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I think we can close this as a duplicate:
Q: Is it possible to move Ubuntu that was installed with wubi to a new partition on a different hard drive?

Patrick MorathI installed Ubuntu onto a dell computer using Wubi. I have a second hard drive and want to move the Ubuntu install out of the Windows partition into a new partition on a different hard drive. Can I do this using LVPM?

Of this master question:
Q: How to convert Wubi install into regular install?

UserI have installed Ubuntu on my D: partition using Wubi. Is there any way in which I can remove my Windows from C: drive and move my existing Ubuntu installation to C: drive and make it a regular install.

Q: How to adjust charging thresholds of laptop battery?

TimMy laptop is Lenovo T400, and OS is Ubuntu 12.04. I have not been able to adjust the thresholds for battery starting charging and stopping charging. I observed that its current starting charging threshold is about 40%, and stopping charging threshold is about 60%. I forgot if it was me and which...

Difference between "halt" and "shutdown now"? http://askubuntu.com/q/190202?atw=1 #shutdown
1 more close vote needed to close this as off-topic (since it's about elementaryOS and not Ubuntu):
Q: How to change default foreign language font

preahkumpiiI want to know how to change the default font that is used when inputting a particular language. I use the Khmer language frequently, and the default font installed comes from the fonts-khmeros-core package. The fonts are fine, except that there better fonts. Once I install my beloved font, how d...

Q: Ubuntu 12.04 Wireless not working

Jeremy BoggsOkay, so I have been looking for days now about how to fix this wireless issue with my Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop. It has the Broadcom STA Wireless card, but everything I do to install/enable/disable it does not fix my issue. I also have installed the Netgear WNA3100 Drivers to enable it, but it ...

can I get one more vote?
already voted that one
good morning
how do i manually mount a USB via terminal? it is not automatically mounted by nautilus when I plugged it in.
is it detected as a disk? like you have a new /dev/sd?
not sure how do I check?
I did lsusb and it is listed
look at the difference in devices between df and ls /dev | grep sd
GParted is stuck in searching /dev/sdc devices
Some 123 GB (or similar) limitation for something on something sounds familiar to me, but I don't remember what it is. Does anyone know? This relates to this question:
Q: What is the largest possible size of a root partition?

user91179I know that using a boot-able partition over 123 GB is not good but what is the max root size allowable? is there a limit?

@aking1012 df /dev | grep sd does not return anything
ls /dev | grep sd returns sda, sda1, etc and sdb
just df
oh lol
okay, sdb is not listed when I did ls /dev | grep sd
erm you just said it was...
taking a break
I tried creating a new dir as mount point then sudo mount /dev/sdb /home/dir and it says you must specify the filesystem type
you don't mount sdb you mount something like sdb1
sdb is the physical disk sdb1 is the first partition on the physical disk
you mount partitions, not whole disks
okay, got it
if sdb isn't listed in any df output it's probably the disk you're looking for. sudo fdisk -l to list partitions on it then mount the one you want where you want it
sdb is not listed in fdisk either
headdesk fdisk -l /dev/sdb
goes to smoke
@aking1012 okay, later
@EliahKagan was this the one you were thinking of? askubuntu.com/questions/84538/…
@aking1012 No, I don't think so. It was about some limitation on the order of hundreds of gigs.
Unrelated, we should close this as a duplicate now in accordance with the OP's comment:
Q: Why doesn't Chromium show in Unity launcher?

marcoWhen I open Chromium, the icon doesn't show up in the unity launcher like the other opened apps. Why is this happening and what I can do to fix it?

1 more close vote needed to dupe this question (where the problem is solved by reinstalling GRUB2 to the MBR):
Q: recover the Ubuntu

ShreyasI have dual boot on my laptop, win 7 & ubuntu 12.04 LTS. My win 7 gets crashed So I reinstall it. But after the installation of win7 my ubuntu is unaccessible to me. The windows loader gets stared, intead of linux loader. So how I recoverd back my ubuntu?

In other news... I discovered cowsay:
< Dont use Internet Explorer! >
       |o_o |
       |:_/ |
      //   \ \
     (|     | )
    /'\_   _/`\
I am going to have fun with this...
@GeorgeEdison try it with fortune :P
cowsay and figlet are both great
FlackBot (back in the day) supported figlet.
@lazyPower Yeah, I'm the guy who can't resist using figlet for generating titles for README files :P
I've always been a fan of ansi art - and this site has quite a bit of it
If I pass 1k reputation here, will I get this package, or was this a one-time thing?
I've really got something complicated going here. I've got a Python app that uses a MySQL database that needs to be synchronized with a C++ server application using an internal list / hashtable.
@ethanlee16 what do you mean?
@GeorgeEdison that almost sounds like a job better suited for mongo
@ethanlee16 that was a one time thing
It might happen again but we don't know
@RolandTaylor and that applies to all xyz.SE sites?
The truth is... the Python side is already working fine and organized well. The C++ side needs to be fast. Sickeningly fast. I worry that a database engine of any kind will be too much overhead.
Exactly why i say mongo might be better
mongo / redis is crazy fast
NoSQL when you need the speed.
@ethanlee16 I don't know.
@ethanlee16 Also, at this point, since the site has been running longer and more people have accumulated more rep, you'd need about 4800 reputation to be on the first two pages.
its being hosted on the same machine right @GeorgeEdison? You could also do something along the lines of DAT file storage, but you have the overhead of file parsing and disk access speed.
Oh yes and there is what Eliah pointed out.
ok i think i was mislead; breaking 1k is nothing important?
Not really.
so even if one makes it onto the first two pages at one point, the package would have to be sent to everyone again?
I don't know, but I don't think they are sending the package anymore at all.
The site was rather young back then.
i believe they do still do it for top users for newer sites, no?
No clue
ok thanks!
@ethanlee16 They probably do. They had one on Gaming a while ago.
They did for those in first five pages in gaming.se
Q: Arqade Top User Swag

LaurenUpdate: packages have all been sent. If you are not living in the USA, your package may take significantly longer to arrive. Your patience is much appreciated! However, if you have any issues or questions about your prize, please direct them to Katey, as she will be handling prize fulfillment fro...

@lazyPower Nope - two different machines.
In two different geographic locations.
It gets worse - I need to send the information securely.
I've implemented a simple SSL-equipped TCP server already.
well, thats going to get interesting
It's the most ambitious project I've attempted yet.
we transmit user data from geographic locations - but in the end its got a central repository/API
pseudo CRM even
thats about as difficult as our onion has gotten so far
in terms of speed and needing to remain light weight
Well, this is the best way to learn.
(I'm still trying to figure out how to get two peers to communicate in a secure fashion.)
(Each peer will need to generate its own certificate.)
(I'm not sure Qt can do that...)
(And I am really overusing brackets :P)
Good morning
Q: How to get Windows 7 to automatically connect to an ad-hoc network?

George EdisonI have two machines - one is running Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit and the other is running Windows 7 Starter Edition (32-bit). The Ubuntu machine is connected to the Internet via the eth0 interface. That machine also has a wireless network interface (wlan0) that is currently functioning as an ad-hoc netw...

I am almost 100% positive the answer to that question will involve batch files and the task scheduler.
Time will tell though... maybe an easier solution really does exist.
I'll bounty it up if there is no answer in a day or two.
If I find info which contradicts my previous answer, what should I do? Update the answer or delete it and give a new answer?
Bounty offered: What is dconf and what is its function? http://askubuntu.com/q/22313?atw=1 #qt
I wonder if Qt does SSL over UDP...
@jokerdino when do I get my Jokerdino hat?
I dislike Red hat linux :P
How did I end up reading a Wikipedia article about Quantum Key Distribution?
I got so lost...
@jokerdino why? cos it costs money? or shitty features? or both?
wow, now i know why i hate it :P
why would QT do networking? ;p
@jokerdino: why? WHYYYYY?
Tried to remove lamp-server, now my X won't work http://askubuntu.com/q/190412?atw=1 #boot
1 hour later…
The last message was posted 1 hour ago.
Hello all
o/ amith
Q: Playing Age of Empires II multiplayer in VirtualBox Over wi fi network

Gaurav_JavaI installed Age of Empires II (Expansion) in VirtualBox (hosting Windows XP). It works great in single player mode. Unfortunately, I tried playing multiplayer via wi-fi which i created on my Ubuntu machine and can't seem to join games. But when i connected to my wi-fi router other able to conne...

@Gaurav_Java i stopped reading at "saying ubuntu sucks"
It seems pretty horrible to read. I haven't understood most of the question.
sidenote, it got a gold rating for running in wine: appdb.winehq.org/…
o/ @joker
@aking1012 Hello
@aking1012 hey
points to the wine gold rating and blames it on a networking issue...just run it in wine
@aking1012 Removed Ubuntu Sucks
@jokerdino , What is horrible to read in that
i is not capitalized among may other things.
i also skip sentences that are fully italicized.
and aking is saying why not play the game in Wine instead of Virtualbox?
@jokerdino Solution is not playing it on wine i want to run that in Virtualbox . Not only for this game for other game also
@Gaurav_Java solution is pick a game that doesn't run in wine and ask the question that way. this way it sounds like a complaint
i suspect most games that won't run in wine also won't be sufficiently performant in virtualbox...so it really does sound like complaining
I understand that i can play this thing on wine . but i don't want to install wine in system earlier it cause me so many problem so that why . and i just want 2 know how i create a wi-fi network in ubuntu machine and use it for playing multiplayer mode in virtual bx
good...we arrived at "i don't want to make it work. i want to focus on a problem". now it is complaining
good day all
@aking1012 Come on . i don't mean that .. you are manipulating the thing i just don't want alternative i want that how it work in virtual box
simple as it
@LnxSlck o/ slick
@Gaurav_Java btw it looks like a directplay network issue (windows xp on bare metal had issues with directplay and certain network configurations...)
later all
Can you answer this? How do I copy the whole history of the clipboard to a text file? http://askubuntu.com/q/96181?atw=1 #text
1 hour later…
Q: How to give right for nagios user for sending mails?

karthick87I have installed nagios for monitoring and sendmail for sending mails. When testing from root account I am receiving mails, but I'm not receiving mails when I send it from nagios account. I have googled and found that only root user can send mails using sendmail MTA. How to enable sendmail to sen...

@karthick87 I was trying to understand the question :P
Lol :D
btw, I just missed a 250 bounty for being late about 4-5 mins
I knew the answer, but was researching more..
for which question??
it was enabling hibernation
A: Got back Hibernation option, but cannot resume from Hibernate

AnwarI also had this problem, but I successfully get resumed from hibernation. There are two way to fix it. Enable Hibernate in 12.04 How to enable hibernation in 12.04? This will allow you to hibernate your computer, but It doesn't successfully resume from hibernate. To get resumed from hiberna...

Just after finishing the answer, i saw the bounty is already given
500 bounty!
I should research the topic
anyone awake?
I guess you could call my current state "awake", but it's a very sleep derived awakeness.
@jrg lol
@smartboyhw no i'm serious. ;P
i'ts not funny, i'm not making jokes!
@jrg Alright
How to prevent Thunderbird from updating automatically? http://askubuntu.com/q/190467?atw=1 #upgrade
1 hour later…
Is @msPeachy alright?
what library can i use to create popups in cpp file for ubuntu
@hakermania Dunno it is quiet today here
@user539484 libnotify
from libnotify-dev package
@hakermania I am, why do you ask?
so i do apt-get install libnotify-dev?
@msPeachy The last time I heard about you was when there was an earrthquake or something...
@user539484 When you say pop-ups you mean notifications, right?
@hakermania Oh. That was weeks ago. I am okay and so is my family. Thank you for the concern.
create a program with SDL and i have to click somehere and appear a pop up
@user539484 please define "popup". What do you mean? Message Box? Notification?
message box
@user539484 I don't know then, I use QtCreator for this.
thanks anyaway
i am using notepad (linux) and compiling to make a kind of exe... and i want like:
-i want buy that
-(message box) "DO U HAVE SURE U WANT IT?"
(YES) (NO)
something like that
@user539484 Hold on, you previously talked about a CPP file which stands for C++ files
If you want to make something simple, why don't you try bash scripting?
There is already a command for creating message boxes, it's called Zenity
if you run from your terminal zenity --info it will display you a message
And, of course, it is highly configurable
yes... but zenity works in a code for a program?
@user539484 I am not 100% sure what you're trying to achieve. In what programming language do you program in?
in ubuntu
@user539484 So, you know the basics of C++ and you want to start making Graphical User Interface stuff now?
hello everyone :-)
@Prasad Hi!
@user539484 You should try starting using libraries that have ready stuff for this. I have chosen to give QtCreator IDE a try and it is really awesome. You could give it a look. It has the QMessageBox class for the message boxes you want
think this guy need urgent attention
Q: Folders missing?

UnhappyGhostHello Team and members, Straight away posting the issue!! I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04 as dual boot and on the same HDD (500GB) I have partitioned the drive into NTFS file system from Windows before I installed edubuntu 12.04 in the remaining free space. Now, there is a drive(G) accessibl...

@Prasad hi
@smartboyhw Hi
@user539484 QtCreator provides classes that work on all 3 major system (Win, Mac, Lin)
BUT, if you want your application to look 100% native with Ubuntu, then you should try and work with GTK
user image
you can ride until those rats stay at home :-D
@Prasad LMAo
my ubuntu is verrrry good..until I install nVidia drivers....why it is always me!....now videos have black gap and flash doesn't load in full screen....
what browsers do you use?...and who uses nvidia?
chromium, but not nvidia here :P
Firefox no nvidia
thanks :-)
gonna install nVidia post release updates
> I'm still pretty much a newbie at this stuff, so please help me and dumb down your answer.
@RolandTaylor hello
@Prasad hey
@RolandTaylor :-)
yay! 30K for @RolandTaylor
@msPeachy thank you :D
(I just need to figure out how to get to the Phillipines lol)
We should celebrate :D
google earth
@RolandTaylor lol, that'd be fun
Hi @msPeachy and @RolandTaylor
(my jokes are getting worse...should keep silence)
@Prasad lol
(at least i have smartboy)
and also jokerdino hi @jokerdino
oops..what just happened?
a ghost?
@Prasad it wasn't that bad
@smartboyhw o/
sorry installation of this joke failed..check /var/joke/log for more info
@Prasad lol
Q: I just bought a Mac. How do I dual boot with Ubuntu?

hydroparadiseReasoning that Mac OSX has some flavor, or altered form, of BSD underneath the hood, and I am trying to boot to another *nix system, I figure this might be the best place to ask. I managed to find plenty of Mac/Windows dual boot scenarios with lots of tutorials, but I havn't found much on my sce...

@smartboyhw i think jokerdino hates us... what do u think?
@Prasad Yes he does
dino's not around
he was....suddenly he vanished
need to restart ...brb
My messages were timing out
@Prasad lol
@smartboyhw hi
@RolandTaylor \o
@RolandTaylor where did you get the images on this answer?
@msPeachy I don't have any images in that answer :D
Oh wait they loaded
Yeah that's 12.10
Some are also elementaryOS wallpapers I think
@RolandTaylor looks nice, love the one with the small rocks/stones, the one in the middle. where can I get it?
@msPeachy You can download them from a zip file (there was one posted on OMGUbuntu, I'll see if I can dig it up for you).
oh okay, no need, I'll just go to omg
thank you
found one...similar
periodic table !!!!
@RolandTaylor I know....
12.10 new features
I like how simplified everything feels now
Less clutter
I like Quantal too
hi dino
@msPeachy (just so you know (unless you already know) Quantal == 12.10)
@jokerdino Yo mate
@RolandTaylor I know
oh cool :D
I run it for almost a month, I am on Oneiric now (just so you know)
(I was partly trying to understand the "too" in your sentence)
well I was trying to "agree" with you
At least you had a taste of the future ^_^
@msPeachy you did lol
I just have my slow moments
@RolandTaylor ohh :)
@smartboyhw don't worry :-)
@RolandTaylor You probably would not realize right away, if a girl asks you out on a date, that kind of slow moments???
@msPeachy yeah lol
Actually if she did I would likely say no, but only because I'm tired of rejection in my life lol
@Prasad MORE LOL
@smartboyhw Yeah...more and more lol :-D
@Prasad ;D
@RolandTaylor Oh, don't dwell on it. Great things will come.
ok..need to go...bye @smartboyhw @RolandTaylor @msPeachy @hakermania
@Prasad Bye
bye @Prasad, have a good night
@msPeachy Interesting, I was told something along those lines by about 4 people at church on Sunday
@Prasad cya bro :)
@RolandTaylor Really?! I'm glad 4 people whom you actually know in person agrees with me
Believe me, I really need it right now
Won't go into detail, but yeah...
@RolandTaylor that's all I need to know then
@RolandTaylor take a look at this askubuntu.com/review-beta/suggested-edits/28351, would you approve it? The link is dead.
@RolandTaylor :D
@jokerdino you're back
I am.
why do you keep on hiding?
Glitchy network.
@msPeachy okie
And messages keep timing out.
So, I restart computer, etc etc
@RolandTaylor it's probably been approved by now.
@jokerdino I see
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