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@andrew.46-OnStrike I suggest that answering on meta should not fall under the strike. Communication on meta is about us, and not about SE's profits or SE's mismanagement. The community self-care that meta.AU enables, should be especially valued in these trying times. I urge that y'all don't hold back from speaking your minds at meta.AU.
@Levente Well, my own take on this is a little different :). I would include active participation on AU meta as one of the things I will personally avoid while on strike. However let us not forget that there are a total of 9 elected Moderators on AU and not all are on strike.
I personally have not abandoned the Community, I have stayed active on general chat as well as in the Mod only chat but I have for the most part avoided Mod activities, including active participation in Meta...
@andrew.46-OnStrike I don't see what benefit does that produce. The strike is about putting a pressure on SE so that they come back to listen to us, so that they grant us the valuation that we deem would be just and due. Staying away on meta.AU does not put pressure on SE at all. It only weakens the community: it weakens our side in the strike.
I don't see how staying away from meta.AU participation would exert a pressure on SE. Rather, it exerts a pressure on us.
@Levente pretty much though in my case it's main meta 😁
@JourneymanGeek I don't get this one; could you clarify?
@Levente On this issue then we have to disagree. SE is happy not to de-mod an elected Moderator for the duration of the strike if no Mod duties are performed, my aim is to stay on this side of that line.
And again: all of the elected Mods are not on strike on AU, there is good coverage still...
@JourneymanGeek did you mean meta.SE? Of course I understand that it's a completely different case from meta.AU. But people seem to be ready to remain engaged. meta.SE participation these days is not about furthering SE's case. It's about discussing our relationship with each other. It's necessary. And visibly, it has potential to bring a point across.
@Levente pretty much, and meta is part of working with the community
the company hardly uses per site meta
@JourneymanGeek may I have a request? Not necessarily for today, as it's weekend, but for sometime next week. I cannot participate on meta.SE, as I am suspended. There are 4 mods there, and all your names had been indicated as recipients when I submitted a response to that suspension. Yet, nobody had answered me.
@Levente Ah bit of a problem here. I really shouldn't be looking at mod messages when on strike
Could you please invite some attention to that pending communication? So that I don't feel so abandoned?
@Levente I'll see what I can do. How long's the suspension?
@JourneymanGeek wait a second: if you don't look at mod messages, does it mean that I was suspended by a staff member? 1 month long suspension.
@Levente not everyone is on strike
@JourneymanGeek I believe, if the situation is this complicated, then handing out 1 month long suspensions should not be done at that ease. When the opportunity for recourse is so limited.
@Levente Well its simple for 'me' - I'm not touching 99.99% of mod tools .-.
I'm not deleting comments, handling flags, and the itch in my nuking finger from seeing spammers annoys me
@JourneymanGeek I may contact other meta.SE mods then. Since I cannot participate on meta.SE, should I join sites that they frequent, in order to be able to write to them?
I'd say wait till things cool down
I can't really give much more advice outside dropping a message
@JourneymanGeek "dropping a message" Who? I drop that message? Where should I?
I'll do it
@JourneymanGeek thank you.
Absolutely no promises there's going to be anything obvious happening
I don't know the full circumstances, and honestly most of my attention is on backgroundy stuff :D
12 hours later…
How do you create a chat room with a particular user? And how do you delete a room you created? Thanks 😬

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