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Q: LetsEncrypt Error: "likely firewall problem"

Gimme the 411I have been regularly renewing my SSL certificate before expiry by using these commands: cd / sudo wget https://dl.eff.org/certbot-auto sudo chmod a+x certbot-auto sudo ./certbot-auto --debug -v --server https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory certonly -d fqdn.com I didn't renew it in t...

@fabby why is there no FORTRAN version of dessert's greeting yet?
Q: How to enable HTTP for apache?

Gimme the 411nmap localhost 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https more /etc/apache2/ports.conf Listen 80 Listen 443 When I go to http://fqdn.com, it says This site can't be reached When I go to https://fqdn.com, I receive content What am I missing to enable regular...

2 hours later…
@Rinzwind :D Because the first and last time I programmed anything in FORTRAN was 35 years ago... ;-)
my 1st was cobol85 :=)
3 hours later…
Q: File size conflict in pvrg-jpeg

jkerI'm trying to convert lossless tga file to jpg file with pvrg-jpeg. When I'm using pvrg-jpeg -iw 200 -ih 300 example0.tga -k 1 (-iw,-ih width/height of input file) error is F>/build/pvrg-jpeg-p4i4uR/pvrg-jpeg-1.2.1+dfsg1/jpeg.c:R>ConfirmFileSize:L>2272: File size conflict in example0.tga, est:...

python3 -c 'import time;a=time.localtime().tm_hour;b="night" if a<6 else "morning" if a<12 else "afternoon" if a<18 else "evening";print("good "+b+" all")'
I don’t know FORTRAN, but here’s a python version. :)
but but but we can all do that :=) we want assembly, cobol, fortran, lisp versions :=)
@dessert @Fabby Good ((?:mor|eve)ning|(?:after)?noon||night) everyone\.
Oh well I forgot midnight
Good ((?:mor|eve)ning|(?:after)?noon||(?:mid)?night) everyone\.
mrn db "morning",0AH,"$"
aftr db "afternoon",0AH,"$"
ngt db "night",0AH,"$"
evn db "evening, 0AH, "$"
gd db "good $"

mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

lea dx, gd
mov ah, 09h
int 21h

mov ah, 2ch
int 21h

mov al, ch
cmp al, 06h
jle night
cmp al, 14h
jle morning
cmp al, 22h
jle afternoon

lea dx, evn
jmp print

night: lea dx, ngt
jmp print
morning: lea dx, ngt
jmp print
afternoon: lea dx, aftr

mov ah, 09h
int 21h

mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
@Rinzwind 8086 assembly if you fancy that
it's long
well it is assembly :)
closer you cannot get to machine language
This is short:
perl -e 'print "Good ",qw(night morning afternoon evening)[(localtime)[2]/6]," all\n"'
nice :)
@Zanna Indeed. Unfortunately it isn't my invention.
that's ok
EEEEK! @ThomasWard what is that symbol? I used to doodle that as a teenager and have always wondered if it was actually used anywhere, but I've never seen it drawn by anyone but me before.
another freaking gold badge? Site, you troll me. You troll me so hard.
@terdon hexagrams in general are used in various contexts, see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagram#Usage_in_Dharmic_religions and the following sections
@Seth deepest sympathy, you certainly don’t deserve that
@PerlDuck nice! where did you find that?
Q: Showing Morning, afternoon, evening, night message based on Time in java

DevrathWhat i am trying to do:: Show message based on Good morning (12am-12pm) Good after noon (12pm -4pm) Good evening (4pm to 9pm) Good night ( 9pm to 6am) CODE:: I used 24-hr format to get this logic private void getTimeFromAndroid() { Date dt = new Date(); int hours = dt.ge...

ah, found the perl version: perlmonks.org/?node_id=883070
@dessert now more than just the site is trolling me :P
@dessert Almost. I googled for "perl date morning evening ..." and was pointed to perlmonks.org/?node_id=981123. The actual question was different, but one of the PerlMonks (Utilitarian) has this snippet in his signature.
@dessert That's a different shape though. Still a hexagram, but different
I'd like to write a (simple) app for Ubuntu which includes a README (or documentation in general). Does anybody know where to put the docs?
/usr/share/man/man1/? Do I misunderstand you?
No, it's not a manpage. It's just an HTML file. Or maybe *.txt.
Hmmm. Now that you mention it: maybe I should generate a manpage instead. The doc's source is Markdown, so manpage would be feasable.
I think users would expect to look for documentation that way...
LOL. Users like us, yes.
I found it: it seems to be /usr/share/doc/$appname/html or similar. At least sth. below /usr/share/doc/$appname.
2 hours later…
Q: Can't permanently assign additional IP addresses to USB ethernet adapter via /etc/network/interfaces. Why?

sh-I want to assign multiple IP4 addresses to a USB->Ethernet adapter in an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS system. I have removed netplan, since I find the yaml-based configuration even more obscure than the traditional way of configuring the network. Since I want the extra addresses to be permanent, I put them ...

1 hour later…
@PerlDuck A lot of packages place things into /usr/share/doc, for example /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian.gz Other applications keep things in application's directory, like /usr/share/atom/resources/app/apm/node_modules/npm/node_modules/is-cidr/README.m‌​d And then there's /var/lib/ispell/README
BTW, one of the bountied questions is a duplicate ( link provided in the comments ) askubuntu.com/q/1093450/295286 Bounty expires tomorrow, so feel free to vote

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