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How can I make the "man" more friendly? http://bit.ly/h0Tkl2 #gedit
@AskUbuntuTwitter How come my answer wasn't selected? It was the only one that answered the question the way it was written :P
Why am I talking to a bot...?
@GeorgeEdison it is okay to talk to a bot, as long as it doesn't answer you... that is when you start to look crazy...
i'm probably full of wishful thinking looking for a PPA for evince 3.0 (i'm assuming its rolled up in the gnome 3.0 release) but is there a PPA for evince 3.0 for 10.10 that anyone is aware of?
@TheX its wrapped up in the gnome3 packs
just verified via launchpad
check the 2nd link
@TheX twas a valliant effort, alas its linking to 2.3.x
oh sorry
@TheX That's a nice.... picture....
@GeorgeEdison it made me lol
Who is that, anyway? He looks familiar...
George W. Bush
I don't know...
Hey guys... have you all seen the SuperUser blog?
^--- A nice post on Unity.
@GeorgeEdison I have seen it a feew times I think
I mean the superuser blog... not that post
@TheX Was working on a post, then my computer went bonkers and I wasn't able to complete it.
In theory, I can do this with any Linux distro that uses GRUB2, right? - help.ubuntu.com/community/…
@JamesGifford no problem, I overcame my laziness
@TheX I noticed.
@JamesGifford Do what?
@JamesGifford I've written two articles on the SuperUser blog already.
@JamesGifford I broke the theme :-(
@GeorgeEdison restore ubuntu's GRUB from another Linux distribution.
@thex ouch. :(
I know how I can fix it though I think
still something funky
Current situtation: I'm stuck with a openSUSE LiveUSB and broken GRUB on my HDD. What I want to know is, can I somehow copy the GRUB used by openSUSE to my HDD? The wiki page I linked to shows that you can do it with Ubuntu. What I'm wondering is "is the GRUB in a Ubuntu live USB different from a openSUSE?"
@JamesGifford is it the boot config or grub itself that b0rked?
stupid thing!
@lazypower grub.
@JamesGifford I would probably chroot into the ubuntu disk and re-install grub.
@JamesGifford rather than dink around with distro conventions for grub and possibly making it nearly impossible to recover from.
well, not nearly impossible, but a much larger headache than it already is
@lazyPower Alrighty. Guess I'll go learn how to do that.
its a decent discussion on the topic. You should be able to gleen what you need from it
Thanks @lazyPower!!!
@JamesGifford you tha man homie ;) YOU fixed it, not me :)
@JamesGifford btw i fixed the theme, so all is well again... :=D
Isn't fixed yet, but I'm almost there...
@TheX Awesome.
Argh. I don't think I'll ever learn my lesson... :P
@JamesGifford the only lesson needed to be learned is...
play hard, and sleep even harder
For me, it's "Don't go fscking around with triple booting"
@JamesGifford bah, childsplay. You should octo-boot
lol.... yeah...
@lazyPower Not enough disk space.
at one time I had 3...
@JamesGifford you can always extend your root devices onto a USB drive :P
I had windows, mint, and ubuntu if i rmememebr right
@lazyPower True. But I only have one, and I'm living off of that until further notice. :P
@JamesGifford @TheX Two flavors of BSD, Linux, WIndows xp, Windows Server 2003, and at the time a Hackintosh install. now THAT was a pain in the @&$ to keep up with
A: restore suse grub

phuneheheThe generic procedure to restore Grub is Boot into something Linux (either live CD or on disk, but must have Grub commands available) -- I don't know about other *nix Mount the partition that holds the OS with Grub to be fixed, be sure to mount the separated boot partition if you have it Issue ...

@lazyPower I bet it was.
@lazyPower now that is real geekdom!
btw I have plenty of disc space
YOu should install BeOS and AmigaOS for historical nostaligia
and free dos...
@TheX info.dasroot.net
i'm not hurting for space either ;)
Jush wish the bish had more ram. My playon server keeps her pegged at 99% ram usage :|
I'll eventually break down and get another stick from newegg
or just get a new desktop and retire this one to the server role
yeah I wish I had a dedicated graphics card instead of this integrated crap
@TheX if my guy in Springfield bombs out, i'll ship you a ....
Geforce 8600 GTS
will that fit in a micro case?
this is my OC
Its currently spoken for unless he gives up on me ever shipping it (he's been waiting about two weeks because he was a @#$#@ to me on twitter)
no, it requires a full-sized tower. its a hefty card and puts out some heat now.
it had it in the server to do some video renders for a project i acquired... freaking.. heh.. my room was cookin with it pegged at 100% for over an hour doing the renders.
Solid card tho. Wish I could slap it on my desktop. its a slimline, and this particular card i was unable to locate a low-profile bracket for. :|
@TheX yeah you're toast on that one. You'd need a low-pro bracket as well. which is hard to come by. it wont fit by ~ 1/2"
yeah it sucks
that is the only thing i don't like about my puter
good night
Night @thex.
g'night @TheX
i need a good photo for root :|
Reverting back to 10.10 from 11.04. http://bit.ly/eCZewt #1104
When i look at this, it reminds me of @RolandTaylor
1 hour later…
@lazyPower Yeah, it does.
@KaustubhP Wow.... just wow.
@all Morning
@Oli sorry the first video it seems dark see this one
@KaustubhP trying to embedded a youtube video like you did :) but when i past the embedded the hole link shows not the video :) isn't that wired?
ohh... everybody is sleeping
i'm in GMT+3
Using External Monitor with Laptop Monitor as separate monitors. http://bit.ly/hxppAF #externalmonitor
morning everybody (not sleeping)
@Achu you need a separate post line for embedded stuff
@Takkat ohh.. i will try it
@Oli see this
The Prickly Porcupine
2 hours later…
@Achu you have to append &feature=player_embedded to make it display.
Oh, it has already been displayed.
Ubuntu One Multiple accounts http://bit.ly/hRs5jO #ubuntuone
3 hours later…
Ubuntu 11.04 beta 2 and Gnome Shell http://bit.ly/gcixFG #unity
@Achu Yeah that's as good as you'll get it IMO. I have the same problem with regular shared folders with XP. You have to refresh them.
@Achu but apparently this hotfix should fix it (requires some form of registration to get it) support.microsoft.com/kb/873392
Me thinks there should be sticky threads, because there are same questions :p
@StefanoPalazzo ken found something
they only break on login
that's why you never saw it happen when you setsid unity
because it works fine when you do that
it's only on login when it breaks
@JorgeCastro oh, okay. I did a reboot as well. Does he have any more information on why it's happening?
he's putting all the info in the bug
and we've assigned mikkel to look into it
oh good
I'm just re-writing a big chunk of the networking I/O stuff, to make it more stable. I thought that might be the cause (but it's good practice anyway)
Putting a time-out and delayed re-trying in there to make it work better when you don't have a network connection upon login
you will have a heart attack when you see this
(let me find the video)
@Oli Thank you for your replay. i have downloaded the hotfix i will try it and i will let you know tomorrow morning. Good Night!
how awesome is that!
I know right
@JorgeCastro It's slightly terrible that I'm basically developing the same app as George, but without any intersection. Even so, I've just implemented live-updating of the questions database. Between us and barring minor tweaks, we're just about ready to serve the SE API ourselves.
he's even put his app on a real server and everything
wow I didn't know that
It's a fun project, even if we should never get to use it :)
For some weird reason, I have reservations about switching the SE api for his (running) server
we can't do both?
I thought that was the point?
I'd like to have some evidence that it's going to be very reliable before I do
I mean, why depend on a third party thing? I thought this was to supplement the results
@JorgeCastro yes we can run both, even run both server plus the official API. The load balancing is easy enough to be handled on the client
Just, you know if it turns out I have thousands of users, and this dude's server gets too much traffic, he takes it down,
As I said, I'm rather conservative on this, perhaps a little too conservative
I agree on not depending on it
I was under the impression that this would supplement
so like, if it's there or not my lens would work the same
yes that's the plan,
but that sort of thing needs to be implemented perfectly, there are a lot of things that can go wrong - make the app behave unexpectedly
I'll figure out a way to do it :)
Is there any way to purge and reinstall a package in one swoop?
umm, whats wrong with this command?
(ls * | xargs cat {} tail -n 20) > all
@KaustubhP Should there be another pipe between cat and tail?
(ls * | xargs cat {} | tail -n 20) > all
My guess was that it would take too long to execute,
Ill try it out.
What's the aim? To get the last 20 lines of every file in a directory?
@Oli @KaustubhP I think you want to just tail -n 20 instead of cat
@MarcoCeppi right on, I was just gonna type that.
it was UUoC
(ls * | xargs tail -n 20 {}) > all
Or just
tail -n20 * > all
@MarcoCeppi Nope, @Oli neither does that.
@KaustubhP Again, what are you expecting? What do you want this to do?
Nevermind, it worked. My apologies :)
I jumped the gun..
@MarcoCeppi can you please slap me?
@MarcoCeppi @Oli take a look:
The cat command is a standard Unix program used to concatenate and display files. The name is from catenate, a synonym of concatenate. Specification The Single Unix Specification specifies the behavior that the contents of each of the files given in sequence as arguments will be written to the standard output in the same sequence, and mandates one option, -u, where each byte is printed as it is read. If the filename is specified as -, then cat will read from standard input at that point in the sequence. If no files are specified, cat will read from standard input entered. Extensions...
@lazyPower ooh ooh ooh, may I?
@KaustubhP sure, but make it count. Might as well grab a roll full of coins and stuff them in a sock... use that instead of your hand.
I was just abusing cat.
What's the way to find large files/directories to remove and free up space? http://bit.ly/iaMDuT #diskusage
hello :)
@OctavianDamiean Greetings
@lazyPower What did you do, lol?
@MarcoCeppi i think he caused a brain implosion :P
@MarcoCeppi I deployed without having the project lead QA the site. I had management humping my leg to deploy as of yesterday. Now that a critical eye that knows what to look for scope the code base, i just got a laundry list of things to fix. -- typical day at the office, you know. Things I should know better than to do but do anyway.
@lazyPower <3 you should probably close this window :P
@lazyPower are you saying your manager is a h***** dog?
@JorgeCastro Any update from MPT on deploying new apt.ubuntu.com?
I haven't heard anything
look at me!
Q: How do i remove a repository?

AlvarHi, I have a banshee link that is wrong and I need to remove it, how do I do it from the Terminal? I have the incorrect link (I have the correct one as well.

askubuntu.com/questions/32098/… his name tag should be removed!
How do i remove a repository from the terminal? http://bit.ly/hVQybi #1004
QUESTION: I was reading this question askubuntu.com/questions/33185 but I have a doubt, On an LTSP terminal where does the process take place, on server or on terminal?
I mean the CPU processesing
and other resources
it's all done on the server
that was quick
loud outburst was loud
@JamesGifford wassup?
yeah you woke the room up
@RolandTaylor Almost back to a normal Ubuntu, you?
thanks @lazyPower for the links (again)
@JamesGifford there is no such a thing as normal Ubuntu... just "default ubuntu" and "your Ubuntu" :-D
@TheX True.. I guess by "normal" I mean "default"
and if "your ubuntu" = "default ubuntu" then we have to take out out the the wood shed :P
@StefanoPalazzo 81121215
lol just joking
@JamesGifford I'm looking for good questions to answer ^^
"my ubuntu" ≠ "default ubuntu"
@RolandTaylor Oh sweet.
@JamesGifford and btw I added some new features to our site
@RolandTaylor I saw. 1K likes on Facebook already?! ;)
@JamesGifford from me :D
there are other features though
@RolandTaylor lol.
like for example comment likes ^^
HECK YEAH. Comment likes are awesome.
lol btw the k doesn't not mean 1000 in this case
that is the way fb does it (not sure why)
@OctavianDamiean sorry?
take it to the 2buntu room :P
you two :P
@StefanoPalazzo that was decimal hallo :)
aww I'm out of votes
there's a little usability feature in Windows that has been present since Windows 3 that I like, but isn't standard in Ubuntu, and is impossible when you have a top panel (thinking of the upcoming global menu in 11.04)
when I want to close a maximised window on my laptop, I just move the cursor easily up to the corner of the screen and click without looking
the close button is clickable right to the most upper-right pixel on screen
@Greg what feature is that?
@Greg that's not a feature, nor usability. It's muscle memory.
I think its a nice usability design
especially on a laptop's trackpad
You gotta admit, it'd be nice to be able to close a full-screened-window just by slamming you mouse to the left/right.
yeah that's the word on Windows - you just SLAM windows closed
bad pun, but it makes sense.
That's still a personal preference.
yeah its totally personal
I use my lower right corner for scale mode on compiz, that's not a feature of any system, but I always find myself trying to use it. So, it = my bad choice.
I alt-f4 for that
(even in windows)
umm just double click on the top panel to minimize
hmm yeah, I think I just got used to it over the years its inbuilt... I just end up clicking the corner and it feels like the system is being unresponsive
or not minizmise... but whats the word for it
restore I guess
but actually I haven't clicked close at all, the close button is behind a useless 5 pixel gap from the edge of the screen
and maximize
@Greg it's not a useless gap at all
what is the purpose of the gap?
Q: How can I reset compiz to the default settings?

TchalvakI've got a bug that is reoccuring (no window chrome close/minimize/maximize buttons) that is solved by changing the visual effects level (e.g. from none to normal). Unfortunately, the desktop is relatively unusable until I change that setting upon each login. I have the inclining that it might ...

read the comments on my answer (sorry digression)
@Greg Look at the top panel, and then ask yourself the same question :D!
@RolandTaylor what's the purpose of the top panel?
@Greg lol?
sorry I thought that's what you meant
@Greg you can discard anything @RolandTaylor says, he is our resident troll
oh ok you should put signs up
"Don't feed the troll"
@Greg in fact, we built a bridge for him... he just won't stay under it...
The top panel has: indicators, the menu, and window buttons (on unity), and on Gnome, it has everything but the window buttons and global menu.
What happened to the Troll Bridge? (Sorry, off-topic)
@Greg I quit my trolling job a while ago, but some people didn't get my memo :P.
@JamesGifford it got locked again
@TheX Figures.
@MarcoCeppi is now our resident troll
@JamesGifford we need a mod to unlock it again
@MarcoCeppi is the moderator :P
well, what I was coming to is: I'm used to having the title bar at the top edge of the screen, and the indicators and running programs at the bottom - Windows-esque
@Greg I was too, then I started using linux.
but with the upcoming "Global Menus", I'm wondering if its time for me to (un)conform
I'm not using Windows at all any more, so I guess I should stop trying to emulate it
My point is, unless the change is within the system, and is unnecessary (cough GNOME 3 Shell), then it's just a matter of learning to adapt to a different system.
@Greg There you go :D!
That's the spirit!
@Greg actually @RolandTaylor is a great guy and everything he says is top notch :D
I too ranted about unity at first, and now I'm using it :D
I haven't used it yet, but I like the looks
You will most likely like it, minus a few wrinkles
@TheX +1. :P
I don't care for Unity yet...
Like, the "launcher" doesn't minimize windows (annoying to me).
but i haven't used it enough to make a solid judgement on it yet
I haven't used GNOME Shell since it got released, but I plan to soon - just to see if it actually is usable...
Windows is the best for solitaire and minesweeper
@Greg and IE is great for downloading Firefox/Chrome...
Yeah its nice that Microsoft shipped their OS with a built-in browser downloader
linux for servers,
mac for graphics,
palm for mobility,
windows for solitaire."
@JamesGifford I am tempted to buy one lol
<3 the "Windows for Solitaire"
@TheX hehe.
tbh Windows does have the best Solitaire
Very true. And the best Minesweeper.
sooooooooo much better than crappy AisleRiot
@JamesGifford I highly highly disagree on the mac part
Windows is an awesome platform to run utorrent so you can download ubuntu faster!
@JamesGifford what do you prefer?
@RolandTaylor lol tru dat
@OctavianDamiean lol true... but shhhhh if not people will know the secrets of my success in G.A.!
@Greg hey no dissing AisleRiot!
AilseRiot pwns windows Calculator as a time waster any day :D!
@RolandTaylor AisleRiot isn't half of SOL.EXE
my internet just died...
@TheX so did my Gran
uh... okay
sorry to hear than o.O
For Minesweeper?

@OctavianDamiean :P I do as well. But the T-shirt gets everything else right.
Actually I also disagree on the mobility part
It's an ANCIENT T-shirt. I remember seeing that in the ThinkGeek catalog back when I was like 5.
waits for @MarcoCeppi to slap him
(so 8-10 years)
it isn't the equipment so much as it is the point that it gets across...
<--- doesn't have a mobile device...
@TheX didn't you have an iPhone?
I had an ipad...
@TheX meh same thing, just bigger
lets just say bigger balder, "more imortant" person has it now...
noo lol
well time to go home...
talk to ya later
Grub=fixed. :)
Win 7 and Vista?!
Vista is the "factory reset" thingy, and I need Win7 starter for my iPod touch. :l
Apple is just so full of fail ... unbelievable
Eh. I haven't found a Android device that's not a tablet or a phone.... and is under $300.
I saw that. It never leaves your device/computer.
love that one :D
Everything has it's downside.
This makes cats look a lot less cute...
naaah that's so old
so am I, you don;t have to make fun of me :*(
How can I reset compiz to the default settings? http://bit.ly/hgF6Aq #1010
matt really caught up in
Q: How do I export the charts in a spreadsheet as PNGs?

Jorge CastroI made a spreadsheet and generated some graphs in Calc. I would like to grab each chart as a PNG (JPG will be fine too) and save them as an individual file so I can post the charts on my blog. I tried dragging from Calc into the browser post box but unfortunately that didn't work.

only 17 users voted this week :(
on this whole site?
@htorque that lies
I know I've voted at least a few times
hm, yeah - the month view ends with users voting 11 times
That's odd,
I answered (and accepted my own answer), and got no rep (not that I really care - I just wanted the problem solved); did the system change? I normally can't accept my own answer the time I post it, and I normally get rep for it.
you don't get the +15 (and the +2) for accepting your own answer
@RolandTaylor Yeah that's designed to stop people giving themselves rep. Everybody would be on 150k if you could just give yourself points.
@Oli hmm it used to function differently though (in the past). Again, not that I care, just wanted to know if it had changed :P!
@RolandTaylor It's been just like that for as long as I've been a member of Stack Overflow (a while)
I guess I never really took the time to know for sure.
BTW if someone answers the question better than I did, I'd appreciate it :)! (It wasn't as direct an accurate as it could have been).
@RolandTaylor Yeah it's not something to bump into often unless you're regularly writing questions for you to answer (which is fine)
Q: How do I enable the libreoffice quickstarter in unity?

Roland TaylorI would like to get my quickstarter to show in unity, or replace it with an indicator. Is this possible?. I tried Unity 2D, and to my shock, it works there, but refuses to work in unity proper.

@Oli I found a new meta tag!
should be destroyed
Q: What topics would you like to learn at DevDays 2011?

Joel SpolskyHere's a very brief summary of how DevDays 2011 will go down: It'll be two days long. It'll be sometime in September or October. There will be FOUR independent, separate events to choose from in different cities: London, US East Coast (probably near Washington), US West Coast (probably San Fran...

...and my answer to the question:
A: What topics would you like to learn at DevDays 2011?

George EdisonDebugging UserScripts UserScript usage is increasing and debugging them is a real challenge.

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