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@lazyPower It's actually fairly fast on my netbook. (1GB RAM, 1.6GHZ CPU).
I'd like to see whats going on, tho I dont think that it will warrant a hdd install until its released. I've gone through the pain of having to upgrade an alpha/beta release to production release. Its generally just easier to wait until the release party
@StefanoPalazzo ok so I had a call with sil about search stuff
he thinks we should investigate bing, the other options just aren't there unless we pay
I didn't dig enough into bing to see if they offer it
@JorgeCastro has he looked into it bing? I wasn't able to find out yesterday if they charge or not
nor me
but, he had an interesting option
take the data dump, put it on a server
and then serve out from there
and then just feed new questions into it via rss or something
or supplement it with live API searches
that's quite possible
but that brings up a new set of problems
A: How do I turn on Unity drag handles?

Jason SmithThe Unity multitouch grab handles plugin ships with the latest version of Unity (the package) available in the Ubuntu development version 11.04 Natty Narwahl. To ensure plugin is enabled: Start the CompizConfig Setting Manager: Press Alt + F2 to open the run dialog, type ccsm, and press Enter (...

@lazyPower true.
get jason some points :P
I guess I can write a server app that does what the API does, using the data dump and live updates via the API to keep the data fresh. That should't take me two days (aye no promises). But I've never written a search engine :)
That's actually meant more seriously than it sounds.
Hello everybody, nice to see all you
hello @Geppettvs
@StefanoPalazzo well, let's see if we can use bing as a stopgap
@Jorge I can see a problem straight away
you know
we should ask on webmasters
> You will not, and will not permit your users [...] to [...] modify, filter, obscure, or replace the text, images, or other content of Bing results, including by changing the order in which Bing results appear
Doing that is what makes the app work in the first place. I cut down links, fetch additional information about them, modify titles and re-order them
yeah but you're not the user
you're the app
I don't think that's what they mean,
"You will not, [...] modify, filter, obscure, or replace"
oh sorry, missed the first part
@StefanoPalazzo There might be a loop hole
If the contents are fetched first through a middle man - then you fetch the results from that man. You're technically not modifying the bing results - but the results of a lookup from that 3rd party
It's a stretch - at best, but an idea
Or you could just scrape Stackexchange directly
Join that with the monthly dumps
minimize your scraping
hey wait a minute
if the bing thing is unlimited
you could do nearrealtime updating of the dump couldn't you?
@JorgeCastro Yeah
@JorgeCastro I don't need bing for that
Just need to know the last question and the next one
@StefanoPalazzo how badly do you mangle the results?
maybe we could try just showing them raw?
the reason I ask is beta is next week and now it's trivial to add the AU lens
so we'll hit the throttle like, any day now
Or you could just mangle the results for a bit until a more elegant solution appears
It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a TOS broken for the better good
So, first of all, I check the url,
I do a search with "site:askubuntu.com/questions" and filter out any results that don't look like questions,
then I cut down the title, to get the question title, i.e. remove "stackexchange bla" and so on
I throw away a lot of results
I wonder if I can write an algorithm that searches 10.000 questions in 10 milliseconds...
Depends on your indexing :)
@JorgeCastro add the lens to what? isn't it just going to be in "Independent"?
yeah but it's in a PPA now and easy to install
ie. it's not just us 5 using it
Oh I see what you mean
@StefanoPalazzo where is that data you are searching? If it is on a server on the web then I doubt it is really possible
yeah we/I need to get a move on with the search issue :)
@OctavianDamiean it would be local data
@StefanoPalazzo well then what Marco said
@JorgeCastro I really have an issue with this bing stuff. The ToS are far too long, complicated and vague. It'd be awful if they revoked api access at some point
"Or you could just mangle the results for a bit until a more elegant solution appears
It wouldn't be the first time I've seen a TOS broken for the better good"
I say we try that, because we at least know there's no API limit
Bing could care less about us at this size
right but we would have the same problem with google
this can tide us over until a) We do something with the dumps, or b) SE gives us something nice to search the site with
honestly,.. I don't think I want to take responsibility for that
hey remember yesterday when you were returning some of the crappier results from the site itself?
is it possible to have that work when the google thing turns off?
so if we hit the cap we'll have degraded results, but it would still work?
@JorgeCastro yes it is, I was going to implement some sort of "switch"
ok that sounds least sucky
I'll probably have a variable somewhere, "use_google = True", and if users start to complain, I can just switch it 'round to use the SE api
It's not really much of a solution I know..
I should probably write an email to stackexchange, maybe I get lucky and they help us out somehow
@JorgeCastro Oh I forgot to mention something: The SE API results, it turns out, aren't that bad (if you do it just right). The only real problem is that each query takes about a second
so basically, we either cheat and do it fast; or we do it in a way which is totally fine, but slower results.
can't cheat though, what would my chancellor say ;-)
what if an "anonymous" user made a patch
that "accidentally" got commited into trunk?
the real problem with cheating is that they may revoke api access at any point
in which case, the app will break for everyone
the API results, be it from google or anybody else, are pretty fuzzy. can't trust anything they say
Yes, but the real problem with these TOS is they can revoke your api access at any point for no reason at all
But that's neither here nor there :)
well, I think we should use the stack API
and as people use the API, SE will improve it
But we can't get search results from the API - they have made it this way on purpose
just like they improved the other stuff as George and co made stackapps
@JorgeCastro I have a bit of time still, I'll make a version that uses the SE API, then we can see how it feels
@MarcoCeppi uhm. Sorry, how do I make a separate branch on launchpad?
@MarcoCeppi hey, what did you mean the other day when you said "welcome to launchpad" ?
@lazyPower It was sarcasm :)
ah, i must have been bitching about svn or something eh?
@StefanoPalazzo You just need to push to lp:project/branch
something like bzr push lp:askubuntu-lens/no-google?
@lazyPower Probably, don't remember now. Whatever it was I thought it was LP
> bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "Cannot create 'no-google'. Only Bazaar branches are allowed."
heh heh. I'm getting excited for the 7'th.
Its going to be an epic time in DC, with no sleep for the next workday @thisguy
@lazyPower It's going to be pretty good. Just got the place confirmed. Trying to hunt down food now
@StefanoPalazzo I think you need to create it first in the webui
there's a way to do it in bzr but it escapes me
that seems to work
@JorgeCastro I'm done, phew! :-)
that was a little bit tricky in places, you can check it out and give it a whirl at bzr branch lp:~stefano-palazzo/askubuntu-lens/no-google
I hope people don't use their dash more than ~450 times a day
@StefanoPalazzo I need to update an answer and then I'll get to it
sure, launchpad needs a minute to catch up too
If anybody feels like a bit of code review might brighten their day, the diff is just immense ;-)
@dv3500a a guy asking a dupe ended up bumping this: askubuntu.com/questions/10121/will-ubuntu-11-04-use-gnome-3
@dv3500a which is now out of date.
need some kind of expired content warning label plastered on things
the bump is the warning. :)
And I'm out of votes, or I'd vote up updated stuff.... :(
@StefanoPalazzo lol code reviews ALWAYS brighten my day, alas, i'm still dealing with server issues :)
oops .. gotta run. ciao
@lazyPower heh :) Well I'll notice any errors soon enough
A: Skype doesn't find my audio input

TreviñoThe only way I've found to make my internal mic work in my laptops is to use pavucontrol (install it from the homonymous package) and disabling the volume of a channel (the right or the left one), since most of microphones are mono in fact. This is an huge workaround, by the way. I guess that th...

I didn't get this answer...
@Alvar Just try it his answer. Makes sense from my point of view.
@Alvar That answer worked for me. FINALLY, I HAVE SKYPE WORKING. :D
@Oli Thanks :)
Now nobody vote for my questions/answers - having such a round number feels good!
hey! congratulations @fluteflute
700 away
Q: GNOME 3 in Natty

Ben IsaacsWill GNOME 3 (Nautilus, Empathy, Evolution, Tomboy, Totem, Brasero etc.) ship with Natty. Softpedia thinks so Natty Wallpaper Final

hey mods, make it die!
I'm a bit uneasy about that
I'd prefer to actually check the packages versions of each of those pieces of software.
@fluteflute What packages? I'm on natty right now.
Wait - they're replacing evolution with Thunderbird as the default?
@JamesGifford Nautilus, Empathy, Evolution, Tomboy, Totem, Brasero versions
@MarcoCeppi I don't think so
I hope someone decides to maintain a fork of 2.32
@StefanoPalazzo gnome-panel do you mean?
and the apps, and metacity, and session and gdm
and so on :-)
like some people maintain forks of kernel 2.6.13 or whatever
@fluteflute Evolution: 2.32.2-0ubuntu4 Nautilus: 1: Tomboy: 1.5.2-1ubuntu4 Totem: 2.32.0-0ubuntu10 Brasero: 2.32.1-0ubuntu2
so 2.32 versions are not 'GNOME 3 versions'
poor little gobby gets its a** kicked on ubuntu-devel mailing list :D
@htorque how come?
but i agree, it really was a pain to use to remotely follow uds
I'd assume so. Empathy is 2.33 though.
@JorgeCastro there used to be a chart of all the gnome packages, and their version in each ubuntu release. I can't find it. don't suppose you know where it is hiding (if it still exists)?
I don't think it's maintained anymore
I updated the information on the question that I linked the dupe to
@fluteflute lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-March/032764.html - nah, just looking for an alternative ;)
natty is "gnome 2.32ish"
@JorgeCastro I realized that after I started looking at the package versions.
I don't think it's unusual for packages to be a gnome release behind. But it seems slightly sad that isn't mentioned anywhere...
I think distrowatch has some kind of grid
good night @all
@JorgeCastro I haven't heard mention of distrowatch for ages!
it does. still it's not that useful though... :P ah well
Oooh that's not what I had in mind, but I like it
Hmm launchpad oneboxing doesn't work anymore
whats happenin
That was weird...
@lazyPower what's happening is I'm disappointed in a ubuntu design change, which is actually quite unusual :D
My notebook just totally powered off.
I thought when the battery was low, it would hibernate or at least shut down first.
@fluteflute which one?
@JorgeCastro the new natty network indicator icon. bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mono/+bug/742024
@fluteflute I still havent checked on FBuntu :| i need to get un lazy and do that.... i did sign up for testing after all
too fan
plus I hate that it looks like the speaker one sideways
@fluteflute has anyone else jumped on the bandwagon running 10.10 to test it?
@lazyPower not that I'm aware of. there's no hurry :) but do try using it if you think it'll be useful to you
@fluteflute i just want to beta test something that someone here has written :)
@JorgeCastro agreed. we need a new metaphor for networking....
makes me feel like i'm contributing
@lazyPower let me know how it goes / if you need any help
@fluteflute since i'm in the middle of downtime at work
i think i'll ssh in and grab it
I think my battery is totally shot.
@lazyPower make sure you take a look at the README :)
@fluteflute what was the launchpad url again? i'm searching for fbuntu in the chat logs and its not coming up with anything
@lazyPower bzr branch lp:fbuntu
Just marked myself as being affected by that bug in lauchpad about the new network indicator icon.
@fluteflute If I used Facebook, I'd totally install that. But I don't really use FB...
@JamesGifford I think it's unlikely to be changed, but you never know...
What do people here use to put GMail in the Messaging Menu?
I don't put it in the menu - I use the Gmail Notifier though.
@fluteflute I add it to Evolution :)
+1 for evolution
-1 for evolution
+1 for Thunderbird.
throws @MarcoCeppi at @GeorgeEdison
I don't know what's more impressive
hulk smash!
@lazyPower being able to pick me up or @GeorgeEdison surviving the crushing blow of my body.
I stepped aside :)
yeah, i only winged him :|
he's fairly cat-like with his reflexes
I guess you don't like Thunderbird?
It's not that I don't like memory leaks. I just like Evolution better :)
Memory leaks?
+1 @MarcoCeppi's answer. I was trying to sum that up.
I've never had great success with Mozillas products. They're better then Microsoft, but not nearly the best.
Well... I'm not as big a FF fan as I used to be.
...since Chrome came along.
But honestly... compared to Thunderbird, Evolution just doesn't cut it for me.
I feel like, back when I was using Eudora and Netscape communicator Firefox and Thunderbird were like - God sends
Then I broke through and realized Evolution is really the way to go and Chrome has since replaced my need for Firefox
thunderbird has one fatal flaw
try exporting contacts from one install to another
I used to have to do that at my old job
it was basically pure, pain.
I just think Mozilla has the same viewpoint on software development as Apple does "Screw the users, we do what we want"
And that's awesome if your view points align with theirs. But things like the stupid UA thing in FF4 comes along and it's like "great, now this doesn't work"
I actually like what they're doing
it takes guts to move to this aggressive new schedule
I'm actually just sour about the user agent thing
and in the end even if you don't use FF the competition is awesome for us in the end
having lived through the dark times of the web when the idea of having a browser that wasn't IE, man.
I like Googles release pattern - we've actually adopt a lighter version of it here at work
it could easily have been all over for the web
User agent thing?
Yeah, MPT is finally weighing in on the subject but the Firefox team is kind of being poop heads about it
Binary package hint: software-center With Firefox 4.0~b10+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 the test case sc-001 Follow the link fails and the web page displays the following message: ===== You don't seem to be running Ubuntu ===== It works correctly with Chromium. ProblemType: Bug DistroRelease: Ubuntu 11.04 Package: software-center 3.1.10 ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.37-12.26-generic 2.6.37 Uname: Linux 2.6.37-12-generic i686 Architecture: i386 Date: Fri Jan 28 10:27:31 2011 EcryptfsInUse: Yes PackageArchitecture: all ProcEnviron: LANGUAGE=en_US:en PATH=(custom, user) LANG=en_US.utf8 LC_MESSAGES=en_US.utf8 SHELL=/bin/bash SourcePackage: software-center
firefox (Ubuntu)
High / Won't Fix
I say we just detect linux and try to launch software center
I can't get it working in Chrome...
@JorgeCastro Not half a bad idea
@GeorgeEdison right
@MarcoCeppi But what about when a Fedora user visits the link? :)
because apt.ubuntu.com is trying to detect that you're on ubuntu
which is the wrong way imo
when a fedora person clicks on it it just won't do anything
There really needs to be a better way, IMHO.
This would be the perfect thing for our Chromify-OSD plugin.
@JorgeCastro Just doing what the Spec said. I might change it so that if linux try to launch && show splash. After a few seconds say "Nothing Happening?" then include the "I'm not using Ubuntu" or "I'm on Ubuntu"
When ubuntu updates, will it update to new releases, or just fixes?
There would be a function that it exports that launches the Software Center if it exists.
each routing to the appropriate place
@MarcoCeppi right. I'm just saying that the situation isn't ideal for us so might as well just make it work for ubuntu users
@Marco: By the way, what happened with Gmail and Chromify-OSD? I saw you patched it, but what was the problem?
@GeorgeEdison Or I could just sneak in a global JS variable that says "IS_RUNNING_UBUNTU" and make it true
@fluteflute True that.
@GeorgeEdison It was only injecting for pages that matched ^http://$
@MarcoCeppi Well... how could you do that?
Gmail is HTTPS
@JamesGifford sorry what's true?
@fluteflute That they might not change the network indicator icon, but you never know.
I don't think you could sneak in a JS variable because I don't think you could even tell if it was Ubuntu from within the JS environment.
Anyways. This weekend is my "finish everything" weekend since the misses is out of town. I'l make that small logic change in APTURL for MPT to review
It'd need to be in the NPAPI plugin.
@GeorgeEdison You can't tell from JS - but if it's Chromify-OSD installed then odds are they're on an Ubuntu machine.
@MarcoCeppi No - it works just fine in Fedora.
...provided libnotify is installed.
(Which it is by default.)
I'll just make the aforementioned change in the logic for processing requests from "Linux" UAs
that will fix Chrome and most other browsers by default
@JamesGifford ah yeah :) I posted in the natty forum so might gain some "affects me" from that
@fluteflute To be somewhat blunt, I don't see a point in saying "It affects me" other than to raise awareness with the Unity team that some users don't like it. However, anyone willing to bet that we'll see a icon theme with the old one? ;)
how do I know what version ubuntu I have?
@JamesGifford Yeah, if we could get 20+ people to mark themselves as affected then the designers may take note. They may not...
@Greg Open up a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal), then type in "lsb_release -a" and press Enter.
@fluteflute Also true.
@JamesGifford I installed 10.10. It's still 10.10 ... that's what I thought :)
just wondered if the automatic updates updated the linux version too
I know that sounds a bit noobish
@JamesGifford I don't have a "gnome-panel machine" here to check what the exact menu was...
@Greg Actually, 10.10 is the newest stable version, so it's all good. :)
@JamesGifford ah so will it update to the latest stable version on its own?
@fluteflute Actually, I've just got it memorized. I normally just type in "Alt-F2" "gnome-terminal"
@Greg I don't think so, but I'm not sure. I haven't done an distribution upgrade, I normally re-install.
@Greg No, you'll have to initiate it. Typically (depending on your settings) a window will pop up saying new version is available
@MarcoCeppi @JamesGifford what I'm trying to ask without insulting too many people is "Is it like Windows update" ... there, I said it. Flame me.
Or you can open an terminal and type "dist-upgrade"
@Greg Not entirely. You can set it up to do unmanned security updates - but other than that you'll have to initiate upgrades.
I see. I've only recently migrated fully to Linux, and ubuntu is the first GUI linux I've used
@Greg hehe. I won't flame you. I never flame people for questions like that. :)
@Greg Unlike 98% of the internet we're relatively helpful and decent here :)
"Or you can open an terminal and type "dist-upgrade""
^^ NO!
@MarcoCeppi poke me tomorrow early and I'll talk some sense into mpt
@MarcoCeppi how much do you want to spend on a netbook?
I have an 11.6 acer I want to sell, but it's a real i3
@JorgeCastro asus 1215 is good!
@JorgeCastro the updater version of mine 1201 with a 1.8 ghz cpu! :D
1 hour later…
Samsung Q330 is good
Touch bigger at 13.something inches
Just their luck! I just (as in, 2 hours ago) finished writing a blog post on the answer to this question (no, I didn't post the blog post). - askubuntu.com/questions/31922/problem-installing-ruby-and-gems
@JamesGifford Heh, I've basically stopped blogging technical things I figure out and just self document on AU.
@JorgeCastro Nice idea there. Makes it easier to update as well.
@Oli I was frustrated before when I couldn't find the kernel configs, when I knew I had seen delta documents and them being published before. It wasn't until I saw Leann's post on feature freeze day (today) where it makes sense why they hadn't written it down yet.
I need to use that in my blog
but I could never figure out how to get it working with ubuntu
er, with askubuntu
@JorgeCastro Hangon. I think I spot the thingy.
oh nice
nm. It involves changing the actual js. And I haven't learned js yet.
stackapps.com/questions/518/… - that looks like it might be what we're looking for
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