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@Seth Yes.
@GeorgeEdison Is it using the remote sources?
Seems to be working for me.
Good. Does it have a comment about OP adding more information in an answer?
It doesn't appear to.
hola muchachos
Hola Señor
Oh, fun fun fun.
I feel like a total fool right now.
You don't want to know :|
But I'll tell you.
I tried to add a comment to an answer by the OP that was just answering a comment..
Correct comment wasn't in the script, so I created a pull request.
and your pull request broke stuff?
Didn't read it correctly and (somehow) ended up thinking I saw the comment twice in the script.
Closed pull request
Only to find out, upon reading it again, that there only was one instance of that comment
(I don't know if any of this is making sense...)
free stuff is free stuff. they'll get over it or languish in a hole
It goes on.. but I'm not going to finish it right now ;)
@GeorgeEdison correct.
it does not.
Almost got this mess cleaned up.
Learn new stuff everyday.
Get stuck here though: When I run git pull ProFormaComments it wants me to specify a branch, but I haven't figured out how.
Well that was easy.
git pull ProFormaComments master
@Seth d'oh! I gave you those tuts to look at. ;-P
At least no animals or small children were hurt in the process, right?
@maggotbrain yes yes.
@maggotbrain Haven't had time ;P
found in some suspected android malware.
though I guess it would have paid out in the long run @maggotbrain
@jrg I don't understand.
no, i'm on my desktop
@Seth joking, really, Seth. branching and merging can be weird to wrap your head around at times. I gave myself a sandbox with my dotfiles to play with before I touched anyone elses stuff.
@maggotbrain Meh yeah.
I don't know what I just did...
@jrg Wow.
@maggotbrain Gonna delete my fork and re fork... again.
@Seth basically, i downloaded, took a peak at the "pop" mp4
and that's the album artwork.
I see.
The thing that bugged me for the past three weeks finally works.
Needs some tweaking to catch some errors at some point, but for now it ... works.
Now I forgot the [A]...
@GeorgeEdison You might need to close your first pull request.
It's still open from what I see.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing: Do pentesters use that?
because my profile is freakilly spot-on.
Another point in favour of not living in the US.
@jrg Eeeeks man.
@FEichinger Trust me, I know...
Welp, I just volunteered to help the xfce team with their documentation. We'll see if anyone responds. It seems like they only update their web pages on a harvest moon in even numbered years. :-/
I was hoping to find a blink tag in use, but no luck...
No, no browsers support <blink> anymore... for good or worse.
shakes tiny fist
I hope that you've seen that before.
Not that site..
...kids these days...
@maggotbrain ??
I'm lost.
What do you mean by:
3 mins ago, by maggotbrain
...kids these days...
@Seth Oh. sorry. I was making a feeble comparison to xfce's weak documentation.
oh. OK.
/me is going to jump into a tty and try git again. bbl.
I think you may have (fortunately)missed all the sites with blinky tags and frames.
good luck!
eh, fail.
I'll just have to refork and use Github.
Was trying to just use git...
I'll have to watch the video :P
Reforked and done. \o/
\m/ rock on!
There has to be an easier way though...
git add comments.jsonp
git commit -m "My message"
git push ProFormaComments
And of course if you have more than one commit you are supposed to squash them...
git commit -am "blahblah"?
@maggotbrain ah, -a. Good idea.
meh. It saves you one line, but still...every little bit helps.
This whole "Learn code" revolution is depressing.
You could also just pipe the two commands together and hit esc-B to move back and re-edit your comments, no?
Hm. I guess.
But the point is not having to type the the whole thing :P
So, alias the two commands to "gc" and "gp" if you wanna be more lazy-ish. ;-)
I was thinking about an alias ;)
But I'll probably just type the whole thing out for a while.
discourse.org <-- Jeff's new project
stars --^
@Seth Hey Seth!
Hello @JacobBlack
What's up?
Nothing's up. Everything's down, lol.
So did you watch Twilight?
If you meant the site, I can access it.
@JacobBlack Nah, not a movie guy.
Nah, I meant my life.
@JacobBlack Oh. I'm sorry :(
@Seth OK, Twilight is where Jacob appears.
Yeah, I knew he was from the series... somewhere.
Anyway, I tried out Xubuntu 12.04 and thought it was really well done.
I've never really liked XFCE
Gotta run for now.
History lecture.
@Seth Have fun!
Q: Where is the frame.h located in modern Linux implementations? (ubuntu specifically)

d0rmLifeA book I am reading refers to an include file that shows how a stack frame looks on one's UNIX system. In particular: /usr/include/sys/frame.h I am having trouble finding the modern equivalent. Anyone have an idea? I'm on Ubuntu 12.10.

1 hour later…
Q: Does receiving no reputation for good comments pollute the Answer?

DoogfarAs you get no reputation for good comments it makes more sense to add your comment as a answer so you might get some reputation. I have seen that done quite often. Answers given that should really be comments. If some reputation were given for up voted comments it might eliviate some of this?

Awww yeeeahh! Just got my Android app to create an empty Git repository.
Progress is being made!
@maggotbrain You mean here: docs.xfce.org ? I'm asking because the Xubuntu team seems to have their own documentation.
2 hours later…
Q: How to use lockstat.txt on ubuntu12.04

user1592989I have ubuntu 12.04 installed on my machine. I want to use lockstat, I have looked at Documentation/lockstat.txt but I am not getting how to use it, if possible please help me out. IN DETAIL:- I am working on a project adapting system software like the Linux kernel. I read one paper titled "Expe...

1 hour later…
appears :P
Hi @AmithKK - welcome to the Void :)
It's getting crowded in here. :O
@Takkat Hello
@skunkfrukt not as much as the old times
So many people here, I can hardly see myself.
Hi guys....
See? Another one appeared ---->^^ Hi @Rishee
@Rishee Hello.
I am posting one question in which I want to post a big log so is there a website where we can upload that log file and just give link to the log file in the quetion
Hey guys can you answer me something? Do moderators have permition to delete questions? Even with answers?
@Rishee I recommed paste.ubuntu.com
@Zignd I think they do?
thanks buddy!! :)
They can.
@Takkat But look at this question askubuntu.com/questions/265036/… Why @fossfreedom didn't deleted it?
It may still be of (admittedly little) help for other people who come here from Google.
If the OP now deletes his own question, they will earn a badge :)
@Zignd unless its particularly "nasty" - no reason to delete outright ... the system will delete it after a while anyway. It it can be salvaged by the OP then all the better and we can reopen it.
Humm Now it makes sense
salvaged questions are precious but rare gems.
... art of moderation is to be moderate in your actions and thoughts.
no need for the sledgehammer approach
... which is not ususally the case for Community mod.
community mod is unthinking, unfeeling ...
amazing spike in unity-tweak-tool downloads
share the results
@fossfreedom This?
over what time period?
A half week or so
that is impressive - kudos all round
Actually need to get hold of some analytic software or something on django
are you really only at v0.0.3 ... should have thought that would be v0.3
with all those cool graphs :P
Unity Tweak Tool is under development?
I could not find it's ppa.
@Takkat what about this launchpad page launchpad.net/unity-tweak-tool it's the official page?, I was going to subscribe to the translation team.
@Zignd yeah that's it.
@Zignd that's it
Ok so, time to translate!
cool, thanks @Zignd
I think its time to move comments to third class citizens instead of second.
@amithkk @jokerdino USE SEMVER. please? :-)
If you have a usable product that is released, tag it 1.0. If you only have a 1.0rc, then tag it 1.0rc.
None of this 0.0.x stuff.
What they&apos;re in means?
@zignd apostrophes.
so it's the same as they're in?
@jrg thanks!
Its used (sometimes) in HTML, for browsers that aren't sane.
Q: IPsec & cypharing algorithm Linux Ubuntu

Ahmad Darwish3 down vote favorite What is the package that contain the implementation of IPsec and what is the package that contain the implementation of cypher algorithms that IPsec uses for enctiption? I need to use custom crypto aldorithm in IPsec so I need to edit the implementation of those two packages

In SGML, HTML and XML documents, the logical constructs known as character data and attribute values consist of sequences of characters, in which each character can manifest directly (representing itself), or can be represented by a series of characters called a character reference, of which there are two types: a numeric character reference and a character entity reference. This article lists the character entity references that are valid in HTML and XML documents. Although in popular usage character references are often called "entity references" or even "entities", this usage is wrong. ...
@jrg Actually, no. Browsers that interpret plain text special characters aren't "sane", they're messy.
@FEichinger thanks for the link. It'll be very helpfull during the translation I'm doing.
Any time. You could also just put it into a *.html file and open that in your browser. ;) Should convert them to the correct characters.
@jrg we don't really have a usable product. when the product is mature, we'll bump it to 1.0
@jokerdino you have a publicly available product, right?
@FEichinger well, right.
@jrg yeah
then it's 1.0, or 1.0rc
and then you do ~ppa1, ~ppa3, ~ppa1023
for incremental changes.
Interesting. - zurmo.org
Q: No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. Makefile ubuntu

Trần Văn ThịnhWhen I execute the command sudo make I get this error: No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

what does 'native' means on linux?
native package or code?
About as much as it means elsewhere: Not much.

You can pretty much distil it to: not running through a random, quirky compatibility layer that it was never designed to run through.
Java and Mono (and even interpreted stuff: php, python, etc) would be "native-enough" in my book.
it means 'directly tied to your system' so?
@Oli k
@Oli looks like most of the languages would be native for you.
perhaps not html5
Hey dude, it's dead. All of it.
but of course!
the time of the ending has arrived, so naturally, everything's dead.
no, but seriously, what do you mean "it's dead"
The Ubuntu community of course!
They have declared it dead.
who declared it dead.
The people who matter.
@JorgeCastro ping?
so you are one of those people too.
i'm starting to think i shouldn't have voted you for moderator now that you're being defeatist.
@TheLordofTime that's exactly what i dont like about the planet right now.
@jokerdino the fact everyone's being defeatist?
or the fact i shouldn't have voted you for mod?
yeah, it's annoying.
(holy crap, I almost made a slip and wrote in bronyspeak o.o someone shoot me now please)
@TheLordofTime no one talks about the mods on planet?
Hi people , I have a doubt. I want to run two commands in the ubuntu terminal in the same line.Now I have been told that the way to do this is, command 1; command2. So I did this Desktop/apps/twitter_bot/twitter-bot-env/source bin/activate; python Desktop/apps/twitter_bot/yugdom.py
Actually in the first command i enable a virtual env, and in the second one i run a certain python file, but this is not working, apparently the virtual environment doesnt get activated, Can you take a minute out of your time to look ito this please.
command 1 && command 2
i think ^
@jokerdino this
the ; indicates sequence: command1 runs first, and once it exits, command2 runs.
in my server reboot or restore scripts, there's an order I have to restart/restore services, so the ; operator works because I can throw everything on one line, and everything comes back one after another
but... :P
brb; dinner
tells everone that I am here
One more thing, what the way to enable a virtual env from the terminal in a single line, this doesnt work:-> Desktop/apps/twitter_bot/twitter-bot-env/source bin/activate
@jokerdino whether the community dies or not, nginx is one of the things I work with, and in fact some in nginx upstream wouldn't mind me having upload rights for nginx, so i'm not really sure I count as part of the "community"
more rather "upstream assigned triager and uploader"
error returned is bash: Desktop/apps/twitter_bot/twitter-bot-env/source: No such file or directory
@Tomarinator is "source bin" the full folder name?
including the space?
more likely you are missing a /
I enable my virtual env like this only, i cd to the directory and do: source bin/activate.
nobody answers my questions nowadays
why do i even bother...
goes back to bug triaging, where he at least gets an answer
oh sorry
no source bin is not the full folder name
then try putting a / between the two in your path
or better yet
try this path:
Can I ask a question about Mint, or will I get perma-banned?
assuming Bash, ~ will autofill to your home directory
@SomeKittens I won't shoot you, but I will tell the mods to slap you.
@SomeKittens Mint is offtopic on Ask Ubuntu.
Right, forgot how racist you guys were. Welp, I'm off.
I got it source Desktop/apps/twitter_bot/twitter-bot-env/bin/activate, works :)
@SomeKittens its not "racism"
@SomeKittens Wouldn't call it racism, it's just not Ubuntu.
Ok, sorry. Installed Ubuntu. Now will you help?
@SomeKittens sure, go ahead.
keeps an eye on this room
I booted this morning after upgrading to 12.10 and found that Mint Ubuntu couldn't find my network adapter. ifconfig can't find it at all, ip addr shows an eth2 but that isn't doing anything for me. lspci shows that the controller itself still exists.
$ inxi -SNxz
Network: Card: Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
    driver: r8169 ver: 2.3LK-NAPI port: d000 bus-ID: 02:00.0
right, you're using THAT trick that the IRC newbies try too... they use Mint but try and get Ubuntu support for it.
returns to bug triaging
@SomeKittens - best ask mint questions on a mint forum - we cant help you with whatever the mint devs have decided to change in the underlying base code.
What's racist about Mint?
the colour - its green vs purple
I said it before and I say it again - let the mint crowd accept the ubuntu community rules fully - then we can all be one happy family.
But wasn't the ubuntu community declared dead? :-)
stop reading the planet stuff
read mark's reposte
i try but i crave for some drama
then read the phoronix forums - and afterwards stick your head in the proverbial oven
lol @ proverbial oven.
anyway, i need to research on how a community is supposed to work.
its 5pm - bbl - time to wander off home.
@fossfreedom cya!

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