Should we start considering questions specific to 14.04 off-topic? I haven't seen any question related 14.04 asked after 17 April getting closed as off topic.
@Kulfy Hmm... So we have to Ask Ubuntu (Canonical) if ESM is supported on Ask Ubuntu? :/ I tend to agree with you but still one has to wonder... If you purchase extended life support do you escape EOL (End of Life)? If so you and I have no way to verify a question "I have Ubuntu 14.04 with ESM to avoid EOL and this problem occurred..."
Canonical’s Ubuntu security team provide fixes on high and critical CVEs (common vulnerabilities and exposures) for the most commonly used server packages in the Ubuntu main archive. ESM provides the essential continuation of the security updates for 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) and 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) that Ubuntu users have always received via a secure, private archive.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix They get security updates only via private archives. So we don't know which version of which package is available, which packages are still supported, what package is causing problems (probably that's why user is on AU). I am not sure about ubuntuforums but here it is off-topic.
@Kulfy My Ubuntu 14.04 is borked on my third laptop so personally I'm not effected. Apart from that I'm on 16.04 and Kernel chain 4.14 LTS so good for a few more years. I agree with your 14.04 + ESM analysis.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Is it on kernel 4.14? I thought it must be on 4.15 since on launchpad xenial got bionic's kernel on 2nd August. My bionic is running on 4.15 and I occasionally use xenial mostly in VM.
I like to stick to the same LTS kernel chain. The other ones like 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19 and 4.20 seem to disappear overnight and it's too hard to read up on developments in Linux World. If that makes any sense?
I tried to compile kernel about a year ago and got lots of error. I used to think that once Ubuntu releases kernel for their release, it the responsibility of Ubuntu to modify and minimize bugs. Was I missing something?
I dunno. I've only compiled small things like drivers and grub. Nothing big like the kernel.
Compiling grub was a headache but I did manage to change countdown timer from 1 second intervals to 1/10th second units:…
I've compiled the vanilla kernel a number of times
the errors I got on early attempts were easily resolved by installing packages
but the Ubuntu kernel has way more drivers than any kernel I compiled. I was using a .config someone wrote for my device, with only the drivers it actually needs
Yeah compiling grub requires all these preconditions be set and options invoked. It took awhile to find the one line of code to be changed granted, but a super long time to dot the i's and cross the t's for successful compilation.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I haven't used BURG. I only heard about it. I started using Linux in 2015 and developed interest in late 2016. I heard that BURG was discontinued in 2010.
@Zanna Good for you compiling grub as a newbie :) My problems were compound because I downloaded normal.386 source but had EFI platform. I'd do it differently next time around.
I had the instructions, but it took me a long time to figure out that I needed to swap some things there for my own root partition and kernel version, and what to enter, since I had only the vaguest idea what a partition or a kernel was haha
they have a beautiful country though with wonderful people and architecture, I'm sure Iran is doing OK. How do you do a right mouse click using keyboard?
Tomorrow cyclone Fani will pass close to us and perhaps bring no rain but higher temperatures (higher than 40 C)... then it seems she will hit eastern states and Bangladesh. I hope everyone will be ok :(
I am using Xenial ubuntu. The bash version is GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
I am getting this error mktemp: too few X's in template when my shell script executes this command mktemp /tmp/1556580619403-0/duplicate.XXXXXXX.BABj9f0X1bg_work_DADYj9GphRM2_page0_preview.png...
Hi, I VTC’ed as a dupe of but later @Kulfy warned me I was wrong and I removed my close vote. Later the question was closed as a dupe with a correct target but the wrong one still appears in the targets, moreover as the first one. Could a mod edit it out (if it’s worth that work)?
@Melebius I think flagging the question for mod attention is a better option. They'll have a record and a mod who is away from chat but active on site can act on it.
I've somehow messed up my python installation, while trying to update to Ubuntu 19.04 from 18.10.
The python command points to my anaconda's python instead of /usr/bin/python.
> which python
I'm currently clueless, any help would be appreciated!
If you need...
@terdon yep but this would not achieve what zanna wants, she wants a raiders channel to be clean of eprsonal chatter, this is what we made the island for if we come to talk to much to move messages over
@Videonauth I don't mind personal chatter so much, but this kind of spaced out rubbish talking or trolling is bothersome
I would certainly like to ban them. But I don't think I can kick them for more than a short time out
I don't mind personal chatter at all - I move it to the island, purely so that those who check and follow up the moderation related messages can see them easily
That's not a bother for me to do
But now the island is turning into a dumpyard haha. That's also not a problem for me. But I would rather ban these users who are just thinking aloud about things I'd rather not know
my apache log shows bots visiting multiple times each minute
doesnt have the name of a bot but must be a bot
I blocked that ip address on .htaccess
now the accesses seem lower looking at an observer tool
but they still keep showing up on apache log, it this normal? does the apache log entries every minute show they are trying to access the site but are blocked?
@TigerNuno you always will have entries in apache access.log even if you have it .htaccess blocked, the server still has to process this and will generate a log, if you want it to cease completely you should use UFW or similar to reject incomming traffic from this bot/IP
but as long were talking about simple web crawlers,. the majority of em respects robot.txt file
I recently switched over to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS from Windows 10. After switching over to linux my, touchpad has been behaving very jumpy. It does not feel as accurate as it did in Windows 10. Whenever I move the cursor, its movement is very jittery and inaccurate. However when I use a mouse, the cur...
I have Ubuntu installed on the hard drive next to Windows. On the end of the installation, I had an error and Grub was skipped. How can I boot this system with no bootloader? Maybe we have some Boot CD detecting all installations in the system or something?
@KazWolfe ask me i actually made 5 different bot versions over the past 5 months for one and the same purpose now i have to mush them all together in one sane file
so rewriting about 150 Kb of code which is completely undocumented :D
ok that makes it easier, now i only need to find out how to make travis use python 3.7 or better to say which dist they provide to run 3.7 as their stadart is trusty and this knows no 3.7
I see. I'm in my last uni semester, so I'm also craving for a change towards more free time again.
The Discord is running fine btw, grew to 1.5k people already and we even have a proper website now. You're welcome to drive by some time when you can :)
I've been told that Unix started out as a Phone Switch OS and was not a multi-user OS at some time in its infancy.
As I'm always willing to learn new things, are there any greybeards around here older than me that remember this?
Bonus points if you can find any documentation to back it up. Sca...
I'm trying to run OpenVPN on Ubuntu remote server. I've been following this tutorial. As of now, I'm right before Step 3, trying to get "VPN 'server' is running" message. However, when I run
service openvpn start
service openvpn status
I get:
"active (exited), code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS"...