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how goes it
It goes something like this:
Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop.
rolls eyes
It's all good in the hood homie, what it do?
has a serious hatred towards ASP.NET code now
you should always have had that...
and I have had to dissect two other devs' code today to figure out why its not working
(at work)
Oh sweet
i love "cannot be resolved to a type" errors...
and every dev knows that dissecting another dev's code is HARD
and EVIL
and what's worse is when the dev doesn't COMMENT their code
devs that comment every crap are worse
code should be simple enough to speak for itself
@htorque tell me that after you've read through 50000 lines of ASP.NET trying to figure out what goes where when even VARIABLES aren't defined in easy-to-understand methods
i'd rather deal with every line commented than having to go through line by line myself with a pen and paper making god knows how many sketches to determine how a variable at like 23 gets its value from line 42934, and stuff
then the code sucks
doesn't sound like the lack of comments is the main problem ;)
as i said, i've developed a hatred for ASP.NET
i'm currently getting familiar with the code of a pretty big java project - comments are sparse but enough to follow the well-written code.
but Java's a bit nicer than asp.net
Java's closer to C or C++ than it is to PHP ;P
and ASP.NET is to PHP what Windows is to Linux
That's true.
in that Linux is better than Windows, and ASP.NET is comparatively evil in comparison to PHP
(while both PHP and ASP.NET are more evil than C++)
Er... well, I agree that PHP is better than ASP.Net.
But Python runs circles around PHP in my opinion.
now THAT I agree with
+1 about python ;)
having said this, Python doesnt work here at work :P
C++ does, Python Doesnt. PHP doesnt exist here, and ASP.NET does
C++ is good too.
@GeorgeEdison i'd rather be using C++ over ASP.NET any day, but alas no luck for me :/
Forking time. Heads over to GitHub.
anyone else see what's wrong with using cutting-edge kernels?
Q: Linux kernel 3.4 in ubuntu and kubuntu 12.04?

RaviCan we install the latest kernel 3.4 in kubuntu or ubuntu 12.04 LTS? If NOT then please clarify the reason.

@GeorgeEdison why am i the first one to star this? :P
No idea, but thank you.
good bye, guys! time to watch lio messi at work. :P
hi, can anyone help me with my question (i've added a +100 bounty)
Q: How can I change dash font?

Marcos RorizI've just installed and configured ubuntu 12.04 on my machine. I've changed all font size, with the myunity tool, and they're now all set to the Ubuntu font size 9. However, I can't find anywhere in Ubuntu a way to change the HUGE dash search/UI font. Any idea on where I can change it? Any dconf...

@MarcosRoriz ... I suspect you going to have to compile your own version of unity to do that. I hope I'm wrong, but I've never seen a gconf/dconf entry to change the fonts in the dash.
hellos e1 :D
long time
sup @wisemonkey
Q: Unable to connect to a wifi network with a special SSID

stefanMy current wifi network (and i'm writing this with the help of Windows -.- ) has a special character in it's SSID: "รถ", a so-called "umlaut". If changing the SSID is not an option, how to connect to such a network? This does not work with Ubuntu 12.04 or Android 2.3.6 or Android 4.0, so I guess...

Good off topic questions: migrate rather than close? http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/3200/good-off-topic-questions-migrate-rather-than-close?atw=1
@ruffEdgz: nothing much things r keeping me busy
@wisemonkey I hear ya, same with me as well
I'm this close to figuring out the problem with data- attributes getting stripped out of the Planet Ubuntu posts.
Q: Dealing with past-EOL release questions

Thomas WardHow should we handle new questions regarding past-End-Of-Life releases of ubuntu? Discussion is welcome!

(oops, looks like someone already one-boxed it further up)
@ruffEdgz: well its good thing -- at least I'm doing something productive (hopefully ;) )
@ThomasWard I agree with the comment that bricking your machine is an extreme example, but given the context of it being on AU, I think that was the right answer
anyways how to handle gpg error? -- I'm getting it on opensuse repo
Q: Can older questions be closed as duplicates of newer questions in special circumstances on meta?

Eliah KaganHere on meta, sometimes issues arise, and then arise again later as circumstances change. Is it appropriate, in such a situation, to close older questions about a topic as duplicates of a newer question about the same topic, if we want to direct current discussion of the topic to the newer questi...

@MarcoCeppi: Okay, so to follow up with the issue we were having with Planet Ubuntu and StackTack... I finally got around to digging through the code and was able to make some minor corrections that allowed the HTML5 data- attributes through.
I've submitted a pull request upstream.
@JorgeCastro: ---^
Hey guys I've been looking to add opensuse repository but gpg key was giving an error
I've figured out the solution
can I start a question and answer it ?
I think there was a question on that at one point
yes but answer was to remove the opensuse repository..
maybe adding an answer for adding opensuse repos
yea will add an answer to that one -- couldn't find the required key at keyserver.ubuntu.com
thanks :D
It's hard to believe, but this question hasn't been asked yet. So I asked it :)
Whoah! Vote counts are live now. I just saw the votes on a post increase before my eyes.
it's been like that for a while
Really? I just noticed it today.
yeah, I noticed maybe a month ago
As I was about to re-edit my post, I saw the vote total go from 0 to -1, to 0, to 1, to -1, and eventually settle on 1... thus fueling my suspicion that voting is often arbitrary :-)
Q: Is there an easy way to stop and reissue a command?

Alex FordI am doing Node.js development in Ubuntu and I'm curious if there is a way to quickly stop and restart a node server. I run this command to start my app: $ node app.js When I make changes to app.js I have to restart the server. To stop it I have to use CTRL-C followed by UP and then to re...

u must have asked pretty doubtful question :P
@GeorgeEdison see if that's what you were looking for
It was an answer... but I guess people sometimes have an odd reaction to my questions
Q: "Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning 'I can't configure Debian.'" -- why did they write that?

ZangoFrom urban dictionary ubuntu is defined as "Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning "I can't configure Debian"". http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ubuntu I'm confused for that... How true is this sentence? Are really Ubuntu and Debian so close to each other?

@ChanHoSuh That made me chuckle a bit
I got two chuckles out of that question.
@GeorgeEdison You around?
@Jacob Sure am.
Great to see you!
@GeorgeEdison Know a room where we can talk?
Sure, I'll invite you to it.
Bounty offered: Bluetooth not really turning on a Sony Vaio VPCEG http://askubuntu.com/questions/141158/bluetooth-not-really-turning-on-a-sony-vaio-vpceg?atw=1 #bluetooth
Q: Is it OK to post a link to my question in the general chat room, to publicize it?

Eliah KaganIf I ask a question and want to draw attention to it, is it OK to post links to it in the general chat room? Or is this considered bad, since there is already a questions feed and if lots of people manually posted links to their questions in chat, the chat room might be overwhelmed? Please note ...

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