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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

Tempted to leave all but the spam/offensive flags for the new guys.
Should we be mean @takkat?
we are mean - why?
OK, I'll ignore the non-spam flags for the next two weeks then. ;-)
That is mean.
They will only use spam flags then - C H A O S :P
@jrg Why!!?!?!?!?!?
Because I want to show the new mods how many flags we get.
@jrg Oh Good.
I'm super tired after testing 9 hours of 12.04.2 images.
does this read there is nothing exciting to them?
@jrg careful ... they might all resign on mass ;)
@fossfreedom its in the mod agreement that you can't. ;-)
we'll break them in slowly ... then just break them.
I will not be your valentine.
Don't have a choice @Roland. :-)
that's in the mod agreement too.
@RolandiXor ... just hugs then.
@RolandiXor did you make it to the town hall meeting yesterday?
@Gui yep
How did it go?
I ate the SE employees.... but I didn't pick my teeth.
(Unthinkable, I know!)
@RolandiXor lol... ok...
 y= x++ - --x+ --y ++x-y;
that gives me a type error
add spaces and brackets
ah ok thanks
hello ppl...
@AmithKK ... if you are feeling brave - post that on SO ... they'll explain the compiler behaviour.
@fossfreedom lol
18 hours uptime today.
for me
how would I figure out if I had any errors while installing 12.10? I currently get no launcher, no top menu, no nothing. not even the update manager popup thing at the start... Which file am I to look for at /var/log... presuming that is the right place to look
Q: Unity doesn't load, no Launcher, no Dash appears

jrgWhen I login, nothing happens. I am presented with my desktop wallpaper. No Dash, no Launcher, nothing.

--^ or just reinstall - faster than spending hours trying to figure stuff out.
@fossfreedom don't have it on usb or dvd... possible via terminal?... also spending time figuring things out could be fun...
@gertvdijk will check it out. Thanks... was looking at a bunch of similar questions... did not see this one though
This isn't really true. Traditional Japanese is written in columns, from top to bottom and right to left. Modern Japanese is in rows, but those go from left to right. Looking at the original Super Mario Brothers Japanese manual, it looks like they expected gamers to read the latter more comfortably: legendsoflocalization.com/media/super-mario-bros/manuals/…Plutor yesterday
@EliahKagan yeah they "expected" gamers to read that more comfortably.. I ended up thinking I had some eye problem... MOM!! I CAN'T SEE THE LETTERS HOW DO I JUMP!!
@ShyamK many times it is a Xorg/Video card problem. If you happen to have an Nvidia video card, then bingo, you need an update for that
Good night
@gertvdijk did everything on that page... no good... still just the desktop... It shows Unity is enabled ad all that too...
Oh and by the way it doesn't detect my touch pad buttons... so no mouse clicks... :(
@LuisAlvarado Yup... Nvidia... current doing that... shitty internet connection is causing it to take ages
Try to do that, in all cases for me it has fixed my issues.
k... looking into it
Is google Chrome reallby based on the open source Chromium? @EliahKagan
@Alvar yes
What's different?
@Seth isn't it the other way around?!
> Google Chrome is made possible by the Chromium open source project and other open source software.
chrome://chrome/ <- About Chrome page
Chromium is the base, which Google has tinkered with to make Chrome.
@ShyamK hu... didn't know that..
(just hit the about button in chrome for windows)
@Alvar My understanding is, there is little difference. People can take Chromium and make a custom browser, but Chrome is only Google's.
@Seth yeah that makes sence
Examples of browser based on Chromium: Iron and Flock
hence the names Google Chrome and Chromium... There are different renditions of Chromium like Comodo Dragon, Rockmelt(FB intergration)
i remember when flock was a firefox-based browser.
ah, them were the days
It was good then.
the golden age.
After they switched to Chromium it always wanted my FB login (which I don't have). Every browser close!
before you hippies got all tied up using webkit.
Gecko Rules!
On another note:
Q: How can I change what keys on my keyboard do?

SethI want to change the key bindings on some of the keys on my keyboard. I want some to run commands and others to activate different keys. What applications can I use to do this? NOTE: This is an attempt at making a canonical question. Please contribute by editing and or answering! ...

long live Gecko and Presto.
I'm going to throw some rep on that question in 5 hours.
is that Xmodmap @Seth?
xmodmap would count :D
I want any way you could possibly do it.
ok, i'll consider tossing my xmodmap up there.
Great :)
so when i claim i use stock, i guess i don't really.
it's a little extensive.
@Mechanicalsnail First: It's not my blog. Anyway, while I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think screenshots count for the license. Could be wrong.
@Seth oh yeah, that was good.
I can't find a user named "Chuck Norris"...
he's destroyed
I guess so :)
wonder what happened to Cuil, they were one of the first companies that I wanted to buy stock in. :(
that's why the !whois shows the google dns admin.
i wonder if i could interview the founders, that should be interesting.
uh-oh, what happend.
oh, that. fun.
If it sounds like a challenge, it's because it just might be! :P
oh sweet.
Well I don't game.. so you guys are on your own :P
The comments here just make me go -_-..............................................................
teaches me to stick where I'm comfortable?
good grief.
I've had a mixed experience myself.
It's like "You are a noob. Let us show you how you really want to ask your question and just to be sure, let's suggest you ask your question on chat".
yeah, I know.
The atmosphere on SO is different.
And you must admit it needs to be.
I'm almost afraid to ask my second question O_o.
@RolandiXor What is it?
I asked a couple dumb questions, but people were (for the most part) nice.
Oh yes, the beauty of SO.
I don't see how that is against the FAQ either...
@Seth I'll link it now
Q: How do I get two modal dialogues in one page to work?

RolandiXorI have two modal dialogues in my webpage, using Twitter-bootstrap, but only one of them works. Here is the code: <a href="#format" role="button" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="format">Phone and Email</a> <div id="format" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" ar...

@Seth You mean my including details of what I know and don't know ;)?
no, the whole question...
Oh :)
@GeorgeEdison :D!
<--- is happy to see you :)
@RolandiXor JohnConde is correct. Questions soliciting lists of software solutions are discouraged here. And your experience is irrelevant. The purpose of your question is to provide a reference for anybody with a similar problem, not to provide a solution specific to you. You could have asked "What is a good PHP CMS for somebody with little PHP experience" but that would still be off-topic for Stack Overflow. — meagar 14 mins ago
Can I respectfully say, bull?
I won't even bother to reply...
I thought the purpose of my question was to get an answer, and in the process of doing so, to be of use others in the future.
Excluding me is a slap in the face, honestly.
"Don't ask your questions here, since you don't matter!"
No, obviously you're only allowed to ask approved canonical questions on SO now.
Well, I know where I won't be going.
I can recommend some PHP CMS solutions though.
If you're looking to do more of the work yourself, CakePHP might be an option. Otherwise, perhaps something like Drupal?
I found concrete5.org thanks to the single answer on my question.
Oh, okay.
@GeorgeEdison would it be possible to attach an existing site to Drupal?
I have little experience with CMSs outside of WP, because I'm so accustomed to being the only one who needs to do the editing :)
That kinda depends on the site.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing not. You could easily just have the two sites running separately and use links to tie them together.
I just need something that will allow other members of our team to edit sections of the site.
Here's an idea...
How about setting up MediaWiki?
But since I've already put something together, and have a deadline (this coming week), I have to move carefully.
@GeorgeEdison This.
@GeorgeEdison because of the kind of site it is and the lack of experience in the team I can't do that :S
Are you absolutely sure? MediaWiki is incredibly easy to set up.
It would be the quickest option by a long shot.
MediaWiki is the most simplistic CMS you're gonna find for that purpose, I'm afraid.
In terms of setting it up and introducing people to it, that is.
Anyways ... I'm back to thinking up parser logic ...
Speaking of MediaWiki... someone has started spamming the OpenTracks wiki again...
@GeorgeEdison the problem is that I'm using bootstrap...
I have two wikis - one enforces login via OpenID and the other does not.
And I already have a lot in place
@RolandiXor I wonder if there is a Bootstrap them for MediaWiki...
@GeorgeEdison SOOOOO by this suggestion I'm guessing it is okay to bug you a lot with questions until I get something working, right? ;)
If I'm around, sure.
I wan to try Concrete5 first though, because that is said to be built for the job.
Kinda sucks that I'm the only "tech guy" on the team though :S
Hmm... I'm torn...
I get confused/distracted/nervous too easily :P
user image
That is so sweet!
Ooooh, "OUT OF THE WHEELCHAIR!@!!!" made it to the blog.
I need a tissue!
Oh, and "Yes, really." as well. Awesome.
@JorgeCastro: I have a comment for you over here:
@JorgeCastro: Is this the best way to edit it? I understand why, but shouldn't the earlier version of the answer be kept as an alternative? — Aditya 13 mins ago
That was weird... my server suddenly just stopped responding over SSH.
...and a few minutes later, just came back to life.
@luis if you can update your answer here, that'd be great! askubuntu.com/questions/129664/…
Now it's frozen again.
Is it doing something intensive?
sounds like a puts shades on ssh world problem takes shades off
What the...?
i686-w64-mingw32-g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.
I managed to crash g++???
You should be proud...
...or not,
Restarting the make process seems to have worked.
Should this be considered an answer? (Wrong answers are still answers. But I'm wondering if the author really intended to present this as something that answers the question.)
A: Intel Core i3 CPU is not 64 bit?

user182767I know I'm late to the discussion here, but I think the question pertains more to which ISO to download. On Ubuntu's download page it states if you have a 64 bit Intel processor to download the 32-bbit image, not the AMD64 image. Which would lead one to believe either a.) 64 Bit Intel process...

I've almost reached the point where I'm ready to say "forget it" and just use MXE.
well then say forget it and just use MXE.
Not until the next compiler error.
If it actually were to succeed for some strange reason, that would be preferable.
It's still going strong... although it doesn't seem to notice my OpenSSL libraries.
@jokerdino Yay UTT :D
Q: How to print the percentage of disk use from `df -hl`

user32398I know that df -hl outputs a list of all my partitions with its size, use in %, and space available. If I wanted to output just the size and use in % of sda2 and sda3, for example, how could I tell Linux (Ubuntu) to check them, sum them and show them to me?

@jrg hi left answer here askubuntu.com/questions/129664/… as it is will come back later to finish battery is almost dead
@Aditya the site is like wikipedia, if something goes out of date you fix it.
it keeps the revisions for people who care about the old stuff
@JorgeCastro I am in double mind. Look at this comment:
I am a bit confused now. I understand your point, but if I completely agree with you, then we shouldn't have multiple answers to the question then. I mean all the other 4 answers should get deleted. — Aditya 12 mins ago
vote accordingly, I did!
or flag them to be removed
Are you sure?
what do you mean am i sure?
the information is wrong
we don't leave wrong information on the site
Those information are not wrong
Just that it isn't practically applicable
emphasis: practically
shrug, the top answer is correct, the other ones not so much.
when things change and things that used to be right are now wrong we fix them
Alright... leave this topic
It doesn't make sense to tell users to try some hack to get windows programs running on ubuntu when they could use the real thing.
But, I am pretty exited about this feature/policy of Stack Exchange Network
Q: What other changes will I see moving from Ubuntu 12.04 to community versions of Red Hat Linux like Scientific Linux?

Ricardo AltamiranoI'm considering moving my main laptop from Ubuntu 12.04, or another recent version, to one of the community versions of Red Hat Linux, most likely Scientific Linux 6.3. These are the changes I'm expecting initially: Different user interface. Scientific Linux uses a version of Gnome 2, while Ubu...

@Marco.. Leave the topic... I anyways, support the edit and people may have a look at edit history if they wish... Cheers!!! :) — Aditya 23 secs ago
It seems to be a special situation as well, it's not everyday that a supported method comes along and wipes out all the others the others as "the best".
kickstarter.com/projects/155163930/… <-- Looks awesome. Is hella expensive. Could easily be done on your own. Looks awesome.
@mateo_salta yup... thats why the exitement ;)
@FEichinger ah a table with built in cable routing
we should be proud to remove that stuff
Pretty much, yeh.
because STEAM IS HERE.
I think I would start gaming now...
I was going to offer a 50 rep bounty on my question askubuntu.com/questions/253751/… but, when I select the 'start a bounty' option, the lowest rep that I am allowed to offer is 100. The FAQ states that I should be able to offer anywhere between 50 and 500 bounty. Is the FAQ wrong, or do different rules apply to one's first bounty offer? Or, am I missing something else?
did you file a bounty on it before?
if you did you have to offer double the next time around
Nope. This is the first offer.
I can offer 50 on it.
@MarcoCeppi sorry about the direct email earlier, I was in a bit of a mind frazzle and didn't remember which email to send it to.
(I really need to get myself a secretary/partner/something).
@RolandiXor my own email is fine, it all goes to the same place for the most part
Cool, I just like to be more "professional" :P
@FEichinger Odd. I can start 50 rep bounties on other questions but not mine. Ah well. I may wait a couple more days and offer it. No big deal.
@RolandiXor just send emails.
today, is a good day, to die inside the file of text we call EMAIL.
@JorgeCastro and maybe i'll finally get around to playing a game on steam.
i played portal for a little bit, but that was pretty much it.
installing steam now.
@RolandiXor you don't need a secretary, you are supposed to be mine.
@GeorgeEdison Which MXE? This? this?
@Mechanicalsnail i'm laughing. really hard.
either one would work for him, after a certain point of trying to get g++ to work, i'm sure the latter sounds attractive.
@maggotbrain The minimum bounty is 100 for questions you have an answer to. This is to discourage giving a bounty to attract attention to your own answer.
Interesting. So, if I had placed the bounty first, I could have done it for 50 rep and then posted my 'solution'? Is that in the FAQ?
To be honest my solution is rather awkward and hackish and was looking for better answers.
Not to show it off. ;-)
I wonder if you could delete it, post the bounty, then undelete it ...
Or if it still counts as "answer exists" in that case ...
I could try it out of curiosity, I guess.
I don't want to be seen as gaming the system, either.
Finding out how to game the system is the first step to getting it fixed.
Well, after deleting my answer, the bounty stays at a 100 minimum. I'll just roll with a 100 rep bounty.
anyone know about changing key bindings?
Q: How can I change what keys on my keyboard do?

SethI want to change the key bindings on some of the keys on my keyboard. I want some to run commands and others to activate different keys. What applications can I use to do this? NOTE: This is an attempt at making a canonical question. Please contribute by editing and or answering! ...

there we go. 100 rep on that.
I must be doing something wrong:
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:15069: Warning: end of file not at end of a line; newline inserted
{standard input}:16007: Error: number of operands mismatch for `sar'
i686-w64-mingw32-g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See <http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.
I keep managing to crash some part of GCC.
@GeorgeEdison Have you ever set up an event handler to fire an event when a new DOM element is added?
Hmm... possibly.
I'm looking at this right now: stackoverflow.com/a/11546242/1727263
IMO its a lot harder than it should be.
I was also looking at jQuery's .on()..
Event handling usually is quite complicated.
oh you said that right.
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