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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

that is handy. you should add that to some question where my answer was don't parse tool output when they talked about an objdump wrapper to just get hex values
I sort of wish I could get a scatterplot of my profile views. You know X being date, Y being minute, each dot being a view, and my chat/question activity being ploted on the same graph overlay.
@fossfreedom Shutter has really improved my answer time ;)
It's awesome.
KDE's screenshot tool is almost as good as Shutter.
Don't remember ever using it.
From there I can grab a rectangular area, save the image, etc.
Eh, shutter is waay better :P
Is @Oli around?
I'm still trying to ask him a question lol.
Maybe I should just ask on meta.
Sorry, I just had a moment when I searched cache for opencl and got youtube-dl but no obvious candidate for opencl-dev. The headers is nice...but that so shouldn't cover the link-step.
@GeorgeEdison I can't believe you posted that FREEBSD comment
@AbrahamVanHelpsing :P
I like pie,
PIE RULES! The dessert world anyway, since you own the human one.
@GeorgeEdison I so meant that in a nice way. Like I was overly amused.
@Seth I was rapidly looking for a pic of a pie staking a flag in a pile of sand.
Pie with ice cream is even better.
oh man
Now I want some
pot pie beats dessert pie all day when it's cold outside
Stomach growls...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing e_e tease!
I can't believe I just said that.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Peas? Really?
Peas contain the same chemical as chocolate that makes your brain think you're in love.
Also, I got that off of Criminal Minds so my sources are suspect, but it's probably true.
Okay, so I'm not a pea fan.
neither am i. but in slush pie with meat, you don't even notice them.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I hate you.
Well it's Kosher if anyone here cares.
@FEichinger Love you too buddy. Let's do lunch.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Screw you! It's 2:30 am and my fridge is empty!
//You're talking to the guy that got angry about someone eating his tacos and contemplated stockpiling MREs.

if (Sympathy == False) {
yerp = True;
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Sympathy == False;
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Now that compiles to true.
i didn't get around to returning yerp. let's assume it's a global
I may have just gone overboard implementing the promise pattern in my C++ project.
Nobody Groove!
Wrong programming language.
(I'm in that kind of mood :P)
Hey, @Oli
I caught you! :P
Not really - I'm standing up and about to walk away
Is bed time!
Wait, this is Pokemod?
Gotta catch em all?
Aww, OK. Well night @Oli!
@Seth Send me an email if you need something because we're never going to cross paths at this rate: [email protected]
I was also thinking, since it applies to your cleanup script, asked a meta question might work. Someone else might be able to answer it.
Aw fun. I need to find a deleted question on some site... any site.
Anyone have a link?
If you need deleted questions scroll back to yesterday with the spam flag massacre
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Oh, I meant any other site. Other than AU.
nope. post something and delete it...
sounds like a bug
@FEichinger someone needs a grenade... and a high camper position
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Have an Internet.
He reminds me of the MS Office assistant..
For the internet award I should have posted cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/35696433.jpg
@Seth He reminds me of the stack unicorn from april fools day
Holy Sheet.
That too.
Codecademy betas a new UI.
And it looks surprisingly good.
It's bugged like hell, but it looks great by now.
How do I get to these betas?
Enable Beta Testing on your settings should do the trick.
I was looking for a pic to put that on, but everything I thought was funny would probably be offensive.

Suffice it to say, A for Effort/Idea -- F for Completion
@FEichinger Here goes...
\r\n all over the code. lol
The entire formatting seems to fail to parse on the new UI.
Submit Code button is still a little off and the lesson instructions are way too long now.
It's supposed to parse properly on Windows?!? Nothing parses properly on Windows anyway... guffaws
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Given that it's browser-based, I'm a little disappointed by that.
Also: \u003C
you got the funny. but yes.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Yeh. But, as you said, A for effort and an F for execution.
that's fair
Instructions should be on the right, directly above the submit code button.
Title, Meta Data and Description can stay on the left.
Hint could be an extra tab on the right, so the right would switch between Instructions and Hint, Either above or below that tabbing thingy the Submit Code button.
Cause right now Submit Code just takes up unnecessary space.
Now, if only the rest of the site was remotely in compliance with the new code UI ...
Cause the change from code UI to track overview is ... weird.
Also: Massive brightness contrast ...
Okay, enough rambling about this, back to the topic of this room, I guess. cough
Just committed revision 100 for NitroShare 0.3.
@GeorgeEdison do you have a testimonials page for NitroShare?
I smell troll askubuntu.com/questions/264103/… - configuration recommendation for a Win 7 in VMware for photoshop and goes out of their way to criticize gimp
I love how it lists system specs (graphics in particular) when talking about a VM ...
Ram and processor are relevant. Video marginally so
Well, ram and processor are relevant if you're asking for a distinct number. I'd recommend a percentage by default.
Does out of the box support hardware acceleration pass-through is the feature I'ld worry about on both video and processor. It just reeks of complaining veiled as a question.
It's one of those questions I honestly just ignore, even if I know the answer.
Rub that against a 1 rep OP and you have...
I know we're supposed to help and all, but geez, the attitude of some people would provoke the worst of answers in me anyways ...
I'm not always pleasant, but I try to find the root of the question and fix the problem. People just don't like to hear the problem is you.
See, I get the whole "I don't have time for gimp" thing. I can't stand gimp either.
But I don't go to a Q&A site and ask "Now help me, this shit pisses me off."
And if I did, I'd pretty much expect the answer to be "Well, how about you just deal with it? We're not Adobe support, for chrissake."
Then say, I must use PS or I'ld prefer to use photoshop.

I've excluded possible answers by saying "I'ld prefer this for these reasons" before.

Just saying "I don't have time for XYZ" is a lot like saying "Come to my house, fix my PC, then crouch down really low so I can kick you in the teeth without expending much effort"
'xactly my point
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I'll look into it.
But I'm the type of person who responds to that offer of a kick in the teeth with an offer of my own. Dumb questions warrant dumb answers and bitchy questions warrant bitchy answers.
Which is exactly why I avoid that type of question.
@RolandiXor thx, but it's probs not worth the time of a full on alien probe. it really rubbed me the wrong way was all.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing ahh okay
thought it was a possible "this may need removal or reprimand" situation.
It's a poor question anyway.
not like last night's undead posts. an isolated intentional or non-intentional troll is not an offense to be crucified.
Nah, it's a "hope for the one person who keeps an ice cube for situations like these". Or in this case probably a full-on ice castle.
Sooo ... totally unrelated topic: As we kinda sorta know the Steambox will run on a linux kernel, how many people do we expect to ask on AU about Steambox issues if and when it's released, thanks to Steam for Ubuntu?
And how long do we expect it to take until a dedicated Steam SE is raised from the depths of Area51?
Cause I also kinda doubt Arqade is gonna be happy about getting even more technical when this thing hits.
@FEichinger I estimate it will take just a few months.
It depends on the question. How do I run Ubuntu on my steambox is as valid as any other how do I run Ubuntu on this retarded restricted platform ( waits for cynicism to stop dripping ). I could be grossly mistaken though. The guys at valve could be epic wrapped in awesome wrapped in beast wrapped in delicious like a turbaconducken
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I don't want Epic wrapped in anything. o.O
And, of course that type of question would be on-topic. I'm more referring to the "I can't get my Steambox to do [X]! They said it uses Linux, so hey guys, ubuntu is linux right?"
(best example I could think of btw: "Can't connect to the Internet." - Seems reasonably easy to happen, and complicated for the "average consumer", and makes "sense" to be asked here in conclusion.)
Also, hello @user121604 who randomly popped up here. Anything we can help you with?
@Seth saw your question in meta: meta.askubuntu.com/questions/6261/… If one looks at things from a "formal" accessibility POV, there are a lot of things that may need fixing. But, nowadays, accessibility doesn't seem to get much attention.
What I was more getting at is it can be either:
a) Pure Awesome the Things that Unicorns are Made from (PATUM)
b) Yet Another Locked hardware Platform (YALP)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing And I was more trying to pun on the fact that you used "epic" in a gaming context .... I think the "o.O" kinda ruined it ...
PATUM vs YALP is totally meme-able.
No. Don't force it.
A meme is created by the combined power of two free-floating unicorns while you stand in a corner and cry.
Do not attempt to disrupt the unicorns or step out of the corner.
It will turn the unicorns into Daleks.
i don't want it to be memed. i'm just saying, it's reduced to meme-able simple-logic.
Oh hush, will you let me finish my rambling first!
@Seth I can see what feel to can edit without permissions :P
If it needs edits, I edit it.
We are hosting help and support for the whole of the English understanding world. Lets make it look nice :)
@Seth agree :)
@Lucio But yes, I do make a lot of small edits.
@Seth I wish to do the same
Q: Are we discouraged from fixing typos and misspellings on Stack Exchange sites?

ravenI just attempted to fix a typo on a question on cooking.stackexchange.com and saw this Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: Your edit summary must be at least 10 characters This edit is less than 6 characters; surely more can be improved with your edit? So, misspelled words have to...

@Lucio Very soon you will be able too :)
@Seth Hey, I have 1 question
Also, if you are fixing the only issue in the post, I don't care how small it is. Even if you have to cheat to get past 6 characters.
Other people will care though :/
@Lucio OK?
Is the Indicator-multiload installed by default in Ubuntu?
Because I have it but don't know if I installed it by my self :)
@jokerdino thanks
no, it's in the archive though
Whoa, @jokerdino beat me too it.
@JorgeCastro Oh, I can see a Roma civil :P
You changed the avatar :)
I can feel more power there..
@Seth to?
@Seth In @JorgeCastro
To answering @Lucio 's question.
@Lucio Ah, well 20k user.
BTW He told me he changed it because its some sports team he likes.
And their season is starting soon.
Also, it will very useful to know what packages are installed by default. Where can I review it?
I'd like to know that too.
I think that this answer should have more upvotes :)
foip? Foot Over Internet Protocol?
Oh lol it's fax
This sound like a silly question but I could not found this on the site:
How can I hide the Time indicator?
Q: How to hide items in Unity's top panel?

EmmySI just updated to Natty and now the default top panel has icons for mail, chat, and power (lock, restart, etc.) In Lucid and Maverick I could just right click on them and remove from panel, but that doesn't seem to work anymore. How can I get rid of these icons? EDITED TO ADD SCREENSHOTS The i...

I found this:
A: How can I remove the default indicators and add custom ones?

izxYou can no longer add/remove indicators or panels by right-clicking like you used to with older Ubuntu versions before 11.10. Warning: The default indicators (messages, networking, power, sound, user accounts, etc.) are tightly integrated with Unity since Ubuntu 11.10, and trying to remove th...

@AmithKK Thanks! anyway
sudo apt-get remove indicator-datetime
@AmithKK no, no :S
I guess you can use gconf
BTW @AmithKK how are you?
I'm fine @Lucio Thanks for asking
Well.. Whenever I see your name, My brain autocompletes it to Lucario :P
The school?
@AmithKK WTF? haha
Today's the results :P
@Lucio Too much Pokemon
@AmithKK exciting time :)
@AmithKK Oh, I see.. is not my culture, though.
@AmithKK okok
I won't harm you :)
I think lucario's pretty cool :P
In the likes of Mew and MewTwo
@AmithKK Could you take a look at the Ubuntu Regulator Room?
I found a dupe
I marked it :P
@AmithKK Thank you!
np :P
I see a future young mod..
> Unity's moving away from Compiz...
It's Qt @GeorgeEdison \o/
> May 2013: Target of having a first level/functional integration of Mir & UnityNext
@AmithKK thank god
to see
chat rep..
Ah, there we go.
@Seth I think that this question need a little of customization
Errg. Just used up all my votes for the day.
@Lucio Looks like a good answer though.
@Seth Yeah, my answer is what the OP need. But the Time thing is ridiculously, it should be gone but.. is him question at the end :)
@Seth I can see that you have been using the downvote more than usual :P
Oh god I need good luck :P
@AmithKK haha, I understand you :)
I think that this post is rolling over and over again in the review queue. No one know very well what to do with it and just press Skip.
really? facebook?
@AmithKK That page show you how it works :P
@AmithKK o_O Now I can see were your avatar come from
@Lucio deviantart :P
I like that site
Anyone know how to customize the startup (before login but after boot) images?
I mean for this question
@AmithKK I know by now: When you are in a chat in facebook, you paste a image link there but you never see an image (viceversa here). Well, with this software you enter a picture there, it give you a code, paste the code into the chat and you will se tha picture in the chat.
How is it making that code...
it doesn't work with .GIF
doesn't that mean that it's making accoungs?
for each part of the link
better now :)
@AmithKK what link? there are pictures and codes, no link :)
yeah code :P
but it is a link :P
@AmithKK A link to where do you mean?
some profile pic
'cause it is not linking to another server
@AmithKK exactly that doesn't happen
do you knwo RGB?
That is pure code, no more :)
and not less
The virtual images contain code, not all of them works in the same way but the major..
if you share a common code, you can share the pictures..
@AmithKK Bye, and good luck with your test :)
tell me about it later
results lol
@RolandiXor: Back now. No testimonials page at this exact time but expect to see one soon!
1 hour later…
Night all.
1 hour later…
self answers are great! up-vote! askubuntu.com/a/264196/10698
@Alvar Indeed. It's nice when people return from the void to follow up. ;-)
Then I can be less sad...
It's true! Drive-by questions are frustrating.
2 hours later…
Hello :)
All these "Windows 8 gone after installing Ubuntu" is because we are working at a definite fix for bug #1
o/ @jrg - munching sandwiches here - good day to you and hi @Takkat
foodless lunch here. Waiting for afternoon items.
howdy @fossfreedom.
food trolley visits ... usually empty by the time they reach us :(
I was just about to ask to send them over to us, but we don't feed on empty trolleys.
some light reading - made me smile and think ubuntu is still great! networkworld.com/community/node/82565
food trolley? like, a guy with a little cart comes by your cube and sells you food?
because if so, I'm borring that awesome idea.
@jrg yep ... food is ok - not sure about his colourful apron though.
we need that at work. or at the very least, a water boiler and a stock of oatmeal/other food in the office. us IT people really don't get fed. :-P
<-- Coke and Chocolate must suffice
we don't even have that. :-P
There is a little shop selling almost everything here. They charge double because the next shop is a mile away.
<-- does not want ot eat a toothbrush
What's with the qt based Unity and the new gen display server? O_O
@jokerdino if the devs pulls it off - then it will be a massive gain for ubuntu-on-all things.
IF though ...
it has upset masses of people though.
i'll give them a benefit of doubt.
@fossfreedom it upset my inner peace with the project
now, i feel like picking up qt
I'm still getting my head around GTK.
Gtk and Qt. :/
Havent found though a nice "coverflow" code example that I can "borrow" from for my rhythmbox plugin.
... well anything like that written in python.
I think someone has to start somewhere :P
And they are hoping on you.
far too much mathematics involved ... makes my brain hurt.
Also, is Ubuntu making new qt apps for the desktop version now?
well its claimed any gtk stuff will run - so I presume QT porting isnt necessary.
they don't have a working version of anything, do they?
what they have isnt much to look at - at least at the moment.
I dont think I have great expectations from this work. Expecting them to be mediocre.
dunno - the ideas are great. Action speaks louder though.
Haha, yep.
@jokerdino I would assume the stock applications are slowly moved to Qt/KDE equivilents but I have no basis for that other than to say it would simplify the selection of UI toolkits where space is premium (eg the CD)...
Yeah, it seems they are expecting gradual adoption of Qt5 with regards to desktop apps.
I presume kubuntu guys are happy since its all QT related. Wonder what the xubuntu and lubuntu crowds will do though.
Kubuntu guys aren't happy with the rolling release idea though.
Someone is mad about something. :>
Q: Are list type questions allowed on this site?

AshRjThere are quite a few list type questions that are present in the site. Are these type of questions alright and/or encouraged ?

all - is this really ontopic here - where is the ubuntuness in this Q? askubuntu.com/questions/230647/…
i think he is running the VM in Ubuntu
doesnt make it on-topic - I could be running windows in a VM in ubuntu ... should I start asking about graphics capabilities of the windows VM?
no idea.
@fossfreedom I'd probably err towards it being on-topic. It's pretty niche but it's just about ubuntuey-enough to count IMO
That an the OP is willing to put 300 rep on the line to get a good answer.
I dont see the connection - sure - I'll let it slide - but I'm not convinced.
... bit like the meta I suppose - and I would read that as off-topic = meta.askubuntu.com/questions/2867/…
Well I suspect any answer would be about getting whatever the VM system is to look at the discrete graphics card instead of the running one and that's all host-side (which is Ubuntu here). It's more of an Optimus-plus-VM than Android.
kk - he is going to be disappointed I suspect - if optirun doesnt cut it with virtualbox - then no joy
Q: What plugins are recommended for Vim?

QeoqleAs a PHP developer what plugins should I install for Vim? What functionalities I can expect from Vim?

How is that for ontopicness?
debate/vague/list could all apply to that.
Q: Changing Vim editor settings?

Akas AntonyHow do I change default settings of Vim editor such as setting auto indent, setting Tab space to 4 and changing text colors? Also how to set vim as the default code editor?

What's with all the vim questions on AU?
never used it - use geany myself.
I used to use Vim. Slowly migrating myself over to Sublime Text 2 no thanks to @Oli.
*This one* is a bad infinite-listy question but we've always had overlap with other sites. This would probably fare better on programmers.SE but it's on-topic.
Whether or not it's a good enough question is something else.
I guess it can be one of the several thousand questions residing here.
@jokerdino yikes $70 to buy that!
Q: What different desktop environments and shells are available?

Amith KK This question exists as it fills a specific criteria. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on Ask Ubuntu and will likely be closed per the FAQ. More information on the software-recommendation tag. What d...

this is sane right?
@fossfreedom yeah, I am saving up to buy it.
Currently on infinite evaluation.
@AmithKK maybe
@fossfreedom Yeah it's a pretty hefty investment but you can trial it forever (with increasingly annoying reminders)
Any one knows if Asus GeForce 210 Silent graphic card works with Ubuntu?
@Oli how annoying - one popup an hour / daily/ weekly ?
One every 50 saves I think.
@Oli ST3 is not available for trial :/
I am stuck with ST2 at the moment.
@jokerdino No it will be when it's later in the beta process - it's only available to ST2/3 purchasers atm.
@Oli ah right. That is so much more better.
And I can't imagine I'll upgrade my license until I get fed up of ST2 running on Python 2.5 (it doesn't have list-comprehensions in its syntax so thinks `{f.name: f for f in list_of_fs}` is sqwonky)... And that doesn't annoy me that much.

For once in my life I have an editor that does everything I want, pretty much the way I want it to. It's an odd sensation.
That's not good.
Do you have any idea what the OP wants to say in the last paragraph:
Q: LiveUSB does not work

JTOBI made a LiveUSB stick by following the instructions from this site. I booted to the LiveUSB with my other PC and got the Ubuntu installation screen with the following options: run from USB, install to hard disk, test memory, boot from first hard disk, advanced options and help It gives me 5...

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