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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Actually... I'm an Arch Linux user :D
But I used to use Ubuntu.
22 messages moved to Trashcan
NuGet is weird.
are they like a confirmed troll or something?
When running under nobody:nobody it tries to write to /.nuget
@FireInTheSky we don't appreciate trolls and bots, next time you do it you won't be coming back.
oh boy
RIP net neutrality
@ThomasWard are you an enforcer of Verizon now >_>
Also - getting MonoDevelop installed on Arch is proving really difficult.
So far I've had to build about 10 dependencies from source...
Don't say "yay" until MonoDevelop itself builds without error.
hurry up before WIND kills off LTE for anything but Toronto Cable
Freedom. Name change, remember?
And they have LTE here now.
I keep thinking WIND is the new one
@NathanOsman but now there's no pressure from the US for NN
does Canada have any official NN laws?
Good question.
because if you do, we just gave your govt an excuse to repeal them
and your next PM is almost definitely going to be pretty conservative
> In Canada, this distinction doesn't really exist. Under our Telecommunications Act, internet service providers are treated like utilities, and there are rules around how they can act. There are two key rules in particular: service providers can't give "undue or unreasonable preference" — say, to one application or online service over another — nor can they influence the content being transmitted over their networks.
> Those rules were put in place in 1993, and they pretty much form the bedrock for net neutrality in Canada today.
that seems very NN-y
Yeah, it hasn't really been an issue here.
well it might be now
I'm hoping our next PM is more conservative. In a good way.
Actually, I'd love to have a Libertarian party :D
@NathanOsman good way? probably not
Harper was alright.
your policy pendulum is pretty extreme right now it seems
Not as bad as yours :P
I mean, Obama wasn't quite as bad with politics as Trudeau is :)
KSP is 50% off today.
@TheWanderer Yeah, Obama didn't go praising Castro when he died.
@TheWanderer throws you into the Void again
@NathanOsman Though I disagree with his ideology and even more with the means the was willing to take to turn his ideology into reality, I still respect him for the balls that it takes to oppose an enemy like NATO pretty much on your own (after the fall of the USSR) with its strongest member right in front of your doorstep.
New hat!
AUR slow for anyone else?
traitor :P
@NathanOsman Starred!
@NathanOsman rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 35.357/39.906/241.368/25.402 ms
Hmm... the web UI is just loading really slowly for me.
1 hour later…
@FireInTheSky stop please.
you've been an unending stream of incessant trolling and useless posts here.
Career goal: horse racist
@DavidFoerster >_>
flatpak won't wrap arguments to a program in quotes? Argh.
Also dammit Google!
@TheWanderer Did you google that? :-D
The address bar is that ugly rounded flat white crap in chrome Android by default now
@DavidFoerster no...
Q: How to open a file in MonoDevelop with spaces in the path?

Nathan OsmanI have installed MonoDevelop using the instructions here on my PC running Arch Linux. I can successfully launch the MonoDevelop IDE using the command: flatpak run com.xamarin.MonoDevelop I can also open individual files by passing their path as an argument: flatpak run com.xamarin.MonoDevel...

you should ask on AU and include lots of typos
@NathanOsman Did you try <"/path/file name" and '"/path/file name"'?
@NathanOsman Or what about flatpak run 'com.xamarin.MonoDevelop "/home/me/some path/file.cs"'
The obvious solution of course being to simply not use spaces in file names. ;)
@NathanOsman I bet you wouldn't have this problem in Ubuntu! :D
I dunno.
is nathan a traitor?
Traitor Osman?
Nah, just an Arch guy.
sounds good
@dessert The double quoting doesn't work, unfortunately.
It was a nice idea.
what about backslash?
hello\ nathan
Tried that too.
Traitor\ Osman
what about both?
"Traitor\ Osman"
'"\"Traitor\\ Osman\""' will work
This is making Fedora more appealing every day... :|
@NathanOsman or mono more despicable
@NathanOsman do globs work?
flatpak run com.xamarin.MonoDevelop "/home/me/some*path/file.cs"
Or find? find "/home/me/some path/" -name "file.cs" -exec flatpak run com.xamarin.MonoDevelop {} \;
And you may as well put all the things in your question (single quotes, double quotes, backslash escaping the space and the ones I mentioned above) so people don't keep suggesting them.
/$ touch boobs
touch: cannot touch 'boobs': Permission denied
damn, thought so…
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