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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

Wow, this is interesting
that's a dupe
I've seen an awesome question about just that
Good evening/morning/day everyone.
I have a quick one, what can one do about stale package in repos?
this is pathetic. i can't seem to get more than 1K ms ping time to
normally it's about 1-200.
record is 7782ms
weird. now i'm down to 40ms.
How is the blog doing?
it's going alright
hey @GeorgeEdison,
I need to write a review about the nexus 7 with Ubuntu thing, roland has some bug reports/feature requests, etc.
I have a huuuuuuge backlog of bugs to fix I see.
My job finally started last week.
is everything ok on your end? Your G+ post was rather... mysterious.
Yeah. Thanks for asking though.
Just a tough week.
what to to do with this???
Q: Installed ubuntu over windows vista..cant reinstall windows

Marcuz J HinojozI recently used the "compress hard drive" option within windows. i got the horid "boot mngr is compressed" after the restart. i tried booting my system back to windows vista but it doesnt read the cd that came with my computer. i tried going into system recovery and going back to a previous date ...

you're welcome! good to hear that you're ok, and I understand.
@iSeth i'm not sure
Wow, there are a lot of issues on BitBucket.
I'm going to have to prioritize them.
i left that for you, since some of them are chicken-and-egg issues.
@jrg What was the banner you were trying to add?
@GeorgeEdison the internet defense league cat signal.
But the commit messages were... weird...
@jrg just gave it a down vote for now
was originally a SOPA/PIPA thing, they expanded their purview from that single bill to "we are the defenders of the internet! FIGHT US LIKE A MAN!"
@GeorgeEdison hey, i'm not exactly a wonderful guy when it comes to commit messages.
> "pushing pushing pushing"
and i was having issues getting it to run locally, otherwise i would have just squashed them and pushed the fixed one.
and that is actually a quote from white christmas, which i watched the night before.
So...can a mere mortal somehow update or trigger update of ubuntu-repos?
@mistrfu for a specific package?
So G+ launched communities?
or two actually. Onde dependent on the other
@jrg I am talking about openslide0 and lib-vips
@mistrfu which ones? If they've got security stuff you might be able to get it pushed through, otherwise you're probably out of luck.
Even for R release?
what's the version in debian for the package?
@Jorge: I haven't checked yet, din't come to mind...will be right back :)
yep, if it's newer in debian it's just a matter of syncing it
no luck there, they have the same version 7.28
I need 7.31 :(
I have been compiling it for myself on my pc. But now I have to deploy the code to a remote machine and I am not sure how to "package it" or something, to get it to work there.
I have just conf/make/mak inst both packages to a dir in my home folder, now if program B uses program A as a library. Can I just copy program As openslide.so into program Bs ./lib/ folder?
help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall will make a package out of it for your other box
which package is it?
package A is libopenslide, package B is libvips tools
@JorgeCastro that link is givving 500
i hate my network. :(
@JorgeCastro Interesting, is there a way to install package locally? Without sudo rights
@mistrfu not really, no.
most packages need sudo unless you're installing from source
@jrg So I am back to start line. I guess I will have to compile on my dev box and figure out a way how to run it there. I can get the compiled folders to that machine I jsut don't know how to put it together
from looking at debian and ubuntu sources you need to build libvips-tools from source
Do you think throwing the openslide.so files into libvips/lib/ will work?
So it stores hardcoded links to libs?
usually copying things manually doesn't work
I mean it could
but there's no guarantee
you don't have sudo access to the machine you want to get it working on?
I know right, weird....it's this worker que thing. Iron worker. I create a worker and the ntrigger it when I want it to do something for me.
Without sudo
I can install deb packages through their sort of a buildout script, but it doesn't resolve requirements so what good does it do.
@jrg: I can't pull on the 2buntu server.
It seems like the Git config has been changed.
Oh no!
We have a favicon now.
hi @GeorgeEdison , I managed to make branches of nitroshare, to try and mess with things. looks like you have been quite busy, how's the job?
It's been great, thanks!
As you can imagine, things get really busy at a financial institution this time of year.
yep, my part-time goes to holiday hours next week
any new and good try software ?
launchpad.net/nitroshare I'm partial to this right now ( @GeorgeEdison made it )
I wonder how many people are aware that my profile picture is a blood-thirsty monster....
Stupid autodim screen.
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan I thought it was a sea bird.
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan Hi!
Can I please be made a moderator of the 2buntu community? :)
@GeorgeEdison ya wanna be mod of too AU?
No, not Ask Ubuntu.
2buntu. Our blog.
@iSeth I think he already is lol
I'm not a mod on Ask Ubuntu.
@GeorgeEdison oops sorry, I meant as well
I was at one point.
since Roland won't run....
But I don't think I have the time to commit to being a mod.
@GeorgeEdison OK. =)
just wondering, how many mods are there on askubuntu?
BTW @GeorgeEdison are you aware of the bug in Stack Applet?
@MiJyn 6.
@MiJyn askubuntu.com/about scroll to the bottom
@GeorgeEdison yeah, stack API urls changed
oh ok thanks
so we get 'url not found' error
No API URLs have changed in the last year that I know of.
wait... Jorge Castro is NOT a mod? lol
Jorge Castro is Super Bot.
In disguise, you wouldn't recognize him without the glasses.
@GeorgeEdison askubuntu.com/a/38052/44179 read the first comment
doesn't work for me either
What version are you using?
the one in software center... I'm in windows right now
Oh. The one in the Software Center is old and outdated.
@GeorgeEdison oh, OK, where can I get the newer one?
on your site?
In my PPA.
I actually have a Windows installer though if you are interested.
^--- 32-bit Windows installer.
I think PPA's are the future... anyway night everybody
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan: I see what you mean about spam in the review queue.
Also, do you still have access to the 2buntu Google Analytics page?
I've got a quick question which I can't seem to find through searching the internet.
My right mouse-button on my laptop does not seem to work all of a sudden, and I'm searching for a command in the terminal to see if it gets registered at all, do i make myself somewhat clear?
@iSeth Actually, thank you for posting that broken URL link to the StackApplet, I found the CPU meter application. I can tone down the processor to 1Ghz just to cool that fan. Don't lose much preformance.
Le sigh.
Q: ubun2.com is blatantly ripping off Ask Ubuntu content

George Edisonubunt2.com is copying our content without proper attribution. Example: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29733/no-bios-no-video-after-ubuntu-updates http://www.ubun2.com/question/893/no_bios_no_video_after_updates I don't see backlinks anywhere on the page nor an indication that the content is ...

cross post? It definitely looks exactly like a stack exchange site...
What does?
the AU clone, in your question
Q: ubun2.com is blatantly ripping off Ask Ubuntu content

George Edisonubunt2.com is copying our content without proper attribution. Example: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29733/no-bios-no-video-after-ubuntu-updates http://www.ubun2.com/question/893/no_bios_no_video_after_updates I don't see backlinks anywhere on the page nor an indication that the content is ...

It looks like the answers and everything are different, might have been the user that went posting it every where
Hmmm.... I hadn't thought of that.
looks like they don't close mint q's hmmm, ubun2.com/question/1020/…
It all looks too similar, maybe something stackexchange might want to look into.
Night all.
I need @jokerdino
1 hour later…
@Mochan you called?
o/ Hi all
Back in The Internet Zone?
yeah :D
<-- couldnt live without...
yeah. good thing i got the internet back on the same day :D
My weekend was all trial and error.
(Packaging maze)
oh lol
so, done packaging?
Now I managed to install my app to /opt.
you should try to get it into debian.
Lintian spits out 1000 errors because you're not supposed to install there.
which would require installing to /usr/share
@Takkat yep that :P
your package would be considered low quality if not installed in /usr/share
@jokerdino Yeah, now that I know how to do it it's a piece of cake.
@jokerdino there was this USC thing asking for packages in /opt.
yeah but you are packaging it for debian right?
i would suggest getting it into debian :D
<-- forgets about USC and /opt
Maybe I should start with PyPi?
i don't know what that is ;p
is it gtk for py3?
That's the Python "repository".
i thought it was env-py
@jokerdino its Gtk3 for py2 or py3
both will run - I made it install for Python2
i am not very familiar with this gtk and python thing you see
Python2 because 12.04 needs too many dependencies for Python3
Gtk2 --> Gtk3 was the worst bit.
hm, right
Python2 --> Python3 was easy because I took care to not use deprecating things.
smart move
Surprisingly now that all was in Python3 I found that it runs almost without change on Python2 as well (only 6 lines of code for incompatible calls).
yeah, it is backwards compatible.
But packaging was a real pain.
Soooooooo many incomprehensible errors.
easy to backport but difficult to port forward from py2 to py3
Depends on the py2 code.
hm true too
Hi @jokerdino
morning o/
o/ o/
@jokerdino ltns
just lost my 70 consecutive days :(
was a bit busy :)
@EvandroSilva :(
@jokerdino work? fun?
working on a project
unity configuration tool
@EvandroSilva oh - someone else cares about consecutive days?
Takkat has about 1000 days :P
oah no - 789 only.
@Takkat ;)
Still way to go for 1000
anything could happen. Like broken router, access, else...
travel this weekend
Travel is no excuse. I even made it from abroad.
Only once I had an issue when the WiFi was broken in one of the mountain hotels we stayed.
I will make a script to log me in everyday and then do some random things
That's cheating. Log in in person and do random things ... :P
@jokerdino wish I was better at python so I could help you in that project ><
I suck at most interpreted languages
<-- likes interpreted languages because they tell you immediately what you did wrong.
Well, they mostly tell you not what but only that.
Syntax error
I just like more rules
My experiments with C some decades ago always ended up with rebooting 20x per hour.
But I loved it because I didn't have to learn so many commands.
lol :)
C is from hell
I like ruby for interpreted
C is from heaven. C coders are influenced by somewhere else.
@EvandroSilva no problem :)
i don't know python myself
Those days when I learned tried to learn C people were still coding in Assembler (this is from hell).
wow, I don't even know what's that :)
That's like machine code instructions.
I'm kidding ;)
Incomprehensible to man.
I still prefer 0100011101011011000101011110
Is Pascal dead?
I think so
Fortran isnt
even though it should.
Fortran is still around
they still teach it for the civil engg.
BASIC is dead. Wait - is there still Visual Basic?
Visual Basic .NET
Basic is still around. At least as Gambas.
.NET is a hidden folder in my brain.
wish it was :P
I think I'm getting too much to the dark side
We can only see light from the dark side.
this is why I like linux / ubuntu
cause I'm stuck with this not so good windows everyday
mono still needs to evolve a little more
Windows == Computers_at_work
Everytime I see a Windows boot splash I am immediately reminded of my office at work.
okay. lunch time folks
breakfast time here
@Takkat same here
Good that my office keyboard is breadcrumb-resistant.
here they give us nothing to eat :(
neither let us eat anywhere inside
They don't let us here either but what if staff starved to death...
They dont even give us lunch breaks. So there is no choice, really.
wow #__#
here we have to eat before 7:00 and then only between 12:30 - 13:30 and then wait until 17:00
<-- cant eat before 10 am
only espresso until 10
wish I were a freelancer :(
Freelancer == Free_of_money
No income, no tax. \o/
you people don't even know what are taxes
come here to Brazil and you will know
Oh noes - today it's an all year's work item record here :"(
here comes @fossfreedom!
It's a wild @fossfreedom!
@smartboyhw good morning!
@fossfreedom Good afternoon! (5:27 PM here)
you must be in the far east somewhere - china/hong kong/singapore?
Hong Kong he is
@fossfreedom Yes Hong Kong
@jokerdino good guess - what are you doing here - thought you were on your christmas break?
I am sitting in my house spending time
nothing better to do :P
@jokerdino As what we say: "HEA"
what's that?
@jokerdino - question - what has happened to 2buntu RSS feed?
there is no RSS feed since the django thingie
have to ask George
@jokerdino The word in Hong Kong-ish Cantonese for "doing nothing at all at home"
@jokerdino :(
@smartboyhw oh right. that would be the word then
Hmm strange that ubun2.com actually tried to fake themselves as Ubuntu Forums.......
@fossfreedom where is that question you asked?
@FEichinger LOL
That kinda made my day.
@smartboyhw I've asked Stack Exchange themselves - not alot us lowly community mods can do.
@fossfreedom Oh?
probably SE need to get the lawyers involved
probably report on meta.SO
/me wants his starred message off the star board in the right-hand side
Q: Stack Overflow clones

AndrijaListed here are clones of the Stack Exchange sites model.

not that one perhaps.
Now I want that off the star board too:P
uh who kept starring!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
happy? :)
@jokerdino :)
@jokerdino, the askbot is the one that most look like StackExchange, it's practically equal!!!
the one i linked to is not where you should report. i can't find the link
Q: Report sites that use SE content without following attribution rules here

Popular DemandThere are a number of license-violating clones of Stack Exchange sites popping up that use SE's cc-wiki data without following our Creative Commons attribution terms. Those terms are linked at the bottom of every SE webpage, and are also included as a .txt file in every data dump we produce. The...

@jokerdino add an answer reporting that site if you havent already.
haven't yet. anyone else adding one?
i would suggest someone else do it. sorta got caught on something else right now
Not logged in to meta.SE right now, sorry.
@fossfreedom @jokerdino you want me to?
yes please.
@fossfreedom added. Actually do you realize this website also violates the rules by calling themselves "Ubuntu Forums"?
they are going for search terms to drive traffic to their site. That's how they are trying to make money.
@fossfreedom I shall report it to the Forums ops for that.
And did
@RolandiXor-TheIceMan I'm here
Hey @Peachy haven't seen you for a while
@smartboyhw o/
lets see how long that lasts on the site!
@fossfreedom ;D
What is the problem if some1 wishes to earn money for what they provide.
they don't follow the license
98% of the peoples does not read (less care about) what the licenses policies are.
If you start killing sites for license then all torrent sites will be gon.
so, let them go
I always thought god created apple free for all human beings.
@Takkat You mean the real Apple?:P
Nah ! if you are a developer and its ur content got copied then it's a thing to worry. If not then relax
green or red - I prefer red apples
@CuriousApprentice the problem is that they were trying to boost their website usage in a no-good way.
Yea ! thats a problem.
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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