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You'll get better at it the more you use it. Just using it is most of it.
patch seems to work \o/
sweet...kernel patches cherry-picked from upstream FOR THE WIN
yay htorque as Ubuntu kernel engineer FTW!
i'm already in the kernel tree somewhere
but just as "tested-by" or something like that :D
it's just the beginning.
now that i think of it, it should be closed as a bug. - askubuntu.com/questions/127543/…
Mouse doesn't work in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise http://askubuntu.com/questions/127567/mouse-doesnt-work-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise?atw=1
Is that a Q?
@jokerdino mo betta
That is Ubunty [sic]
^ Just to make @htorque mad.
sill got ~20 bad ubuntus to fix
but i don't want to spam the front page with crappy questions
You can't make it any worse. =)
+1 to that
@QuestionsFeed How do I fix that title? Hmm
You can
cat questions | grep -v 'doesn\'t work' | grep -v 'upgrade' | grep -v 'is this a bug' | grep -v 'black screen'
^--- so wish I could do that
lol have you tried askubuntu-frontpage?
@aking1012 You can.. sortof
@jokerdino no i haven't
Hmm @AmithKK How did I install that frontpage?
@jokerdino It's in bin
Its a small python script
~$ askubuntu-frontpage
 #  vote ans view
 1   0    2  110 	Is there any performance difference between Ubuntu Unity and Classic/Fallback?
 2   0    0    2 	12.04 Nvidia driver makes system run really slow.....
 3   0    0   12 	When checking to see if I could update anything, get error message crossover and cannot open update manager
 4  -1    0   46 	installing debian alongside ubuntu and widows xp
 5  -1    3  180 	Does Compiz Work on Ubuntu 11.10
 6   0    3   50 	Graphics not working properly with Ubuntu 11.04 and later
yeah i am not sure how i installed it.
nice. any plans to scale it in to being able to search question contents? if not i may have a new project on my list now that i knocked one off
@aking1012 It would be easy
It uses the API
can't you just pick your favorite tags?
well i don't like limiting myself to a subset...like i try to keep eclipse clean. but it doesn't mean i should only look at eclipse
Yep @htorque
maybe "block tags" would be nice
i'd block ati/nvidia/upgrade/installation :D
thanks @AmithKK
@htorque :) I don't mind the ATI tag as much atm b/c it's not as cluttered with known driver bugs
good job (whoever did it)!
Not exactly my script
I just Made some changes
I guess it has to be Stefano
how does ubuntu pastebin think I'm not logged in to launchpad?
@aking1012 maybe you need to allow it to log in in launchpad first?
never understood how LP/SSO works
You need to assign it to it
yes, the wiki didn't pick up on the fact that i was already signed in either
The only problem is it won't stop until it downloads all the questions. zz
gah...this infernal left-alt mapping to HUD is killing me
@jokerdino You can fix that using a while loop
Right I can. I know python. Beach!
"Key to show HUD" → disabled :P
I try to keep the default mapping for people with questions
@htorque do you know why HUD is searching my browser history?
@jokerdino same reason zeitgeist tracks your every move...because it can
not using the hud at all
@jokerdino Because your Privacy settings are wrong?
zeitgeist is canonical's google analytics!!!!!!!!
mark's making millions out of our hud data :P
@aking1012 sobs, you are right..
@AmithKK don't know man. it is just weird
@htorque Now I know why they were dying to get HUD into LTS.
LTS = large user base = more HUD data = profit!!!11
I found it more than a little irritating when they changed zeitgeist to use a bunch of diverse files and store stuff in memory instead of the rm sqlitedb.name just working. There for a bit I had a softlink in .zeitgeist to /dev/null, but it made unity crash a lot
does anyone know if there was a design based reason that they switched zeit from python to vala?
no idea
@aking1012 more like the memory consumption.
let me dig that out
so vala is lighter, okay...i can get my head around that
Hello all
Just a small question... i have installed Ubuntu 10.04 in my windows OS, as a separate OS side-by-side...
Now i want to upgrade my Ubuntu to 12.04...
please can anyone tell me, what is the best way to do it? Whether from a CD, or through any command
Sure. upgrade while's its hot
i see the avatar, so what boot manager are you using? if you're not using grub i'll sit this one out
here's the canonical question on it anyway askubuntu.com/questions/125392/…
@aking1012 I am under Ubuntu now... logged in as administrator
follow the guidance from the question
if you run in to problems ask a specific question
@aking have you tried reviewing suggested edits?

Guys can someone help with this ?
@jokerdino no, i hadn't seen that option in my panel until just now
@SrinivasGowda i am not too sure but sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should let you install that.
Ok let me try that
@SrinivasGowda you got a new kernel with the upgrade...your vbox modules should be recompiled. update manager is telling you right
@jokerdino That dint work...
@aking1012 Thanks for the link
no problem
@aking1012 Ya but I had reinstalled the latest version by downloading the .deb file from virtualbox website
uh oh
did you remove the old version first? it looks to me like you had the open source version installed, then installed oracle on top of it
no I did remove the old version before installing the new one
well something didn't get removed or the package manager wouldn't have any idea about kernel modules that match
@SrinivasGowda I, for example, am using oracle vbox so I get USB passthrough. I get no such update message
Hello everybody!!!
in my opinion your best bet is to uninstall oracle vbox. reinstall virtualbox-ose. remove virtualbox-ose again along with all its dependencies. update and upgrade as far as you can until all the dialogs go away, then reinstall the oracle deb
Ok i'l try that
and repeat it everytime you see that :D
will do
thanks guys
@jokerdino it doesn't repeat if you do it right once
kind of the same thing with eclipse wink-nudge
@SrinivasGowda np
makes sense. the system should recognize it as manual install
its taking a while here
@jokerdino kind of...it doesn't list kernel modules as a separate package for the binary installer it builds them during install. the ose is packaged so the kernel modules are separate and you can upgrade them independently
you can still rebuild the kernel modules for oracle manually, it's just not in apt-get
@aking1012 say are all my vistualbox OS configs gona change or ?
I dont have to import them do I ?
they shouldn't. they should be left alone in ~/.Virtualbox
I had an upgrade ONCE where I had to re-import everything, but it's not common
@aking1012 Ok I just finished installing virtualbox-ose
@aking1012 Now its removed it using software center
you had already removed oracle right?
before the install
@aking1012 ya I did
okay once it's removed do your updates
@aking1012 Now should I purge the removal ?
you can, but it's not necessary
@aking1012 done installing the deb file should I run a dkms ?
did you do updates before you installed oracle-virtualbox?
oops I forgot that
should I redo all over again ?
no just pull out oracle and run your updates
we're trying to make sure you don't have some lingering piece of virtualbox-ose
ok so I just gave a check for updates
and its taking a while here
and you have the linux-headers package installed right?
Ya that usually comes by default right ?
no it doesn't...at least not for me
ok so how do I check
sudo apt-get install linux-headers
it says 0 newly updated .....
may be I have to -f it ?
okay then you have it. if you added the oracle repository take it out. you don't need that mucking up your apt database
it tells you when there's a new deb available anyway
then install the oracle virtualbox deb
if you do it from the command line, you should see it build the dkms drivers during installation
I haven't adding any vistualbox PPA's
okay so in a terminal, dpkg -i yourvirtualbox.deb
and you'll see where it say building dkms modules
@SrinivasGowda it's installing and you're waiting, the problem is resolved, or the problem re-occured?
he left, so i guess it's fixed...
or he's installing windows
No, he is installing Arch.
man, i'm lucky. first summer-ish weekend and i got a cold...
i am proud of you :)
Q: Upgrade from 10.04 to 12.04 still not possible even if doing "do-release-upgrade -d"

vijayvithalI am trying to update to the latest LTS. My upgrade history till date is, I switched from Hardy to Lucid and set my upgrade schedule to LTS Only. AFter switching to Lucid I installed ubuntustudio. despite running update-manager -d twice I am not able to see any updates. I did the following to ...

all the time people waste with upgrades
backup your stuff, do a reinstall. it's fast and clean.
I lack sufficient knowledge about Live USB.
How does it work?
how does what work? :-)
LiveUSB. can i remove the installer from the USB?
or in other words, will the USB be rewritable ever again?
live usb is the same as a live cd, you cannot manipulate anything
you can have a partition for persistent data
to remove, just reformat/delete the fat32 partition
Hmm. That sounds alright.
or wipe it using sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/USBDEVICE bs=1M
(replacing USBDEVICE, obviously)
i don't have a USB to spare though :(
tell me about it: i got one with 128 MiB and one with 16 GiB, which is ext4 and almost filled. :D
128 MiB? o.O
How old is that?
@jokerdino Pfft, that's nothing. I tried to install the Live CD onto a floppy once
I am hallucinating. Definitely.
@jokerdino OOOOOOLD. and it is as big as an esata usb flash drive.
@jokerdino Hey, if Win 3.1 can do it, so can Ubuntu!
First time reading Win 3.1 and Ubuntu in the same sentence. :D
So, how effective was it? (Installing the LiveCD onto the floppy)
Not very.
@jokerdino And how you want to do that?
@jokerdino The answer makes sense.
@Gigili It doesn't. I just wrote the time line.
You get +15 only when your answer is accepted. I can't think of any other options.
I would have accepted the answer but I lost the rep before the question was even created.
BBL dinner time.
Ah okay, no idea then.
@jokerdino Did you get it back?
@GevorgHindoyan No, but I got to know what actually happened.
It was a delayed rep update.
Is it normal to have two shadow files in /etc directory? http://askubuntu.com/questions/127590/is-it-normal-to-have-two-shadow-files-in-etc-directory?atw=1 #login
Q: Linked with another question. Problem when signing e-mails/files. Kmail, Kleopatra, GPG, Pinentry

GarouDanMaybe someone could point this question at exactly duplicated, but, the truth it didn't had the required attention on askubuntu.stackexchange. So, I would like to ask, if somone want vote to close for this reason, please vote up instead or give me a clue to me solve this boring problem. Thx. The...

@jokerdino Thou shalt lose 30 rep :>
Why so?
Haha, nice edit.
@UbuntuQuestionsonUL Somebody should delete that ridiculous preamble
@YiJiang +1
Q: Tag Synonym Request [sound] -> [sound-problem]

Amith KKI dont really think we need both sound and sound-problem tags. Doesn't both of them mean the same thing?

The other way perhaps.
Actually.. I'm not asking for a merge
Its a synonym... It doesn't matter how it goes
No, the master synonym should be the one that would make sense.
Hmm there is no questions
But you have 24 or more followers
Wait a second
Darn, you deleted the question.
It was synominised?
@aking1012 You're kinda right on what the purpose is, but it's more of "I got the idea for this book from Ask Ubuntu"
@AmithKK no i don't think it has been
It has
On my computer atleast
Also, I'm not merging in that pull request, it looks ugly. :P
yep, you are right Amith
@AmithKK ok, then please undelete so we can do a status-completed
Can I undelete?
No, Seems that I can't
He can't undelete, only mods can.
Actually I can
@GeorgeEdison We're just busy. I got the email, and I'll put them up soonish.
No you can't.
If I could keep the original page up
Ctrl + Shift + T
that was a bad typo.
You cant reopen it
Waits for @jrg
@AmithKK @jokerdino you cheaters. While I'm off finishing the work, you guys go and answer it. <3
Bear with me as I delete and undelete the question
i was writing the answer before he deleted it.
Ah, I cant delete it :D
So, I just edited a bit and posted it as the question is undeleted. :)
I cant delete anything when you have answers on it
Yeah, he's right.
but it's all good, it needed to get merged anyway.
I can delete my answer though :P
@jokerdino leave it.
Ok, i'm out. ttyl guys.
cya @jrg
@AmithKK I want you to ask a particular question that I know the answer for.
@jokerdino ?
You don't know what I am talking about?
@AmithKK I said that the above link was a link to a comment.
never mind, i can't find a working solution for that.
go back to what you were doing :P
Hello again and again i have question:
Q: Update Manager downloaded updates but can't install them

Gevorg HindoyanI am Using 11.10 and have some problems with Update manager. When I opening Update manager its saying that I have some updates to install When I press button Install Updates Update manager brings following window: My settings is: Can anyone say what is problem? Thanks.

wah, way too many screenshots.
didn't know other way to show my settings :(
any idea...
Remove that first link in Other software
Remove that cdrom:.. line
ive did is
wait for seconds
you have a CD in the tray or what?
i had.but now no ~
yeah ok
do i need restart because update manager can't update cache ?
or somethink like that
just do sudo apt-get update
oh no its downloading
ok, i'll post the answer for your question now. give me a sec
wait 3 mins
(was here)
@GevorgHindoyan Answered.
@jokerdino than wait 3 mins and your answer will be accepted
to accept your answer
hmm 3 minutes? i don't understand..
@jokerdino when answer posted there is need to wait 3 mins until i can accept your answer
what u don't understand??
39 seconds
@GevorgHindoyan Sorry I didn't know that. Thanks.
8 seconds
LOL stop counting down here.
your answer was accepted
Thanks :)
@jokerdino you too!
Allow me to edit your question so it is helpful for others too!
what i must do?
go ahead
ok done. :)
Hi all, I've installed 12.04 from USB live and the installation ran without problems but upon re-boot there is no grub2 menu coming up. tried twice already? how can I expedite this?
@seb holding the left SHIFT key while booting should get you the Grub menu.
@Takkat mine goes direct to win7 startup with or without shift
@seb You did not accidentally install Grub on the USB stick, did you?
There were quite some questions with that issue.
@Takkat well I did a stock standard install out of the live session. I did search some days ago. do you have a link at hand?
This one amongst others: askubuntu.com/q/125520/3940
@Takkat thx but my stick gives only two options run live session or install
where would I change MBR placement options in the installer?
Can you answer this? Ubuntu 12.04 install hangs on Dell Latitude D610 http://askubuntu.com/questions/125743/ubuntu-12-04-install-hangs-on-dell-latitude-d610?atw=1 #installation
AFAIK you get the coice when manually partitioning. Otherwise Grub should install to the boot drive (usually /sda).
@Takkat OK will run installer again and pay extra attention. or could I run sudo grub-install /dev/sda from a live session?
Hard to say without knowing what was installed where. Do you know about the BootInfo script?
That tells you most you need to know on partitions and where Grub is (or not)
Is it just me? If you set the size of launcher icons to be a pixel size which is an odd number then counters and progress bars on the launcher are blurred, but when the pixel size is an even number they look fine?
@Takkat paste.ubuntu.com/955120 and I have no idea how to interpret it. I know that I did create a sda4 partition below 1GB as my ext4 partition is after 74GB
cant access omgubuntu :(
@seb There is no Grub MBR. Syslinux boots from /sdb. What drive boots the BIOS first /sda or /sdb??
@Imnotthisperson That's been fixed
@jokerdino lol
@jokerdino COOOOOOL
chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=jokerdino&room=201 jokerdino has been mentioned about 900 times in this chat room.
I am not surprised. You are here literally 24 x 7.
I am so scared of you I only mention you a whopping 10 times :)
Not bad.
@MarcoCeppi is mentioned more than Windows
that is impressive.
man I ran the update.. should have just backed up and did a fresh install.
yeah, the update leaves all sorts of cruft behind. not really ideal
@rlemon No, its not just the os
good night everyone
@jokerdino Good night
Why isn't nautilus properly integrated with global menus and all?
I must be missing something, but I can't quite put my finger on it
@YiJiang what version are you running?
Nautilus 3.4.1 on Ubuntu 12.04
@YiJiang what do you have for dpkg -l | grep nautilus
How did I not notice this?
So I in-directly solved my problem by re-installing a fresh 12.04 (previous one was updated over the years but I barely used it so I didn't lose much)
I put the 'answer' in my question, but should I also post it as an answer too? askubuntu.com/questions/127049/…
I don't want to be 'recommending' that people reinstall Linux like I did... I only did it since I messed up my install by doing: sudo apt-get remove plymouth

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