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*Hello all
@aking1012 Heya :D
Hi all
Q: How do I get permissions to edit system configuration files?

Matthew WilsonI can't seem to edit and save config files in the root system (eg: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.config); it just says "permission denied" or the save option is blocked in the text editor. I'm pretty sure I'm a root user, but how do I make sure? If I am a root user, how do I fix this?

@Lekensteyn Heya :D
Someone in for a bounty?
heya :)
@jrg You around?
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 33 secs ago, by Esailija

*/3 * * * * root /usr/bin/php /path/to/php/file.php > /var/log/mylog
*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/php /path/to/php/file2.php > /var/log/mylog2
@AmithKK I replied to your answer like a complete newb :p
@rlemon not an error in the command, an error in the php file
A: How do I get permissions to edit system configuration files?

Amith KKIt is denied permission because of the general system of how linux handles permission Anything in the $HOME folder belongs to the user, whereas anything under / belongs to root. Any file created in an user accessible folder belongs to that user the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file you are trying to ac...

I've fixed it
@AmithKK Users may already have seen this dialog when installing software, could you include a smaller picture that shows the Run dialog as well? Multiple images are cheap ;) Also, I suggest to move the "easier" instructions to the top and leave the advanced material regarding su on the bottom.
@Lekensteyn run dialog?
Oh and by "safe" I meant "do not modify file permissions of files in your home directory"
yea Alt + F2, no scary terminal
Who is modifying permissions in the home directory
Well, when you run sudo gedit for example. The recommended commands are gksu gedit (or kdesudo kate for KDE)
@Lekensteyn I'm not on gnome or unity
@Lekensteyn Yeah, I use it
What DE are you using?
@AmithKK - I would think about $DISPLAY = :0.0 and editors that save preference files on this one. You might find this a good reference superuser.com/questions/29/…
@aking1012 Actually gksu does that
I know it does...like why not to su/su - ... sudo etc
when NOT to do a particular thing is often as important as when to do a particular thing....but i'll leave it alone
unity (5.10.0-0ubuntu1) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - bamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message() (LP: #926208)
    - We are using 1 bad hack for compiz hanging on startup (LP: #963264)
    - GConf backend steals glib events from compiz (LP: #965220)
    - when I closed QupZill brawser it crashed and then and then I sow
      worrning that compiz crashed but fire fox and chrome is estle working.
      gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in max_window_name_width()
awesome stuff
Hey moderators look at this question: askubuntu.com/questions/121678/…. The user blueXrider is abusing his rep power. He voted down my question! Look at the question. It is straightforward and it complies with askubuntu rules. So what have I done!? blueXrider you think you are great? huh!!
I'm no mod, but I thought the question might have been a little sketchy. Not worth a down-vote from me, but getting a multi-buntu disk working with an expanded on disk repo is a lot easier than working backwards from some other thing that was broken out of the box for you.

On the rep thing, a downvote loses two points. If someone things it's great and gets you upvoted back to zero you have a net gain of 8 points. It's just how the system works.
question downvotes are free
really? I had no idea...good to know
@aking1012 But this blueXrider.... thinks he is only one who is a pro..
@Ravi don't take it personally, he just dislikes the question and thinks it's "not useful"
@JorgeCastro But users like blueXrider abuse it!
he's been fine to me, so I really couldn't say anything beyond that
@Ravi yeah, if you go down that route, you already have to remaster a livecd and include it in that multicd thing that doesn't work for your (would be great if you can add how you created the image)
he doesn't feel your question is useful, you could improve the question substantially by adding detail
your question doesn't give us any information at all, what the exact error is, what steps you followed, etc.
@JorgeCastro The .iso created from multicd doesn't work in a usb flashdrive..
btw: how do we know blueXrider downvoted the question? ;-)
@htorque Read his comment.
@Ravi that would be awesome information to put in the question!
@Ravi with more detail I mean, like a screenshot or something
there's not much to go on with "it doesn't work"
@JorgeCastro Ok editing the question to make it more informative....
/me flags all the comments as worthless
no prob, i'll delete mine
@aking1012 no probs. let it stay..
they're already gone
Still not happy with the answers on askubuntu.com/q/92379/6969, or am I asking too much? A simple answer that explains why permission is denied and instructions to use gksu/kdesudo. Perhaps newer versions of Ubuntu have an "edit as root" GUI option I don't know of?
@ravi Please dont take things personally here.
@Lekensteyn was I close on my attempted pointer to Amit?
@Lekensteyn The answers already present have enough detail, i think..
to what you were looking for I mean
@aking1012 well yes, I'd drop the su part completely as it's more dangerous here
@Mahesh yes, each answer contains nice parts, but there is no canonical answer that is easy for a beginner
when mentioning terminal, linking to the askubuntu.com/questions/38162/what-is-the-terminal question isn't too much of work
hmm.. :) i get your point..
I mean, this kind of questions are frequently asked
well then, let me try to answer it better, and perhaps reap the bounty :P
"Edit /etc/hosts and ..." -- well, HOW do I edit?
thanks for your efforts:)
oh it would be nice to just make this the generic question we can link from common "edit this system file" questions
I see what you're doing there
@JorgeCastro Exactly!
well, for cli I always use sudoedit blah
that launches the user's preferred editor
@JorgeCastro Updated the question
so you don't have to do "sudo vim" or "sudo nano" depending on the user's level
since it'll work for both
@Mahesh Ok bro...
but it's sucky for graphical editors
afaict the most straight forward way would be "gksudo gedit blah"
For nano, I asked this question before askubuntu.com/q/54221/6969
nano is the easiest terminal editor to use.
(Well, except for maybe cat - if you can call that an editor.)
@GeorgeEdison I second that, I'm using vim for more power though
Well when someone finally gives a good answer I can help crosslinking that badboy
@Ravi you don't need all that bold dude, it just makes the question harder to read
@GeorgeEdison how can i edit using cat??i thought it just prints until today.. and i still believe the same..
@JorgeCastro Will I remove those?
cat is not an editor unless you consider concatenatign two files as editing... sed is an editor, useful for quick tasks like sed -i /etc/apt/sources.list 's,http://archive\.ubuntu,http://nl.archive.ubuntu,'
sure, it just makes your question easier to read
@Mahesh I can't remember exactly how it works, but there is some parameter you can pass that will accept input from STDIN and write it to a file.
So it's a "pseudo-editor" of sorts.
yup.. cat - will read from stdin
and u can always redirect stdout.. if thats what u mean
@GeorgeEdison Just cat > file is ok indeed. Use Ctrl+D to send an End Of File marker to close cat. Or be evil and use Ctrl+C
I use sed at times...
My fav
s/I think that/I have once come across an article that said/g :P
I heard that Unity is now more faster and it is nice on visual. KDE is also best and it has very nice visual effects too. But which is more productive??
@Lekensteyn now i get it.. writing a comprehensive all-in-one answer is not easy... :|
@Ravi Depends what you use your machine for.
@Mahesh Reminds me of xkcd.com/285
Photo editing, entertainment, software development?
@Mahesh (last comment was on sed comment) And the most difficult part is probably being exact, but without confusing new users
But I want your guys advice....
xkcd.com/821 @Lekensteyn I've lifted it from here.. if thats what u mean.. :P
hey is there an easy way to link chats as replies? i hate mouse.. :|
@Ravi I've never tried KDE, and I've no great complaints with Unity.
@Ravi I'm a KDE user and happy with it. Never used Unity so I can't say anything about that
Unity seems to better.... But I will try both and choose the best which best suited for me....
my opinion, they're both better for different things. just go with what suits you. kde vs gnome vs unity vs.... is a zero sum argument. nobody walks away right
@aking1012 Yes you are right. Thanks
Why dont we have a way for pm?
(personal messaging that is)
start a private room
@aking1012 private room?
Ok have to go. Good night............
Ok have to go. Good night............
I seem to have found my electric personality.
@rlemon lol nice battery, I wonder how many milliseconds it will suffice for a laptop
well with the nail in my left hand and the penny on my tongue I can get ~ 30 mins of video playback on my portable dvd player.
if I move the nail to my right hand and slightly bite down on the penny I can push it to like 35-40
Forcing a Service to Restart at Boot http://askubuntu.com/questions/121738/forcing-a-service-to-restart-at-boot?atw=1 #samba
Really? Can't believe that it can give that much power
How much is that in watts?
@GeorgeEdison 15,000 GigaWatts
(I don't know how to upload a picture directly into a question, so I uploaded it here, then copied the URL)
@DavidOneill there is a add picture button no?
I don't see one the the 'new question' page
wait, there it is
fails to read carefully
alternatively there is always pi.rlemon.com/image
or you could always just jump to imgur directly.
@DavidOneill Like this --^
@aking1012 yeah, i ended up seeing it.
thanks, though
@aking1012 y u repeat my answer?
I didn't zoom in and see your pointer hover
I was in Gimp adding layers and shrinking selections when mouse hover would have worked...
doneill deeply appreciates all the work that went into your screenshot
no problem, we all try
askubuntu.com/q/121757/6161 Now that I've got my picture into the question, do any of you have any ideas?
maybe adding xubuntu tag might help instead of xfce?
23 ppeople vs. 16 following
Just got it
@daviesgeek Yeah, am now.
@DavidOneill There are other colors listed in style.conf. It supports normal #ffffff notation from the looks of the template I just looked at
@aking1012 Nifty! Thanks!!! :)
tries the answer
That worked!
Is there something similar for TomBoy?
cool beans
I don't know...honestly I'ld never used Zim either, but it installed in like 5 seconds
Hmm. there is a tombody folder in .config, but it doesn't seem to have a style definition file. I'll have to ask google.
That's how I found the conf for Zim
I was originally thinking it would be something controlled by the xfce theme rather than a conf of the individual program
which is why I wasn't able to find my answer
until I asked :)
it has to be a gtkrc thing or something right?
If you're using what I think you're using google says it's in TomBoy preferences
scratch that
That was under 'future ideas'
@aking1012 Yeah, I did check the preferences in TomBoy and didn't see anything about link color...
I figured you did, but it could have been buried somewhere...idk
hey guys morning
@aking1012: where does empathy picks contact list user icons from?
@wisemonkey several places
guys... anyone know how to use mac style gestures in ubuntu.. say... I want to rotate my desktop with the track pad.
I would guess that it grabs them from whatever service. Googlechat for instance it pulls their google picture. You can set it to something else in gmail last time I checked....and on the rest of it I defer to @jrg
:( mine looks so ugly I don't feel like using it :-/ wait will share a screenshot
no no not those but online/offline/idle
oh those icons.
part of your iconset.
damn can I change it specifically for empathy -- I like my icon set but these r really weird
does anyone know if there's a way to make grep match against a list instead of an argument off-hand. if it's yes, I'll go read the manual.
ok, thats weird.
@aking1012 i think so.
exactly :-/
going to read man pages...
i jus read 'em
@aking1012 use -f switch for that
well I guess will change icon set for now searching for good looking icon set
I would guess you'd be able to create your own icon set once you find some replacement icons you like by mixing and matching
@Mahesh thx just found it
i've tried emacs and it opens up in a window. How can i use it within terminal??
@DavidOneill I would love to thats why I asked for location from where it picks those icons I'll simply change them to something else
@wisemonkey Xfce chooses icons out of ~/.icons/
i'm not sure about others, although it might be the same
which desktop do you use?
yup its there :) I'm using gnome-shell
@jrg I had a question, but I'm good now. Thanks!
/home/jpm/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot at 2012-04-14 00:23:08.png
My bad!!! ctrl+c n Ctrl+v dont work this way.. :(
Is something wrong here??
75 C is bordering on a little too hot.
It's not critical but worth maybe cleaning out the fan vents, etc.
And mine stays 70+ all the time.. :(
all fan vents are clean..
why do u think so?
and win 7 was running without heating up so much..
stop using clementine
check it after half an hr
(I dislike windows n removed it entirely but..)
@wisemonkey is clementine that bad?
yea I personally found it bit of a hog
just see if thats the cause
if not then probably flash/youtube running forever
Sure will check that..
and btw in a sense i adjusted a lot.. :(
heavy power consumptions, low battery backup, unable to suspend/hibernate, extremely slow performance at times.. :(
still love ubuntu somehow.. :|
lol yea sound like me when I switched 4 years back :P
@daviesgeek Ok, sorry for the delay.
46 degree Celsius here :)
thats really really bad!!!
@Mahesh 46? No, that's really cool.
I don't seem to go over 65 degree even if y CPUs are burning
tried working without an x server too.. still it was hot like hell.. :(
now i'm finding reasons to ditch ubuntu till i get a new machine
What manufacturer is you laptop from? Acer?
nope. hp
and its the wworst i've seen, unfortunately
@Mahesh there was a bug in sandybridge that got patched for 12.04 i think...made it run overly hot. and laptop or desktop?
then i'll go ahead and try 12.04 tomorrow
it seems like i saw it referenced on a question here
and btw any improvements in 12.04 in the hybrid graphics front?
Isn't it a mainlined fix or just a Ubuntu one?
ohh btw u may need to clean up ur fan if processor is older than sandy bridge
@rlemon pi.rlemon.com doesn't seem to be working..
Not really, for 3.4 there is a dma-buf architecture, but now the drivers have to support it
damn it the icons I'm using are not from ~/.icons
@Lekensteyn I believe it's a mainline fix
If possible, avoid hybrid laptops. (I have an Optimus laptop here and am using Bumblebee with it)
bbswitch saves me about 10 Watts
cool, Linux 3.3.2 is out. Let's check the changes. lkml.org/lkml/2012/4/13/274
@wisemonkey I keep cleaning vents regularly, and the fan is dust-free as far as i can see..
And its a brand new machine.. ( well, probably 8 months old.. but i still call it new)
@Lekensteyn learned it late..
8 months is new :)
I'm gonna surely avoid those..
So you have a nvidia Optimus laptop?
o.O well then tried running top ?
want to see the output?
If so, try bumblebee (mainly bbswitch) to save power and reduce heat
top - 00:43:20 up  4:26,  2 users,  load average: 0.20, 0.12, 0.09
Tasks: 176 total,   3 running, 173 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  6.9%us,  1.9%sy,  0.0%ni, 91.1%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   4003368k total,  2930252k used,  1073116k free,   209468k buffers
Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,  1527144k cached

 6873 jpm       20   0 1501m 436m  44m S   16 11.2  35:14.61 firefox
 1715 jpm       20   0  776m 120m  24m S    5  3.1  19:49.27 compiz
@Lekensteyn will surely give it a try. thanks. :)
its /usr/share/icons
Q: How well do laptops with Nvidia Optimus work?

DSJonesI am considering buying a Dell XPS 15 laptop. The laptop has a Nvidia 420m card which should work with Linux but I keep reading that the Nvidia Optimus technology isn't supported on Linux. I am not really interested in switching from Nvidia to Intel to save power but need to know that the Nvidia ...

and @Mahesh I don't see anything wrong there
me too.. and thats precisely my problem
hoping precise solves it somehow..
on my hp, i have to manually set the fans to blow all the time b/c for some reason the nvidia card doesn't fire a temperature sensor and the fans don't kick up until they're too far behind to matter, but i don't have the optimus difficulties. just a regular card
did i forget to mention?
My GPU is Radeon..
and even win7 had problems with it... kept asking me to disable transparency n stuff
then i'm out of ideas. my ati stuff works fine-ish now
@jrg that's ok
You could try switcheroo to disable/switch your ATI card, but prepared for lockups. Also, a recent kernel is recommended, opensource drivers are mandatory ("radeon")
@aking1012 No probs.. I'm gonna exhaust all humanly possible options b4 i decide against ubuntu
trying switcheroo with fglrx will cause failures
@Mahesh help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics#Using_vga_switcheroo Please be careful, there is a high chance that your machine locks up if your machine is incompatible
@Lekensteyn I've uninstalled fglrx the moment i rebooted after installing it.. :P
Ah... :p Black screens I guess.
Have gone through that before.. but didn't dare do it..
was searching for safer alternatives..
switcheroo does not harm hardware. It currently does not survive suspend though
@Lekensteyn nope.. Ugly dash, and slower performance..
Suspend anyhow doesn't work. :(
filed a bug, but with no response yet..
About the ugly dash, that sounds like you've a hybrid intel/ati setup? In that case your intel card is active by default and unless there is a hybrid graphics solution (or BIOS option), you won;t be able to use the ATI card. This is at least true for nvidia hybrids
Does it suspend? I.e. does it power off? Or does it lock up on resume?
@Lekensteyn yes youre right.. my machine has a intel/ati hybrid
it doesn't suspend/hibernate, but shuts down properly
and yep, it locks up on resume
if ever i dare suspend
and resume doesn't even reach kernel stage..
tried REISUB?
( no kernel panic, no blinking capslock, and reisub doesn't work)
normally it works, however..
not when it locks up during resume..
In natty there was an issue with the USB3 driver but I haven'thad issues with in in Oneiric
USB3? is it related??
And thanks everyone!! probably time to go. My institute shuts down lan after 1.. :(
USB3 (xhci_hcd module) caused issues in the past
unload it before suspending
And how do i do it??
there was an AU question on it, can't find it atm
@Mahesh found it askubuntu.com/q/12139/6969
Anyone in for giving a very simple GUI answer on askubuntu.com/q/92379/6969, preferably with screenshots?
warriorIng gave GUI answer
gksu works
@Lekensteyn ... what's the problem with the current answers?
The answers are good, but not perfect. The accepted answer suggests to use the terminal. New users haven't heard of it and may be scary about using the terminal
at the moment, I'd grant Scott the bounty as it's an easy answer, but a screenshot may finish it
+a short explanation (possibly linking to other answers) why permission is denied
It must be good enough such that future questions can be closed as an exact duplicate of it
hmm I'll try to
... I think the accepted answer just needs a "invoke" gksu from the dash and a para about permission denied ... do you want me to add this to that answer?
Yes sure, please include a screenshot as a picture says more than hunderd words. As per Jorges suggestion, sudoedit may be better than sudo <editor here>
... ok editing
hiya peoples
By the way, there are more DEs like KDE :) Alt+F2 brings the Run dialog in KDE too
hi thomas
wow this is the first time now I'm scared :-/
@wisemonkey trying to take a screenshot or what did you do?
@Lekensteyn - see if that's what you were looking for
@Lekensteyn: yea well tried taking screenshot while gksudo was asking me for password (i guess thats wat brought this up)
Isn't it Alt+F2?
already fixed
i saw it when i re-read it
Didn't know that gksu had such a nice functionality, it's definitely useful
it seems that gksudo is just an alias to gksu now...since it gives you the option to select users
i could definitely be mistaken though
Add a note about being careful when editing files as privileged user, backups and why permission is denied (editing system config) and the answer contains everything I was looking for.
it's a symlink last time I checked it
You're linking to i.sstatic.net/UEvMT.png, is that correct?
Q: What is the terminal?

keithjgrant What is a terminal? How do I open a terminal window? How do I use the terminal? Return to FAQ index

i pasted and evidently hadn't copied properly or something
i had two [1] brackets...silly me
hello everyone!
Nice, I think you've won the bounty :)
:) - I tried.
@aking1012 I made a small addition, do you agree?
By the way, it needs more upvotes! askubuntu.com/a/121790/6969
I noticed some apps in 12.04 started warning you if you ran them as root. I think I goofed and ran a web browser from a root terminal and noticed that one
definitely prevents mistakes
it a good answer... but @pbr's answer is ok because @Matthew Wilson asks "I'm pretty sure I'm a root user, but how do I make sure? " this question has multiple sub-questions =D
@aking1012 - you've had a great week with your answers... well done!
Better than some of the previous...and thanks
@maniat1k I could probably address that as root doesn't get permission denied.
that's true... you could add that.
I added something to that effect. I don't want to say never happens, because some special device/node type would come up that throws an error.
@fossfreedom I'm wondering about this one: askubuntu.com/questions/120789/…
you might want to drop a comment or ping the bounty OP - its not really clear what he is actually wanting in the answer.
@fossfreedom I edited this please check it: askubuntu.com/questions/121528/autocad-on-linux-ubuntu-11-10 gracias!
ups ... I meant thanks
please ... somebody can take a look a this... It's not that important but now It's personal =D
@maniat1k what is the error message in the last command?
Can you answer this? Do I really need desktop sharing for one PC? http://askubuntu.com/questions/121102/do-i-really-need-desktop-sharing-for-one-pc?atw=1 #desktop
I added that it's in the beging of runing scons target=radiant,q3map2 config=release ... never added that before becouse I didnt see it so I did this scons target=radiant,q3map2 config=release > error.log to save all there an then I found it...
I don't get it how scons works very well...
I'm guessing it's the order of the arguments...you've got a dangling library out there. The only time I've seen that on purpose is when half of it is supposed to be linked in dynamically and some of it statically. Not the case here. Just my 2 cents
somewhat similar problem here on SO stackoverflow.com/questions/6183899/…

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