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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

People forgot to put on their snow tires, despite it is clear that there will be snow somewhen.
Like people who dont backup despite its clear the drive will crash somewhen.
wait, drives can crash? :D
i've put on the snow tires two weeks ago :P
They should be replaced everytime they are full, i.e. once every 6 months ;)
That frightened me then.
This was my backup drive.
Ubuntu said something about disk failure and immediate replacement.
Power cycles: 39 - it may not yet be used to spin up so often... :)
iHigh too
UHigh @Takkat?
uNotslept @AmithKK?
YesINotSlept @Takkat
@Takkat There must be a warning there. like "A new disk may take time to spin up till a few power cycles have completed
Read a book then. This always helps to make me sleepy
or wait for the grand prix
@htorque What Grand Prix?
@RolandTaylor Random lately?
@amith formula one grand prix in india
@AmithKK Its an eSATA drive - Ubuntu may not be used to such kind of hot-plugged devices.
@AmithKK yep
keeping the brain alive while I wait on CDs to burn and packages to install
cat /dev/urandom>roland.brain
Oh, I'm running out of sleepnet quota ;)
cat dog | tail
@lazyPower coderchuck.com is down
get it krunk homie
@AmithKK i dont own it anymore - i opted into registering charlesbutler.me
@lazyPower Oh
Oops! Google Chrome could not find charlesbutler.me
Did you mean: charlesbutler.­net
Additional suggestions:
Access a cached copy of charlesbutler.­me
Go to charlesabutler.­com
Go to charles-­butler.­com
Search on Google:
oh lol
I spelt your name wrong
no, you probably left off the www
i dont have a canonical domain redirect in place
That's nice!
And It's copyleft
@lazyPower why would you redirect to canonical anyways?
yeah, i'm not the best comedian out there
@RolandTaylor mkfifo tail && ln -s tail favorite_thing && dog(){ echo 'this is my ' > favorite_thing }; while (readline tail); dog(); done;
hyuck hyuck hyuck ;)
@htorque we <3 your geeky humor.
@htorque Good Humor
Adobe needs to port their CS to linux
Now I need to convert some videos...
Arista, where art thou?
system going down for reinstall of alternate and openbox. goodbye bloat. back in a while.
Q: invalid SSL_version specified at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 332

jippieSince I upgraded my PC from (k)ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 I receive this error message when dirvish tries to backup a remote host. Dirvish is written in Perl and obviously uses IO::Socket::SSL to securely connect with remote hosts. Installing an older version of IO::Socket::SSL is not an option. I ha...

no bloat browsing experience
in fact its surprisingly easy to browse on column80
grr, alternate still doesn't allow in-place reinstall to encrypted lvm. backing up instead and format reinstall
@Takkat funny man.
You can do that from TTY in case nothing else works - could save your life :)
Then there's Dillo...
okay, i didn't mean ALL usability features and fun stuff. i meant just openbox, xcompmgr, chromium, and one of the not horrible xterms
@GeorgeEdison - the sencha architect product is built with Qt in case you need something to say "Even HTML/JS awesome-kits use Qt somewhere"
my favourite: links2
If you have an X-server at hand you can mouse-browse incl. images from TTY
that's pretty neat. might have to check it out. i'm going for the "what DE is that" effect when someone walks behind me
\o/ after disabling all windows fade/zoom/whatnot effects I can bearably run 12.10 in virtualbox
'evening folks :)
@AmithKK: I'm back to Android now.
Amith should be sleeping...
Impressions so far: Ubuntu on the Nexus 7 looks promising, but it's not ready for prime time yet.
Too much bugs, of which one is really annoying and the only solution is a reboot once it happens.
@NiekBergman :( - well at least it sort of maybe kind of works
kind of want. it could be the first toy i get to troubleshoot in recent memory: jr.com/aoc-international/pe/AOC_E1649FWU
Still waiting for those toys to become brighter: vivitekusa.com/vertical.php?vertical_id=11
Hey all
Super User / Root Access are starting to look too Windows-y from the Win8 launch and their overt support of it, so I'm going to hang out here :-)
par for the course. this one's all orange-y so it's kind of a universal truth
Hope nobody asks how to make Ubuntu look Metro-ish... :P
@Takkat too late. there's already a metro conky theme
I've seen that with a shudder
ubuntubuzz.com/2011/10/… if you want to shudder again
<- still shudders again
1-line rant: hideous problems upgrading Win7 to Win8 on two separate, very different boxen. Metro UI extremely frustrating. Received refund for Win8 and donated to Canonical instead. Installed Ubuntu 12.10 and was completely satisfied with installed apps and functionality within an hour
an hour is too long ;)
@allquixotic german? boxen instead of boxes just feels germanic to me
@AbrahamVanHelpsing not german, just used the word because other hackers use it, maybe they're from germany
even got bumblebee working with auto power management so my nvidia card turns on and renders games fast (using the binary driver) while my main desktop runs on the intel IGP... truly amazing stuff how easy it was to configure
Germans would say "boxens" :P
i hated unity when it first came out but i'm actually really, really happy with it now on 12.10 for some reason
i think it's because the dock is always there now instead of popping in and out
your friends must be older than me "An alternative pluralization of boxes. In 60-80s"
@AbrahamVanHelpsing a lot of people who actually hack on linux infrastructure use it... gnome developers, red hat developers, etc
Was refering to Germans pluralizing English loan words with utter disrespect
i've interacted with them enough to adopt the word into my vocabulary, between testing intel drivers and developing apps and bugfixes
<-- upgraded for Unity when it came out
@allquixotic i started to like unity, but it drove me nuts with not working with loads of apps or not un-minimising properly and it's the best desktop ever if you haven't tried it
@AbrahamVanHelpsing shhhh i haven't encountered that yet, you're supposed to protect my naivete and innocence and say, yes, unity is the best desktop ever
My 2 kids were 7 and 8 when they put their hands on Unity to operate it with no further questions.
oh no doubt it's a simplification of user interface. i'm not saying it's not a great idea. integration problems turned me off some though.
Only when my girl wanted to start customizing it she got a bit sad
well, 12.10 yanked myunity so...wait on 13.04 if you want to customize it at all
<-- never did much more than changing wallpapers
i don't really need to customize
/me slimmed it down(icon size), did auto-hide, made the top-bar transparent, etc etc. when i'm not using it i don't want to know it's there
@AbrahamVanHelpsing can we slim down the icon size (width / scale) on 12.10?
IMO a UI has to be as simple and intutive as possible. For anything else we have the terminal.
don't want to auto-hide though, i use it constantly for task switching between windows
it's basically my taskbar, but taking up horizontal space instead of vertical... which makes sense i guess since i have a 16:9 screen
i didn't try. i'm pretty sure you could do it with gsettings or something, but i didn't do the 12.10 upgrade
i'm a gnome 2 old hand, so something radical like unity is very likely to disturb me... that said, i'm extremely happy with it
i found it disturbing at first, then started to like it because i got the "idea" behind it, then shifted again because of particular applications that i use heavily that don't do as well as they could with it
i'll probably just switch to cinnamon if that happens, but so far i have no reason to ditch it
oh noes. don't do that
i sort of think it's not the job of the application to "conform" to a new ui. it's the job of the new ui to be backwards compatible. and unity kind of pitched that and said "look how cool this is" then ran about fixing bugs. i understand it, i'm just not overly enthused. still way better than cinnamon though
well opinions are subjective but i used and loved cinnamon for the longest time; it's much more familiar to a windows or gnome2 user than either gnome-shell or unity
that's a fair point
@allquixotic its set up from in Settings -> Appearence
that's exposed directly now? cool. is it basically merging myunity in to appearance settings so the tool will die instead of getting reworked?
only the launcher icon size moved there but yes, that would be the proper place to put these things.
I always look there least because I never find what I want.
But launcher icon size can not be defined from dconf or gconf (at least I havent found it there) :/
i understand the push for platform integration, but i also like the "thousand apps that do one thing right" mentality
If there are 1000 apps its likely you find one of them ;)
Q: Should questions seeking workarounds for bugs allowed?

Brad KochI recently upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10 and had my alt + tab break. Fortunately, I found a question on AskUbuntu that had the solution. However, since this question was closed, the solution was posted in a comment instead of being a proper answer. I understand the need to submit bug reports to the...

yeah. i more meant like "just use myunity to tweak unity. lenstoggle to disable lenses. ubuntu-tweak to manage non-integrated themes. etc etc"
Funny enough the launcher icon size was in Appearance in 12.04 already - never seen it.
@AbrahamVanHelpsing yeah one app for one task makes it more likely it works without bugs. Its o much easier to maintain.
heh. neato. i wanted to set transparency on the top-bar and just perused other settings while i was in myunity
BBL (dad's duties wating for me)
and yes, that. it also means you have one tool/script to fix when it goes wrong. if you REALLY want some monster platform integration you can always use gtk::sockets to USE the one tool and just parent it to a tab in the "integrated tool"
@Takkat awesome, I found it and reduced the size -- thanks!
Q: Should questions about Nexus 7 be off-topic?

fossfreedomQuestions about the Ubuntu installation on Nexus 7 are starting to appear on AskUbuntu such as this: How to Enable Wireless on Nexus 7 Given that Canonical themselves have pitched the Nexus 7 as a development goal for 13.04 - should we as a community treat Nexus 7 questions similar to Alpha &...

@NiekBergman --^
thought you might want to weigh in on it or be part of a stock question/answer if one gets formed
@AbrahamVanHelpsing As an owner of a Nexus 7, I'm pretty eager to see the N7 build stabilize and come to fruition... I think unity would be absolutely incredible on a device of that form factor with a touchscreen
@allquixotic I have previously speculated that smaller form factors are the true reason for unity anyway
@AbrahamVanHelpsing I previously speculated that touchscreens (regardless of the form factor) are the true reason for Unity :P
it's really interesting just how closely Microsoft has practically copied the Unity / Gnome Shell type UX for Windows 8
there are obvious differences, of course. but certain design elements are blatantly similar
@allquixotic: they also copied their own phones ;p
\o/ my backup is FINALLY done. time to reinstall
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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