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That ^
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Mochan forgives AbrahamVanHelpsing ^__^
Mochan does not forgive jokerdino and shall not talk to him.
dinner time BBL
Now @Mochan also talks about herself in third person.
This is becoming a trend.
However, I need an apology from RolandXor-TheIceMan, so Mochan is leaving again.
Goodbye @AbrahamVanHelpsing, @FEichinger!
@FEichinger @AbrahamVanHelpsing does not think it is a trend
@Mochan o/
@FEichinger Lol..
@GeorgeEdison - is there a cross-platform Qt based rtsp player that you are aware of? to include handhelds
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan You're forgiven <3
I am still not returning, though.
Until my deal is fulfilled
what is this deal?
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan its @jokerdino :/
@joker - methinks she looks for a bit more than ^ that...although if someone offered me 2 out of 3 on anything i wanted i'ld take it
Hey I am sorry @Mochan. I thought you knew me as the funny guy? bumby eyes
@jokerdino Ch! No funny! Mean! Anyway, my deal is fulfilled.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing OK, so forget the deal, you can just have the 2 million and I'll keep the last one :P
I'm back, everyone ! :)
well, if you live in potty internet, you will be grumpy
@iSeth yes. i starred that
@AbrahamVanHelpsing ;)
well I need to finish dinner, so BBL again.
@jokerdino Potty internet?
@Mochan \o/
just in time for my new experiments =)
drink this potion and take this pill...
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan I'm sorry for suffocating you T__T
@Mochan isn't that what it is called?
How one "lives in potty internet", this one does not compute.
@FEichinger +1
@FEichinger a la lawnmower man
or ghost in the shell with laughingman and sgt major. either way
Now this is borderline blackmail.
potty internet connection perhaps
@FEichinger -__-''
just substitute the whole internet for potty internet. then you're trusting the people that set up jokerdino's school internet proxy
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Jokerdino's school?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing But what is potty internet?
all.of.it. - the fun parts anyway
well yeah
though i was actually sorta talking about my network connection timing out every few seconds
yeah, mine did that the other day when there was a white van parked in the street... ;)
was serious
So, power cut in 5 minutes. :>
And hey, @AbrahamVanHelpsing, is it possible for you to implement your lens toggler app inside our Unity config tool?
@jokerdino Lens toggler? May I be enlightened please?
@jokerdino it's def possible, although i heard it would be sort of standard soon. as is, you could just reparent the root pane to a child box and it ... should work
@iSeth Hey iSeth :)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing That I suppose would work.
@Mochan hey :)
@AbrahamVanHelpsing "Should" is an amazing word in software development.
@iSeth o/
1 min ago, by Mochan
@jokerdino Lens toggler? May I be enlightened please?
It does what it says
@FEichinger yeah, /me doesn't remember the code i wrote...so i don't remember how i fetched the children. but it might work
@Mochan toggle unity lenses from an on/off gui
@AbrahamVanHelpsing OK
@Mochan ^--
@iSeth Yeah, I knew they were lenses. So basically, it turns lenses on and off?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing ty
yes. i personally was irritated that i couldn't turn lenses off, so i fixed it
@Mochan oh, OK. Sorry ;)
@iSeth Don't apologize ^_^''
Is anyone good with Gimp?
How would anyone among the Qt crowd be "good with gimp"? :P
@Mochan I know my way around it. I think @RolandiXor-TheIceMan is good at it.
@FEichinger i said i saw the light on Qt portability, not that i liked that nokia dumped a bunch of money on Qt instead of my preferred Gtk
Hahaha. Well, can anyone help me insert a picture into another one? Like import picture A into picture B?
@AbrahamVanHelpsing :P
@FEichinger Are you still on @jrg's doc?
@Mochan That probably depends on the pictures.
@Mochan I can try...
@iSeth Thanks~ ^-^
@Mochan I have it opened ... But I'm not doing anything if that's what you ask. :P
@Mochan open as layer or paste as layer should do it
You can do it in Pinta as well.
@FEichinger Nah, I just saw you in the chat still and I wondered whether it was a glitch or not
hey @Flabricorn!
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan Thanks ^__^
@iSeth Hey!
@Flabricorn Yo!
Steps: open a second image (The one you want to put on picture A), then select all, then copy, then paste as layer.
@Mochan Love my family tree placement, thanks. LOL.
sorry dog on keyoiiboarld
sorry, i had to - see shankopotomus
I have to say, if the first generation chromebook (CR-48) wasn't a netbook inside of a laptop shell, I would love to have that. The design of the computer looks aesthetically pleasing and the best part, it remains unbranded... seems awesome... yet we come to the fact that it is an Atom Processor... single core... 16 GB SSD :(
choose. more cores or ssd. they chose. you don't like it. end.
@Flabricorn LOL that's sad
My computer: 4 cores, 1TB (HDD though), i7 processor XD
@Flabricorn well ChromeOS needs almost no resources.
@iSeth, you see why I'm sad it died now
@Mochan yeah...
Well, there's no way I'd be keeping Chrome OS.
@iSeth The computer I'm using right now has 2GB RAM and is very slow T_T
@Flabricorn Sorry to say, I hate ChromeOS
@Flabricorn that's why they put bad hardware in, so you don't do that.
@Mochan I know! It's awful.
@Mochan you stole my laptop...give.it.back!!!
@iSeth Well, that was more of a beta release chromebook.
They have real hardware now they have partnered with Samsung and Acer.
no i really want my desktop back, but it won't happen short of a priest...so...
My desktop collection - Dell (Single core Pentium 4); Mac (Dual core G5); Custom Built Gaming PC - (Unknown AMD Processor, 2-4 cores).
One day I'll fix the power supply in the last one and find out what that is.
i only owned one desktop. it is toast. nuff said.
But it was good hardware with a $70 dollar price tag, not going to pass that up.
I liked my AMD Athlon X2
I have a macbook which is a core 2 duo, and that's my main computer.
mac should die a horrible painful death, just my opinion.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing shrug they do sue...
I agree, I got this one free because the person who owned before broke it several times and also may have been dating me at the time. We split ways and they did not want it back.
So I fixed it up and slapped 12.10 on there.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Hahaha
@Flabricorn Yeh, well ... I'd probably have used it for some physics experiments.
if i had more money than god i would patent use of black as a color for text and sue everyone on earth...then die the richest man in the world. just saying...
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Well, technically, "black" is not a colour ... :P
it's a lack of color i know
it's not like newsprint figured it out a bajillion years ago, i was making a point
The G5 desktop is my 12.04 Machine which was a $40 dollar purchase from a friend. And the Macbook is my only laptop as of yet so as much as I love physics experiments.
I thought black was absorption of all visible light waves.
@Flabricorn Macbooks ain't laptops. They're clumps of plastic. Shiny clumps of plastic, mind you, but still clumps of plastic.
@FEichinger actually they have a lot of Aluminum
that's just the color of the plastic ;)
okay night
@AbrahamVanHelpsing night!
@iSeth Well then, clumps of light-weight metal that doesn't withstand anything and is supposed to act like plastic anyway, but isn't plastic!
See, that gets too long.
Clumps of plastic it is.
@FEichinger Believe me I know it. The 2006 Macbook is chipped all over the place. Luckily in black, electrical tape covers some of the bezel around the screen. I think the products they make are terrible, that the company's actions and methods are terrible, but hey, I don't have money for anything better.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing night~
@FEichinger They're aluminum toys~
@AbrahamVanHelpsing Good evening Suh.
@Mochan Not too bad when running Ubuntu. It's OSX that drags you down.
@Flabricorn Oh, the methods are awesome. I mean, they work, that's what counts nowadays. But geez, you can't even call these things "computers" for how terrible they are.
@FEichinger Welp, as much as I agree, I got it for free, and it's the best I can get right now.

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