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Whenever it comes through, that meta post will be fun.
Eh, you woke up already? @jrg
Yeah. it's 7AM here.
you got 6 hours... I guess that's plenty :-/
anyway, the S3-backed mirror is doing well and apparently they update it very quickly.
So it's something with archive.u.c
want me to put that in an answer?
well, htorque said he uses archive.ubuntu.com and it's fine for him... and fine for jokerdino too
so I was thinking I'd test if there's a difference between using *.archive.u.c. versus just plain archive.u.c since I use * = us and some of the other people having this issue use *=zn, in, etc.
htorque suggested it might be related to some Oneiric bug report he saw long ago, but I don't think that is it, although I did upgrade from Oneiric...
anyway, your suggestion led to this workaround (or whatever this is) but I posted my own answer. If you want to put up your version, I'd be happy to remove mine... I mean, I don't need my own bounty :-/ I just wanted people to see the workaround.
nah, it's fine.
2KB of Cpu memory does that
i'll have to figure out if i should ethically refund the bounty or not
I'm too lazy to figure out the cause of the problem... I'd be happy to give the bounty to someone who figures it out, what's the deal with the servers.
Can you answer this? Drop down terminal as smooth as gnome-shell's 'looking glass' http://askubuntu.com/questions/107481/drop-down-terminal-as-smooth-as-gnome-shells-looking-glass?atw=1 #softwarerecommendation
Amith, that's a nice little device indeed
I don't get the "ulterior motive" comment in the question you just answered on meta, @jrg
What ulterior motive can someone have for encouraging an answerer to add content to his answer?
In the question? I didn't either
I guess the "ulterior motive" is to make the site better? <shrug>
@ChanHoSuh Bounty
hi all
I'm back with my screen shot problem :(
cron tab to get a screen shot. Not working yet. :(
the python file is not executing.
import gtk.gdk

def takeScreenshot():

w = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
sz = w.get_size()
#print "The size of the window is %d x %d" % sz
pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,False,8,sz[0],sz[1])
pb = pb.get_from_drawable(w,w.get_colormap(),0,0,0,0,sz[0],sz[1])
if (pb != None):
# print "Screenshot saved to screenshot.png."
# print "Unable to get the screenshot."
Thats the code. Any ideas why the dumb file aint executing?
@Amith, not sure what you mean.
@ChanHoSuh The motive is the bounty
@ShyamK Does it run whithout cron?
The cron part is correct?
Q: When is is NOT appropriate to use Links in my Answers?

Stephen MyallI was first to answer this question yesterday with an answer something like (You will find all the information you need here. My link pointed to offical Ubuntu Documentation and the content answered the question in its entirety. In fact subsequent answers by others to this question had nothin...

@AmithKK yep and it still works.
@ChanHoSuh I think so..
26 18 16 5 * python /home/shyam/Desktop/python/screenshot/screenshot.py This was what it was.
did you export the x server?
@jrg eh? x server?
A: Hourly Deja-Dup Backups?

George EdisonAlthough it seems like the Déjà Dup code could not be easily modified to accomodate an hourly option, backups can be manually initiated and this can easily be added as a cron job that runs on the hour. Here are the steps you need to take: Run the following two commands in a terminal to enable ...

26 18 16 5 * env DISPLAY=:0 python /home/shyam/Desktop/python/screenshot/screenshot.py
that should do the trick
@jrg okay.. I'll try it out..
should I do the x server part?
cos I got another file running without this x server.. maybe its already enabled?
just that line above should do the trick
09 17 18 5 * What time does this indicate?
please dont be May 18, 5:09.. pretty please
cos if it is then it didn't work. :(
any other bright ideas ?
@AmithKK hey, did you know that Fedora lets you encrypt the entire hard drive?
from the installer?
It's not just /home...
I recall something to the effect that cron time is not the same as standard time
@jrg Woah! Cool!
Chan-Ho is correct, it isn't. iirc, cron time is 24 hour based, and is also UTC
so in cron what does this mean 09 17 18 5 * ?
aaah.. phuey !! I can't get an answer here..
Q: Make [home] a synonym of [home-directory] and merge the two tags

SathyaThere are 135 questions tagged home 52 questions tagged home-directory The excerpts for both are nearly the same, implying the same use: home: Questions about users' home folders or the actual /home directory are appropriate. home-directory The home directory is the directory in...

if anyone has anything to say to the contrary, speak now (or soonish) or forever hold thy peace.
(or just hold it until you can write on meta about what an evil person i am.)
@Shvam K, you've responded to help given in a rather snotty fashion, and you also apparently cannot look up what UTC is
What further help would you give to someone who responds like you?
@jrg ya'll do this style, eh
@Sathya if it has more than like, 20 posts then i just do that poll thingy.
saves us trouble when it's wrong. ;P
I see
there are quite a few such single-plural tags
I've been noticing tags are kinda horrible
will combine them all and post a q
ok, if you're willing to do that that'd be great.
those i have no problem with just merging, they shouldn't exist anyway. :P
hehe, just trying to keep things down before they go way out of control ;p
Posters often like to use tags instead of writing out detailed questions. So tags get overloaded. Not to mention, the tag descriptions tend to be uninformative, possibly exasperating the situation.
anyhow, back later. heading home
@ChanHoSuh oh yes, I've seen that in Super User
laterz Sathya
Q: Make [download] a synonym of [downloads] and merge the two tags

SathyaThere are 73 questions tagged download 69 questions tagged downloads The two tags are redundant, please consider making download a synonym of downloads and merge the 2 tags (note:downloads has tag wiki, so having this as a master would be nice) Also, consider merging download-speed with dow...

part of Super User's anniversary we had a contest, which included crap cleanup
A: Ideas for celebrating Super User's 2nd anniversary

nhinkleBased on the feedback in this meta post and in chat, here is what I'm proposing for the contest categories right now. We have until Wednesday to finalize this, so we can get a post up Thursday. The duration of the contest will likely be 2 weeks. Some awards will be determined based on activity ...

> I know it is not much significant , but a cleanup is never bad.
@Ashu well said
@jrg Thanks
I wonder how many people look at tag descriptions.
In particular, whether new posters do.
for the first 3 months of my AU participation, i never did.
They should send us T-shirts once we get a certain amount of rep.
:O now there's an idea
@ChanHoSuh yeah you are right but this method would be easily violated (IMO)
SE does send swag out to random users
Ashu, you're referring to my T-shirt idea?
@ChanHoSuh yes i am
Well, that's the thing. The amount of effort to game the system would be prohibitive. The result is after all, just an inexpensive item (branded by Canonical, no less).
We could set the rep limit to be 5000, say.
Then you get a T-shirt that says, "I have over 5000 reputation points on Ask Ubuntu and all I got was this crummy T-shirt."
Q: Make [vista] a synonnym of [windows-vista] and merge the two

AshuThere are two tags vista with 29 questions windows-vista with just 5 I know it is not much significant , but a cleanup is never bad.

one question.. who posts these ask ubuntu meta questions in chat
@AmithKK is that WHAAT? for me
is there any code to find out the path to user desktop in python?
Sorry I asked it here.. Guess I got no where else to go to. :(
"All torrent and file sharing sites such as The Pirate bay, Vimeo and Pastebin is blocked in india to protect "3" from the piracy "
You can ask on the site.
@AmithKK yeah, pastebin
@jrg directed at me?
@ShyamK Yes
more eyeballs, since not everyone on the site comes into chat
k I shall do that also.. But it would be nice if I got a quicker response from the chat :D
@jrg lol
@AmithKK yeah even dailymotion... what is "3"
@Ashu Its a movie
could anyone show me a good website for learning LAMP in ubuntu
@AmithKK i gotta start watching movies...
@ShyamK Its $HOME/Desktop
i need to start learning to create a website using apache,php,html/xhtml but i dont want to learn in windows
@Ashu and support those who support censorship? Nah.
I'll just rewatch (for the thirtieth time...) some movie from the blender foundation. ;D
Wow, are they blocking those sites to protect a particular movie?
Because someone has a lot of money
a bunch of dupe votes in the queue!
ok, cool
not your queue
the normal people queue was pretty full this morning though, mine was like 23
@AmithKK ????
@AmithKK ????
oh, the one i check every night
is it alright if I go around proposing RSS feed bots for our AU tags in IRC channels?
Only if it's relevant.
I am a little afraid Jorge might have other ideas.
and only if you think they'd actually benefit from it
juju, community and app-devel.
can't think of anything else.
drop community, but juju and app-devel works
community is a crap tag iirc
Fair enough
juju and app-dev want IRC integration
community is an awesome tag!
on the borderline i guess
ok the first few suck, but those are like when the site first started
and we were kind of more open ended
@jokerdino are you sure the ubuntu bot supports RSS and all that?
i don't think the ubuntu bot does. but i think we can get a IRC bot to do RSS feed.
Alan Bell said some bots do planet ubuntu feeds
derp. @jokerdino
all yours
@jrg good that it is fixed now.
true that
How to make a script executable by double clicking just like exe files in windows? http://askubuntu.com/questions/138908/how-to-make-a-script-executable-by-double-clicking-just-like-exe-files-in-window?atw=1 #launcher
Hey - weird issue but my mouse is inverted in X
is there a way to flip it?
Flip the monitor? :)
ha ha :-)
You mean it is scrolling the other way?
no, like literally the mouse goes down when i go up
not the scroll wheel
oh that
I seem to remember a similar question but can't seem to find it.
@QuestionsFeed That question... will probably be a honey pot for people searching for the 99% applicable solution
If you are free, please contribute - askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/contributing
@AmithKK can you see if you can make an IRC bot out of this? kstars.wordpress.com/2009/09/05/…
sigh, down to 81% answer rate
@jrg Got the required code. Thanks for your suggestion. :)
@JorgeCastro :I What should we be doing?
what do you mean?
i mean, do you have anything to say about bringing the answer rate up?
what applications do you recommend I have installed on my lap to use in 12.04?
apps that you think might be useful to you.
you need to be more specific if you expect a better answer.
Also someone had suggested rfkiller for bluetooth connection.. but my lap still doesn't have a bluetooth connection :(
works fine in windows though
so any idea how to solve this issue?
@jokerdino Yo!
Hello all
@AmithKK hi
@jokerdino Apps that might be useful to me? No I just want a general perspective.. Something in the context.. 10 Apps that you must have on ubuntu 12.04
Something like that :)
ah, tomboy, shotwell. etc
@jokerdino The answer is yes
Nice. Get it to working for one of the AU tags.
@jokerdino Gtalk Please
so how to use rfkill ?
bluetooth issue please.. Any drivers of some sort that I may need to install?
@jokerdino reviewing, editing, voting to close, etc.
i am doing them as time allows.
I need help with this answer
A: Where does Unity store the chameleonic launcher/dash color?

jokerdinoAs I was digging around the dconf settings, I found this setting. I am not sure where to find this in the system though.

Good night for now. If I can find it over night, I will update the answer tmrw.
@jokerdino Good Night
@jokerdino Good night then.
good night all. :)
The bot works @jokerdino
Good Night
ok, i'm back. :D
hi. @BrunoPereira. sorry didn't notice. was reading transcript and meta to update myself.
and can we make a question sticky in community bulliten?
Q: Plea to the decentralized sense of opinion - use your vote!

Bruno PereiraAsk Ubuntu, as any other site in the Stack Exchange sites network, works with the help of a rating system. Sometimes its hard for people to understand the importance of a single vote but votes are the base for the site and in truth what makes it work. Up and down voting has huge consequences on ...

Think not, sticky, no...
^ This one needs special attention. we need people downvoting crap.
any way we can highlight that? to all future visitors?
Can you answer this? "Unable to mount Android, Error initialising camera: -60: Could not lock the device... http://askubuntu.com/questions/126763/unable-to-mount-android-error-initialising-camera-60-could-not-lock-the-dev?atw=1 #mount
so few time for voting :-(
We can make a system notice, it will stick on the main site for 2 days max, thats it all as far as I know
i sucked at voting the last two months
@htorque ta hell is your avatar? I go for a few weeks and is changed???
is it the 12.10? What is it named of?
@BrunoPereira lets consider community opinion and see if thats really needed.
12.10 is quantal quetzal, iirc.
@Mahesh The site is all about public opinion! :)
:For other uses, see Quetzal (disambiguation). :For the best-known species in this group, see Resplendent Quetzal. Quetzals ( or ) are strikingly colored birds in the trogon family. They are found in forests and woodlands, especially in humid highlands, with the five species from the genus Pharomachrus being exclusively Neotropical, while the single Euptilotis species is almost entirely restricted to western Mexico. They are fairly large (all over 32 cm or 13 inches long), slightly bigger than other trogon species. Quetzals have iridescent green or golden-green wing coverts, bac...
@BrunoPereira if that doesn't hurt, the system notice, IMO we should have it. once in a while. but i guess it will be annoying if its repewated toomuch, and not so effective if not repeated.
so, i ask for community opinion.
and starting a meta post to discuss about hilighting another metapost would be funny i guess, so as of now, i'm not considering it.
@Mahesh What are we talking about? Just votes or a specific situation? Those can also be exposed in meta
we have a problem with voting, on AU.
people dont vote with a thought.
a lot of random votes we have,
and when someone downvotes,
imean, when the system works, we get complaints in meta.
so i have a feeling that the voting system is not working effectively.
we need not change it, and infact its good now, so i dont see the need.
but we need to pass a message to the community, to wake up. (ok, i assumed we're sleeping.)
hope i make some sense. :|
so go vote!
you only have 69 votes! That's like barely 2 day's worth of votes!
I've only been a member of the AU community for a few days now and have been trying to vote or answer questions when possible. One thing i couldn't figure out how to do was unvote
:) currently searching for questions that need cleanup.
@Mahesh Sure, but 1-3 downvotes is no issue, the vote up when you see nice content, vote down when it sucks bad or makes not sense what so ever (not only for you, watch the comments), vote around, its imba!
@JorgeCastro that!
I accidently voted on the wrong answer. thankfully both were equally good answers, so I voted for them both
you vote for 'good'. not just 'best'
@reverendj1 You can click the same button within 5 mins (or so) to revert them
but if you wish to unvote, click again.
that makes sense
@BrunoPereira theres no time frame i guess. we can unvote anytime.
@reverendj1 Also if a post has been edited and you have previously voted on it you can always revert your vote
^^^ If you review questions you can edit/improve and vote on things all in one step!
@JorgeCastro a good place to start. :)
though we've been behind, so you might want to do the week or month view instead of the day view
(so lost atm)
and i prefer editing/commenting when the post can be improved, so i am one of the culprits, not voting.
Edit all you can!
(and should)
I just vote when I edit/review, problem solved
its a methodology thing ;)
Huh, for a moment, I thought that was a poem by Mahesh
I need to message a user. he edited sometyhing, and i have suggestions for his future edits. and he is editing things around the site, so we'll be better if he gets the message.
and i know we dont have pm, and we probably wont need it. all i need is a workaround, for now
@ChanHoSuh I stopped writing poems some 3 years ago. ;)
@Mahesh And lets all drink to that!
(its a joke in all senses)
lol. i dont drink, yet.
@username should work I think
even if he just edited?
i mean, no comments, and i dont get the username suggestion by tabbing, so i'm in doubt
12 more questions to get to 82%!
i was talking of random upvotes, right? here, i have an example.
Q: Installing MySQL in ubuntu with putty

CataclismoSo...i'm trying to install MySQL Server in Ubuntu 10.04 (i don't want other version of ubuntu) and it don't works... I tried : sudo apt-get install mysql-server and also sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1 and i get this : https://i.sstatic.net/0axDL.png I also tried : sudo aptitu...

ok, justified may be, and may be i found one coz i was looking for one. never mind.
i have a question.
when exactly is it justified to use 12.o4 tag?
so someone is suggesting to me that the Amazon S3-backed mirrors aren't being updated, and in fact hasn't been updated for several weeks
does this seem right?
no idea @ChanHoSuh
The old mirrors are at most only a couple days behind... so I'm suspicious about that.
i see almost every question tagged with 12.04, and i'm not sure if i should just go untagging where its not version-specific.
it's in the tag description
basically, hardware specific things
most of them don't need to be tagged 12.04 if the person mentions 12.04 in the question
so most questions that carry that tag dont deserve it.
most of them don't need "ubuntu" and "12.04" in the question either
trying to retag things as i find.
i work lil slow..
and review screen is not so helpful. i cant see answers when reviewing questions, and if i retag, i'm taken to that q. i need to go back in history. :(
i wanted to vote, but all i do now is flag, edit,retag. huh!
now i understand why no one votes.
@ChanHoSuh Um, according to what I'm seeing, they are up-to-date.
@JorgeCastro are the s3 mirrors being synced every hour still?
maybe I should try your east coast mirror then... according to a comment i got http://askubuntu.com/a/138774/43660 the mirror is not being updated for almost a month, which seems... unlikely.
Q: Upgrade to 12.04 from Natty?

TheGatoradeI'm trying to upgrade to Precise, i'm on Natty now. Tried This guide to upgrade, but the update manager only lets me upgrade to 11.10. Tried also to check "Only LTS relases" on the settings. So, how to upgrade directly from Natty? //TheGatorade

isnt that answer incomplete
srry for asking it here but i didnt know where to do that
ok, lets see if inviting to chat works this way. @Nirmik, your presence requested here.
^ if he gets the notification and joins, i probably have something to say.
@Mahesh it won't work
whats his ask ubuntu profile?
And you're inviting him for what reason? (i need all these variables in order to help you)
@jrg but i get a notification if i'm mentioned in a different room.
@Mahesh you already have a chat account. I don't think he does
ok, that kind of, makes sense.
nope, he's got a chat account - chat.stackexchange.com/users/38981/nirmik
i see him editing and answering a lot, but somehow find his answers not so good.
that kind of, is not good i guess.
can you look at some of his answers and give your opinion?
Ok, sent him an invite to this room
also, i saw incomplete edits from him.
and i agree
so if you're trying to help him out, go for it. :)
thats what i plan to do, not sure how its going to turn out
and @jrg i'm not quite satisfied with my answer on that bountied question. what can i add there?
@Ashu that link does tell the op exactly their answer
@Mahesh it is a sufficient answer
i like it, it's not that bad
Hm, @ChanHoSuh - that guy is correct
@jrg there's a problem with them right now, ben's been working on it for the past few days
they sync every 15 minutes usually
@JorgeCastro ok, so they know about it
@jrg but still i'm searching for something better. may be coz i got that bountied, and i've got a dream about that last night.
^ that dream accused me of stealing rep. so if i get that bounty, i'll spend it on bounties.
heh. welcome to the bounty club
and i need to find whats wrong with those proforma comments and my machine. i still jump between two. guess i need to make my own source and stick to that instead. atleast until i find the culprit.
coz i just got a doubt. was about to flag, and probably i flagged it already.
@jrg does the site warn if i'm flagging the same thing a second time, same reason
@ChanHoSuh you said you love terminal,right? make sure you checkout collumn80.com (incase u hven't, already)
@GevorgHindoyan already here ;)
@GevorgHindoyan you trying to complete a clean install of Ubuntu 11.10?
@GevorgHindoyan you are using a live CD correct?
I just want to make a clean install of 11.10 on my computer, and i have enough(500GB) pace
@ruffEdgz yes
@GevorgHindoyan cool, while in the live CD, can it see your HDD?
now will check
ok, you should be able to run this in the command line to see if it can: sudo fdisk -l
just wait
nothing hapening when typing sudo fdisk -l nothing hapening and its bringing prompt again
@GevorgHindoyan well that isn't good :/
what do you get if you run this command: ls /dev/sd*
@amithkk @lazyPower I think you two might get a kick out of the last part... - twitter.com/#!/vatshy/status/203528510638276608
that's hilarious...long live...
just wait some time more...
@aking1012 yeah, that's what i thought
@JorgeCastro empathy desktop sharing is working now, i'm going to edit that answer
Can you answer this? System reverts to 87Hz refresh rate at every startup after I have installed nvidia... http://askubuntu.com/questions/126928/system-reverts-to-87hz-refresh-rate-at-every-startup-after-i-have-installed-nvid?atw=1 #nvidia
Also...I found my new favourite quote:
If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in --Edsger Dijkstra
@ruffEdgz don't think that i can't write ls /dev/sd* but by friend can't. he is gived up. i will delte question :(
@ruffEdgz thank for help anyway
Ok, i'm out. I'll be back sunday, which means my inbox will be at... oh, i think it'll be at 20 by the time i get back.
@Mahesh thanks :-)
@Mahesh although I don't know where you got that I "love" the terminal... I might have said prefer it in some cases... browsing the web in a text-based browser is something I would never go back to doing!
@ChanHoSuh - thx for the +1 over on G+ btw
It was a good link... should get the +1 :-)
Now if we go by the usual statistics on G+... you are very unlikely to get another, unfortunately (I read some article a few days ago where they analyzed how many +1's posts get)
Buck the trend!
@belacqua both answers flagged. thx for helping keep the site clean
@ChanHoSuh working on it. i'm thinking wherever you read that, it was essentially emotional posts get +1s and analytical posts don't. i'm just guessing from what i've observed
does SE have a way to flag a user? if not, it should with its growing popularity and getting targeted by spammers
Anyone know where I can get updates on the status of Amazon S3-backed mirrors for the Ubuntu repositories?
I don't know what you mean by status updates
Other than pinging the bot "Jorge Castro" periodically?
See how much it's lagging behind the main servers, and/or whether it's working properly
Jorge said earlier they are experiencing some problem right now for a few days
I would anticipate that once the "issue" whatever it is will be fixed. Once they get the newness sorted out on S3 mirrors, I think it's a much better platform(I consider it in alpha/beta so I just accept it).

Best answer I could come up with is check the contents against a non-S3 mirror and diff it
For the usual mirrors, there is this launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors
Exactly. When they get it sorted out, I would anticipate the S3 mirrors would be the preferred distribution medium...and hence permanently 0 lag
@ChanHoSuh Well, i've got a box on them that i'm monitoring
and i know that the normal repos have updates for it
so when those come through, it'll be all set
and i'll notify you
great news
Cool. @jrg I thought you were gone until Sunday?
so both @aking and @jrg, you do not experience large updates like I do? ~13MB or so
I have it run in the background, so I don't really know.
I'm mobile.
(for a few moments, and then i'm out for the rest of the weekend)
jrg, what are you viewing this on?
my iPod. i already shut down my laptop.
spammer destroyed @belacqua
thx @jrg
@belacqua hey, I was looking over some of my favs and I still have your questions about wireless... does it still happen?
Okay, I hate to ask if a list question is okay...but I have a friend who is struggling with setting up a SoftAP. I think a list of buyable cards/usb adapters that can verifiably run hostapd would be great. Any objections to that type of list question?
If it's not okay just ping me and I'll delete it. It's here: askubuntu.com/questions/139123/…

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