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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

votes back!
RAWR...i mean hello
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Hello
@Takkat spry sparrow
or scintillating stoat. either way
scintillating stoat sounds way better than interesting weasel...just saying
and they look kind of like cute ferrets
@iSeth i see from the earlier conversation you had some problems with kde. qt makes for pretty interfaces, but i'm more of a get it done in gtk or make a webui kind of guy (i know people cringe when i use qt-webkit and a thin webserver like bottle.py or something, but it's almost worth it just seeing them cringe)
well, yeah I did have some problems
I like how I can customize kde
i like how i can customize openbox :)
@Mochan revise your edit from how can a solve to how can i solve
@jrg - looking for an authoritative 'rails migration path/code management' guide for 2->3 3->4 and possibly 2->4 if such a thing exists. let me know if you're aware of anything like that
@AbrahamVanHelpsing for 2 > 3, hangon.
3 > 4 isn't written yet, and 2 > 4 is not going to happen without a lot of problems. :P
oh i know on that last bit. i thought there might be a set of guidelines by these guys blog.remarkablelabs.com/2012/11/rails-4-countdown-to-2013
@jrg anyway, i'm looking at github.com/rails/rails_upgrade for 2to3
that looks like a good choice.
as i recall, growingupsoftware.com/tips-for-upgrading-rails-2-to-rails-3 was helpful for updating the rails 2 app i wrote just to try the process out.
yeah. there's a substantial project that is "hiring" and i'm thinking of trying the "we needed your product already upgraded so we didn't have to reimplement anything, but if you want to pay me as a contractor, that would be great" kind of a thing
starred b/c you found it in your epicosity
i honestly don't anticipate it being that hard once 4 is actually released.
it's like a unicorn.
"we're on track for a Christmas release! day after christmas: all we got was this measly ruby patchupdate. WANT MOAR"
yeah well, architectural changes to code-bases should be grep-able, but they often are not
why is there no grinch moar meme pic?
let me put it this way: I'm only budgeting an hour for the rails 3.2.9 > rails 4 upgrade for this one app. if i seriously have to spend more than that, well, i'll just start from square uno. most of my logic is decoupled from rails itself, so it shouldn't be hard to start over.
the fact that most commits are on saturday makes me sure i don't want to work for them, but also sure it's a pretty awesome product i'ld like to pitch in on github.com/instructure/canvas-lms/graphs/commit-activity
they just can't seem to do the "commit early, commit often" thing do they? :P
conversely, it could make me sure i want to work for them...let me check the commit history to see WHO is committing on Saturday. if it's everyone, then they're just dedicated.
also true.
(moving this to another tab group, need to get some work done on this rails app. :P)
oh, side note before I go: i can't wait for rails 4.
just tried it out in a gemset, webrick boot time is 2.5 seconds instead of 5.
this will be so nice. :P
i just want things that work to keep working. and webrick is a no-go. ree+thin is supposed to be crazy fast according to some spec numbers i saw
oh + nginx for ssl
i'm talking about development servers.
why oh why can't there be an "if i had code laying around that did this, what would you pay for it" portals...i mean aside from the obvious trolls
ah, that'd be useful.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing so like ebay, but for code.
Q: Gucci Tote Bag replica usually are exact reports of designer label bags

user117140We have to bear in mind though that purchasing of such items does not mean that Gucci Hobo Bag replica is in accordance with the genuine styles.Women love to be in type, and Gucci affordable handbags are the best fashion accessories that any person could ever have. There's no doubt that you have...

spam-killer where are you
@RickGreen-Turbo I think that has been flagged 6 times.
only one close vote
Q: is upstart and supervisord used for the same thing?

BlankmanI have a some jvm based processes that I need to make sure start whenever my server is rebooted, and also if it stops because of an unexpected error etc. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 in case in matters. I have seen sample upstart scripts and I am sort of leaning that way, but I want to understand w...

@iSeth make that 2
I don't think close voting it is necessary. It should be closed, it should be deleted.
I love this
who qualifies?
@iSeth slowly raises hand just to retract it and laugh maniacally
Also ... mornin folks!
hey @FEichinger!
I'm afraid its pretty true... ah well, I've lived with worse names :)
@iSeth that thing needs a questionnaire and a facebook app
... Actually ...
I think that might be doable.
I'm saying. It could make mad marketing dollars
@AbrahamVanHelpsing how so?
all facebook apps are based on marketing dollars/personal detail sales(okay most). and if you made it a survey, there's a subsection of society that is large that would love it
Turning that into a working metric would be an awesome way of describing a modern demographic.
it doesn't have to be a "working" metric. it just has to be a metric. i've seen a moose declared 87% hot today
@AbrahamVanHelpsing interesting... I don't have an account on the dreaded book of faces though..
Oh, I know. For getting a crapton of money out of fools it doesn't need to work.
But making it work would add a layer of valuable results to it.
look at this "Hip lingo of linux" lol
@FEichinger Wow, that's so true.
@iSeth I love the allcaps UBUNTU obsession on that one.
Such people always seem to me, as if they were trying to make sure that I definitely do understand that they are indeed talking about ubuntu and ubuntu alone.
@FEichinger haha, I didn't even notice that :D
but then, I will edit 'ubuntu' to 'Ubuntu' if I'm already editing
I have ubuntu days and Ubuntu days ...
Today is an ubuntu day.
uh oh, what does that mean?
for me everyday is an Ubuntu day, though sometimes I have UBUNTU days.
Some days, I prefer the Ubuntu spelling - it's a name for god's sake - others it's the ubuntu spelling.
oh, I see what you meant. totally misunderstood that.
i prefer all lower case. i men for god sake, some languages can leave out markings for vowels in common speech and you're supposed to just understand. if you can't deal with lack of capitalization...you.need.help.
arabic leaves out vowels in common writing reference so you know it's not me being a pain: forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=301682
yes. i'm weird. i know.
oh noes, just found a daft punk remix that is vs glitch mob youtube.com/watch?v=Zi3Nq6l0H28 ... epic ensues
errg, I hate how in Amazon instant video Prime, they remove all the old movies I want to see and just let me watch all the new stuff.. ugh.
@GeorgeEdison \o
@iSeth then get hulu, crackle, and possibly netflix
@AbrahamVanHelpsing O_o
all of the old ateam was on hulu a while back
well, I don't watch enough to justify that, but that is a good point.
@Mochan you passed Goddard by 1! congrats :)
this comment needs an uptick, because people shouldn't be rolling packages that import beautifulsoup when bs4 has been around this long and the api is so similar: askubuntu.com/questions/233483/…
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I just reviewed that Q.
yeah, it's a valid question...it screams sock, but either way no new packages should be importing beautifulsoup
I'll uptick, though if the OP wants BS, shrug
it's fine. it's one of those "as long as the package is on launchpad" type of things...
for a newbie to virtualization what software do you recommend? (open question)
(The BeautifulSoup package is probably not what you want. That’s the previous major release, Beautiful Soup 3. Lots of software uses BS3, so it’s still available, but if you’re writing new code you should install beautifulsoup4.) -- from the docs
@iSeth choose something that can push to AWS. something anything that can push to AWS.
Amazon Web Services? Sorry, I meant "virtualization of Windows in Ubuntu" sense.
virtualbox. vmware is for companies that need paid support to send question towards.
OK, great.
if you need usb support use the non-ose download from oracle, not the package from repo
Busy day.
Just worked a 10-hour shift.
i work 9 every...10 would be not so horrible i guess
Lol I wish Battleswarm would return.
You guys would get to know the reason I say Hi... when I use this avatar :P
Old my old guild mates know it, but sadly battleswarm never took off enough :(
@RolandiXor watch it, I have phasers.
@JorgeCastro you should write some kind of blog post on how you help keep the site running well. i.e. I try to: use 40 votes, make 25 edits a day etc.
@iSeth dude, I have Thionic technology.
(I haven't added all the details to the Mission : Illumination wiki on that - but thionic technology basically refers to a 3rd form of "existence" between matter and energy).
@RolandiXor try to understand, THE Q
Try to fight with...
God :>
okay no spoilers :P
whatever :P
I passed Oyibo too! yay.
I need just one more hat...
I hardly get hats lol
I'm going to bed.
@iSeth good. Now you can quit stealing my review tasks
@Mochan edits?
@RolandiXor Hey - isn't it your birthday?
@GeorgeEdison it might still be in some parts of the world
it's the 27th - but here it's already the 28th
Well Happy Birthday then!
It's still the 27th here.
Thanks :D
Where are those premade comments?
For abandoned questions, dupes, etc.
In my belly.
ROLAND TAYLOR. GET TO YOUR ROOM NOW. OK, now you're there, don't to forget to make titles god damned questions. Goodness~!
Don't change the meaning of a question O_o
Q: What prewritten Pro-forma userscript comments can we use and share?

Octavian DamieanI'd like to gather a list of boilerplate comments for Ask Ubuntu which can be used in combination with the awesome Pro-forma comments userscript. Post suggestions too, you are not required to use the script. Please wrap your comments into a code-block for easier copying.

@Mochan :O
lol just edit again :P
@RolandiXor ty
@Mochan np
@RolandiXor Just did. Lol sh*t.
lol your title is still off :D
he has audio
but not video
Thanks for your efforts to make titles questions!
I got tired of fixing them -_-...
@RolandiXor Thanks for your help so far! :L
You're welcome and what did you remove :D?
(I'm 12 and what is this?)
I asked if you were a mod.
@RolandiXor ?
lol I'm not
@Mochan haha
@RolandiXor i'm 12, what is this?
me too!
what is what? who is 12?
And what is this?
11 mins ago, by RolandiXor
(I'm 12 and what is this?)
What is Juju?
@Mochan a cloud thingy
@RolandiXor Sounds cool. But I have better things to do.
Sorry to bother, but could you guys take a look at my question that hasn't been answered for a few days? askubuntu.com/questions/232836/…
Probably rather simple for you guys
@MarkLyons Gah, I hate Perl. Where is @AmithKK when you need him?
@MarkLyons Would you like me to set a bounty for it?
@MarkLyons Perl and simple do not go together.
It says I can set one myself in 3 minutes haha
(it's been a while)
I've never really used Perl, but I heard all kinds of good stuff about it being good for scripting type stuff like scraping and parsing (which I'm doing now)
Far from simple though I'd say
I don't do Perl, so I'll sit this out.
@Mochan good edits :)
(if I said that already - forgive me - getting sleepy)
Added a bounty
@RolandiXor Thanks
@MarkLyons Cool.
Will that bring it more attention though?
@MarkLyons yes
I don't see it resurfacing in any popular places, but obviously there is more incentive
It gets on the featured list, I regularly check if there are answers that I can answer in it.
I see. Thanks for all the help!
It's on the top atm (for me at least)
@MarkLyons No problem. Best of luck :)
Good night folks
almost out of energy with sleepiness
Don't do anything I wouldn't do without mods around...
@Mochan :D
I just saw it
@MarkLyons what if it is pearl error, perlmonks.org/?displaytype=print;node_id=803515;replies=1 I don't know much about it, but that turned up in my search
True, good chance it is just Perl. Maybe I should try StackOverflow
hm, I'd wait, They don't like cross-posting, and It is still in the ubuntu system and terminal, so maybe the terminal? try another terminal to troubleshoot.
Which one is better (sorry to interrupt)?
what if the broom was held by the people's hands?
@mateo_salta Probably better. Don't worry though XD
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by another teminal?
I've only ever just used the default terminal in Ubuntu
there are many diffrent ones, wiki.lxde.org/en/LXTerminal
xubuntu has a terminal, there are others that you can install, I like this one, apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/lucid/hotwire
I will look into that
well "terminal emulators" anyway, might respond diffently if it is a specific conflict with Bash
Q: What is the most appropriate way to bring an old/outdated question up to date?

maggotbrainHow should one bring an older, but appropriate Q & A thread up to date? Specifically, I am referring to this question. But, I would like to understand what position the community consensus is for updating older questions. Several of the answers, in this question, do not accurately answer th...

@MarkLyons Do you test your Perl programs in terminal?
That's really the only place I ever run them
I see. Do you write in any other languages?
Padre (padre.perlide.org) uses Xterm. Should I try that?
@MarkLyons Yeah, I suppose. I hate using the terminal to test my programs
Why's that?
And a few others, only one that would possibly be good for this job is probably Java.
@MarkLyons Well, I use Python and Java mainly, and for Java I use Eclipse, which does the same as it would in terminal but notifies you of errors. Very useful.
@MarkLyons Try Eclipse if you're interested in Java :)
I use Eclipse when I do Java
That Padre IDE is sort of like the same thing but for Perl
Yeah. I think you may be able to find something similar for Perl.
@MarkLyons Well then I'd be using that
(I know there are huge differences but sorta haha)
I always wrote in Padre but I liked running in terminal
But, it's running in the Xterm thing (through Padre) right now
I see. IDEs are different, though.
@MarkLyons Good. :)
Currently at line 5,000 :P usually stops at 14k
Hmmm. Weird. I wouldn't be a person to ask, though. Don't even try me XD
@Mochan although, I like your broom better, It was cute ;)
@Mochan Same thing happened
must be Perl
hm, is it the system memory?
How can I check if that is the problem?
I guess you could watch "System Monitor" see if the memory gets totally consumed, although if it was doing that I think there would be worse problems... I'm out of ideas after that
well night, keep working on the awesome idea @Mochan
@MarkLyons you would be better served over at perlmonks.org. sorry. unless you want to post yer code here. perl is greedy. ;-)
wow. chat here? I can barely keep up with the questions as it is. Hi folks!
I'll have to give that a try, or possibly just StackOverflow
I do appreciate the help though!
@mateo_salta Oh no! I like that one too! ;A;
@mateo_salta Thanks :))
@Takkat Hey Dad
@takkat, any experience with regex in python?
@jokerdino sry no, never needed those.
<-- only learns stuff he needs
right. thanks anyway
@Mochan hey. Is that a witches' broom?
@mateo_salta I ended up using both :)
@mateo_salta I hope you don't mind. I can credit you if you wish :)
@Takkat Ha. Ha. It's for @jrg's document? Do you know of it?
@Mochan no I haven't - too afk-episodes recently... :/
Happy Broomsday.
flags, weird weird flags
@Takkat LOL
@Takkat Ha. Ha. Thanks... Dad...
@jokerdino What flags? You aren't a mod.
chat flags
and i can see normal flags in site too
@jokerdino Ah lol
@jokerdino Man. I'm jealous.
They are confusing sometimes.
@jokerdino I call em stars
@Mochan no, I am talking about real flags.
Taken out of context you never really know whats going on.
@Takkat i suppose you saw that last flag too?
I did. Nasty wording.
yep that
They occur quite often in that room. Here we are fine people only --> Ubunteros!
@jokerdino ;_;
<-- remembers a time when flagging occured instead of starring because the two are positioned so close together
@Takkat What is the actual definition of Ubunteros?
@Takkat XD
<-- Remembers time when accidentally deleted instead of edited because they were so close together
That's unintentionally more work thenafter.
You read and sign them to become an Ubuntero.
> Congratulations, you have already signed the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
Should be displayed.
What is an OpenPGP key?
it is the key that you use to sign packages
> GnuPG is the GNU project's complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880 . GnuPG allows to encrypt and sign your data and communication, features a versatile key management system as well as access modules for all kinds of public key directories. GnuPG, also known as GPG, is a command line tool with features for easy integration with other applications
O...K. Why not ~_~
It's all about providing some sort of proof of your identity when you provide applications for other people to download and use. This is vital for security.
But you could still create a software like sniffing-tool-to-get-hold-of your-credit-card-credentials-0.1.3.tar.gz (free for download)
i am going to do that. thanks for the idea
I will help you testing it.
@Takkat LOL
@Takkat Hurr hurr
sudo ./sttghoyccc --no-worries
Please enter your card number:
Valid thru:
Could be as simple as this.
don't forget the security number at the back
    `sudo ./sttghoyccc --no-worries
    Please ship credit card to [address] with PIN number attached.
   Your card will be returned within 2 days*
* jk
Good point @JourneymanGeek, will include it in version 0.1.4
@Mochan buahahahaha :D
@Mochan to make people do this you need to charge them a fee for this service.
All that cost a lot of money cant be bad.
@Takkat LOLLLL +22222
There is a naughty donkey in the doc. Is it you, @Takkat?
It was you, Takkat!
How do I decrypt the message? T___T
> If you cannot read the unencrypted instructions below, it may be because your mail reader
does not support automatic decryption of "ASCII armored" encrypted text.
Seems to be the case T~~T
someone needs to give @mochan a nice jester's cap.
@maggotbrain What's a nice jester's cap? XD
Q: why is my firefox question voted down?

ThufirWhat's wrong with my firefox question? While I suppose it can happen on Windows, I've only had this problem on Linux, specifically Ubuntu. Is the question somehow stated poorly?

Are there any from Forrst?
been a/long time since I was on Forrst, or even heard of it.
2 hours later…
being a linux user is a blessing and a curse. i now see poorly-made gtk themes on everything I watch on TV. :P
Q: Could you please add two synonyms to the 'quality' tag?

Andrea CorbelliniPlease, make the quality-assurance and qa tags synonyms of the quality tag, as I do not have enough reputation to do that. quality should be the "master" tag because it is the one that was initially announced by Nicholas Skaggs on his email to the ubuntu-quality mailing list.

3 dups but of what? :P
Q: Can't install Skype In Ubuntu 64 bit

HueiI can't download skype, is skype currently not available for ubuntu linux 64bit 12.10? 1.dowload skype in official website 2.import canonical repo The following packages have unmet dependencies: skype:Depends: skype-bin but it is no going to be installed this problem exists,what is skype...

Q: Installing Skype on x64 12.10

mangusbrotherSo for the past 2 days i've been trying to install skype and none of the solutions i find seem to be working if i download the file from the skype website the software centre says Wrong architecture 'i386' if i run: sudo apt-get install skype it gives me: The following packages have unme...

Q: Unable to install Skype on 12.10 64bit

NidhinI am receiving the following message while I am trying to install Skype: nidhin@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update nidhin@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install skype Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may...

why would i be able to ssh into a box, and then it'd kick me right out?
@Alvar of something that doesn't exist yet? we should commandeer one and turn it into awesomeness.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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