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@NathanOsman I just wasted a whole day trying to implement my comment system, but at least I made some progress.. Jekyll Liquid doesn't help when it comes to flow control and logic, I needed to use recursion and was banging head to find how, then realized it's not possible (at least not without a hack I couldn't even imagine). So I decided to make a script that wrote a Liquid template with a limited number of recursion interactions.
That Liquid template transforms all the comments in a JSON tree that I fetch with AJAX to fill the comment section. Still a lot of work to do, but I managed to compartmentalize staticman, so I only give the app collaborator priviledges on the repository that holds the comments. I think once I'm done I'll write about how I did it, would make a nice (probably long) post
still a lot of work to do, and also needs some better styling, specially in the form
By the way, the comments are still moderated. I didn't make it script-safe, so I have to approve any comments before they are merged to the comments "database"
why does git rm remove a file from disk?? -_-
@TheWanderer didn't get it, isn't that the point of rm? :p
git rm?
removing a file from the git repository, you mean it removes from outsite a git repo?
I did git rm on a local file and it deleted the file itself
--cached doesn't delete the file
@TheWanderer That's the main point of git rm: to delete the file both locally (if it's there) and from the index at the same time.
Q: Nginx revers proxy for IIS aspx page

mocartI have local site on M$ IIS, placed on address: i have nginx server on gateway example.com, and i created new subdomain for this site del0.example.com directed to nginx server. How i can configure reverse proxy to server for login.aspx page (wh...

@ChaiT.Rex it could check if the folder is a repo though :p
@IanC Ahh, I didn't know it did that.
@ChaiT.Rex sorry, I meant "it could" as in "it should" check, but apparently it doesn't from what @TheWanderer said
I never tested it outside a git repo
no this was a repo
but twas me blindly copying commands
@IanC I just did touch whatsit; git rm whatsit and it doesn't delete non-git files.
oh, it did as expected
yeah, just tested here too
but I'm confused, what you thought weird about git rm @TheWanderer?
I looked up how to remove a file from git
that was the result
I honestly don't know the difference between using git rm and regular rm though
maybe git rm protects you from removing files from .git or listed on .gitignore?
well git rm will remove the file in git too :p
rm won't remove anything from .git or .gitignore
@TheWanderer it does, if you write rm -rf .git or rm file-from-gitignore
but I think I know the difference now
oh wait I get what you mean
if you have a file on .gitignore, you can't delete it with git rm, because it's not in the project tree
I thought you meant physically remove a line from .gitignore lol
regarding regular files, git rm file seems like the same as rm file; git add file
it removes and adds the "Delete" to the HEAD for the next commit
Q: How to limit CPU usage for some specific processes

YvesSaying that I have a program, which will fork three sub-processes, meaning that it will create four processes in total while running. My ubuntu server has 16 CPUs. Is it possible to assign the CPU resources to the four processes? For example, I force the four processes to execute on one CPU, o...

3 hours later…
^--- shamelessly stolen from a Slack channel
this is why design is important
3 hours later…
Q: Is tty like a OS without DE?

mandaputra8Can i use tty to call Media Player and watch a video? Or run a browser in it? Since tty just a virtual terminal.

3 hours later…
Q: A commando that will execute a different commando on uneven days

TheHypedPotatoI have been stuck with this problem for quite some time now and since im a pretty big rookie i have no to clue how to complete it: I need to think of a commando that ill execute a different commando on uneven days. If anyone here is able to help thanks in advance.

4 hours later…
Q: playbook giving syntax error

Mohdi am running this playbook, but its failing at last task. running this from ubuntu host,, --- - hosts: all become: yes tasks: - name: Copy certificate files. copy: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" owner: root group: root mode: 0...

Q: Sorting through entire files ystem to find all duplicate inode numbers

TaranI'm trying to sort through the entire / directory to find all duplicate inode numbers. Essentially finding all hard links on my system.

2 hours later…
Python 3.7.0a4 is available for testing https://goo.gl/fb/WYJmmg
Python 3.7.0a4 doesn't compile proper :P
2 hours later…
you doesn't compile proper
2 hours later…
Can't wait for the Python 3.x => 4.x transition :P
Should take a few years or so.
Hey, wasn't there supposed to be a static fire test for the Falcon Heavy today?
> "An attempt at 1 PM EST today, January 16, was canceled for unspecified reasons, although Kennedy Space Center reportedly maintained the usual roadblock to prevent vehicles from driving past, implying that SpaceX still intends to conduct propellant loading tests with Falcon Heavy."
Aw darn.
rocket launch?
No, not a launch.
It's a static fire test, where they run the engines at full throttle but the engine is clamped to the ground.
that sounds almost as cool as a launch
Oh, it is cool.
But it has been delayed for unspecified reasons.
This is the world's most powerful rocket.
So I'll cut them some slack :P
they'll broadcast it on youtube?
Oh I'm sure they will.
New executable in #systemd: jsond. All data structures must now be passed to jsond for proper encoding and the results can be retrieved from jsond using its embedded HTTP server. Note: do not pass data structures that start with a number or undefined behavior may result.
@NathanOsman yeah andrusk isn't sure if you're joking or not
stop feeding him fake news
damn, I've been a little obsessed with working on my website lately, guess it's because it's the first time I remember having something mine up
website == blog, the real website is still a project, once I have some portifolio to add
I guess I'm pretty much done with the first article, if anyone wants to share an opinion on it! I'd really appreciate it :D
Q: Video tutorials timing out

fixit7Just wanted to let you know that the video tutorials are timing out. https://askubuntu.com/help/on-topic. Video Tutorials for using the site

@jrg I know him and he knows it is fake :P
Don't worry.
Okay, now we should worry.
Who has time to audit a million lines of code?
@NathanOsman LOL
Hey yo
If any of you are running 16.04, can you take a look at this pls... community.ubuntu.com/t/calling-our-existing-16-04-users/3379
it's a simple question to answer :D
@popey Is this just about Ubuntu or other flavors as well?
only those that ship gnome software
Trying to find someone who has the gimp gnome-software screenshot.
ugh, stuck in Windows at the moment, but if I can get this finished anytime soon I'll reboot and take a look @popey.
OK, I run four machines with 16.04, but neither has gnome-software unfortunately…
I actually think it's gonna me hard to find. This is likely to be someone who isn't a techy
@popey reading the post more I'm pretty sure mine is the second, but as you know, I avoid the software center so I'd have to check again.
@popey You sure spam all available channels, don't you? ;D
I super appreciate people sharing this. If we don't get the people we need, we might re-share on the social media stuffs
to find the people we need to target who have the issue
one of the problems with free software we can't just phone up our "customers" and tell them
Sure, no big deal.
Going offline now though, will check back tomorrow. See you.
Hey all
Could anyone help me there ? unix.stackexchange.com/questions/417337/…

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