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before i moved i had a laptop pata to desktop pata adaptor...very useful and costs under 10 USD
wow! nice!
so need some tweaking to get the hd out of the box \o/... i think the answer is there already...
sorry for the delays
Wait, that is an old version
Let me update the pdf, then you can use the same link
P.S. finding back this presentation has me stoked!!!!!
needs close votes
Q: When will the Humble Indie Bundle 6 games be supported on Ubuntu 12.10?

levesqueCurrently, I can see them in the software center, but they say its not supported for my version of Ubuntu. Now, I know 12.10 is just in Beta, but I see no reason why they would not be supported. Is there one? Is the default setting for such packages to say they are not supported? What is the di...

already voted that one
K link corrected @Shagun

is it okey just install ubuntu desktop?
shame on @RolandTaylor for answering an OT question :P
@SirCharlo :)
Uh, hey everybody, new poster, just stopped in to say hi
hi @Nate
Eternally closed huh @SirCharlo? You have a sense of humor.
I don't think that all Ubuntu +1 questions are off topic, and in fact, no offence, but I think that position on the these questions is silly.
If the question merits an answer and an answer is possible, answer it.
@Nate hey
been bored lately so thought I would rack up some stack exchange #'s
@jrg and... eternally closed it is! woo
is there a way for you to see who upvoted you on an answer or comment/
drinks coffee frantically
@Nate nope.
votes are private for a reason - to prevent people from getting all worked up over them.
it was more of a "you like me, you really like me"
@aking1012 i'm going to go have two backtrack installs fight it out.
have fun with that one.
i'm a little bored today. ;P
Anyone in need of 200 rep? askubuntu.com/questions/187086/…
The question is still fresh and untouched.
i wish i could answer that T..T
<-- wishes that too
<-- doesn't really think the effort is worth it
<-- thinks different as that would be AirPlay for Ubuntu
@Takkat isn't "think different" Apple's motto?
likes the idea of having all Apple features implemented with Ubuntu - this may even include a difference in thinking.
Hoy a o/
Can I ask you something @Takkat?
What are community wiki answers and questions?
I have failed to find an answer somewhere.
They are made so by the poster or they became CW after too many edits
What exactly is their purpose, and how do they differ from regular answers and questions?
@NlightNFotis prevents users from raking in rep for other users' edits
@NlightNFotis it comes from times when low rep user couldn't make edits unless if it was a CW
(I think)
maybe wrong..
Does the original user who posted said answer or question still gain reputation from them, or their score serves only to display an answer's credibility?
No - no rep on CW (but still badges!)
> What are Community Wiki posts? Community wiki posts are more easily editable by all users, and do not confer any reputation.
@SirCharlo Where did you find this? Do you have a link I can research into?
> When should I edit Community Wiki posts? Community wiki posts have been donated to the community in hopes that others will edit them to keep them up to date, to add useful information, and generally improve their quality.
Its good practise to make an answer CW when we just copy comments to get the Q off the unanswered list.
> What happens when I edit a Community Wiki post? All edits are stored in a revision history for the post, along with the author of the revision. Additionally, community wiki posts show the editor with the highest percentage of the remaining post in the current version in the author field.
> How do I edit a Community Wiki post? To edit a Community Wiki post, look at the bottom of the post for the edit menu. Also, once you're done editing, provide a brief one sentence summary of your changes in the edit summary field.
@NlightNFotis Here you go.
@SirCharlo Thanx bro.
basically CW means they belong to all of us and we should maintain them as a community.
in the old days SE didn't have edit submissions, so the only way to collaboratively work on an answer was to make something CW
unless you had the 3k points to edit
with CW it let people work together on an answer, but now it's not so important since pretty much every answer can be fixed by anyone
@JorgeCastro I see. Thanx for the info, mate.
wtf... a teacher just threw a bunch of glitter on me...
as i remember i did tick community wiki as sugest by @ObsessiveFOSS ... how to check if it community wiki post or not?

the last answer there is CW
see where the user's card would be, with like their picture and stuff
instead it shows the person with the most edits, and their username
and above it it says Community Wiki
ohhh okey i see that :
edited Jul 9 at 23:43

community wiki

3 revs, 2 users 89%
@JorgeCastro thanks sir!
@penreturn fantastic answer there mate!
that means you've written 89% of that
I would upvote it instantly, but I have used my daily limit of upvotes
to be honest though, you should get reputation for your work, so I would have not CWed it
ooo i did not know that
after a while when enough edits come along (10) it auto CWs it for you anyway
@JorgeCastro i never saw that happen to me
@JorgeCastro do the edits have to be from different users?
I think so
I don't remember
@JorgeCastro k that would make sense.
I think if you do back to back edits it doesn't count maybe?
i think its ten edits within 30 days by the original user
cuz i usually edit the heck out of my posts..
A: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardWhy have Community Wiki posts? One of the goals of the website is to be a continually evolving source of good information. Community Wiki posts help enhance the wiki aspect of the site. For more information about the proper use of Community Wiki, see The Future of Community Wiki. How do Com...

10 times by you
or by 5 different people
@SirCharlo That's good. Caring about the quality of your answers, that is.
> The post has been edited ten (10) times by the original owner.
I'll be damned
i must've passed close to having a few cws then
wrong room. ;P
though now, since anyone can submit edits into the queue, really, every question and answer on the entire site is a wiki.
yeah, but without a lot of the downsides
@jrg like vandalism!
I suspect that someday CW will end up just going away
ooooo okey
submitted edits are so awesome, we used to not have that.
well, im off
bye guys
@JorgeCastro can I ask you something irrelevant?
lol, sure
@SirCharlo ciao
@JorgeCastro How is it like working for Canonical?
@JorgeCastro WOW! I am getting excited.
^-- can't answer anything else
@SirCharlo hahhaaha
@JorgeCastro Could you tell me more?
on my own
we use alot of google hangouts, irc, mailing lists.
@JorgeCastro That's cool!
oh! nice!
read about the indian boy... T..T
@JorgeCastro Are you instructed to use AskUbuntu by Canonical, or you do so in your own time?
on my own
@penreturn who, Bilal?
I generally participate in most community things, I'm on the community team so that's how I roll
Jorge eats his own dogfood.
@jrg yup
Then there is Jono. Nobody knows what he does. Idles in IRC all day, looking like a hot dog:
@jrg hahhahahaha
last uds party rite?
@JorgeCastro I see. Thanx for answering my questions man =)
no worries!
@jrg this is the best one:
user image
@JorgeCastro hahhaha nice one!
Oh yeah, that one!
Nice one
Where can I get an Ubuntu Lanyard!
attend uds :D
oh man
It's epic but I can't attend it.
loco meetup or global jam... should have Free CD + landyard, sticker
The football coach just threatened to stuff me in a pumpkin... wha tthe heck is going on around here
if UDS is ever in Chicago I am so going...
@GeorgeEdison ping me when you're around sir!
@Joshua fix his printer!
His printer works fine...
bye guys
I am going to sleep
Good night...
see ya
good night @NlightNFotis
Manos, cabeza pies!!!
(Sesame Street...)
Plaza Sésamo
Hi @ajmitch
<-- too tired to think
Hi guys! Long time no see, I'm having a little trouble with audio on a linux mint I just installed.
I connected to HDMI and I had to change the preferences from the hardware to HDMI output. But now that I'm back without HDMI it doesn't work, the strange part is that is makes the login sound, but it wont reproduce anything.
Something strange that I found when poking around is that in the sound output tab the device says: Dummy output
Unity Dash to search only in Documents http://askubuntu.com/q/191082?atw=1 #dash
1 hour later…
which optimus question is the canonical one to dupe this to? askubuntu.com/questions/191134/wasted-graphics-card
found one with 52k views...i guess that's it
Ok so Lememe.com and Leme.me are already taken. i think it is time to give up lememe as a name for the "official" generator when I purchase a domain (which I am antsing to do atm) ... any suggestions on a new name that is not taken? rlemon.github.com/lememe context on LeMeme
Angry bird? Why?
Buckethead approves.
i thought about using linuxmint, but then i realized that my ubuntu doesn't stink so it doesn't need a mint

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