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Hello all
@aking1012 Hey
Can you like, help me with a geometry problem please :D
coordinate geometry?
Its Midpoint Theorem
midpoint of what a line or a curve?
I'll get you a diagram
midpt of a triangle theorem.
Yeah, that one
it's a special case of BPT theorem.
what's confusing you about it?
Ok, my diagram skills are off
but that will do
just explain your problem.
I must prove using midpoint theorem that EH bisects FG
F,G,H and E are midpoints on their respective line segments
I'm allowed to join sides to construct triangles
i have 5 minutes. hmm
ok i think i got it
join ad and bc
fo is half of cd and og is half of cd
(o is the poi of fg and eh)
So, O is the middle intersection?
@jokerdino Ah, but that's not proved
So I can't use that
Is it given that the all sides are parallel?
half of cd = fo = og = your problem solved
think about it. good night for now.
yeah...you only need one triangle.
wait, they are not || el?
yeeek. bye anyway :P
@jokerdino cya
how to bum a post here ?
You can upvote it
no no i mean BUMP
The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long as the third side.

Draw a bigger triangle than the square.
That probably solves it
It's one way to solve it, but it's a little contrived
But our teacher never told us to do a construction outside the given figure
Yeah, they might want you to solve it a different way. That's just the easiest way for me to go about it
hi @Am
Heya @Jeff
what's the Q?
Look up Please :D
@AmithKK here
That was me pointing to the problem
is ABCD a square? rectangle?
Any Quadrilateral @Jeff
can you state the midpoint thm that you're supposed to use?
also, why not ask that in math chat? probably get a quick answer there
12 mins ago, by aking1012
The segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half as long as the third side.

Draw a bigger triangle than the square.
if you draw that big triangle, then you don't know how long its base is
true, i was assuming square or rect. wouldn't a parallelogram be solved with these two?
possibly. but not quite clear about your question.
okay. i'm getting coffee. @AmithKK - you should really ask in the math room like @Jeff suggested
It's clear
@aking1012 Doing that
@AmithKK i have no good ideas (i haven't even any bad ideas - which sometimes lead me to good ideas). still thinking, though
How to launch GNOME Shell Extension Preferences from the Main Menu? http://askubuntu.com/questions/149007/how-to-launch-gnome-shell-extension-preferences-from-the-main-menu?atw=1 #gnomeshellextension
Good Night
you get an answer over on math?
welcome back @izx
@alFReDNSH acpi events ;)
@aking1012 just a quick fix before i nod off again :)
Hi. I fuddled with my compiz settings on my desktop (ubuntu 12.04) and now I can't see my unity window
how do I get it back...I can reset these settings via my terminal...
thankyou...that worked somewhat...but that program isn't terminating...
add an & to backround it or reboot
@aking1012 thanks that worked... :)
don't feel bad at least 11 people had that question before you did
@AmithKK I don't have a dozen machines. I have one that I use for all my puppet stuff. ;P
@jokerdino delete votes?
hi @jrg
Howdy! Hows it going?
Well enough. I finally went ahead and did the dupe-count script thing. I couldn't believe some of the statistics
Thank you for that list - I'm looking right now, it should be helpful
Our question count doubled, but our dupe count quadrupled from the Sep dump to the Apr dump...smh
I uh, can probably be partially responsible for that.
we did a lot of duping over the winter.
I thought it implied dupes getting asked more, but it could just be site clean-up
If you know mods on other sites, they might find those scripts useful-ish too
@jokerdino Ok, long and short of that list: Get something up on meta, I'm not touching the delete button willy nilly without community approval and oversight. Not because I'm scared of it, but because I'd need to justify that to SE if/when I trip the mod abuse alarm.
I'll pass the script on to a few others, you might want to post on stackapps.
Valid point
okay it's posted on stackapps
The more I look at bittorent, the more I'm convinced it should be the defacto way for package updates.
Possibly. I was talking to George the other day about video streaming via a torrent-like service for live-streaming. There are non-live streaming solutions, but most of the tech is closed source. Someone got a TON of money to try and develop it and failed at one point. Might be something to work on I guess
Yeah. It's interesting to be sure. The re-sharing thing is where I think it falls down. Nobody wants to constantly share their uplink (okay almost nobody)
Yeah, you're right.
That and what restricted packages are getting redistributed and are they technically legal in your location etc
So what you're saying is before we can go forward with this, software patents have to be destroyed. ok.
I knew you'ld be on board with that part
The only person I've talked to who didn't admit it was broken right off the bat was a patent lawyer.
and that was because he misunderstood what I was talking about - i was talking specifically about software, whereas he thought i was talking about all patents. Once I ironed that out, he was on board.
I think software patents should have a much shorter life-span and be much cheaper. Work should be rewarded though.
Either that, or have a mandatory twitter IPA.
Like pharmaceuticals. After a couple years, generics are allowed.
works fine for them, should be ok for us. ;P
I didn't say either model was perfect.
Gosh, they're brutal with the down-votes over on Personal Finance Stack
Hide backup folder from dash quickstart http://askubuntu.com/questions/149111/hide-backup-folder-from-dash-quickstart?atw=1 #backup
@izx, are you available?
@aking1012 heh,most places other than AU are brutal with downvotes.
SO is just indifference.
No software patents: copyright protection
See, I go the other way. No copyright on software, just limited time window software patent. I think we're trying to get to the same place using different technique
@RamonSuarez no, then we end up with Disney - taking a piece of folk software (if you will allow the analogy) and then holding rights to the version for 45 years, then making a release of it somehow thus allowing them to extend the copyright for another 50 years, and so on and so forth.
(And if you doubt me, I point to the copyright on Bambi. ;P)
I point to Happy Birthday
@aking1012 wait, thats copyrighted?!
Wow. Our world is really screwed up.
Copyright is less restrictive than pantents and, yes, they should last less.
we really need a deep reform of the whole IP protection system
Yeah, i see it @aking1012.
What we need to get these darn thinktank people, judges and politicians to acknowledge is that there is no such thing as a original idea in this day and age, and there hasn't really been one since the invention of the printing press.
I agree. I think there should be very rigid protection for highly innovative technology. That being said, the most fair software protection I've seen recently is the NZ requirement that it have a hardware component and do something no other software at the time can do.
Good luck getting that to happen in the US, land of the copyright.
Don't I know it
(in case you couldn't tell, I'm A. very bitter and B. upset that I can't vote yet (either with my feet or my vote))
Apple tablet/phone patent situation and lawsuits. <-- There should be a mandatory penalty for frivolous lawsuits equal to the damage being sought. It would at least give patent-trolls pause before trying to abuse overly broad patents.
Have to disagree, there are a lot of original ideas and artistic creation (also in code)
@RamonSuarez sometimes, there are times when there is only one way to do it well - read the Google vs Oracle decision for that.
What's your point? I dont understand, sorry
If there is only one way to do it right, then it's not patentable/copyrightable
I think that was his point anyway
That is my point exactly.
Lets take the PGP encryption system - there is really only one way to do that (via a public key, and a private key).
The whole concept of public key cryptography has been around for so long, and has been shown to be one of the more secure methods that doing anything else is regarded as insane or stupid.
There's always more than one way to do it right, obvious or not
That case is a little different. Saying you hold a patent on asymmetric encryption would be silly, but on a particular implementation I can see it. Like the zrtp implementation (which if memory serves is free for free software anyway)
Patents (if they are to be granted at all) have to be very specific. They can't be vague.
@jrg 100% agree
like they can't be a form factor :/
The whole "Slide to unlock" and "look and feel" stuff that Apple does is stupid. Why? Because when you have a mobile phone, there is only one general shape that will feel good in your hand.
(and while I'd love to continue this debate (or one sided ranting. :P), I have to go do family stuff now. :P Nice chatting with you guys!)
Yes. On the pgp vs gpg thing, I see the difficulty there b/c you can't say "nobody is allowed to make an interoperable client" but they could say this particular arrangement of code is ours.
@jrg been fun, later on
Good night
1 hour later…
Hello all.
Q: How do I resize GNOME shell top bar

yanglifu90I am on Ubuntu 12.04 and installed gnome-shell, but I found the top bar is larger than it normally is, how can I change its size?

Guys, a very quick one... I set a cronjob in /etc/cron.hourly that I think worked, but, I added a second line to verify. The full thing is :

date > ~/william_tmp

That file doesn't exist and I guess it is because `~` isn't set in cronjobs... so, I was wondering if anyone knows a better way to know if cronjobs have run? Also, just curious, what context do cronjobs run under?
Hello, I have a problem with Ubuntu 12.04.

This week, Ubuntu froze completely two times. The screen still displays but mouse doesn't move and I can't access anything.
Ubuntu freezes completely, becoming entirely unresponsive. The only way to use it again is to turn off the power to reboot.
Both times the same thing happened. All of the sudden, the wireless connection to the Internet is lost, ubuntu keeps trying to connect and asks for password and some seconds later then it freezes.
I don't understand why the wireless connection fails, since it works fine after I reboot PC and I am close enough to router, I never had wireless problem on Windows 7 for example. I also do not understand why this loss of connection implies ubuntu freeze.
@GeorgeEdison a little late, but hi
@WilliamHilsum i answered a question that should solve that for you
@aking1012 linky?
@WilliamHilsum I found the question...turns out I hard-coded home
If you use your personal crontab instead of cron, setting it statically should be safe-ish
A: Script doesn't run via crontab but works fine standalone

aking1012One thing at a time: First let's give you a user based bin folder: cd ~/ && mkdir bin You want to use crontab. Let's start with something really simple: * * * * * touch /tmp/testing.txt Okay, so that works Now let's try running a script that does the same * * * * * /home/usernam...

I'll just change the job to /tmp
Okay. If you really need to know, just check the ownership of the file in temp
4 minutes until I see if it works!
@GeorgeEdison made my first post on stackapps today
im always interested in learning, added your answer to my read it later queue...
but, i just had 4 minutes to test and didn't fancy waiting another hour!
definitely. you can tune it down to a couple seconds if you want to
sorry, explain please!?
if you're going to use general cron, you can set the time fields...then once it's tested and working use cron hourly
i can't see general cron running as a different user than cron.hourly
hmm, well, nothing was written to /tmp :/ I don't know if the main command ran now
did you set environment variables or reference date and ntpdate by absolute path? i would do that just in case
I wonder if there's a way to statically compile javascript to native with the engine from webkit...just for fun...
Q: Lowres application icon on window switching (alt-tab)

rndI manually downloaded and installed Sublime Text 2 (instead of adding the repository and installing via apt-get install) and I'm having some trouble getting gnome to find the high res icons for sublime. I extracted the application to /usr/lib/sublime-text Added the following executable script as...

@UbuntuQuestionsonUL what's with tagging Mint as Ubuntu on UL. I just suggested removal of the tag
Is is possible to get a patch included in the current release? If so, how? http://askubuntu.com/questions/149176/is-is-possible-to-get-a-patch-included-in-the-current-release-if-so-how?atw=1 #packaging
@QuestionsFeed Finally, an awesome question gets tweeted \o/
It appears you sort of can compile JS to EXE by bundling V8 with the JS stackoverflow.com/questions/1152367/…
@MarcoCeppi - I know at some point it was indicated that someone, somewhere was using restricted shells to improve security. I thought you might be interested in this pen-testing.sans.org/blog/2012/06/06/…
sorry, was away - not at all... the file was simply what I wrote above:

date > ~/william_tmp
will try to change
ok, changed it to /usr/sbing/ntpdate-debian ... not sure about the second line though... it is still /tmp/william_tmp - thought that should work :( (forget the edit I made in the above example)
oh well, im exhausted... going to bed now
@aking1012 cool article, though I'm dealing with chroot and jailed environments, not so much restricted shells
Okay, I thought it might be related.
Restricted shells are a step down from chroots they're simpler by nature
Agreed. Someone noted they were having a moment with a restricted shell and I thought they might have had access to restricted beta.
ah, it's possible. We don't really make it clear how we're shielding users from each other on the server
Just trying to inform you why I thought it might be relevant
it's a great read, thanks for the link!
00:00 - 14:0015:00 - 00:00

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