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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@Seth ok. i was going to show him the youtube cookie maybe link. not appropriate in the townhall room
@AbrahamVanHelpsing sup buddy
in Ask Ubuntu Town Hall Chat, 1 min ago, by Amith KK
Can suspended users give bounties?
@AmithKK hey you sup sup
He's given a bounty
A: Is there a way I can rename Trash to Crap?

Amith KKYeah, you can abuse the translations system to do this. Make a temporary text file using gedit gedit /tmp/foo.po and enter this text it: msgid "Trash" msgstr "Crap" Change to /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES And then apply changes sudo msgfmt...

onto this question
that I answered
You sure that bounty wasn't started before he got suspended?
What will happen of the bounty?
@LuisAlvarado youtube.com/watch?v=-qTIGg3I5y8 in relation to your cookie monster pic earlier
@FEichinger It was
Wow, i would think no. cause you know.. he is suspended ^^. maybe is a bug? Oh well, thats the points he has anyway
He probably can't assign it, so it will be the usual expired thing, no?
My question is, can he give the bounty to someone while he's suspended.
@FEichinger I guess @mods can intervene
yeah share it maybe lollll
@AmithKK no - he has only read-only rights.
A: Audio and Lock-Screen Hotkeys broken

user130786Hi i encountered the same problem myself an after many hours of head scratching i found a solution that work for me: The problem for me was in dconf so i installed dconf-tools in terminal: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools then launch dconf-editor navigate to org->gnome->setting-daemon...

He says "Hi" and "bye"
@AbrahamVanHelpsing you know, I had about a year looking for that song (the real one). I thought it was pink that sang that
i don't think so
There is another song similar but I don't remember who made it, I know it had fireworks and stuff
Carly Ray Jepsen? maybe
Yeah Carly Ray, first time I hear her name lol, but I heard the song and just got stuck on my head
is chat still buggy for anyone?
That looks nice
Kinda slow on this end.
@AmithKK ah much better.
Well guys take care
gonna go for a jog
Ah, I'll go study now
@JorgeCastro the next time - you ARE running for mod.
I've got over 10k, I'm basically a mod already
rents clothes and falls to his knees in agony
lol afk
@JorgeCastro :(
you'd win before it began :P
@JorgeCastro you'ld get supervotes
He will run because will kidnap him and give him the moderator serum O_O...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing supervotes suck
shudders at the thought of the side effects
I depend on the other 4 people to keep me in check.
good point there
That's a fair point. I was pointing out something that would be different. I'm not on the "we demand you be a mod" side of the argument. You notice I didn't put my hat in the running. Not that I would have won, but I might have been a convenient distraction.
Hey, I got an email from andyking at google dot com. Is it a scam?
> I found your details on stack over flow while looking for engineers with Ubuntu skills. I found your details interesting due to your experience working as an Ubuntu power user. I think that we might have opportunities here at Google that could be interesting to you and use UNIX skills you have.
@jokerdino Yes. It is
Got me interested and stuff. Damn
first, it's not me. second, any self respecting linux user knows it's unix-like...it's not unix.
i'm alternately proud and shamed that my name is used in a scam email.
I've gotten one of those before. Delete it.
Yeah, I was sure it was scam. Who thinks I have enough skills to work at Google? Hah.
They have to hire humans. We can't all be robots.
All I'm saying is don't be scared to fail. Be scared not to try.
What's that supposed to mean? Try and see?
No. I was responding to your "Who thinks I have enough skills to work at Google? Hah."
Oh that.
Definitely don't reply to that email.
Yeah, so you already haz my email. That's not it.
well, you are Andrew. Not Andy.
I'd report it to Google if he really has a google.com address.
he got my @ubuntu.com email add. Not sure how.
I sort of doubt it. And it's probably linked to something somewhere. A package commit. Or a blog post. Or something
Package commits probably.
Anyone else still getting "Trouble connecting to our sever" errors?
it lagged out for me but recovered
hmm okay
@Seth I only see that when I am out and about on my Kindle.
Okay, maybe it's fixed now
It still glitches out once in a while... they were having trouble.
@jrg the OP of this wanted it closed as a duplicate of this if you're around.
@Seth What was up in the comments there? Something happen after I deleted my dup comment?
check the revision history.
The OP edited in a rather offensive message about how it wasn't a duplicate
and editing a question after it is closed puts it in the re-open queue.
I happen to be the first to see it and tried to take it in hand.
Yikes. ;-) I missed that. Thanks. Mom's always taught me to say "Please. Excuse me, and thank you."
She never mentioned anything about "But, mom! This isn't a dupe! Wharbleharrrrr!"
Good catch, man.
It didn't turn out bad.
someone called me.
37 mins ago, by Seth
@jrg the OP of this wanted it closed as a duplicate of this if you're around.
hey, when did you get 3K?
high five man
Thanks :D
It was last week sometime...
i missed it, so congrats
yeah, nagios is starting to annoy me.
uh, no.
Ah, nvm.
dumb me :(
Anyway, this isn't new, but Javascript is starting to annoy me.
I have a nice little setup that monitors my two laptops, my print server, my website, my company website, a few open source projects, etc.
whenever one of them blips, i get a text, multiple emails, and a lot of red alert sounds from Star Trek.
if i could somehow write something that would alert me when my SE inbox got to a number greater than 2, i'd do it.
ooh, that would be cool.
I bet GE could do it.
he can manage anything.
On another note:
My fame is (almost) sealed!
@JorgeCastro: So the answer I got from Canonical about offering training and certification was "we don't offer training right now, as long as you don't infringe on the trademark... you're ok".
so that means I need to go read those things about 40-60 times, and then send a one-line email to your trademark team that asks some silly question, and then i'm ok.
You mean the shiny blue diamond can't solve all problems! Then the world will end! :O
can't solve all of them, although it sure helps.
Hey guys
Anyone think this answer is worth an upvote?
Sorry guys, connected to Askubuntu using Windows. That's why there is so much lag ^^
Silence is the lack of audible sound or presence of sounds of very low intensity. By analogy, the word silence can also refer to any absence of communication, including in media other than speech. Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to non verbal communication and spiritual connection. Silence also refers to no sounds uttered by anybody in a room or area. Silence is an important factor in many cultural spectacles, as in rituals. In discourse analysis, speakers use brief absences of speech to mark the boundaries of prosodic units. Silence in speech can be hesitation...
Q: What reason could Nintendo have had for putting the A and B buttons the wrong way round?

UrbycozWhen Nintendo brought out it's first game system, the NES, it had a controller with four buttons: Select Start A B However, somewhere, a designer, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the A and B buttons should not be in alphabetical order. So the B button was placed to the left of the A. ...

Man, I'd be like a 500k user if I used UX
@Seth Japanese is written right to left. Don't be a bunch of idiots.
@Seth please do not post links that make me feel like throwing the computer away, grabbing my still working nintendo and playing Zelda 2, Metroid and Megaman 2..3..4..5..6
@AbrahamVanHelpsing lol?
@LuisAlvarado lol
didn't linus rant about how SUSE required root to do anything?
@jrg yeah. with the printer
I mean lol, if Ubuntu did that, believe me, I would have lost a bunch of people
@Seth Nintendo Japanese company right? So alphabetically in order it would by zyx etc left to right. So B A is in order... was just saying
Its's Linus though.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing yes I understand.
well, let me tell you, Fedora is doing that do me right now.
only for the printers though, wifi, datetime, etc is ok
@maggotbrain I don't think LO4 will make it until 13.04...
and I don't see why it would break anything.
@jrg some things are more difficult than they need to be on the fedora/rhel/centos side of the house
for crying out loud, let me run CUPS.
the CUPS you installed, i might add, Mr. Fedora.
Speaking of that... we have a tag
@Seth I don't think it would be much of a problem either. It works on my 10 machines as it stands. I was mainly asking for folks who are against installing outside of the standard repos or compiling from source. Good answer, btw.
playing devil's advocate, I guess.
ah, OK.
You're fine anyway :)
Yep. Installed it last night with no issues. That's all that really matters, right? ;-)
at the moment, yes ;)
Anyone here know about changing key bindings?
@Seth Want to do some testing?
@smartboyhw Are you talking about key bindings or something else?
@Seth Something else
12.04.2 testing needed:P
Okay, well what kind of testing?
@Seth ISO Testing:P
Well, depending on what I need to do, I can. Dinner time at the moment.
@Seth ok
ISO testing as in checking if it downloaded correctly?
or it got compressed correctly?
@Seth No, to check it actually installs Ubuntu
Anyone using Google Chrome, please look at this: How do I redirect Google Chrome Logs out of my kern.log. OP is getting too many entries relating to the browser in kern.log. Does that happen for other Chrome users? Doesn't happen for me.
@vasa1 Did you see my message about Retext?
@Seth, I did but responding properly would take me quite sometime and so I ducked.
em OK.
That's not what you wanted?
you can just answer yes/no
@Seth, in brief, no. I wanted to know how to make a text file into a format that would open in Retext when double-clicked even if the file were not created by ReText.
ah, now I see.
Not sure that's possible, but I'll look :)
Damn Testdrive is hell better than VirtualBox
oh, back now @smartboyhw
@Seth, I even looked at /usr/share/mime/packages/x-retext-markdown.xml and /usr/share/mime/packagesx-retext-rst.xml for clues but gave up after a while!
I haven't given up yet ;)
1 hour ago, by Seth
Anyone here know about changing key bindings?
@Seth, can you associate it with the .MD file extension?
@smartboyhw I have like 10 minutes. How do I do this?
@jrg I'm not sure.
@jrg Retext uses .mkd by default.
I haven't ever associated a file type with an application in Linux yet..
sounds like it will be a fun ride..
^^^ <--- Got a third eye!!
Cool. :-)
where's my easy button...
So much for a fun ride :-(
@vasa1 Was that what you wanted --^ ?
If I run cd Documents; touch test.mkd it opens in Retext now
@Seth, I'll take a look.
Right Click --> Properties
@jrg So answer is yes I think. Testing now.
where's your Github page...
I'm @jrgifford on ze githubs.
Yeah I know :)
@jrg Looks like it opens those by default.
It did for me.
Cool, I should use it more often.
It's awesome. Esp. because it has live preview.
@Seth I'm still having problems :( I can't remember how many times in the past I drafted a question for Ask Ubuntu on the subject and then gave up.) To put it politely, I must be doing something "different". But it's no biggie. I can use ReText just fine including the side-by-preview etc. It's the file extension/association bit that I need to work on.
@vasa1 I don't see where your problem comes in. What happens? Didn't setting Retext as the default for .mkd do anything?
In other words: What are your "problems" exactly?
Does Retext glitch?
Is it related to this:
Q: How do I add parameters to programs launched from Lubuntu's Application Launch Bar?

vasa1I've just started trying out Lubuntu 12.04. I know I can edit ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml to assign keyboard shortcuts to open programs with certain parameters. For example, I can specify that Ctrl+Alt+T opens lxterminal with a certain size like this: <!-- Launch a terminal on Ctrl + Al...

@Seth, I promise to make a systematic effort to describe my "problems" and I'll ping you when I do so, by tomorrow tops! And no, it isn't related. I just fixed some formatting in that question because I had posted it when I wasn't that used to Ask Ubuntu and markdown.
Okay then. I'll wait for your problem :)
Anyone here?
@Seth still 'ere
@Seth, could you please open another "chat room" for my "problem" with ReText? That way, it would be easier for me to follow. I'm on Indian Standard Time, so I fully appreciate that things will be slowish. On the other hand, if you're also a member of ubuntuforums.org, we could do things there because the markdown in Chat is a bit restrictive in terms of length and formatting. I'm quite comfortable there.
hello. good morning
anyone here?
@Anwar hey
how are you?
Good morning o/
@Takkat o/
long time no speak, how are things @Anwar?
Hey @Takkat
@Takkat that's true.. unfortunately i was busy with academic matters
waves back at @smartboyhw
@Anwar @Takkat got my first silver badge today! :D
@Anwar academic matters sound serious ;)
@smartboyhw grats!
@Takkat sorta
@smartboyhw great \o/ grats
@Takkat @Anwar any time to help 12.04.2 ISO testing?
<-- sitting in his all Windows no windows office
@smartboyhw i'll try. but i can't guarantee anything. sorry
@smartboyhw what kind of help?
sitting in his all Windows no windows office Nice.
@Anwar Installation
Want some learning?
@smartboyhw ok. i'll try
@Anwar Thx
you want only installation feedback?
@Anwar Well look at iso.qa.ubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@Seth thanks :)
@smartboyhw Hi smartboy, let me know something about ISO Testing... I would be interesting in it sometime in future (maybe from 13.10/14.04 release cycle)... Can it also be performed on Virtualbox? Do provide a link if you have it handy with you :)
@Aditya Uh hum VirtualBox is having problems with 12.04.2 ISOs
@Aditya you want a link to my classroom session about ISO tests yesterday?
@smartboyhw sure
@smartboyhw oh.. you seem to lead this department :)
I would read the IRC log in evening... and get back to you if I have some doubts :)
@Aditya No I don't. I am experienced in it that's all:p
@Mahesh o/
you did a fine job there . ubuntu-classroom. :)
@Mahesh :)
1 hour later…
amith@amith-dualcore:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install kpartx
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
kpartx is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 274 not upgraded.
amith@amith-dualcore:~/Downloads$ kpartx
The program 'kpartx' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install kpartx
@AmithKK :D
@AmithKK any time to help out to test 12.04.2 ISO images?
I think that may need sudo
also try which kpartx
@JourneymanGeek no output
ok, that's really odd
with sudo?
@AmithKK real odd my kpartx works
How long does it usually take for kernel -proposed updates to get pushed out?
how long is a piece of string... kernels are generally slower depending upon multiple people verifying the fix. That said, security fixes are usually pushed out within hours or single figure days.
@fossfreedom It's not a security bug, but there are 2 commenters saying it fixes their problem.
patience - give it a week or two.
hey - when did you become blue? ... just noticed - congrats.
@JourneymanGeek yeah
thats even wierder
@JourneymanGeek all mods are coloured blue in chat
@Seth Shouldn't it be CC-BY-SA rather than "© gemsfromstackexchange. All Rights Reserved."?
>>> BOUNTY <<<
Q: How do I get a list of all applications that can be executed from Ubuntu Dash Home? Is there is some xml file that stores this information?

ZigndI'm building an application and it's very important to me to know how to get this information. In LXDE, there is /usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml that lists all the programs that can be executed from the LXDE menu. For that reason, I'd like to know if there is some .xml file that is responsib...

@Zignd, all the best hope you get the info you need. I've already upvoted your question and can't do more than that :(
@vasa1 thanks for the upvote and the edit, my english is not too good.
@Zignd, you're welcome.
I think I prefer Lubuntu than Xubuntu
@Seth yes, I do.
Helo all
2 cookies: one left one right
what do you think of yiiframework.com <= ever used it?
<-- web user no web dev
I am always relieved when a page loads.
hahaha any interests in the Latter
@mojo706 there are so many things to develop... but no, for Web dev I need to retire from all other businesses first.
what do you develop
launchpad.net/stream2ip but it's still far from professional. ;)
More a sandbox to play with when I am bored.
you are a Python developer. :)
need testers though I don't know to which device I shall stream
Depends on the device you have ;)
what you mean?
Oh - I thought you were talking of streaming to a device.
yes what do you mean device
I have a computer
I have an Android phone too
So you could stream audio from your computer to the Android, or better even set up an internet radio you could tune in from the Android.
I get it stream2ip discovers my device then streams to either phone or computer?
Naa it's not so sophisticated (yet).
that seems pretty cool
it helps to set up Icecast with a one-click GUI, or Bluetooth, or DLNA, or...
But you always need to configure these first.
So in case you are a CLI type user you won't like it.
I don't mind any so long as it works
It works. ;)
ok downloading it now
Im going to use Deb
yeah you can purge it easier then.
does it have any dependencies?
how do I add an image to chat @jrg
@mojo706: upload button
I dont have one :(
@mojo706 it will let you load applications later, depending on what you want to do with it.
might be rep related?
@Takkat I found some dependencies 4.6 MB of them
@JourneymanGeek probably no biggie though thanks
@mojo706 it may draw gi and some python
see the button to the right
@Takkat Ok
@JourneymanGeek definitely rep related :(
I like this logo from getcomposer.org
@Takkat http://i.imgur.com/NHXTB34.png
No it is not a Mac I just like the theme :)
Nice theme - now you need to tell it which "Device" to use, then it will pop up for installing the packages you need for this. (You can always install them manually if you prefer).
Oh - and there is a big manual which opens in your browser on "Help" in the main window.
(the manual is where some Web-Dev skills would have been helpful)
hahahaha I've seen the manual
Yeah - its very basic ;)
But better than a manpage only.
true I could make a better one if you want
Only if I manage to edit it for new stuff later ;P - Thanks for the offer <3 but do it only if you very much like the app.
I'll try the app when I get to my home network then decide if I will help but it has some functionality I could use
@mojo706 if you miss some functionality - I am open for ideas ;)
I will
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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