@RandomPerson I think I had a couple of posts. I remember one on 'Disclaimers' (from when I was an abcde developer,) one where I contested a Duplicate made of one of my questions and one longer post on a question you asked about people's Ubuntu history.
As a user of Ask Ubuntu in my pre-Mod days my focus was predominately answering questions and posting Q&A style series. Mostly on video and audio encoding if I could, still my passion.
I have shown my areas of focus on AU from my pre-Mod days: Questions + Answers. I was curious to hear where you feel you are best focussed: Meta / questions / answers / editing etc?
I was initially quite focussed on editing posts in AU... I tried answering some easy questions in AU (I'm not having much technical knowledge about Ubuntu)... Sometimes I asked questions in AU about problems which I faced with my PC... then I spent my time mostly in AU meta (as I'm not actively using Ubuntu now)... Now, I guess I mostly spending my time in MSE.
@andrew.46 Shog once said something nice about metas... something like
If you don't ever stop to sharpen your tools, you will never get anything cut. But if you never stop sharpening your tools, you will never get anything cut
If you spend all your time sharpening your tools, you will never get anything cut, but also, if you never stop to sharpen your tools, you will never get anything cut
haha... but I'm not sure if simply = "summa/chumma"... I was checking the meaning online and realised that simply doesn't really mean summa... or maybe I'm wrong
@RandomPerson oh thanks, that's a less ambiguous version I came up with because someone for whom English is not L1 felt that "stop to sharpen" was the same as "stop sharpening"... this is difficult because we don't say what we are stopping. But the ambiguous version is a little more poetic