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@AskUbuntuMeta Hey @Zanna! I wanted to ask about this to you..
Did the "CM/Mod Quarterly Meetup" happen in the past?
@Zanna @jokerdino @ThomasWard Did you all receive the goodies from SE? meta.stackexchange.com/q/358195
@RandomPerson no
I think you can ask about that in the quarterly meetup.. haha..
@RandomPerson yes but as a video chat. I think this is the first "asynchronous" meeting I have seen
@Zanna so how is it gonna happen exactly?
@RandomPerson I got mine several years ago
@jokerdino oh.. it would be nice if you can share a pic of it.
@RandomPerson we post answers to the question on they posted, and they get back to us about the stuff raised, if possible
@RandomPerson I don't have it with me anymore
@jokerdino back in the Jurassic period when they were still doing swag
@Zanna This is true.
@Zanna so they reply using comments or will they reply by sending mail to the moderation team?
@jokerdino oh.. ok.
I guess "the Jurassic period" is a metaphor..
@RandomPerson there will probably be comment conversations but I expect them to make (a) post(s) later to address things. They mentioned possibly starting a chat if needed. Not clear exactly at the moment
hmm.. OK.
@RandomPerson I think we could best describe this technique as hyperbole :)
@Zanna So, do all mods attend the video meetings?
@Zanna ok.
@RandomPerson no
@Zanna So, at least one mod from each community attend the video meetings?
There is no requirement to attend them. Inevitably many people will have neither time nor inclination to attend. This is something the CM team offers to help us.
@RandomPerson no. A few people attend them
I don't think people would be comfortable with video meetings as many people don't use real names in SE and don't wanna show themselves.. Am I right?
@Zanna ok..
@RandomPerson some people might feel like that. For me, the issue is more that a) the timing of the meeting will be inconvenient, b) video meetings are exhausting, and c) most of the issues people want to discuss do not interest me
the people hosting the meeting will be in a particular time zone. Others will be in different time zones and won't be able to attend
@Zanna yeah.. having a meeting with 50+ people where each one wanna say something will be long..
@Zanna ok..
Which platform do they use? Zoom?
I think the time has come for me to do this..
@RandomPerson yeah... such meetings don't work well. But far fewer people will talk in these meetings I think.
@RandomPerson they did use Zoom
@RandomPerson :)
@Zanna oh.. ok. Have you attended any one of the video meetings?
@Zanna ok..
@jokerdino do you recall what all they gave you?
Can someone please share a good post in AU about verifying Ubuntu download (probably in Windows)?
@RandomPerson once I attended one for a while. It was mainly Tim Post speaking. At least two mods were asking stuff.
oh.. that would have been couple of years ago I guess..
I only became a mod in June 2020
@RandomPerson I got a tee, a cap and some stickers.
and some business cards
@Zanna yeah.. I keep forgetting things. I feel like you are a mod since many years.. I joined the site after you became a mod..
@jokerdino oh.. ok. AU stickers or SE stickers?
@jokerdino like this meta.askubuntu.com/q/1725?
@RandomPerson yes I got Ask Ubuntu biz cards and SE stickers
so you got them in 2013?
@RandomPerson verified the ISO using Linux shell in Windows..
VirtualBox has a bug now 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=104175
downgrading to VirtualBox 6.1.26 solved the issue..
what does ${PATH} represent in the file .bashrc?
I'm confused because PATH is already set by PATH= assignment
@EnthusiastiC my .bashrc doesn't have any reference to PATH. Have you modified it?
I really don't know. It is located at the end of the file
hey, maybe After installing latexworkshop package visual studio code altered it automatically, (I'm not an expert)
This is the line I found at the end of the file .bashrc
export PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2021/bin/x86_64-linux:/home/myusername/.local/bin:${PATH}"
that line prepends two directories to the existing PATH
(((but there is no need to export PATH)))
since it mentions "texlive" I guess the LaTeX package you mentioned did indeed make the edit
@Algnis I suggest you let people know what you want when you ping them. That way they can answer when they return. If you just put a ping with nothing, the conversation could go on forever with nothing being said
people are not always available to chat. Life is full of other stuff :)
2 hours later…
@RandomPerson Modern ISOs (20.04 and later) automatically check the integrity of the image during boot, so it's not necessary to do that manually anymore. See this related question and KGIII's answer in particular.
7 hours later…
@Algnis Hello. What do you wanna say to me?
@Zanna "the conversation could go on forever with nothing being said" haha.. Has there been any such precedent in the past in AUGR?
@Zanna yeah :(
@BeastOfCaerbannog oh.. OK.
The reason why I installed WSL 2 was to verify the Ubuntu download 😅
@RandomPerson no not yet
@ThomasWard oh.. OK.
@RandomPerson haha some of those other bits of life are, I would argue, even more fun than chatting in AUGR :)
@ThomasWard I guess I can expect to wait at least 4 more years then XD
@Zanna fine.. I am going offline then.
yawns and sips coffee
@RandomPerson enjoy!

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