our professor wants us to make an algorithm to extract registration number from random images of cars. I have 4 days. and not a soul I know of made any progress.
I have a web site that allows users to upload images of cars and I would like to put a privacy filter in place to detect registration plates on the vehicle and blur them.
The blurring is not a problem but is there a library or component (open source preferred) that will help with finding a licen...
ANPR is what you need to look out for though most solutions are going to give you lovely imaging libraries you can drop in to analyse images, they're not going to help you too much writing your own.
Yeah, redemption. I'll do python and C and Ocaml for redemption, to repent the sins I may commit all summer with Java
Since last week, My vocab is failing me. Both in english and Telugu. And I dont speak much hindi these days. May be its just stress. I was such an eloquent speaker..
@Mahesh instruct you with hate thoughts about humans, clone you, equip you all with spiked clubs and let you loose in the middle of an empty huge cage. observe your frustration rise and despair take over when you realize all was done for my own pleasure...
De hecho, voy a escribir un muro de texto para usted. Tal declaración sincera como la suya merece el más profundo de gracias desde el fondo de nuestros corazones. Mi querido amigo, lo que nos han dicho es tan significativo, ojalá otros puedan leerlo. Es como un poema para nosotros, es como el agua que fluye en un río tranquilo, una experiencia relajante que calienta el corazón y calma el alma!
No hay una cantidad de gracias que se pueden resumir nuestros sentimientos de gratitud a usted! Si cada uno tenía un amigo como tú, el mundo sería un lugar mucho mejor. Sin embargo, no todo el mundo es este tipo, por lo que el mundo permanece en el estado que decimos hoy. Pero no se desanime! No te preocupes! Viene un tiempo donde todo el mundo va a experimentar el amor de un amigo como usted. Sabemos que un día la verdadera amistad de los amigos de verdad será revelada a todos.
En aquel día, el mundo verá la paz verdadera, significativa y todos serán felices, oh amigo.
@Rinzwind I was doing what happened to me the other day - this guy on G+ went off in Serbian or Turkish (was it?) about world issues and how meaningful what I said was... or something...
I used Google Translate because I read spanish better than I speak it :P
Here is an example of what I said:
There is no amount of thanks that can sum up our feelings of gratitude to you! If every one had a friend such as you, the world would be a much better place. However, not everyone is this kind, so the world remains in the state we say today. But take heart! Worry not! A time is coming where everyone will experience the love of a friend such as yourself. We know that one day the true friendship of the true friends will be revealed to us all.
In that day, the world will see true, meaningful peace, and all will be happy, oh friend.
after i updated my system with apt-get upgrade i rebooted and landed at the grub> promt. I wasn't able to set any root and booted always to kernel panic. I then started a live cd and used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair. After i used this tool i now get
error: out of disk
error: c...
@RolandiXor lol you want an ubuntu phone? at your own peril, have fun with that... nothing against Ubuntu but it's a desktop/laptop OS and always will be in my mind :P
I'm looking for the memtest option on the 64 bit version of 12.04 live cd, but the only options I have are "Try without install", "Install", and "Check disk for defects". What am I missing?