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Q: Docker bridge (docker 0) disables wifi in Ubuntu 16.04

Keyur PatelI have installed Ubuntu 16.04 and docker (latest version) in my pc. Previously wifi was working fine but as soon as after installing docker, internet is not working. When i click on wifi icon its shows nothing (not a single wifi). I have checked the connection information and it's showing docker...

1 hour later…
anyone around?
me but getting ready to go into town :)
thanks... i made a comment I suspect is to harsh (almost rtfm).. was after opinion
askubuntu.com/questions/1009251/… ---- but please don't let me hold ya up.. go to town.
I am the worst on asking things like that _O-
A comment needs to be as harsh as the question needs
and that comment could as well be an answer @guiverc
thanks... have a safe & productive trip in town @Rinzwind
I will. need to get a copy of Kingdom Come
and then get my game face going _O-
6 hours later…
Can you please help me with this?
Q: Postprocess all Bash commands to remove Windows characters after copy-pasting from Windows to Linux-Bash

user9303970I use Windows 10 as main OS and SSH to remote Linux (Ubuntu) environments with Putty. I don't intent to use another SSH client rather then Putty. I have problems copying data from win10 into Linux (especially when copying heredocuments). For example: Windows 10 EOLs are added. Sometimes hered...

@user9303970 you mean “preprocessed” rather than “postprocessed” I suppose?
Hi, I see it this way --- when you pipe a command into another command you get a post-processed content of the first command.
If it's two scripts, it's post-processing from the first script and pre-processing for the second script. Just agree that you're both right and let it slide.
2 hours later…
Hello :)
@ByteCommander Thank you for that quick answer. I ended up deleting that question. I should never ask questions when I am sooooo tired and in a bad mood. My brain works backwards for some reason. =)
sounds like a plan :)
@ByteCommander Do you happen to know why free doesn't report the kernel used space?
@Terrance So, get in to reverse engineering. They have a SO, or they did. It got to beta. I was involved.
@karel: If you want me to take your repeated close votes like this one serious, I expect you to take my repeated and well grounded criticism equally serious. Your "three strikes" come-back is, quite frankly, childish.
Just because a question contains certain key words among others, doesn't mean it's a duplicate of a question that is only about those key words.
That being said, I'm grateful for your bounty on my Skype answer, although more as a means to highlight its current relevance than out of a sense of personal pride.
(In fact I'm much prouder at some of my answers with 5–10 up-votes than the Skype answer that I mostly copied and sourced from Gunnar.)
@DavidFoerster Hi David, I'm afraid karel won't see this, because (afaik) he was not in the chat room for some time. Good afternoon to you ! :)
@ByteCommander Thank you! =)
I don't like being nagged. I find it disagreeable. I not so dumb that I don't know exactly what would happen just because I told someone who was being a nuisance to shut up. Also he doesn't even take the time to read the both the question and the accepted answer before he reacts.
This is the behavior that Foerster thinks he's more mature than. If you want to be wrong, be wrong and I'll put up with it. I don't care. Just don't start nagging me and make a nuisance of yourself.
@karel Did you take the time to read the question and the accepted answer? Because your close vote makes me believe the opposite.
The answer starts out with a recommendation to clean up duplicate repository definitions. Then, for the actual solution it goes on to recommend the complete removal of all instances of a specific repository and all its packages.
That's quite different from the question that you linked.
And I don't think I need to re-read the linked question and its answers since I spent quite some time on it in the past.
If you disagree that the last half of the accepted answer was crucial in the solution of the issue presented in the question, so be it, but I find that less plausible with the evidence at hand.
Do you have any idea how many How can I fix apt error "W: Target Packages ... is configured multiple times" have been accessed on this site including the deleted ones? Is it hundreds, is it thousands already? Why do need a database that is made of thousands of duplicates of each canonical error message? As you noted a few comments back the bad answers sometimes get many more votes than the good answers. Except for canonical questions (hopefully).
Indeed, there's more going on in that post than just the configuration warning. That's not the root of the question.
@karel If you cast a vote on a question other people can and will ask you for your reasoning and/or tell you they think you are wrong. Your words are way across the line.
@karel I'm not sure what argument you're trying to make there. Everything I can think of is unrelated to whether this question in particular should be closed as a duplicate of "W: Target Packages ... is configured multiple times".
This is why I let him get away with it twice. Because he thinks he's right and he's entitled to his opinion. The third time is too much. I obviously read the other two comments and silently disagreed with them, so now he's persecuting me to stop reviewing "W: Target Packages ... is configured multiple times" by nagging me every time I review one. When I see a question that is duped with 4 close votes to the wrong target I don't nag and pick a fight, I cast the 5th close vote correctly.
@karel I think you and I have different ideas of the meaning of the verb "to persecute".
@karel That's a bad example. This question shouldn't be closed so there is no "5th, correct, close vote"
It's related because of the other two times. How many times do you have to repeat the same comment before you concede that I read it?
@karel Each instance was a separate instance of an imho unrelated dupe vote and my argument was each time based on the specific combination of questions and answers. That all of the dupe votes stemmed from you and pointed to the same question was entirely unimportant to me. I'm arguing for or against causes and not people and I try to take the specific circumstances of each event into account.
The world according to you is that if the question is a legitimate duplicated you can't accept it unless I pin it with every other duplicate and don't ask any other reviewer for help because it won't be forthcoming. The correct thing for you to have done if it's a multiple duplicate question is to not throw the bogus ancillary comment and dupe it yourself to one of the other legit duplicate targets. I don't care if you won't help, just don't nag or else pitch in and pin another duplicate target.
What "other duplicate"?
@karel My comments were not just to you but also to other readers and reviewers like me who may not always read the question and answer carefully to spot the lack of overlap with the linked question.
If you prefer I will start my comments with "To close-voters:" instead of @karel.
I'm really tired of people throwing close votes around to "solve" questions. Close votes are only for question we have already solved or cannot reasonably solve in scope. If a duplicate doesn't solve the OP's entire problem, then it's not a duplicate.
Anyone has an idea here? Starting to lose hope with this.
Q: Postprocess all Bash commands to remove Windows characters after copy-pasting from Windows to Linux-Bash

user9303970I use Windows 10 as main OS and SSH to remote Linux (Ubuntu) environments with Putty. I don't intent to use another SSH client rather then Putty. I have problems copying data from win10 into Linux (especially when copying heredocuments). For example: Windows 10 EOLs are added. Sometimes hered...

@Seth What about changing the general rule for close voting in order to make it more difficult to close questions ? In many cases the dupe target doesn't solve the actual problem.
more command skips empty lines?
@Seth That's peachy but it leads to a situation like what exists Stack Overflow with14 million questions and maybe half of them are homework assignments.
@karel There's nothing wrong with homework assignments, only bad questions.
@cl-netbox Please elaborate.
@Seth I love homework assignments. I'm not criticizing Stack Overflow either.
@karel Then your argument makes no sense.
@karel Although I'm not a big fan of close votes for dupe reasons, I have to admit that you are right with one point : we have a whole lot of topics which have already been answered before ... or better : there is nearly nothing new being asked these days which hasn't already been answered ... and that leads to one general point : what to do with Ask Ubuntu in the future ? Mostly new users come here to get a current problem solved and hence ask their question ... @Seth
@cl-netbox People have been saying that since my first days on the site, and yet, here we are, going strong :)
So we need to be able to distinguish between a uniwque current problem and the 1000th Model T to roll off the Ford assembly line.
@Seth so why then closing as dupe at all ?
@cl-netbox huh?
@Seth I mean, why not letting new users ask their questions and getting answers ... or, the other way around, close nearly all new questions at once, because they (in nearly all cases) have already been answered before ?
@cl-netbox While that is true for a good chunk of incoming questions, you're missing one important point: the relatively rapid change of technology and software features alone will always result in truly new and original questions.
@cl-netbox You're really not making any sense to me :/
@cl-netbox I'm not sure what you're trying to argue there either.
If anyone in chat is using Totem on 16.04, can you please post the output of apt list --installed | grep -e gstreamer -e totem so I can compare installed plugins? I'm trying to figure out why I can no longer play MP4 videos.
@TomBrossman I gave up using totem eons ago :/
I attempted to give up and tried a bunch of alternatives, and now it won't play MP4s. Ugh.
@tom my totem plays mp4 but ... 17.10 ;)
My troubleshooting so far is here: askubuntu.com/questions/1008762/… Totem used to play them, and the necessary plugins are installed, but I've clearly broken something and cannot get things to work again.
@TomBrossman I recommend a search on packages.ubuntu.com. No need to involve others. :-)
@ChaiT.Rex looks exactly to what I was looking at :=)
@DavidFoerster I'm trying to compare my installed plugins with someone else's (which does play MP4s). Is that something I can look up on the packages list by myself? It appears to be a complete list of all possible packages, which does not help me.
“I told you it was hunting season Jean but nooooo, we had to go visit your sister at the lake.”
@ChaiT.Rex Thanks, the only difference with my output was libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer, and I don't think this is related.
I want to install linux on virtual machine but I get message
your machine does not support virtualization!
Any solution? host: windows 8
hi quick one
I just installed virtualenv on my machine
and each time I have to set myself in the bin directory and type $PWD/python3 for example to run the local binary
is there a way to type python3 and that it will know it should only execute the python3 bin from the virtualenv ?
I was thinking of change the path name but maybe there are something simpler to do ?
@JavaFan you have installed virtualbox or something else?
@JavaFan This is usually something you enable in your computer's BIOS/UEFI. Look for it just as you are booting up, it's usually accessed during the first few seconds after you switch the computer on. You have to press a certain key (usually F8 or DEL, something like that). Hope that helps.
@AndyK Maybe try a bash alias? echo "alias python3='$PWD/python3'" >> ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases (but test it to confirm it does not interfere with other commands, such as when the path is unnecessary).
@terdon if you can help...
@TomBrossman genius !
Not genius until you test it & make sure it doesn't mess anything else up. Should be safe though.
@TomBrossman let me have a try then :)
Q: Change keyboard back to English in command line from Cyrillic

KatieSI switched to Russian keyboard via loadkeys ru command and now cannot switch back. A directory and subsequent files I have are titled in Cyrillic characters and I am trying to get to them by a combination of commands in Latin characters and Cyrillic ones. So far I've been stuck on Cyrillic... Doe...

That's a good one! :)
If you love JavaScript and Bash you might be able to help:
Q: JavaScript: Cut all leading spaces (whitespaces/tabulations) and CRLFs when copying from web

user9303970I desire to copy some executable Bash code directly from my personal GitHub account, into Bash, to execute directly. The relevant code is the first codepiece here (pasted below), containing a Bash script declaration, 2 export operations and a Bash function with an here-document, indented with le...

I just saw a USB 3.0 PCIe card advertise:
> "Full Support of Real Time Dynamic Insertion and Removal of USB Devices"
That's... been a feature of USB since day one.
@NathanOsman but this support is full!
@NathanOsman this one you can pull out while you are storing files on it
Yeah, it will definitely not resist once you start pulling
now on topic: childbirth
@dessert and others... this one looks like a dupe. I posted the target in the comments below the question and OP abides, but wasted my close-vote :(

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