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Can anyone please verify that the syntax in this answer is correct?
A: apt-get - select the oldest google-chrome file in sources.list.d

Artur MeinildMake a DPkg::Post-Invoke command that runs after using apt/dpkg. Create the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/100post-invoke with the contents: # This is a list of shell commands to run after invoking dpkg/apt-get # DPkg::Post-Invoke { "[[ rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list"; }; Now, after ...

I don't have extensive experience with apt post-invoke scripts/commands, but my initial testing (and other sources I've seen) tells me this answer should do the the OP is after.
Please comment or suggest if I'm missing something.
Hi guys, I'm having trouble understanding why there is GRUB_DEFAULT=saved and GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true, here: gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/html_node/… The documentation is kinda confusing, it says GRUB_DEFAULT=saved can be useful just by itself, but how I understand it is that without GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true it actually won't save it, so how can these two be separate?
It's actually explained pretty well..
If you set this to ‘saved’, then the default menu entry will be that saved by ‘GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT’ or grub-set-default.
Notice or grub-set-default
If this option is set to ‘true’, then, when an entry is selected, save it as a new default entry for use by future runs of GRUB. This is only useful if ‘GRUB_DEFAULT=saved’; it is a separate option because ‘GRUB_DEFAULT=saved’ is useful without this option, in conjunction with grub-set-default.
GRUB_DEFAULT=saved can be used by itself
The "saved" value will be either 1) The entry chosen by the command grub-set-default or 2) The last entry selected in GRUB only if the option GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true is set
@ArturMeinild so if I use it by itself and then select an entry it won't save it for the next reboot?
If you use GRUB_DEFAULT=saved by itself, it will be the value stored in the default file
And it will not change, unless you specifically change it with grub-set-default
isn't that like the default behaviour, to take the default file? why is that an option?
The GRUB_DEFAULT= is the first entry (0) by default
If you have more questions, please ask the Grub developers
ah I see, interesting
The value saved is there so it can be updated dynamically
So there are kind of 2 defaults, 1 is the default file and the list of kernels is also kind of a default
Either by your selection, or by invoking grub-set-default (could be se by scripting)
Although I get it now, it seems a bit of a weird choice to have two places where a default can be stored
I believe you should think of it this way:
If you set GRUB_DEFAULT="value", then the default selection is completely static, and will never change, unless you change the config
If you set GRUB_DEFAULT=saved, then the default selection is "dynamic" - it may change with selection (GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true) or with scripting or any other way of invoking grub-set-default`
This is the best way I can explain it
Think of it as static or dynamic defaults
Makes sense, thanks
2 hours later…
yikes, whats up with the spam? this is for real terrible
This minor issue of a strike?
@vidarlo yeah maybe, but i dont know how many i flagged as spam last night , it was hilarious more or the less, flagged one came back to the page to be greeted with two more etc
But smokey is offline due to the strike, and a lot of users like me are participating and not flagging
so net result is that spam that required one real user vote previously now requires 5
yeah sad affair, im not to much into the matter so im not picking sides here, i falgged in the past 12 hours around 19 spam posts
Might be 3
I vaguely recall they'd done that on (some? all?) sites
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike Really? CV is 3 on some sites
I know it's lowered from 8 to 5. 3 is news to me.
But sure, wouldn't surprise me.
efery spam flag reduces the post by one negative vote, having 6 of them deltes the post
the downvotes and obliteration are not related
true as many people simply downvote and not flag :)
and practically a curator strike and smokey being down is the worst case scenario
We can self organise flagging (and frankly, mods seeing spam flags before community deletion also results in the user being deleted)
well i will flag as long i see them
I'm on strike but I'll deal with whichever spammers I see later
Unfortunately, I'm also in the strike, so I don't flag, downvote or anything else.
The site must burn until SE get their sh*t together
good to know, im not picking sides is simple, i due to my psychological shortcommings not have the attention span anymore to read through hundrets of posts :)
what are the demands from the mods?
Q: Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers

Mithical Introduction As of today, June 5th, 2023, a large number of moderators, curators, contributors, and users from around Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network are initiating a general moderation strike. This strike is in protest of recent and upcoming changes to policy and the platform that...

Under the heading: What the striking users want
@Videonauth That's perfectly fine; noone here is blaiming you for attempting to keep the site operating :)
@vidarlo well, my whole linux adventure started here 6 years ago :)
hehe, and you've come far :)
and I hope the strike is resolved soon, so we can make things right
My flamethrower is cold and hungry.
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike 🔥😁
build my first real good computer last year on my 50th bd
What's the second PCI card?
@Videonauth Congrats:)
More graphic cards than I've had :D
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike USB hub for 8 USB 3 gen 1 and 4 USB c
board is from 4 yeras ago chrismass from a friend but now i maxxed it out technically, 64 GB ram, and an i9-9900k
@Videonauth Looks dope! 😁
and yes this is outdated tech, but in face of the energy problems we have and the rising prices this was the most reasonable build
my mediaplayer pc has an i5-650
it's 12 years
most love i have for the case :D
i wanted this one since 2014 when it first hit the market
corsair carbide air series
I have one of those
@Videonauth This is a very good, and balanced, summary: jlericson.com/2023/05/31/mod_strike
So since we are showing off hardware... 😁
and frankly its fine :D
i love the computer sitting here at 39°C on idle when room ambient is 30°
My homelab server rack
nice lol
I need to figure out that sorta thing soon. I'm finally getting my new apartment after an almost 2 year delay from the original date
The entire rack with Firewall, 16 port Switch, Main server (Supermicro Atom) and a couple of Raspberry Pi's use 55 Watts in total
Pretty happy I went with a low-energy solution considering the prices last year. 😎
old case and setup beside the new one
.... how old is that case 0_0
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike From the 90's it seems.. 😅😅
Or early 2000's 😎
@ArturMeinild I've got ethernet prewired so while I'm not going for so many ports, planning on having the whole setup multigig capable
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike i got it in 2002 after it has served 5 years in my friends care
and the carbide air series is /was new last year
it was housing a i5-8400 on the same board im using now
@Videonauth I remember the days of DYI computer in large towers like that.. 😅
oh i love it and im not done with marvin yet
next is a build in Pi 4 8gb driving the machines sensoring and so on
most of my farm petting zoo's NUCs lol
Anyone who have installed at least one Plextor CD recorder, raise your hand! 😅
I need to reorganise them at some point, but I'm planning on running my in house monitoring, home automation and stuff in proxmox
@ArturMeinild I think I've owned a few litheons and whoever creative bought from
@ArturMeinild i not have but i have this :D therocketplatform.com/ProductImage/…
Yanno, if we're comparing wierd old gear...
I have an ancient SGI octane in a corner somewhere :D
@Videonauth Tape backup - OK I've never had that.. 😅
i got one of those drives and a full bag of tapes back a few years, still searching for a viable scis solution to run it tho
Had a tape robot at a point
12x50GB tapes I think
thats cool stuff yeah
still traing to find a way to upcycle this old stuff for a new use case
I uh, generally throw linux on it
but saying that here feels like trying to sell snow to eskimos :D
@ArturMeinild Interesting read. I mean SE has been all downhill since Monica. She was the first stone, but after her it was clear that this thing is the titanic, bound to sink, it's just a matter of time
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike is there any other viable os than linux? :P (no i not need an answer to that!)
@Videonauth I've been joking about moving to haiku for years
@Hakaishin Eh no
It started doing downhill halfway through Joel taking over
I think the 'turning' point was the downsizing exercises
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike I've always found BeOS / Haiku fascinating
@ArturMeinild Its frustratingly close to being usable
they ported epiphany recently but it apparently crashes on x64
I like its simplicity and design philosophy
I've never had any usecase for it, but I still really like it.
frankly these days ...
all I need is a web browser, and a media player
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike You can come a really long way with that..
im happy that linux and gaming did come a long way the past few years
and im even dualbooting, 20.04.4 and 20.04.4 :D one is factory so to say a simple linux which is not set up much and always will work in safe mode, and one i usually use normally
So at least one person in here is actually using Ubuntu :D
I run it on 2 seperate boxen
@vidarlo started with it and despite the snap insanity im fine using it, although considering switching if even more apps will be snap exclusive so to say
yeah, that's what moved my last system away from it, onto Opensuse
@vidarlo hey Im using Ubuntu server 😅😎
impressive ;P
So now we're up to 3 people 😅
We are all using Ubuntu desktop and server at work :)
I also need to get a home assistant VM up at some point ._.
(not decided if I should use their full distro or run it over ubuntu LD)
HA runs very well in Docker
@ArturMeinild that's not shocking on an ubuntu chatroom
@vidarlo I don't really like containers here since I might want to do some hardware passthrough
yes, there's that
I have a RPi with usb dongles at home, talking MQTT to a HA instance running in Finland
Well the plan is to consolidate HA and a few other things to one VM host
@terdononstrike thank you and yes i see a problem with AI content and the tools used to indentify AI content, many stuff ive written over the years are being flagged by gptzero for example as highly likely being AI content, thus the reason why i not write anymore
Oh yes, the detectors don't really work. Which is why no mod relied on them.
i see AI as a problem like the technical advancement over the past 30 years where legislation and rules where only made in retrospective as the tech evolved so fast, problem with ai is, those rules have to be in place already or it will get so out of hand that it throws us back
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike Well, it's kind of standing joke here that few people actually use Ubuntu.. 😬😎
But of course many do.. 😅
I feel like most ubuntu users are less... snooty about it
I mean its less "Oh its better" or "Oh its 1% faster" or...
its "eh, its doing the thing in the corner"
Are you comparing to any other community in particular?? coughArchcough
@ArturMeinild amusingly enough - sysadmins and Red Hat... I'm curious to see how that crowd goes, and gentoo and Arch folks too
But I LIKE the gentoo and arch folks
they got good documentation
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike The Arch wiki is actually totally awesome
Hands down - I've taken quite a bit of config snippets from there
and I'm in the philosphy of preferring to set up things from as close to scratch as possible over 'docker or nothing' installs
And of course it's caricature..
there's a few people who remind you every chance they get
But there are some Arch Youtubers, where you're definitely not in doubt what they're running 😅
Haha yes
The old joke: "How do you know people are running Arch?"
They WILL tell you!
Like vegans :D
At the end of the day its a tool I know well
I mean, sure there's probably a better way, or a more elegant way but, its the hammer I have, and know well
@ArturMeinild Do you know what distro I use?
@terdononstrike hmm no? 😎
@terdononstrike I vaguely recall Gentoo
Gentoo.. I have actually zero knowledge about Gentoo
I know it exists - and that's about it. 😅
I was actually thinking of moving one box (my router) to a RH-alike but now I'm probably not
(since I use firewalld for firewall management and nothing on it us ubuntu-specific)
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike Yeah RH is quite messy atm..
@ArturMeinild Phew! I was afraid I'd acted like one of the fanbois you were (very reasonably) complaining about :) No, I use Arch.
At least until they figure out if Alma and Rocky can continue to be updated properly..
@ArturMeinild its still a bit of a workaround
@terdononstrike Makes sense, since you're obviously a power-user - and I mean that in a good way
and I do often do the whole 'install stuff and forget about it for years' thing so ...
long term stability is nice
And I do get the entire AUR and latest software thing
@ArturMeinild actually that's a thing
How bleeding edge/stable/boring do you want? :D
But since I'm more into running server, I prefer a more stable base - and I've known Debian for a long time
I think Ubuntu sits in a nice spot between Debian and some of the more bleeding edge distros
ah yup
bit they also do a few NIH things
The release cadence is well known, the packages are OK updated, and it's pretty solid
I also don't agree with some of the snap stuff - but I can live with it for now..
@ArturMeinild Actually, for me, the thing that really convinced me to stay with Arch after trying it was the absence of apt's dependency hell.
Hmm yeah ok
So you can't have dependency hell with Pacman?
I also liked how much I learned while installing it and setting it up, but that's the hardcore geek in me. The packaging system is the first time I've seen something that actually does just work.
@terdononstrike ah that's a thing
@ArturMeinild I don't think so. At least, I haven't seen it once in the ~6 years (I think) that I've been using Arch.
I want to get running fast, and then do stuff
IIRC arch has no official installer?
Then you don't want Arch, no question.
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike Not really, no. You boot to a command line and follow the Arch guide to the letter.
Have a short attention span
I uh
It is not for the non-expert user, and not for any user who doesn't actually want to tinker.
I installed it when I was between jobs and had time to tinker :)
@terdononstrike I like tinkering, and am decent, but also SQUIRREL
@terdononstrike That's good.. I've been running a couple of Ubuntu servers for over 3 years now, and I've never had any dependency problems either
But I'm also mostly sticking to stock packages
I believe dependency problems mostly arise when people don't know what they're doing, to put it bluntly
Oh. I used to get apt issues all the time when I was using Debian-based distros.
And yes, that's a real problem of course
It is entirely possible that I didn't know what I was doing, but I think my issues were more caused by things like requiring specific versions of tools or needing to compile some things that were not in repos etc.
@terdononstrike Yes - I can image that can cause some trouble..
I think you're right that apt isn't really geared for needing specific versions.
With apt you pretty much have to stick with the version in the repos - or install in some other way
Else you will get issues
I also dislike the need to reinstall all the time (I could never get the dist-upgrade to work cleanly). On the other hand, I do miss some of the ease of use that the Debian world has.
It's always a trade off.
True.. 😎
I'm just used to Debian/Ubuntu, and I know apt well
I've been thinking that my next (work) computer will be a mac though. Their hardware has gotten so bloody good, and they are a proper *nix system these days and you can install GNU tools so it might be worth it.
@ArturMeinild Oh, I used Debian based systems (Ubuntu, LMDE, Mint) for most of a decade.
Oh. No, considerably more than a decade, actually :)
At various times, I've been a user of Mandrake, SuSe, open SuSe, Red Hat, Fedora, Arch, Ubuntu, LMDE and Mint.
Yeah well I still think there has to be some heavy arguments for me to switch, as Ubuntu pretty much does what it needs to do for me
I think I used mandriva, SUSE (10.1 with the broken package manager) RHEL/Centos (old job)
@ArturMeinild In that case you should not switch!
oh and HP-UX ._.
At the end of the day, its a perfectly good hammer :D
@terdononstrike Yeah the new Apple platform is blazing
I've never been that much into Apple either, think it'll be too big of a switch for me..
If/when I retire my SP, I kinda want a framework :D
Or some wierd chinese machine ._.
@terdononstrike after a few, incidents, most of my builds are documented
@ArturMeinild I might end up installing Linux on it.
I really need to get some sort of config management up :D
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike like this?
$ wc -l README.install
1893 README.install
@terdononstrike youre only a real linux user if you ever attempted an install on a dead badger :P
@terdononstrike something along those lines
@Videonauth Hey, it was alive when I started installing, your honor, I swear!
@terdononstrike 😅
7 hours later…
@Videonauth Looks nice :). I see mechanical HDDs and in an unusual position?
@andrew.46-OnStrike Its quite practical
and honestly, still can't beat running spinning rust for bulk storage
(as someone whose primary system is entirely nvme flash based even!)

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