Alvar
My lower/raise sound buttons has stopped working! :(
how can I fix them?
they died when pulse audio krashed...
you are using kde @Alver? (krashed) :D
@Alvar: logout-login don't work?
@Takkat I have rebooted!
@Alvar oh dear - that was almost too much the good ;P
@Takkat whoot?!?!?
@Alaukik what's the about:config you have in the easter egg topic?
@Rinzwind it's not about:config easter egg it is 'gegls from outer space' easter egg
@Takkat now u are just annoying.........
about:config will open the ccsm unity plugin options
@htorque ah thx. and about this: askubuntu.com/questions/41730/… removing the workspace package might remove the workspace lens >:D
@Alvar well I have no idea why your buttons don't work to be honest
there is no workspace applet
where does it say applet? O-)
@Takkat they work I've just tried to make them do something elsew, but they can't raise/lower the volume! strange....
there is no workspace package
Q: How can I fix my F11 and F12 keys?

AlvarHi, pulseaudio crashed yesterday and ever since that my lower/raise system volume has stopped working. I've tried to reasign the keys and they work, and I have tried to reboot. What can I do to make it work?

@takkat look at me! ;)
@Alvar you know about this? Sorry - no time here to dive further into it
has too much work
too much work is better than no work
(i guess)
@htorque indeed - I love my work (it's only too much sometimes)
@Takkat sry that doesn't work
I get a keycode at fi/f2 but not on f11 or f12!
@Alvar if they don't work you need not get but put the codes there
your english is dying man! :'(
well if I don't have the coeds then it's a bit harder to put them somewhere! ;)
said the man that typed coeds :=D
@Rinzwind typing code and typing codes is not the same :P
Boy am I glad to be an Ubuntu user
@Rinzwind Maybe Alver was talking about not having any college girls from America
I just had someone from the municipality on the phone, trying to explain their weird computer system. They can't even get a browser, and they're trying to do desktop publishing with a locked down version of word 2003
so frustrating..
@StefanoPalazzo Hi Stefano
hey @Allan :-)
> Answered 203 questions (106 accepted answers, 52.22%)
:( used to be much higher
@StefanoPalazzo hi :)
hey :) How's things?
busy :P
@StefanoPalazzo on my last school they had looked all the computers so u could really not do any thing I was so close to hack the system... dam that would have been fun for them...
@StefanoPalazzo you aren't in budapest, right?
@StefanoPalazzo Went to UDS yesterday and actually managed to say some thing without sounding like an idiot
@htorque nope
@Allan what sessions did you attend?
@Allan kind of hard having any college people when u aren't studying at a college........
at least we have jorge at uds to tell everybody how awesome AU is :P
Great having a cold in a very warm spring! 25 Celsius in the shade! :P
Community Round table, novacut
in the morning
@htorque I sure hope so (:
"Edits must be at least 6 characters; is there something else to improve in this post?" all I want is to fix a 1 letter typo :(
@Rinzwind we discourage tiny edits on purpose
Unattended upgrades, free and opensource show case for oneric, Community beginners team
@StefanoPalazzo but but but when you search for a keyword you will not find the one with a typo :(
@Rinzwind right, in those cases you'll just have to fix something else too
be creative :)
and something about making a private U1 for corporate/development
that sound exciting
hope i can listen to "state of desktop indicators" and the gnome 3/gtk 3 session this afternoon :)
also very important: "Screensaver reimplementation for Gnome 3" :P
the last screensaver i used was the johnny castaway screensaver for windows 95(?)
and I have stopped working again.... kicked a collegeau of mine cuz he didn't do HIS work and now I have to wait for him to call back. More AU time for me :-D
and i'm waiting for a mail - why do i respond within five minutes but have to wait at least over an hour to get an answer >:(
@all am I weird for looking at my rep and thinking "1492... that was when Columbus found a new contigent"
that's more weird than looking at 1337 rep thinking "YESSSS!"
or when it reached 1606 I associate it with "V for Vendetta"
btw, we are close to 13,337 questions :D
skype is being bought by the satan :p
would it be ok to ask on AU how many people shouted SPARTA when reaching 300 rep?
that would probably be a meta q :P
ha, satan... i always change the radio channels to 6 6 6 when i leave airplanes with three seats on one side - freaks people out :D
so much for weirdness :P
"we are pioneering desktop experiences that I am sure will be emulated elsewhere, in both the free and proprietary platforms."
@Alaukik MS buying skype to me means they admit messenger live is crap and always has been :D
@Rinzwind and so is the linux version of skype
i never expected unity clones so fast
@Alaukik that's what happens when the users decided what you give them is not good enough
that last one looks amazing O+
Is there a way to disable the workspace switcher in unity launcher? http://bit.ly/me8sOm #unity
OMG!!!! M$ did it, the're bought Skype!!! @RolandTaylor is going to have a bloody cow!!!!
@TheX that will scare his cat
The world is really ending May 22nd 2011, thanks M$!!!!!!!!!!
Oh hey @TheX. And you're right, @RolandTaylor's going to flip out.
Which sounds better? SkypeSoft or MicroSkype?
The correct answer is none .
I was making a joke @Alaukik.
@JamesGifford i knew that
@TheX No it isn't see this omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/…
@all hello
@Alaukik are you saying Yahoo is wrong news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110510/ts_nm/us_skype_microsoft
what is that the new hover thing on askubuntu?
@TheX did you see my link ?
@Alaukik Oh I see what you are saying...
I meant they are buying...
not that they did...
the dark color
user online? or is that active questions?
they are questions with your favourite tags
@TheX i am saying that skype is not the end of the world
@Alaukik favorite tags? no i didn't click on favorite
11.04 is the default favorite tag....
change to a less used tag and the dark parts are gone
(or use a custom css :p)
anyway the color looks dark
@Alaukik it will be for @RolandTaylor
@TheX why?
But DO NOT post the name of the tag in meta. I used to use "x" but someone removed thetag from the list and changed mine to "xorg"
@Alaukik huh i see....
@Alaukik because @RolandTaylor has a love/hate relationship with Skype and this is the worse possible case scenario for @RolandTaylor, as far as Skype goes
@TheX but doesn't that mean Roland has 1 less problem?
oops: telegraaf.nl/buitenland/9742231/… (dutch but just watch the video _O- )
@TheX You haven't been following me long enough then. Let me grab the Skype twitter rant I had awhile back. :P
@JamesGifford lol
I think Skype liked having enemies in the FLOSS community
@all anyone having funky clicking in Natty?
@TheX Indeed. ;)
@Rinzwind not at all
shall I or shall you? :-D
Oh and I think some of those quicklist additions are causing .xsessions errors :(
@Rinzwind well those are simple umplayer arguments
my hibernate just refuses to work, it blanks screen then immediately returns to dekstop, any ideas?
@Alaukik +1 :=)
@Cas using Wubi?
@TheX nope, i stopped using it in Maverick as it would never resume properly but now I find I can't even get it to shutdown!
@Cas kay I was just wondering becasue I know Wubi has issues with hibernation...
ah ok
Great - I just found out that the Ubuntu Wiki heavily links to us \o/
@Takkat what kind of stuff
@Takkat that is cool
@Cas unity faq :)
okay everyone stand up for 5 mins (trust me it is for your own good)
anything about hibernation? ;)
"Skype will become the superglue of Microsoft. It will be incomperated into Lync, Xbox, Kinect, Windows Phone and non-Microsoft-platforms like apps for iPhone, Android en Symbian, and also systems like Mac OS X en Linux, and TV from Panasonic en Samsung." microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2011/may11/05-10CorpNewsPR.mspx
@Rinzwind i didn't find osx or linux there .
@Alaukik I translated it from here: webwereld.nl/nieuws/106625/…
@Rinzwind I agree... if anything M$ are marketing geniuses... they will take something perceived as bad by the general public and make it look good
@Alaukik cheers i'll try that out
and indeed no Linux in the articles. starts a rant on webwereld
I predict the same result for skype as with amsn :X
what happened to AMSN?
MS killed the video chat on that for all non-windows systems :P
Hi everybody can I ask a question?
@haltman sure but it doesn't mean we can answer it
@haltman sure :-D
ok ;)
@TheX or that we give answers worthy befing a good solution ;)
Q: Problem with grub..

haltmanHi everybody! I have an Intel i5 660, I've installed only Ubuntu 11.04 but when I boot my screen remains black, I can hear classic login sound but nothing happen, unique way to enter in Ubuntu is in recovery mode and all works perfectly. So I suppose that problem is in grub.. Can someone help m...

That make me crazy from two weeks :-(
btw I do not pretend a solution I just need some hints ;)
are you using the recommended driver?
have you checked .xsession_errors >:D
@Rinzwind no I've not checked .xsession_errors that a good hint ;-)
@Rinzwind I can use only proposed driver, intel does not release own version are open source
well I got another one for you: close lid and reopen and see if that restores it. (my problem was that it went black when I did this: askubuntu.com/questions/40502/…
(out of suggestions but I am 3 up on everyone else :D )
I cannot see nothing neither cursor :-(
did you notice mark shuttleworth aim for 200million user is just 1 year after GNU/Linux becoming the dominant os in the xkcd timeline ;)
what is that???
@TheX the future timeline
@Rinzwind For nvidia and ati driver there are a lot of solution for intel not so much :-(
I didn't even think of that @Alaukik. Nice one. :D
just wants to learn to drive in a flying car
@JamesGifford I have a flying car...
the problem is, it isn't supposed to fly...
@TheX Not good.
@Rinzwind UPVOTE. NAOW.
Retagged so Jorge will catch it. :P
move it to meta :X
@Alaukik according to last row of 2012 all timeline is useless ;)
@JamesGifford just import antigravity
and +1 for xkcd images!
@Rinzwind I wish I could. really needs to get his rep up so he can do that
Oh hey @ndrük. Nice question there. :D
@JamesGifford xkcd.com/353
@Alaukik lol.
@haltman well zombies can also use computers
heads for home cya later
Thanks. Found out from the Bellingham LUG's mailing list.

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