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@TheWanderer multi-rom is great for not having that happen. I'm a little sad the cyanogenmod team switched gears. sorry on the double-ping
by "switched gears" do you mean shut down because of stupid business decisions and unprofessionalism?
I mean going from a full-on image to app-stuff. Their selling point was an open working enhanced unlocked image.
I ignore the politics of all of it, because I don't know any of them personally.
can someone help with apache2
@TheWanderer huh ?
@Zanna welcome to Indian Languages! Also try to help with posting example questions :)
5 hours later…
Q: How to browse by proxyfied openVPN

hftIssue this command in the terminal window sudo openvpn --config vpn.ovpn --http-proxy 8640 Seconds later it tells me the VPN has been connection. If open the web browser and check my IP, it is still shows my local. How to tweak my system my browser go through proxyfied openVPN?

Argh. Not enough money to buy the Ronin S :(
1 hour later…
What a pity: after 2795 consecutive days I just missed my very fist day here on AU.
That happens when you go to places without internets.,,
almost 3000 it was... ;)
actually, in holidays it always was pretty uncertain to join, but I never thought this would be an issue only 3 km away from home.
I think my most recent break day was my brother's wedding
@Takkat woaah!
woahh it would be but I totally missed it :"(
I had to spend 2 nights in hospital - that was 1 night too many - but this mostly not because of AU ;)
@Takkat oh, I hope you’re well?
@Takkat write a script and run it on a server :D
yeah totally well, but I missed my consecutivity
(scripts would be cheating)
glad you are fine - that's much more important than consecutivity
@Zanna at least when there’s no badge for it ;)
@Pandya thanks! I am bad at questions. But I added two probably closeable ones and I will try to think of more haha
@dessert oh yeah, if there was a badge for it it would be worth risking your health for XD
@Zanna help me phrase this one: What are the differences between Vedic and Sanskrit? Does Vedic equal “Old Sanskrit”?
do you think the second question is clear enough?
I thought about writing something like “Is Sanskit to Vedic like English is to Old English?”, but that seems overly long and not much clearer.
@dessert sure, there's nothing wrong with that in terms of expression, it's perfectly clear. I'm totally clueless about the languages but I assume you're not asking about that XD
@Zanna ok, thanks :> no, the language part I got covered ;)
haha yeah
wow, that’d be a really interesting SE site
I think my question about the retroflex approximant should be closed as a bug report
you don't get many upvotes to give out :(
@dessert definitely
@Zanna :D No, but reading it I wondered whether there really is only one transliteration system. If there are several, you should specify which one you’re asking about once it’s launched. that would make for another question btw: which different transliteration systems are there available for <language>?
idk, but it gets transliterated like that. or maybe just with z (Tamil has no z sound)
@Zanna “idk” is a really good start for asking a question ;)
@Zanna well, let’s find other people then – you’re a people person, aren’t you?
I even have a really bad book like "learn Tamil in a month" which says ழ் should be pronounced like the 'sio' in 'vision'. Good luck having people understand you
@dessert me? no, I'm introvert to the point of being a hermit XD
@dessert you're right, I can make another question! but maybe later :S super busy
@Zanna Do you think an advertising post on Linguistics Meta would be frowned upon?
@Zanna oh god
that letter is murder on even some native speakers
Gotta have your tongue movement perfect
@dessert tamil transliteration, much like that of many indian languages is informal, and terrible
and ya, we use the z for what's almost a deeper rollier y sound. Almost like a door creaking in the middle of the night sounding like a ya.
@JourneymanGeek exactly what I thought – that should definitely be covered by questions!
@JourneymanGeek You’re in?
I'm primarily here for the tech sites
ok :)
and while my spoken tamil is alright I'm hardly a enthusiast about it, let alone a subject matter expert.
@JourneymanGeek Do you think a post on Linguistics Meta advertising the related new site would be frowned upon?
maybe I should ask that in their chat…
@dessert sounds like something that belongs on community ads
Unless you mean advertising the beta
which I'm not sure about
ok :)
@dessert surely not
@JourneymanGeek yeah right. I get worried when I see one coming towards me XD
@JourneymanGeek lol ok ima think about a door creaking
@Zanna so...
there's regional accents right?
must be
Basically a lot of sri lankans pronounce that with the softer "ya" sound
so the word for fruit "Pazham" sound like "Palam"
Then there's this
ஏழைக்கிழவன் வியாழக்கிழமை வாழைப்பழத்தோல் வழுக்கிக் கீழே விழுந்தான்.
(copy pasted)
I can't even transliterate that.
But it kinda is our she sold sea shells on the sea shore...
"The poor old man, on thursday, slipped and fell on a banana"
The version I remember was "mottai kezhavan" rather than "aazyai kezhavan"
(bald old man vs poor old man)
If you can say that once correctly you got your ழ and ய sorted
and you can work out the "contanant" version from there
and the compound letters
@Zanna new question: “What are popular tongue twisters in Tamil?” ;D
@JourneymanGeek what is that ஓல்? weird kinda locative
Q: Linux installation issues, grub2 not loading, send help

sadtryhardYeye, sorry for not being serious in the title "send help", trying to maintain my humor after all of this. So, this is going to be a little bit complicated to explain, but I will try to detail everything about my problem(s). Before of all of this, that's what I did : Disabled "Secure Boot" an...

@dessert lol good one
that dosen't sound familiar
break it up
வாழைப்பழ தோல்
banana fruit (am becomes att) -ool
there's a m there
so its banana skin
oh its skin
I missed that lol
my bad
I know the word தோல்
generic word for skin ;p
@JourneymanGeek where did the ம் go?
I can't type in tamil
and was lazy to go find something to copy paste it
and when you combine words, letters get ommitted
I can't remember the grammatical term
that's not a problem, I'm just asking to learn how it's working :)
basically you remove or swap letters when you compound 2 words
Ya, probably that.
I do not grammer. I am a proper native speaker so the rules often don't apply or are forgotten XD
haha the only English L1 people who know anything about English grammar are those who teach English as an additional language
but grammar is awesomely helpful for learners
@JourneymanGeek if language were to be spoken by linguistists only it would die from preservation
so I am always asking dumb questions that make people scratch their heads
@dessert pickled language
Its not dumb
its just things a native speaker takes for granted
yeah :)
most languages show sandhi, compare “a apple” → “an apple” and things like “wanna”, “gotcha” and “should have” that’s compressed to something like “shoudıf” and when written sometimes erroneously gets expanded to “should of”.
@dessert lol
my teacher is from Sri Lanka. She says Tamil has 3 "l"s, ல (பாம்பு) ள (which I call the middle one) and ழ. But l don't think any of the letters in English are really very similar to ழ so we could transliterate it as anything going spare, and z is definitely going spare, so that's a reasonable reason. But it creates a certain degree of confusion for the uninitiated XD
… which brings up the question what purpose exactly the transliteration serves, if you have to learn the transliteration why not just learn the original script in the first place? ;P
even more so if the transliteration makes you learn it wrong
yeah, but there are issues of being able to type the language easily on Eurocentric keyboards etc
@dessert indeed haha
I find several of the conventions for transliterating Tamil misleading. But it's also difficult to write spoken Tamil in Tamil haha
@dessert cause typing in tamil is hard
2 hours later…
finally reinstalled Windows
finally got my headache back
@Zanna Did you see/read/hear this? learnenglish.de/pronunciation/pronunciationpoem.html
Wow, I do not know how to pronounce English. oO
@Zanna my mom has the google keyboard for tamil on her phone
its 'proper' and works ok
@dessert got this one wrong so far: topsails
@Fabby not bad, way to go :)
@JourneymanGeek I use something open source (from F-Droid repo) called Indic keyboard and it works great. I can use it fine :) I use the xkb layout on Ubuntu and I can remember where most of the letters are pretty well now :)
I cannot type in tamil
loth victual Foeffer heifer
plait succour
@JourneymanGeek Yeah it's not easy. I need to do it so I do it. There are phonetic methods too, but I haven't even tried that. I prefer to know which letter I'm going to get since I don't even know how to pronounce Tamil properly
@dessert Sorry to hear that, but for a moment there I thought you said it was your moustache! :D
@ParanoidPanda ;D
@dessert lol
@Zanna: Have you seen any Ladybirds around this year?
preface scourging gunwale indict
Because I spend a lot of my time in woodlands and parks and I haven't seen any.
I'm getting slightly concerned.
I hope that the really overly cold winter we had didn't kill them off.
when I was doing the Trinity TESOL course they pointed out that there are 7 (iirc) ways to pronounce the letter combination "ough" which is my favourite example of how spelling in English is hell on wheels
@Fabby either a password or a command code to activate a sleeper agent....
The trees are infested with things that the ladybirds would normally eat.
@ParanoidPanda I haven't seen them no :(
I have...
Shall we export some?
@dessert Starred!
Do you know if it's the National Trust that you would contact about this sort of thing? Because perhaps they have monitoring stations for this sort of thing. Or at least they should keep some sort of watch.
Very tough even for me! And I've been speaking English for 35 years now...
The problem is I read too much and don't listen enough.
should watch more English films with subtitles...
Back to kitchen... BRB
@Fabby I'll pay for the crates! ;P
@Fabby I think there’s not a single native speaker wo could read the whole poem without a single mistake. Even if you know every single word, they are arranged to make you mispronounce them. The introduction says even the author needed several attempts recording it.
@ParanoidPanda I don't know, but I think ad hoc reports from ordinary folks are an important source info for that kind of thing
@dessert challenge accepted
@dessert I'm pretty sure en erudite scholar would
@Zanna record it and upload the recording!
I want to hear that.
@dessert :D :D :D
will do... know any good places to upload sound recording?
@Zanna uuencode and upload to paste.ubuntu.com
I'm not gonna listen to their recording so mistakes will be all mine hahaha
You're going to go : "Hold on: that's not right: that's ..." a lot!
let the girl work! ;)
That's why I didn't ping her...
Back to kitchen...
haha my file is too big
making account
I’m really curious. :)
there done!
I didn't know at least two of the words though, I just guessed
@Pandya ok I wrote my five questions for the proposal!
my accent is very obvious haha
wow, very well done! Both your voice and your accent are beautiful if you ask me.
haha thank you blush
next job is to master @JourneymanGeek's Thursday banana skin tongue-twister
@Zanna Not bad at all
I knew how to write indict and I've heard it said, but never saw/heard them together...
@Zanna I’m looking forward to hear this recording. :)
I think I must have mispronounced ere... I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that XD
@Zanna Not to us: It's just British...
You brits can hear the difference beween an Estender and a Westender, but we can't.
@Fabby you can remember that write rhymes with indict XD
I even have difficulties distinguishing between Kiwi and Aussie
Yeah, when I have heard it, I though it was written indight.
makes sense
When I've seen it written, I though it was Indikt
@Zanna shouldn’t “ye” also rhyme with “key”?
never knew it was one word...
oh yeah, like "hear ye hear ye"
archaic word
not used
Oyez Oyez!
@Zanna So where's your accent from then? I'd say it's Queen's English...
No clue...
It's not like it's Geordie (Jeordie? Jordy?)
you can hear the difference in words with a and maybe u. Like instead of saying /ʌ/ like a southerner I will say /æ/ or /ʊ/
it's similar to a Yorkshire accent
I once was in Newcastle taking petrol and 3 kids saw my car and one of them asked me a question and I had him repeat it three times and still didn't understand and ended up asking him:
Can you repeat that in English now???
in normal speech it's very unlikely I'll ever fully pronounce a syllable-final t, but I might make the effort when reading a poem
And then he asked: Is this car expensive???
my dad is from Liverpool haha that' a distinctive accent
@Zanna So tight and thigh sound the same?
Geordie is the right spelling for Newcastle area accent
@Fabby not at all because /t/ doesn't sound like /θ/ and the syllable final t will be replaced with a glottal stop, whereas a word ending with /aɪ/ will sound open and longer
Yes, I don't know how to write phonetic letters nor...
... could my spell checker find the correct pronunciation of the word describing the sound /θ/
is it diphthong?
diphthong seems to be correct.
You see? And we're not even talking about Leicester Square...
well /θ/ is the unvoiced th
The one most Germans who don't know English well pronounce as f
Grammar is really easy in English, but Spelling and Pronunciation are really difficult
Actually: pronunciation without spelling is OK as is Spelling without pronunciation.
@Fabby my professor advised me to better use d as a replacement, it’s phonologically
Unfortunately, they go together...
yeah those two phonemes (that one and the voiced one in the this those, /ð/) are really tricky if your L1 doesn't have them
there are even dialects pronouncing th as d
Thigh digh?
makes it sound like die then!
/ð/ is even more like d. If you can make your d dental, it's almost there
I mean just touch your tongue to your teeth when you say it
exactly – f is just wrong
Any language is hard... I know an English woman married to a German and she cannot hear the difference between ü and u
o.O seems a huge difference to me
maybe my teacher exaggerated it
Because they met up in their 50s
So she was never exposed to anything German for her entire life and cannot hear the difference any more.
I teach my children to first bite their tongue’s tip so they feel it being out there (where it doesn’t belong when you speak German ;D)
I had a hard time between distinguishing between 2 Russian letter-pairs:
Ш and Щ
@Zanna No-problem, I'm also not expert but we can hope for experts drawn.
and Ы and И
@Pandya I also contributed some questions. proud Thanks for starting this!
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy ----^
@Zanna Thanks. actually in the starting phase number of followers and especially no of example questions are important for activity,( though useful questions with 10+ votes are needed in future)
@Fabby yeah!
@dessert Yes, actually there were many failed proposal try of different language like Hindi, Sanskrit etc. but I thought of gathering mass and hence chosen generic one.
Q: Would it be a better idea to propose "Indian Languages"?

PandyaI remember that there was a proposal like "Indian Languages" may be deleted due to inactivity. And there was a question like "support Indian Language proposal instead of initiating separate" which might be deleted with the proposal. Currently there are two active proposal 1. Sanskrit Language an...

@Pandya good idea, I think it has a real chance this way
@dessert dental I can do, but the retroflex sounds kill me XD
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 days ago, by Pandya
Actually the scope I thought is broard at present. Question can be about use of language, grammar, trivia, history, writing, meanings, translations, characteristics, ....,.....,... etc.
@Pandya it's a great idea - it makes space for individual language questions and broader scope ones that are more general/comparative/tentative
you may invite others :) Thanks @dessert
@Rinzwind Woohoo!
@dessert Life's not fair, and then you die!
:D >:-) :D
@Fabby well living is dying, from a biological perspective
at least it’s not dyeing ;)
@Videonauth Well, starting from being fully grown up, it is
(stove turned off, no more running into kitchen)
At least I got half of the bounty...
@Fabby “methodology” sounds like a sect to me ;)
@dessert @Zanna Could you comment on the above? i originally said "2 ways" but that sounds childish to me and methodology and algorithm sound too erudite...
@fabby did you get meanwhile the replacement for the DOA drive?
@Videonauth Haven't sent it off yet...
Too damn busy during the week and too damned tired during the week-end.
I slept till 11:30
well how can i check memory with an efi system as of the grub menu does not give me the memtest option
the bios detects the both 8 GB modules properly, runs them at lower frequency as my board can'T reach the target frequency anyways
Lemme check mine as I thought my EFI does contain memtest.
@Fabby I mostly use “way” or (more formal) “approach”.
Approach is better.
why would you say methodology when you can just say method? :)
it tells me memtest86+ is installed when i try to install it but when i run update-grub it does not insert it into the grub menu entries
@Zanna havn't those words total different meanings?
@Zanna THAT's the word I was looking for!!!
I think "way" is better than "approach" because it has the same meaning in the context, is perfectly unambiguous, and requires less typing
method it is now...
"way" just sounded ....
economics, yay! o/
... not what I really meant
here is an economics answer:
A: What makes small tea leaves better than big tea leaves?

FabbyDo some empirical research and go into your garden and taste some of the flowers, buds, small leaves and old leaves. Warning: Do this only if you know something about horticulture and botany as you want to avoid poisoning yourself! The smallest leaves are the least bitter ones of most plants ...

@Videonauth Maybe I'm just ignorant, but methodology seems to me to be one of those woolly words that has a broad nebulous meaning. method = way of doing thing, methodology = coherent set of ideas about way of doing specific thing and the way of doing it. Like the subheading in your thesis under which you talk about the philosophy behind the design of your research and how you actually did your research could be Methodology
sounds exactly like German Methode vs. Methodik
@Zanna this ^
are you pointing me to my own post? :D
no worries, made me laugh
whereas the section of the write up you do of your physics practical in school where you detail the steps of setting up the circuits and setting the voltage to the bulb and recording the resistance of the LDR etc blahblah would be subtitled Method
Methodik sounds like methodical, which is a whole different thing :)
@Zanna it’s “whereas”, actually ;)
thanks, didn't read what I wrote :)
@dessert I'm still trying to download Zanna's recording without creating an account on clipit. Do you have a download link(as you have an account)?
Page source is not really helping.
German “wohingegen”
@Fabby I don’t have an account, but youtube-dl is your friend
youtube-dl -x clyp.it/1amf5gi0
I just love this piece of software…
@dessert haha German sounds so logical
@Zanna that’s actually only one word you could use, and I chose a fancy one of course
@dessert cp /tmp/My\ recording\ #31-1amf5gi0.mp3 Zanna\ Poem.mp3 CC @Zanna
@Zanna It's my humble opinion you have a nice voice and the bit of laughter in the middle makes me smile, so saved ---^
thanks haha I started laughing when it nearly tripped me
We really should make that a thing, upload recordings of beautiful poems in our mother tongue (and maybe even dialect) for each other.
oohhhh yeah
I can find some nicer poems than that one haha
So I made Chilli con carne and maade way too much...
@Zanna any German poem you want me to recite?
... guess what? I'm entertaining 8 people now...
@Zanna My native language would sound like gibberish to everyone even people in the same language group.
@Fabby so what? you don’t need to understand to enjoy language…
@dessert Festgemauert in der Erden, steht die Form aus Lehm gebrannt,.Heut noch soll die Glocke werden, frisch Gesellen seid zur Hand ...
E;g. Rinzwind only understands 50% when it's written down!
Did anyone ask if Zanna didn't mind her voice being starred before starring it???
OK, back to my kitchen as the guests arrive in an hour...
if I posted it in the indelible transcript, I consider it public
@Videonauth I actually learnt that by heart once (without having to), I like Goethe better though.
@dessert Oh I only know Rilke - his poems are beautiful in English translation!
@Zanna I’m open for suggestions. :)
@dessert I was forced to memorize it for school, but i forgot the most of it meanwhile
so, have to restart once again, be right back
@dessert oh I think you should choose what you like. But if I think of something I will let you know
Do you have any requests for poems in English?
I like to recite poems to/with my children, mostly short and funny ones of course – Joachim Ringelnatz, Heinz Ehrhardt, Christian Morgenstern, Ernst Jandl and Wilhelm Busch are at a premium.
I like to recite poems to my parents too
@Zanna I imagine you’d do “The Raven” so much better than whoever recorded it for wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Raven
@dessert love Heinz Ehrhardt to be honest, he was one of the very few who really could play with German language
@Videonauth forgot to mention Robert Gernhardt, e.g.: lyrikline.org/de/gedichte/der-tag-dem-das-verschwand-1219
haha The Simpsons did a good reading of The Raven XD
but probably Poe should get a USian accent
How did I go from:
Yeah, sure, I'll come over and cook my famous Chilli con Carne for you and your partner
Yeah sure, I'll come over and cook for 7 people...
the chilli was too famous
Actually: You'd like my Chilli sin carne...
I make it with kasha and chipotle
Fry onions in olive oil
Do not put any meat in that
Add black beans soaked overnight in water
Add fresh tomatoes, 1 bay leaf pp, PeSaNu
Stew for an hour
Fry onions in olive oil
Do not put any meat in that
Add black beans soaked overnight in water
Add fresh tomatoes, Bell pepper, mushrooms, 1 bay leaf pp, PeSaNu
add thai fresh chillies
Stew for an hour
Add maize
let simmer for 30 min
My recipe haha...

Kasha is roasted buckwheat groats. If it is not available this can be made with another toasted grain or with grated cauliflower, which won't have the same flavour.

100g firm tofu, marinated or plain (optional)
1/2 cup cooked kidney beans + cooking water (to cook, wash in hot water, soak for 20 hours, cook on a low heat for 1 hour without salt)
neutral oil
1 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
1 onion, finely diced
green pepper, finely diced
3-4 leaves green cabbage, shredded
@Zanna Wow!
Learned 2 things: What groats are and that I need to drop by so we can have a cooking session.
:-) ;-) :-)
What do you use for neutral oil (grapeseed here) @Zanna
canola to USians
I've been told by my doctor to avoid all rapeseed oil and thus make my own mayonnaise ...
He said rapeseed oil is the worst oil you can use.
(Also: he's German, a sports doctor and thin as a reed)
rapeseed oil doesn't have cholesterol or saturated fat so how can it mess up your cholesterol?
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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