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In theory, libgit2 can clone Git repositories over SSL, but it isn't currently working due to the fact that OpenSSL doesn't see Android's list of certificates.
Q: ([{­Watch)}] Direct Kourtney and Kim Take Miami Season 1 Episode 8 online !!!!!!­­||Zshare

Yara ParaClick Here Watch Full EpisodeWhen Kim leaves the party, she calls Kourt to check in with her. Kourtney is annoyed that Scott is staying at the party. She voices her concerns to Kim, who tries to make her worry less, but Kourt is nonetheless irritated by Scott's choice to spend time with frien...

@GeorgeEdison nice. why not just let the normal java android crud fetch and check the certificate. then just make sure it matches the one SSL recieves in libgit instead of actually validating it. should be a small patch that saves you loads of time.
I'll see if that could work.
libgit2 directly interfaces with OpenSSL though.
yeah. i was thinking just subvert that one libgit call and send it to java verify unless it happens all over the place.
It sort of irritates me when people ask way open-ended questions and you try to answer them as best you can QA style. Then people are snarky
I had two something's in the corner of my avatar, and they disappeared when I tried to find out where.
@RolandiXor Were they red?
They were likely two pops of messages flagged for mod attention
@AshleyNunn oh that's what they were!
They are normally blue, not so?
(And on the opposite side, right instead of left I think).
Blue are spam/innappropriate, on right. Red on left is flagged for mod attention.
oh I see
oh wait, nvm
I can't believe I never paid attention to that.
@RolandiXor it works a little different.
Yeah, I just learned about it recently
you need a certain amount of rep to see them
and they get handled pretty quick
colour depends on the site too
@JourneymanGeek What do you think that should be do with this post?
thats totally not command line arguements >_>
I'd be tempted to close it, or throw it to stackoverflow
post that as an answer and get the tick ;p
@JourneymanGeek I don't understand what do you mean?
You mean, translate the comment into a new answer?
post that as an answer ;p
but it is OT!
well, closing it or migrating it would still be my first choice
@JourneymanGeek Oh, so, do you mean first, the answer and then, the close. Right?
@RolandiXor Thanks!
now answer it ;p
for zee repz!
@JourneymanGeek ok, ok. I'm doing it..
It was someone trolling anyway I suspect. They could have just asked "what's a format string bug?" and self answered with that code blob.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing beginners :D
everyone starts somewhere ;p
@JourneymanGeek right
where is oli's canonical will it run on my phone question?
BTW, Segmentation fault, I don't like that phrase :(
I'm sure there's a joke to be had there.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing not really :P
ouch. that might have been the joke.
askubuntu.com/questions/258552/… is the question i was looking for
and the zombies have started again with the whitespace (yes the page loaded scroll way down)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Do you think that I expressed this right?
My English is not so good :)
@Lucio You expressed what you were trying to say, but I don't think the substring operation was the root of the problem
@learner What means MCA in your bio?
Hi @Lucio its Master of Computer Applications
Oh, I see. And do you like the career?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Mmm, what do you mean?
yes i do.
In what language are you programming now?
i've studied c, c++, vb, java, and now studying asp.net. but not started to program yet. just some college projects using java
just don't say pythan. python is awesome, but idiots have been saying pythan a lot in my presence recently.
@Lucio haven't you studied java ?
@learner No, no yet.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I'm an expert in pythan
have you started working then ?
@learner No, no yet.
@learner I'm working with PHP, js, etc.
at least till the next week
mm... js means java script right ?
@learner yep
yawn Morning.
@Lucio do you use empathy ?
@FEichinger cya
@learner I don't know really, let me see..
@learner Is that a framework?
if you use default messaging on ubuntu mainline you use empathy
no no, sorry i didn't mention. I'm talking about empathy(internet messaging in ubuntu)
Oh, I did not understand. Well, no, I don't. Why?
I've seen so many questions about and it is not connecting even after i follow all answers provided here. So just asked weather u have faced any such problems and solved it.
No, I used that in Ubuntu 11.10 and it didn't like me so I don't use it anymore.
sudo apt-get install pidgin, find out if it's a connection problem or just empathy. :P
ha ha @Lucio . what about you @AbrahamVanHelpsing? are you facing any problem in authentication or "connection failed but error not specified" like that ?
i don't use empathy. i'm on alternate with just openbox and a couple of core apps
Also, I don't have facebook, twitter or any social
yeah @FEichinger it started from that point itself i just installed pidgin to test and suggest to my friend and then i even uninstalled it. But now empathy permanently failed to connect to bot gmail and fb
we talked about this problem at length a while ago. it's probably related to ip allowances after logging in to whatever site after logging in to the site with not xmpp. log in to whatever in a browser then try xmpp
@learner That's the beauty of shared resources.
will try @AbrahamVanHelpsing. ha ha So is there is no way i can get empathy working back @FEichinger ?
I don't use empathy either. :/
Twitter is on my phone, I don't use IM regularly, so ... I just pop into [random web service with appropriate protocol] if ever needed.
ok leave it. It is better even i use that pid... or try some otherthing.
6 hours later…
Hello people.
@smartboyhw have you upgraded the Kernel on your version of Ubuntu?
@mojo706 Why?
I want to upgrade to Kernel V-3.7 and I need to know someone who has upgraded and if its possible to upgrade on 12.04?
@mojo706 Em dunno
/me has Raring
and Raring has 3.5?
@mojo706 3.8
And welcome our mod @fossfreedom
/me is now a Ubuntu member + Kubuntu member
welcome @fossfreedom
thanks @smartboyhw
@smartboyhw you are going to be very busy ... well done - congrats :)
@mojo706 wait a couple of months - you'll get an official 3.8 kernel straight from the repo's.
3.5 is available now.
@fossfreedom in the repos?
yep - most probably the main repository
should I do a back up?
feeling nervous now ... especially when people start asking that sort of question when they want to change such a fundamental part of linux
Q: Sharing ubuntu drives with windows

Alastair Cupplesim new to the whole Linux thing. I have a Linux server up and running and have been using this guide as a help http://linuxhomeserverguide.com/server-config/Samba.php I have an issue with shared drives. My windows machines can see them but cant write to them says I don't have permission. im compl...

I didn't want to do an update when 12.04.2 came out because they asked me to do a back up
@fossfreedom :)
is it wrong that I asked?
wrong - no - Q - why do you want to change?
mostly graphics improvements
most of graphics improvements would be via xserver & mesa packages - the kernel alone will not suffice.
that is why the hardware enablement stack was released - 3.5 + xserver/mesa components
No I read back in October of increased graphics and sound quality especially for Radeon card holders
best to have both
kernel + xserver/mesa
@mojo706 Install linux-lts-quantal and xserver-xorg-lts quantal
I think
@smartboyhw thats the hardware enablement stack
@fossfreedom Yep
thanks @smartboyhw I will
@mojo706 OK
@fossfreedom what should I use to back up an image?
@fossfreedom :D
@mojo706 my favourite tool is clonezilla to do an image backup
I have clonezilla server I almost forgot what it was for
^^ some fun over lunch it 13:45 in Nairobi
my opinion of bash scripting till I tried it and got command not found error ^^
`chmod +x somescript.sh && ./somescript.sh`

I'm guessing you just tried `somescript`.
no @AbrahamVanHelpsing I can has a brain
thanks @AbrahamVanHelpsing that worked perfectly
@AmithKK Hi!
Hey @VRU
actually I was looking for a player which can play WebEx recorded files for Ubuntu.
I have noticed that WebEx does not support that and some suggestion came to convert it to mp4
I am worried conversion can trouble the quality of file
@AmithKK Does Ubuntu have any application for Network Recording Player?
like WebEx
err dunno
hmm ok
@VRU what do you mean by Network Recording Player?
@mojo706 like WebEx, they play .wrf files
@GeorgeEdison - Do you know about the box-sizing CSS property?
BTW, anyone good at decoding RTMP?
ping me if you do please :)
"Ubuntu GNOME Becomes An Official Ubuntu Flavour"
man installing ubnt has now passed 12 hours :( feels like the days of windows 95 installations using floppy disks
... ubnt ... new distro ... off-topic here ;)
@Rinzwind never liked gnome-shell - never will ... am risking a flame war by saying just that.
@Rinzwind WoW
by the way, how to change the startup tone of Ubuntu
its making noise like a tabla
@fossfreedom yeah.. I am actually looking at the same link but was wondering weather it can take any audio format or something specific
good question - time to ask it.
@fossfreedom We have the specialist @Rinzwind here, who can answer it.
I am needed?
co worker is being annoying so I am on/off irreguraly
oh and TOMBRAIDER game rocks
yeah, but not in 640 x 480 full screen on a 1920 x 1080 monitor...
please help nuke this
Q: Rhythmbox 2.98 doesn't read "Year" tag

Ricardo FigueiredoI usually create playlists on rhythmbox based on the year of the song (I have a library over 20000 songs). I recently installed Ubuntu 13.04, but Rhythmbox 2.98 reads all mp3 tags except year (shows "unknown"). I've already removed all tracks from the library so rhythmbox would rebuild it again, ...

In other news ....
"Intel has released a tool that allows Linux users to easily install the latest graphics drivers to ensure the best user experience with Intel graphics hardware."
@Rinzwind yeah - dont trust it personally - it involves a custom kernel from Intel themselves.
ah was looking at their project: 01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/…
looked nice :D but a custom kernel.... naaaa
actually that's a cool idea
how so?
it can not be cool @JourneymanGeek ... it has no fans :=)
maybe it has LEDs
idea? cool. execution? not so much.
Well, it ensures that intel is in control of the entire stack
"Intel is in control" ... yep, sounds reasonable in the linux sphere. /s
@JourneymanGeek as long as their is no exchange right after the stack :-)
In more other news... Holland beats Cuba 7-6 with baseball!
@Rinzwind Cuba lost in baseball?!?
To Holland yes :)
hey we Dutch ARE the reigning world champions >:D
Oh right. Didn't know. Grats ;)
Dutch ... world champions at baseball ... americans probably having an apocalyptic fit
When are Americans not having an apocalyptic fit?
this year is the 1st year professionals can join but the americans already lost >:D
americans makes apocalyptic fit a pleonasm :=)
I missed @Rinzwind
anyone have a ubuntu machine around with LXC installed?
@jrg nope :P
@AmithKK darnit.
IBM wrote LXC? O_o
Actually I guess have it
@jrg How can I help you?
@AmithKK can you get me the contents of the ubuntu LXC template?
is probably in /usr/share/lxc/templates

# template script for generating ubuntu container for LXC
# This script consolidates and extends the existing lxc ubuntu scripts

# Copyright © 2011 Serge Hallyn <[email protected]>
# Copyright © 2010 Wilhelm Meier
# Author: Wilhelm Meier <[email protected]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
running precise?
no, quantal
cool, thanks.
release=precise # Default to the last Ubuntu LTS release for non-Ubuntu systems
if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
. /etc/lsb-release
if [ "$DISTRIB_ID" = "Ubuntu" ]; then
oh i'll need to fix that later then.
@jrg pingping look at edit
but anyway, thanks.
Good Night
new record, lasted 5 minutes.
@jrg It has lasted waaaay longer than that before :/
I got it in review one morning.
@jrg just 5 minutes?
something like that.
sweet, my bank has two-factor auth. some RSA-like key.
@FEichinger: You had a CSS question?
@GeorgeEdison Oh, I was just asking if you knew about box-sizing ... Looks promising, if IE manages to actually magically support it.
That page will tell you what kind of support the property has on IE.
I know. Currently unsupported is only padding-box. And Safari* has just started to support it. Point is: It looks promising. ;)
I lend you my sympathy - working with IE is soooooo frustrating.
10% of web design is actually designing the page; the other 90% is getting it to work in IE.
This actually has 3 upvotes??? It's absolutely 100% wrong and poorly written on top of that.
@MarcoCeppi around?
That's the second time that I've had to bump up the minimum supported Android version of my app.
It will only run on Android 4.0+ now.
@AmithKK :-)
@GeorgeEdison Ice Cream Sandwich?
that is what the Cubieboard runs
@RolandiXor He is around... you just miss him.
@RolandiXor: Have you ever considered giving the Android SDK a spin?
@Seth when I am not around :[
And this is work related... we have times to meet lol.
@GeorgeEdison yep, but I hate Eclipse.
@RolandiXor Yeah...
Me too but it's not that bad with enough RAM.
@RolandiXor Also, you don't have to use Eclipse.
@RolandiXor How much ram do you have?
You can use the ant command-line build system.
Q: How can i free up memory / manage memory on a linux box?

cwdI am running two Ubuntu 12.04 servers (no GUI / desktop) using canonical's cloud images on Amazon EC2. One is a micro with 613MB of RAM and one is a medium with 3.75GB of RAM. I only have opscode's chef installed on the micro box, and on the large box I have a java app / SOLR index initialized w...

@GeorgeEdison Java D:
@Seth 4GB
sorry for the delay
(Don't ask)
@jrg you around?
the total time spent @ desk today is 10 minutes and counting, been in since 11.
gtalk a moment?
Hi all!
What is the difference between click on a answer in ^ simbol (up arrow) and check the green tick?
I'm going crazy with my broadcom wireless card :(
I can't explain how can work in precise and do not it quantal.
Up Arrow = Upvote. Gives the person who posted the answer 10 reputation and basically means "this is a well-written answer!"
Green Tick = Accepted Answer. Gives the person who posted the answer 15 reputation and means that this is the answer that works for the person who asked.
also unaccepted questions keep popping up periodically @ssoto
so, If you get an answer that works PLEASE suggest it.
This should be in the faq anyway, and you get a badge for reading it through, so read it through ;p
Thank for all @FEichinger
Any time.
Is going to try an RPM distro.
@RolandiXor as i'm sure you noticed, yeah, i wasn't there.
i spent 20 minutes at my desk today.
Q: Gnome 3 empathy can`t get the menu toolbar to show

ViktorI can`t get empathy to show me the menu toolbar in ubuntu 12.10 in Gnome. When I log in in Unity, I can see the toolbar on the top, but that is not much comfy to need to go to Unity whenever I want to tweak settings. Thanks, Viktor

Answer in comments
I hate that :(
@RolandiXor What should I do there?
Because the answer is the confirmation that the OP was wrong.
@Lucio post the answer as an answer, quoting the comment.
@jrg busy?
@RolandiXor Thanks, BTW, could you move this post to SO?
If you think that it should be done :)
I'll take a look.
@RolandiXor yeah, pulling up gtalk now
@jrg oh if you are busy I wouldn't want to bug you really
@RolandiXor no, i'm at home now
just replying to email, being a "responsible" businessman.
@Lucio: that belongs on SU (where it was moved) ;p
Q: Can Ubuntu GNOME Remix be added to the supported derivatives page?

maggotbrainIt looks like Gnome Remix is now an officially supported Ubuntu derivative. See also here. Can someone update this page http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives or is this handled by Canonical once they get a custom Ubuntu Gnome page set up?

Q: Where is lost file i put to move to USB HDD?

KangaroooI put on laptop to file to MOVE to USB HDD and at one point i moved a little laptop to side for some nice girl to have nicer position and i saw error of some I/O or something and that file isnt anymore in original place couse of moving it shouldnt be existing and in new place of reconnecting its ...

hmm, not sure about this one
Not off topic.
is netbook remix supported?
I thought that was unofficial distribution.
although I suppose the question has little to do with that... It seems he disconected the drive mid-transfer
The Netbook Remix was part of 10.04
@RolandiXor Network? his original said Netboot (though was a typo I changed to netbook)
my bad
<--- needs sleep
ah, oh well, revery time i see "remix" I get flag happy
Q: AMD Athlon II x2 270 performance

GregI want to buy a new PC. I want to know how does this CPU works fine on Ubuntu. It's an AMD Athlon II x2 270. I'm not asking for a review. I just want to know if it works fine on Ubuntu, because I've had some problems with other processors (drivers, mainly). If it doesn't, maybe you could recom...

What should be done with question like this?
Is the first time for me
Is there a meta post,a canonical post, or something?
retag it with hardware-recommendation. it's generally discouraged, but people generally let it go
if it needs burnination you'll see loads of people close-vote it from monitoring the hardware-recommendation tag
had problems with processor drivers? no. no you haven't. video drivers or APU drivers maybe...but not processor drivers ;)
Thanks. Wait a minute, I can't..
I get: 10000 reputation is required to edit tags inline
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Why I get that? bug?
probably just a fact not a bug. there's an MSO post where they map privs to rep. i forget that people aren't all over whatever rep hump (i haven't hit 20k, but i already don't use all my privs)
heh. it might be a hidden feature with downvoted questions. like downvoted answers graying out and moving to the bottom after a threshold, or because i touched it.
Yeah, I don't know really. Anyway, thanks for do it :)
no idea. i just went to edit the question, deleted a tag and changed it.

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