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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@JamesGifford this one doesn't do much, it add a dependency and has very slightly cleaned up code
@StefanoPalazzo still an update. :)
just maintainance :)
if you want to know exactly what each update does by the way, the ~20 is the revision number, you can check out the commit logs at bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefano-palazzo/askubuntu-lens/trunk/…
oooh. I didn't know that. I'll need to start looking at that for all those packages. Well, most of them anyway.
@JamesGifford that's not the case for every package, only few of them actually
most of the proper grown up projects have release notes and changelogs ;-)
heh. well then. We just have to make AU Lens into one of the "grown up projects" ;-)
Although that sounds really difficult... lol
3 hours later…
Suckerpunch, was epic.
Efforts to spray water into the No. 4 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, are seen in this March 22, 2011 handout photograph released by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Reuters/Tokyo Electric Power Co.)
god damn it, it took me a long while to get into here >.>
ran into login issues
@EvilPhoenix yeah, happens sometimes.
Anyone know hot to get an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard to show up in the 'Add New Device' dialog?
@KaustubhP: Hey.
@GeorgeEdison hi!
My sound card isn't showing up.
Ah, nvm. I fixed it.
Enjoying a nice game of Freeciv.
@KaustubhP :D didnt realize you were awake. and allo there @GeorgeEdison
Hello all
at work now, @lazyPower
@lazyPower can I ask you something?
allo @Takkat
sure thing @KaustubhP.
@Takkat hey!
@lazyPower well, now that the world is moving on to Cloud servers and all, where does a sys admin stand?
Are his services less important?
Even more so
Anyone can jump into answer the above question
The real difference that I see, is instead of maintaining in house servers, you are maintaining a VPS thats co-lo'd.
they have somewhat eliminated the hardware maintenance aspect of the job, and admins will be doing more system maintenance/setup/architecture than anything else. but thats just my 2 cents on it.
@lazyPower I ask because I am/will-be at a career-crossroads in a few days.
Choosing between Development / Admin?
Beginning to realize, that I can code, but my joy lies on the server :p
@lazyPower yeah..
Go for the admin job if its what makes you happy. There will always be positions for well seasoned administrators
Loosing direct hardware access virtualizes admin being :P
But admins that still know about hardware will be much asked persons :)
But asked maybe only from few companies :(
I will have to think upon it, like a lot.
Its been weighing on my mind since the past few days.
@lazyPower: Hello.
@KaustubhP in the big picture, its an insecurity. Do you foresee this as an impass that you cannot overcome?
@lazyPower well, I guess the faut lies with me, because I am not a good coder atm.
Thats subjective
Maybe if I dig my heels, and just get to the bottom of a language, that would help.
@KaustubhP That tends to help, knowing your tool and being able to wield it effectively.
yeah, because right now, I just start using a language, and learn as I use it. A top-down approach.
but that will not make me use the power of the language.
Thats how it goes brother. nobody started out knowing everything about their language
eg, I am learning scala, but I havent even used the Functional part of it. I code in scala like I code in Java.
think of learning a programming language as a child learns to speak their native language. They learn a few sounds before they speak a full word. They learn several words before they speak full sentences. Once they have some basic sentences they learn vocabulary, and sentence structure, and so on.
hmm. I have to start with the Index. :p
...and words. Except the analogy for PHP ends there :P
programming is no different. You learn the basics, then you delve into intermediate tactics, from there you dabble for a long while before you move into the advanced topics, until ultimately you give up on it and learn the new "hot language" of the moment.
case in point: who programs in Pascal anymore?
Not me.
Not even Delphi :P
i started off learning C, and hated writing memory management code... so i moved on to learning pearl, its gross, so i learned PHP. From there i went to bash, C++, .Net (CSharp and VisualBasic [as of recent]), JavaScript
I started with QBasic :)
...then moved straight on to C++.
i'm not a master at any of the above languages, but once you've learned the semantics of programming, those theories apply across the board for the most part. Its all syntax and a handfull of subjective differences.
@GeorgeEdison you must love pain
@GeorgeEdison I have to be "awake" in six hours to attend a C++ class at college :| not looking forward to it. I hate strongly typed languages becuase per the norm, you have to write your own memory management. Garbage Collection is a wonderful thing.
which is why i tolerate programming .net, and prefer dynamic languages like PHP/Python/Ruby
@lazyPower No... you can just use shared pointers.
Interesting concept
I'll have to look into that
I bet it helps me :P
@lazyPower you would love scala :)
I hope so... Boost is an excellent library for C++.
@GeorgeEdison thats exactly what this book will be using
Deitel - How to program C++ sixth edition
i havent touched C++ since i read a Sams Tech Yourself in 24 hours C++ book in highschool
it was pretty massive, but a great introduction to OOP from what I remember of it.
morning @fluteflute
@lazyPower hey
@GeorgeEdison I have heard about boost, while compiling mongoDB.
oh sweet
i can use Ogre3d on linux too
nothing in this book is tethering me to Vis Studio. what a bonus
@lazyPower That's always nice.
dude, i'm so sick of VS. I work in it all day, then to go to school and spend another six hours in it was maddening.
I used to use it. (Visual C++ anyway.)
...but found it quite slow and disorganized.
its a very bloated piece... and while i understand that it has to be extensible enough to cover every possible want a MS developer could ever dream of... why not just give me a text editor and GCC?
...or my personal favorite: Qt Creator.
are you a KDE user @GeorgeEdison?
It packs in the world's best code-completion engine without appearing bloated.
@lazyPower No... but I like Qt anyway.
its a polished enough widget set
i am rather taken with oxygen
sleek design
Argh... I'm losing bad...
I hope not!
haha :D
reminds me of everytime i fire up nethack. I survive for a solid 15 minutes and then i'm pwned by a rat or something stupid
2 hours later…
well, i'm awake now. Not sure how long, but I'm awake.
@GeorgeEdison whats that game about?
@WolterHellmund @GeorgeEdison it's about colonizing the world. FreeCiv I think it's called(?).
The latest version of Unity has a vertical application chooser with serious attention whoring issues
1 hour later…
Oooh. Look at that. Kernel update for Natty. Here goes.... lol
Will Unity 2D be available for 10.04?
@oshirowanen It wasn't installed by default when I installed 11.04, but it's available
sudo apt-get install unity-2d
Not found in 10.04 using apt.
oh. sorry. I thought you meant 11.04
Nah, I'm an LTS release user.
I doubt it'll be backported by Canonical. There might be a PPA.
I've been searching for an PPA but nothing so far.
You could try building from source
but it's QT based, so the dependencies aren't trivial
I think I'll have to wait for the next LTS release...
@failbadp lol :D
@lazyPower or you do it like me. Starting from high-level (PHP) to low-level C and even a bit of assembler.
2 hours later…
@all anyone use lighttpd on ubuntu?
jesus wolfram alpha is awesome! I think I'm going to make it my default page
@OctavianDamiean yep saw a ted talk about it absolutely nuts
@OctavianDamiean still there?
@OctavianDamiean know anything about setting up a web server on ubuntu?
@Allan well only Apache based
and nginx to some extent
@OctavianDamiean I'm sure its the same issue no matter the server
@Allan can't tell for sure but I guess it can't be all that different, sup?
@OctavianDamiean You have to sudo into \var\www so you can't access anything you put there unless you are root other than setting up ftp any way around this.
@OctavianDamiean thats still secure
right I didn't get it :p
yawn good evening.
@KaustubhP Good evening?
its night :) here
well, I cant say good night to begin a convo ;) @ManishSinha
I believe the British say good evening even though its like 2000 hrs.
hello :-)
fell in love with Wolfram Alpha
@KaustubhP just kidding
no work right now.. so just nitpicking for fun
@ManishSinha i know mate xD
unless you are going to sleep.
then say gn
nah, not sleeping by a long shot. Still at work.
I just replied to a very dangerous question on askubuntu
a religious topic :P
Pumped up for India-Pak on 30th.
@ManishSinha yea, i saw. +1 ed. Nice answer :)
yeah. that match. Everyone is thinking to get a leave on that day :)
@KaustubhP yeah. I was expecting a flamewar
it would have surely started if it was a blog post
Cricket in India == the only religion which unites the country
We have a holiday on Wednesday, to watch the match :D
For the finals too.
@KaustubhP got a leave from your employer?
@ManishSinha Our offices are shut down on that day!
everyone has a leave.
@StefanoPalazzo hello
@OctavianDamiean haya :)
@OctavianDamiean hey you were talking about the SE API the other day,
@StefanoPalazzo oh yea true. I'm thinking about creating an AskUbuntu chromium app with some functionality :)
@KaustubhP something is wrong
that day?
@StefanoPalazzo oh nice!
I have yet to write the talk, but I'm pretty sure I'll introduce the API.
@ManishSinha nope! just so we can enjoy the match!
@StefanoPalazzo I'll definitely be there :)
does it say when it's happening?
oh yeah, the timetable was out of date last time I checked, all is well now
look at the schedule, this app developer week is going to be a right nerd-fest :-)
Hey everybody
@MarcoCeppi Hi Marco
hello @Marco :)
I've hooked my laptop to the TV - been coding from the couch. Nice change of scenery
@MarcoCeppi hehe
@MarcoCeppi @Allan @StefanoPalazzo @OctavianDamiean namaste!
@KaustubhP hello hello
namaste yar
नमस्ते :-)
something I always wanted to know
@KaustubhP I have my fonts set quite small, 9pt at 72ppi, can you read devanagari script at that size?
@ThomasBoxley hello
@StefanoPalazzo i can read what you just typed, but chrome messes that up too.
@OctavianDamiean oye yar tu to "yar" bolna seekh gaya :D
thats like the equivalent of dude.
well bye
@KaustubhP weeeelll I only know that word :D well and dood
and yes I know that yar can be misinterpreted :p
@StefanoPalazzo Wow. You know how to use devnagri scripts too?
@ManishSinha No, not really. I know of it, and I know how to use google :)
@StefanoPalazzo :)
Anybody here use putty? I'm having an odd display issue
@lazyPower Yeah, I've used PuTTY
Are you using PuTTY and GNU Screen? because that always gave me heartburn
thats a bummer :|
i am using screen
however, upon exiting screen, the odd characters are still displaying in vim
Yeah, the screen multiplexor and PuTTY never played nicely
i'm guessing its either due to the terminfo, or some unsupported charset
Do you have a special screenrc file on the server?
sure do. Hang on, i can probably curlpaste it somewhere.
I think we have support for that in the oneboxing
Done: https://gist.github.com/888411
i have a Gist plugin for vim
seems to have been the easiest method
<3 Gist
@MarcoCeppi janus > *
Finally. lol.
you really SHOULD look into it ;) its worth its salt.
I have a working screenrc / putty config
@MarcoCeppi thing is, the issue lies beyond just screen. its existant in my VIM config as well
i verified by detaching and opening the source again
@lazyPower Looking at both the gist vim plugin and the .screenrc right now. Look awesome. (Both).
hi5 @JamesGifford
Hum, in that case - I'm not sure
shrug i'll end up making a bootable USB stick and just bring that in next class
seems to be easier than packing aroudn a patch cable since the lab we are in doesnt have net access
@lazyPower I'm not sure about your issue then. Here's my .screenrc file anyways
gist: 888413, 2011-03-26 16:23:02Z
shell -${SHELL}
defscrollback 2024
startup_message off
#caption always "%{= kc}%H (system load: %l)%3n %t%? @%u%?%? %n(%t) %-21=%{= .m}%D %d.%m.%Y %0c"
hardstatus on
hardstatus alwayslastline "%-Lw%{= BW}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%< %=%D %M %d %c"
#hardstatus string '%{= kc}(system load: %l) %-Lw%{= KW}%50>%n%f %t%{= kK}%+Lw%< %{=kc}%-= %-21=%{= .m}%D %d.%m.%Y %0c'
hardstatus string '%{= kG}(Load: %l) %-Lw%{=b .W}%50>%n%f* %t%{-}%+Lw%< %{=kG}%-= %-21=%{= .G}%D %Y.%m.%d %0c'
#hardstatus string "%{.bW}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %m/%d %C%a "
It's not nearly as nice as yours
AU has its own screenrc?
oh ;)
I'm typing on a wireless keyboard from my couch - I tend to mis hit keys :)
i thought i was missing out.
I was about to be really bummed :P
Whew our secret is still intact
sniffs I want a copy of the AU dotfiles sob
It's illegal to anyone in the state of PA or CA :P
Whoa. I come back and there's "(removed)" stuff about dotfiles?! lololol. ;)
@JamesGifford We went ahead and made that comment 0600 :) Only root and the owner know what it said
@MarcoCeppi hehe. :)
I just realized, we're going to be the first non-trilogy site to cross 10k questions.
Wait - where is Programmers at?
huh mathematics is the closest to us
we're at 9.8, and math is at 9.2
Tumbleweed \o/
Q: How to re-download incomplete podcast downloads in Rhythmbox

Yi JiangIt seems like Rhythmbox has a bad habit of not downloading some of the podcast files completely: But I don't seem to find the option of re-downloading the episode anywhere. Deleting the episode, either from within Rhythmbox or from the file system doesn't help.

wow, that sounds like a horrible bug
hmmm, a search reveals that there's a bunch of bugs file on rb for podcast
@JorgeCastro RB isn't the best podcatcher available I guess
(That is the correct term, right?)
/me is glad we switched to banshee
I think so
dies due to irc-like syntax
I'm just browsing through "rhythmbox podcast site:bugs.launchpad.net" on google
@JorgeCastro Speaking of which, does Banshee have no menu or is it just a problem with Unity integration?
Binary package hint: rhythmbox If episodes are ever del I can erase downloaded podcasts, and these options are offered: * Delete the _reference_ to the podcast, but keep the sound file * Delete both the reference and the sound file. The problems I find with this are: 1) The words describing the choice are very badly chosen, what is being offered is far from obvious. 2) Incomplete downloads cannot be completed or reloaded. 3) With the first option, a sound file will remain hidden somewhere in the file system that Rhythmbox will not show or play (which I find it far from useful). 4) With the second option, both the reference and the soundfile will be gone, but with no way to ever reload them beyond deleting _all_ the episodes in that podcast, unsubscribing, resubscribing, and downloading again all the episodes of interest -- if still available. Solution: * The first option should be dismissed, as it's purpose is really confusing. * The option to delete both the soundfile and th
rhythmbox (Ubuntu)
Wishlist / Triaged
revives @MarcoCeppi with StackExchangeScripts
Is this it?
I distinctly remember Banshee having a menu
It's super effective!
Oh, wait - wrong room.
@failbadp it does have a menu, it's working for me
are you up to date?
@JorgeCastro Definitely sounds like it
@JorgeCastro Uh, because I got the "standard" File → Exit menu this morning. I couldn't fully upgrade because some package versions mismatched.
hmm weird, the archive is mostly frozen, an update should be fine
let me check
@MarcoCeppi I can't explain the traffic, we were firmly ahead of gaming and then flip flopped, now we've been 1k behind them for weeks now
(I was on 11.04, mind ya)
yeah I'm on 11.04
I blame the blue one in the room
it's that minecraft question they have with like 3984573984573945 million views
in ur analytics fixin ur numbers
@JorgeCastro Did you ever get to talk to MPT?
yea a bit
and I left a comment on the bug
I saw - and I think MPT brought up a super valid point that not all Linux is created equal
Might as well have "Unix-like" and "Microsoft"
or just "Computer" in the UA
I say it should just try to launch when you click
it just won't work on non-ubuntu users
it's not a big deal, not enough to break apt.ubuntu.com for everyone who doesn't use firefox. :-/
I understand Mozillas fight to standardize again the UA but I think they're looking at it too obtuse like
that doesn't mean we shouldn't fix it, even if they are.
@JorgeCastro It's not the Ubuntu users we're targeting though - we're looking to make the site as informative for non Ubuntu users as possible. But I get your point - I'm going to have a fix for it released today then propose to MTP for implementation.
true true
I'm just thinking lesser of 2 evils
Where I just "assume good" then try to "catch the bad"
IMO at the bottom just putting "If this site doesn't work for you try Ubuntu!" or something
RIght - I doubt one small project is going to detur the efforts of a giant like Mozilla
would be a workaround, but at least I could use the thing, I can't use it at all right now
@JorgeCastro You should be able to. Unless you're talking about the current apt.ubuntu.com
and not the APTURLRedirector in the works right now
I'm talking about current
your thing has always worked. :)
heh I'm unfortuantely going to need one more string translated now - but I think that shouldn't be too difficult to get done
that's totally the WRONG icon.
huh? @JamesGifford
That looks like the Google Chrome icon
@MarcoCeppi It's not the fancy new Chrome icon for that channel. - chrome.blogspot.com/2011/03/fresh-take-on-icon.html
files bug report for the Natty PPA
@JamesGifford Weird, I have the new icon with 11.x beta
Hum, not sure if I would call the new icon "fancy" :) :) :)
@MarcoCeppi I was being slightly sarcastic
@YiJiang I'll check Chromeinum (Or however you spell it)
@JamesGifford No 'e'
@YiJiang Figured it was that.
hi guys! Im getting born into the ubuntu world right now!
I would like som quick recommendations if possible
@Trufa Welcome!
@MarcoCeppi thanks!!
@YiJiang Just installed Chromium - it's got the new logo.
@JamesGifford the ugly one?
@Trufa Welcome!
@Trufa Yeah.
@Trufa What kind of recommendations?
@MarcoCeppi should I dual boot
I know its up to me
but does it affect performace or anything\
What will you be dual booting from?
windows 7
That depends are you using Wubi or will you be partitioning?
@MarcoCeppi ok
that is whaT i dont really know
if I were to use ONLY ubuntu
If you use Wubi you will see a decrease in performance - how much depends on the machine. If you partition you will not
but thinking it straight
@MarcoCeppi good to know
but thinking it straight
if i install windows too, i will be tempted to use it
so if I want a full install no windows
Wubi and Partitioning are two ways to dual boot - btw. If you're pretty happy with Ubuntu so far I would recommend just partitinoning and dual booting. It's hard to make a complete switch especially if you use a lot of windows programs
I just do it from the setup?
@MarcoCeppi I'm a mac user
but I have a new pc
If you want to partition (dual-boot) or a full Ubuntu install then you do it from the installer. If you want to try Wubi you'll need to download the Wubi installer
Ah, I would recommend a full install then. As long as you have a second machine incase you don't have time to learn the alternative on Ubuntu (like work stuff)
But that's just my personal recommendation :) the choice is - as you said - up to you in the end.
@MarcoCeppi this is the machine I got from my univerity
If you can fathom a reason you'll ever need to use windows you might want to just dual boot for now
so I will only be using it for programming and such
@MarcoCeppi I think i'll do that
Better to play it safe starting off :)
That's what I did for years since I play a lot of PC games
Now I just keep one dualboot machine around just in case and the rest are Linux
Thank you all!! I will logut and come back as ubuntu user (would put simley but cant find it)
@MarcoCeppi yeah I don't really play any games
:) <- Smiley
@MarcoCeppi :)
Thank you guys!! I'll be back
See you soon!
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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