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@C.S.Cameron you know as well as I that editing spam out of posts doesn't solve the problem, nor does it help anything during a strike. It's actually something that gets people smacked every once in a while if they overdo it.
@ThomasWard-OnStrike Please show me where editing harmful spam out of a question or answer is not permitted. Your message sounds like you are threatening me.
@C.S.Cameron makes it less obvious that its spam, making clean up hard once its over
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike 100% this, and it's always been this
and always been this across the network
I have a few search criteria that I plan to use against deleted posts to hunt down and delete spammers
a lot of this can transfer network wide should a mod be so inclined.
Editing might break it
Q: Should spam posts be edited?

Mad Scientist - on strikeI noticed that the posts of the recent spam surge on Ask Ubuntu were all edited by community members into something like EDITED - REMOVED SPAM ANSWER or similar. While I understand why the users have done this and I too don't want to leave the spam content visible for longer than absolutel...

all the answers explain why NOT to edit spam posts.
and that meta post has been around since 2011
mod strike or not, you should still not edit spam.
because then any flags you did raise are now invalid, etc. against it.
Some of the spam I have flagged and edited has been sitting on AU for hours, presumably with a harmful payload in it. The anti spam bots do not seem to be working, If they were I would not need to do this.
@C.S.Cameron they're not working. Yanno, the strike
but we've handled spam before smokey... flagging is fine
Editing makes post strike remediation harder
@ThomasWard-OnStrike quoted from the first answer in your link: "As nhinkle says, most links do not even need to be removed, unless they are linking to porn, viruses, or disturbing content".
From the same answer:
> If a post is flagged after being edited, those flags will be invalidated if the post is rolled back; unless your edit actually results in a post that shouldn't be deleted, you're just creating an opportunity for someone to make the post stick around longer.
> Editing spam can result in the remainder of the spam post being considered "good"
From the second answer:
> In addition to avoid editing spam posts, I'd like to mention as well that you should also roll it back ASAP if someone else edits a spam post.
and as Journeyman says, and he's been around even longer than I, it makes post-strike remediation of spam harder
we no longer can confirm if it's spam or not, it looks like then that you're using flags for "not an answer" or "not a question" posts.
so editing spam causes more problems than it solves.
it also prevents retroactive processing or detection mechanisms we would use to log the spam (if we chose to do so in other tools)
What kind of sicko is going to roll back spam with ads for Turkish Call Girls, Loan Sharks, Penis Enlargers, Voodoo spells, and Gummy Drugs. The spammers never have a rep of more than 1.
One who wants the users to be deleted and their IPs blocked
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike Which we can't do if we no longer see posts as spam
(and editing the spam can lead to the flags being withdrawn/retrafcted)
If its porn - then stirikes don't matter
PING a mod, tell them the situation and its flagged
Other than that - we'll deal with it
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike This. Moderators are NOT restricted from erasing illegal content, during this strike (including but not limited to sexual abuse, kiddie porn, etc.). However the vast majority of spam is not illegal content. And during the strike many of us don't check the queue.
Yeah, but a lot of us don't check the queue
It takes less than 3 seconds to review the edit to confirm spam once the post is opened.
how hard is it to just ask us to delete something that is porn, etc. rather than edit it out
@C.S.Cameron Edits don't show in the mod panel that way, and it's nontrivial for us to view the edit history for dozens of posts just to clean up things during a strike where it isn't in the exclusions list for strike inactions.
@C.S.Cameron We're not actively checking the queues
Editing the harmful links out of the spam is better than leaving it there for hours. a search for --- spam--- will quickly find any spam posts I have edited that have not been deleted. I have been checking regularly to confirm these spam posts have been deleted
It isn't because we'd need to know that + there's other tools that can pick up on content, like smoke detector
also the search tools are absolute crap for searching for strings like what you're stating, which only makes it harder to search for that
> I have been checking regularly to confirm these spam posts have been deleted
@JourneymanGeekOnStrike If you were then I would not be wasting my time editing and flagging them. If the post is marked in red with "Deleted" is it still there?
That's not going to happen during the mod strike because ther'es literally THOUSANDS of flags that CMs have to deal with right now due to the strike.,
@C.S.Cameron We're not actively checking the queues cause well, the company tried to make it harder for other kinds of crap to be removed, and we're on strike
I hear rumors from certain sources that SO's count is in the thousands alone.
@ThomasWard-OnStrike Rumours like... a meta comment :D
Oh that reminds me, you indicated support of the strike by the way, CS.
at least 8k
Humint says 10k
SU's in the hundred+ range
@ThomasWard-OnStrike It does not sound like you have tried this lately, Search works for me.
Q: Don't edit spam answers, just flag them

Jorge CastroWe've been hit by way more spam than normal, just thought I'd point out these discussions on meta that might be useful to folks: What can we do about the increasing amount of spam on Ask Ubuntu? Should Spam posts be edited?

^^ an Ask Ubuntu meta thread about this
and a response from Oli in 2011
until someone brings this up in Meta to change this decision and moderator advice/guidelines to the community, that still stands
@ThomasWard-OnStrike It looks to me like four or five spam flags closes the question.
and the CMs even will support that
@C.S.Cameron Doesn't mean that there's that many people flagging. Many in the community are in support of the strike and not flagging either.
which again means CMs have to deal with the crap
@ThomasWard-OnStrike I am pro AI. I am not pro SE. I think everyone should move to Ubuntu Forums.
also let me point out that ignoring the policies on the site - strike or not - tends to get the CMs involved one way or another, and I'm pretty sure you have a negative track record with them.
and ignoring policies on Ubuntu Forums earns you a ban there. (Trust me, I know the Forum Council - and they have no tolerance for BS eitiher)
@C.S.Cameron discussion for a different forum, not here.
and it's already been proposed elsewhere to negative reception I think by the community in general. (People have problems with how Ubuntu Forums is run too)
My Masseuse is here.
2 hours later…
Seems to be less drama on the Southern Hemisphere evenings :). Some calming music / mantra:
Very nice, Yesterday was Poya day, (full moon), We live in the midst of three Buddhist temples. We can hear chanting from each on Poya day, also very nice. During Covid, it lasted 24/7.
1 hour later…
This is meditation music to me... 😎
@ArturMeinild OK so I lasted a bit over a minute this time :)
@C.S.Cameron Sounds very, very peaceful and such a long way away from AU / SE / AI battles :)
@andrew.46-OnStrike Hehe - I believe the first 4 minutes are very serene - then it picks up some speed, but still.. 😅
@ArturMeinild You make me feel old :)
@andrew.46-OnStrike Sorry, not intentional.. 😅🌞
4 hours later…
@andrew.46-OnStrike Installing slackware now with separate /boot :P
still same
Stuck on "Loading Linux." Lilo works fine it seems...
took 10 minutes to boot
8 hours later…
@ArturMeinild Sigh.
@vidarlo 😶
@vidarlo I couldn't resist posting a reply..
I'm almost eager to see what happens if the number 1492 shows up again...
10 days actually. Rather harsh? That was the sole reason?
2 hours later…
I've been using NixOS with sway lately and I get this same error message, but I just click 'ok' and proceed to use the application regardless of the error message. I think VMWare Horizon/View is just not detecting the X emulation ability of wayland correctly. I don't think I should answer though, because my experience isn't on Ubuntu. Thoughts?

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