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@OctavianDamiean then g+ ?
Well, I have a G+ account but I don't care about G+ either.
Yea, thanks. I know about my own G+ account. :D
I have a dead G+ account
as long as they can track you, they'll keep it alive for you ;)
They can track you anyway nowadays.
@htorque I don't mind the tracking as long as it's overt...
I wont care about it
well, everybody knows google knows everything, so i'd say it is. :D
i had google analytics blocked for a while, but stopped. the war is lost anyway.
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 2,163,365 tested so far.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 21.04 bits of identifying information.
at least i'm unique! :D
@htorque Where do you go to see that info?
I get the same exact 21.04 bits :/
> Hi. We have no records on you.
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 2,163,367 tested so far.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 21.04 bits of identifying information.

The measurements we used to obtain this result are listed below. You can read more about our methodology, statistical results, and some defenses against fingerprinting in this article.
that's bad, because i downloaded two torrents today. 12.04 32- and 64-bit. :P
@htorque same here :D
This means you are using a private torrent tracker or, of course, you may not be a torrent user at all!

seedbox + cli webkit browser
selling the computer. buying pens, paper, and stamps for the money. :P
you can't zfill paper
I've got duckduckgo as my default firefox search provider for the menubar, but there is still a google box on the right
i do wonder how much information google gets when you use the google redirect switch on ddg
duckduckgo is my default search provider in chromium :D
@htorque that sir, is epic
speaking of weird...why is someone in the bay area who's seeking employment viewing my linkedin(I'm not properly employed and in NC)
no one cares
@aking1012 maybe they want to get into the startup buisiness and are looking for co-founders? or a spammer?

something like a "Bay Area Entrepreneur" as the new "Nigerian Prince money-transfer" ?
good night! ;-)
job scams? sounds interesting!
@Dan2k3k4 both equally possible
d'oh... Bay Area isn't part of San Fran is it? :(
@htorque basically if you use Ubuntu, that's already a big distinguishing characteristic in your user agent string
And all those ogg plugins in Firefox....
silly me, debuild -S before dput:ppa... I feel stupid
hi @Takkat
Hi @aking1012
Already bedtime here - just checking out.
yeps. I'm a bit nocturnal so...i'll go to be at about 5AM local
that's early - some people wake up by then.
Here it's 1 AM only - Tomorrow will be another day with loads of fresh questions.
Good night.
@Imnotthisperson google.se/trends/… Weekends and releases days
Night Takkat
Is it possible that Linux isn't declining, it's just getting "more boring"
Error: unknown command 'gfxmode'. Pressing any key continues http://askubuntu.com/questions/127327/error-unknown-command-gfxmode-pressing-any-key-continues?atw=1 #grub2

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