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yeah :(
people don't read
too lazy to search before posting
We need a brain-site interface:

When a user has read the warnings and still refuses to do what they should; they get a slap in the face with their own hand :D
that's a bit violent
what if the user has huge hands?
in that case we simply give them negative rep
-100 for every lazy question
seriously, the moment they type a title for their question, they see a list of possible similar questions, I don't know why they wouldn't read those first!
And there are warnings for first time users too
@RolandTaylor that could work
@RolandTaylor I didn't get warnings
@msPeachy lol I'm sure there is some kind of message that comes up
@RolandTaylor when I was a newbie I didn't get those messages
@msPeachy oh?
not even on your first question?
@RolandTaylor I saw possible similar questions, if that's what you meant by warning messages
There is more than that IIRC
Haven't been answering on Askubuntu for a while, hello everyone.
@RolandTaylor my father's knocking on the ceiling and yelling, "hey get down here and eat, right now!"
@msPeachy :D
@EmersonHsieh hey you
You should say, "I'm talking to my boyfriends" (yes plural)
they look so similiar
He would run upstairs :D
@msPeachy okie
@ RolandTaylor lol
@EmersonHsieh :P
OK me gtg too
I'll be all alone
but okay
still planning for updates on my old android app
sorry :S
@RolandTaylor LOL
no virtual boyfriends but virtual husband
@RolandTaylor I'm back
(continue serious coding)
bye @EmersonHsieh
@msPeachy LOL
you should sit him down and go
"Dad, I have something to tell you."
"Yes, you know you can tell me anything"
"I... have..."
"...come on now"
"I have 500 or so virtual children"
@RolandTaylor he wouldn't even get what "virtual children" means, but he'll get "children" and would just laugh it off
What if you mention "I have a virtual husband" :P
That would be explosive xD
the word "husband" alone would be a shock
"What does he do for a living?"
"He writes, answers questions, and plays tetris."
but the first thing he'll probably ask is "where's he at"?!
"Where have I gone wrong?!"
@msPeachy that would be a tough one lol
a virtual husband is "on the internet"
@RolandTaylor that would mean you!
technically he's everywhere, and no where at all :D
@msPeachy lol well who else :D
(it's virtual so it's safe)
@RolandTaylor LOL, guess it is you
I was about to ask if my virtual children were from someone else :D
@RolandTaylor ROFL
I was about to ask the same thing, to you!
@msPeachy I can't deny my virtual children, they have my coding style :D
and they are laced with snarky comments :P
(Actually, when I was at college, I used to fill my programming assignments with snarky comments :P)
(Since the comments don't affect the program, it was 100% okay)
@RolandTaylor Really, such as?
Well, it depended on the program
Sometimes it would be something like "to be or not to have ever been in the first place... that is the question"
or sometimes I would put something in my functions related to what the program is supposed to do
speaking of which! let me see if I can find some of my old assignments :D
@RolandTaylor that's actually nice
I still can't get the patch to work.
@msPeachy lol
@GeorgeEdison do you have a dead line?
@RolandTaylor yeah, hamlet
@msPeachy not all of my comments were nice lol
they were never over the top of course
@RolandTaylor ows? really? lol
@RolandTaylor Not really.
using namespace std;

now to create a class so we can educate the children of Barbados. Or really, to manage patients (or should that be patience? who knows?)
^ that was from an assignment :P
class Patient
    //these are private
        string patientname;
        int patientid;
        double currentbill;
        string entrydate;
        int numdays; //must not exceed 31... if it does, kick the patient onto the street :D
        string insurance; //1 = yes, 0 =no, 2 =what? error! 3 =what? error! 4 =...
    //these are public
        int ismadhouseoutpatientreturningfornewmeds;
    void setpatientname(string pname);
    void setpatientid (int id);
    void setcurrentbill(double fees);
@RolandTaylor You could have made a story out of the comments
@msPeachy lol yeah :D
I use to tick the tutor off with my comments and variable names lol
@RolandTaylor sorta series, comments responding to another comment and so on...
@RolandTaylor was the tutor, a he or a she?
@msPeachy I did that in a few of my assignments I think
Check this part lol
@msPeachy a she
cout << "Current bill: "<<currentbill<<endl; //oooo! money!
    cout << "Entry Date " <<entrydate<<endl;
    cout << "Number of days spent here: "<<numdays<<endl;//if it's over 31, they get the boot! :>
Wait... it worked?
cout<<"Insurance status for this patient could not be determined."<<endl<<"This patient may not be legal, or there may be an error" <<endl;
    cout <<"Is this a returning mental patient?";
    if (ismadhouseoutpatientreturningfornewmeds==1)
        cout<<"Yes, beware." <<endl;
    if (ismadhouseoutpatientreturningfornewmeds==0)
        cout <<"No, not according to our records" <<endl;
@RolandTaylor :)
loong variable name
I love long variable names :D
They make other people go "WTH IS THIS CRAP?!"
not in camel case?
@RolandTaylor LOL
@msPeachy lol no :D
it makes it even more confusing :D
@RolandTaylor it does?
@msPeachy no, I mean when I don't use camel case it is even more confusing
(which is my intention :>)
Oh okay, its just that I read an article about using camelcase on variable names that uses more than 1 word
and also to use caps for constants?
Yeah it's best to
do you use that naming convention too?
I don't follow the convention when I'm doing assignments or playing around, but for serious projects I do
btw look at these I just found lol:
//this one is food for a pet dog. Or is it the linux command cat?
cat | dog
^--- Think about it...
I need a room for these lol :D
so C++ uses // for single line comments and /** **/ for multi line comments
@GeorgeEdison cat | dog | tail
is there s dog command?
@RolandTaylor The cat is fed to the dog???
What manner of evil is this?
@msPeachy yeah (/* for multi-line */)
@GeorgeEdison xD

Pointless comment.
Random comment.

//include <mynameandidnumberinthefirstcomment>
Heh... here's one I just wrote for a Makefile:
//this is where we make the classes, make the classes, make the classes, this is where we make the classes.... oh get on with it already! :)
# Okay, this isn't _really_ what dh_compress is intended for, but since
# the name _sort of_ implies what we're doing (and this rule has no
# meaning for mingw-* packages) we'll do it here anyway.
Not terribly funny.
...but it will certainly give me chuckle five years from now.
I know the feeling
I guess the real humor is the command that follows it.
I'm removing the debugging information from a Windows executable.
void icecream()
    cout<<"That is all for the day"<<endl;
    cout<<"Would you like some complementary icecream?"<<endl;
    cout<<"Press any key :>"<<endl;
    cout<<"We don't sell icecream here! Muhahahahahahaha!"<<endl;
@GeorgeEdison is it strip?
Some of the configure scripts decide to be funny and assume I want a bloated DLL filled with debug symbols.
Not so.
Lol last one before I create a new room if I find anymore:
I want my DLLs to be lean and mean (they're Windows DLLs, so they're already mean, I guess...)
int exit()
	cout<<"Thank you for doing business with us!"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
	cout<<"Tasks completed. Shutting down linux."<<endl<<endl;
	cout<<"Note to self, this is windows, actually."<<endl; //a little humour never hurt anyone.
	cout<<"Unloading kernel modules..."<<endl;
	cout<<"Resetting hardware..."<<endl;
	cout<<"Asking all remaining processes to terminate"<<endl;
	cout<<"Using the global 'kill' signal"<<endl<<endl<<endl;
	cout<<"This 'computer' will now 'shut down'."<<endl;
	cout<<"Press any key to continue.........."<<endl;
Looking back, I can see why my tutor though I was incapable of handling a failing business on our work term, and why she tried to make me out to be an incopetent fool at one point :)
Yet, I regret nothing.
@RolandTaylor Wow.
@GeorgeEdison you'd never guess I was most of the time on top of her class :)
I missed a test and still passed the course with ease :)
(I actually missed two, but she allowed me to do one of them)
@GeorgeEdison how's this for a variable name:
(I kid you not, I did use that in a real assignment)
I would definitely do a #define for that one.
#define a slightlydisturbingbutnecessaryinstrument
class Surgery //scalpel... saw... wrench... hammer... goat... car tyre... boat...
Woops - I almost created a circular package dependency issue.
I nearly had gettext depend on libiconv and libiconv depend on gettext.
That would have been fun to debug.
The configure script for each of them detects the presence of the other.
So I have to manually remove gettext from my machine to convince libiconv that it isn't there.
Anyway, it works now.
@GeorgeEdison good job
I gtg folks
family gone to bed
and I'm going to go in early
bye all
@RolandTaylor I thought you don't sleep
Sleep tight
@msPeachy :D
have a great rest of the day :D
I'm building a "tree" of all of the packages.
Should be good.
@RolandTaylor thank you, good night
will take a nap too, bye all
nap time is the best time :)
Mouse clicks when I release the button http://askubuntu.com/q/178373?atw=1 #mouse
Hey guys does anyone know what modules I'd need from python to develop a window manager?
2 hours later…
woah!!! 2 hours and no one is saying anything...
What's the difference between Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for free and the Official CD of Ubuntu for 5$? http://askubuntu.com/q/178401?atw=1 #lts
1 hour later…
@ShyamK "anything"
@hakermania haha
Somewhere in my code I have this:
progressbar_animation(0,0); //<< doesn't this look like an owl?
no markdown on multiline chat messages.
@jokerdino really? what about George's message?
multiline --> enter somewhere
@hakermania that's a singe line
I don't get it :P
this is a single line
`this is not
a single line`
@jokerdino see how the 'i don't get it' is written :P
I get it :D
what? :D
@jokerdino sigh, nevermind :D
@jokerdino Both ` and 4 spaces work for making the 'code' look
this was made with `
i know.
 this was made with 4 spaces
but i use ` in chat usually
bold italic code
who taught you that?
@jokerdino I studied at the best universities
yep, that's how
brb; dinner time
@jokerdino bye
I'm leaving too. Going to Windoze to play COD5 zombies with my brothers. Bye!
bye @hakermania
oh no everybody's leaving!!!
hey @Exeleration-G, you last talked here 437 days ago???
It's not possible to join this chat room over IRC, is it?
Lol, really?
That's possible
Back in the days...
I'm not sure about IRC, don't even know what that is
Well I don't think it is but still. IRC is sort of a chat room
But you can join IRC chats using clients like Empathy and Pidgin, which can be handy
oh i have empathy, but never used it
gpicview is a really nice application by the way, but its icon is so ugly
@thex sorry! Didn't know about that. :\
@TheX so remove your location info and stop tagging it yourself.
(to prevent this from happening again)
@Exeleration-G does my meta answer make sense?
It sure does
I too think we shouldn't have too much or too strict guidelines
Q: Should a second, short edit be awarded with reputation points?

Exeleration-GSee this answer. I edited an answer. This edit was accepted, and I was granted 2 reputation points. Thirty minutes later, I realized that I made a small mistake. So I re-edited the question. This edit was accepted again, earning another 2 reputation points. While I'm grateful for these last two...

That's why the Dutch Wikipedia is losing so many writers: there are guidelines for everything, you can't just start typing an article loosely
Hey that's cool; did you bring that up, @jrg ?
Bring what up?
@Exeleration-G the wikipedia thing?
@RolandTaylor Remeber when Unity looked like this? s3.amazonaws.com/imgly_production/531802/original.png
How to download a mp3 from youtube via terminal http://askubuntu.com/q/178481?atw=1 #terminal
We can close this question as a duplicate now that the OP has said that the answer in the proposed dupe fixed the problem:
Q: How to get rid of virtual keyboard when display is locked?

mmbWhen my screen gets locked after 10min and I sign in again, I have a virtual keyboard on my screen since a few days. I don't need it and find it annoying. How can I get rid of it?

we can if i had some close votes :/
This is to say that that question (above) should be closed as a duplicate of this question (below).
Q: How do I disable the on-screen keyboard in the unlock screen?

Thucydides411Somehow, I activated the on-screen keyboard (Onboard) in the unlock screen and I can't deactivate it now. I've restarted the computer, but it's still there in the unlock screen. How can I deactivate the on-screen keyboard in the unlock screen?

hm this second question looks familiar.
Hi @izx any update ?
MOAR 500 bounties?
Out of curiosity, askubuntu.com/questions/178168/… is locked and so I can;t edit, but there is no lock message. Is that by design?
It's just sitting there with , which is really a thorn in the side...
@jokerdino Is it some sort of auto-lock? We're stuck with an untagged post and I can't do anything about it.
foss to the rescue!
@ObsessiveFOSS retagged.
@fossfreedom Thank you for soothing my OCD.
@ObsessiveFOSS it probably is. Not too sure.
@jokerdino No, looking at rev history, it looks like a actual moderator.
Ah, it got merged. No wonder.
Q: How to install linux without affecting my original OS?

BrownHow can I install ubuntu linux 12.04 without affecting my original windows 7 OS? I just want to try using linux for a while before I share my hard drive with it. So please anyone let me know how to install linux without affecting my original OS?

is a duplicate of:
Q: How do I set up a dual boot Windows and Ubuntu?

WilliamI currently have Windows 7 on my computer and I want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows safely. Could someone please provide a good tutorial? Thanks!

I think we should dupe that against a "how to install wubi" type question.
OK, feel free.
I find some spam.
Q: Digital Asset Management software

user1428181Digital Asset Management software is there a good replacement for Adobe Version cue? Asset Management Software | CMMS

voted to close
flag for spam.
Free flags yay
and the downvotes keep coming
9 downvotes? O_o
@SirCharlo For spam, it's best to save your close votes, and just flag as spam (and, if you feel like it, you can of course also downvote).
if we got 6 spam flags, we would have deleted it.
@EliahKagan duly noted, thanks.. i didn't realize this
This user has 3 accounts: Here, webmasters, and stackapps. I d hope the other sites won't get spammed.
@SirCharlo I mean...I would not say it's wrong or a Very Bad Thing to vote-to-close. But the general consensus is that flagging (and optionally also manually downvoting) are the proper ways to handle spam.
@ObsessiveFOSS They probably will...
Why didn't we already have 6 spam flags?!
@jokerdino I don't know. I've flagged as spam.
@EliahKagan ok
At least I wasn't wrong in thinking it was spam.
Should I remove links?
Let it be deleted.
Whoo thanks.
It took 12 downvotes to get 6 flags.
Any time people encounter spam they should flag immediately
Downvotes are slow boat to China.
Q: 12.04 E: Malformed line

fabian# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120425)]/ dists/precise/main/binary-i386/ # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120425)]/ dists/precise/restricted/binary-i386/ # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (2012...

e_e how many times are people going to ask this question?
We were talking just last night about how people ignore all the messages and suggestions when posting a question.
P.S. vote to close as N.C. I'm out of votes, and that's not a question.
I ran out of votes a while ago.
@SirCharlo thanks
we need more votes!
post on meta!
Join my protest!
Wave placards!
Block roads.
@RolandTaylor Actually I think it should be closed as a duplicate of that user's original question about the same problem (which is a real question).
@RolandTaylor lulz
That is, I recommend that this question be closed as a duplicate:
@EliahKagan self-dupe?
Q: 12.04 E: Malformed line

fabian# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120425)]/ dists/precise/main/binary-i386/ # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20120425)]/ dists/precise/restricted/binary-i386/ # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (2012...

Of this question:
Q: E: Malformed line 59 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) E: The list of sources could not be read

fabianThe software center wasn't working so I tried to uninstall and and reinstall and I got this message: E: Malformed line 59 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) E: The list of sources could not be read. These are lines 59 and 60: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ partner deb-src ht...

@EliahKagan ah ha
hello all,
i need to be educated.....
In a way it was my fault. In a comment to the original question, I told the OP s/he should post a new question if the original problem that had motivated him/her to attempt uninstalling and reinstalling software-center persisted after this problem was totally fixed. But the OP interpreted that to mean that he/she should post a new question immediately. I commented to clarify, but it was too late.
I recommend against being too hard on that OP with downvotes. But I definitely recommend closing the second question as a duplicate.
Q: Unlock Problem in 12.04 Classic

Merlin EmrysWhen I click on Unlock in various dialog boxes (e.g. User Accounts), nothing happens.

@EliahKagan i rarely downvote new questions these days.
@jokerdino Yeah that wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I just didn't want somebody to get downvoted a lot for misinterpreting something I had said, that I could have said more clearly.
@StephenMyall probably because it could be construed as a valid question - poor - it needs more details. The OP is long gone so I closed as too-localised.
I just wanted to say I am not downvoting new questions these days. :-)
@fossfreedom Gotcha, but it appears in LQP, how would you have dealt with it there
I didn't know you could shave a document
Q: Libre office (read only) issue

Tim BothaI run ubuntu 10.04 with the latest version of LibreOffice (the one release the other day). When downloading a document - like something in excel in my firefox, and want to open it, it opens up in read-only mode. I have to save the document first on my computer, then open it up to get the normal ...

@SirCharlo How went your weekend?
@StephenMyall Not Sure I guess - then drop a link in the downboats chat room - whatever Its called today.
It was awesome.. We had a great time.
Nice to hear.
We lost all five kayaks at one point though
@fossfreedom np thanks
stuck on a desert piece of land
Got the kayaks back?
Yeah, the coast guard found some and some other folks elsewhere found the rest.
they gave us a lift on their zodiac
Hmm. That spammer no longer has an AU account.
it was pretty intense
@StephenMyall ... your welcome ... hurry up and get to 3K so you can use your close votes.
@ObsessiveFOSS It got nuked.
yeah you bet
@fossfreedom :-) Not long to go
bbl; supper
@jokerdino im surprised you remembered
k have a nice supper

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