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That's an understatement of an edit summary
@muru That edit probably can be improved. Make the whole question just 3 words: no root plz :)
Q: Cron Authentication Failure error in Linux?

SultantI was bogged with an error “Authentication Failure” for all of my cron jobs in Linux Ubunutu. root@Test:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep cron Dec 11 16:38:01 Test cron[14861]: Authentication failure Dec 11 16:38:01 Test cron[14861]: Authentication failure Dec 11 16:38:09 Test cron[14957]: (CRON...

'GIO (Gnome Input/Output) is a library... which was designed "to overcome the shortcomings of GnomeVFS" and be "so good that developers prefer it over raw POSIX calls."' (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIO_(software))
Wat. No.
Always Prefer POSIX.™
what do you guys think about the amount of processing I put on that?
also, that looks really different on my phone
way more orange on my phone
Not too bad.
Is there a way to make the white of the snow come out more?
Where's shog when I need him ? I want him to nuke my rep into oblivion
@NathanOsman I don't have selective exposure tools on my phone so this is the best I can do
and I don't like it as much
you don't have selective exposure? On a V20?
@TheWanderer both of those would have made a good exposure bracket
BTW, Apple completed their purchase of Shazam.
@NathanOsman They can't compete with Google in the AI/machine learning/big data market. I think it makes sense.
Fair enough.
I essentially consider Shazam to be spyware anyway.
It ain't gettin' installed on any of my devices.
@NathanOsman Good Morninig
(Although it is also evening here.)
Were you able to do anything for me in regards to the question?
Q: High Votes on High Rep Users

YakshaI have seen that sometimes, users with a relatively high reputation get a large number of upvotes on simplest of the simplest answers. However, the answer will not have so much value that it shows a lot of research (of course, not to forget, it's may not be really necessary for high research, may...

@Mitch Sorry, I lost the link to the room.
Darn. I think I'm coming down with a cold. :|
@NathanOsman At least you didn't just develop a bee allergy
Okay, I already feel better.
At least it stung me on the hand and not the throat
@RobotHumans Oh man! That's the worst! Feel better.
@Seth Already do. It was like 12 hours ago. Swelling in the face and neck already went down. The sting site just staying swollen. Didn't used to be allergic. Darn adult onset allergies.
friend: put an icepack on it to take down the swelling.
me: and increase the blood flow so the swelling goes back to my face? no thanks.
friend: oh. yeah, that makes sense.
Hey all :)
Is it possible to get clear mac address from unfilltered string in bash ?
I mean ... i.e. with regex
I.e. I've tried like this: echo $( echo "${data[$i]}" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -o '[0-F]' | sed -r 's/\s+//g' )
Of course it's possible. It's the reason Perl exists. I'm not a regex guy though.
The source: "60:F4:45:8D:EC:43,"
The result: 6 0 : F 4 : 4 5 : 8 D : E C : 4 3
It's wrong
FWIW, I think the second answer is better.
im trying to give someone help but it says he cant chat unless he has 20 rep .. is there a way around that ?
2 hours later…
When I sort by votes, how does the system decide which answer to show first when there's an accepted, but also a higher voted answer? Some examples:
497 (499-2) > 342 (345-3) + accepted: https://askubuntu.com/q/215505/507051
404 (405-1) < 372 (372-0) + accepted: https://askubuntu.com/q/4408/507051
12 (12-0) < 9 (9-0) + accepted: https://askubuntu.com/q/984357/507051
@dessert What do you see there? I see the accepted answer first on all but the first example.
I don't know why the accepted isn't shown at the top in the first example. That seems odd.
@terdon Yes, exactly, and I wonder why. In all three ones the second answer has more positive votes, but only in the first one it's shown first.
@dessert AFAIK, the accepted should always be shown first, irrespective of the votes. Weird.
Another example following this logic:
352 (353-1) < 50 (54-4) + accepted: https://askubuntu.com/q/147241/507051
@terdon Should I write a meta question for it?
OK, @dessert it's because it's a self answer.
@dessert No. Accepted self answers don't beat the top voted. So if you accept your own answer but another one has more votes, that one will be shown first.
@terdon That's a weird logic. oO
But thanks for clarifying!
@dessert Not really. If you accept your own answer, maybe you just did it for the rep. You might not be impartial. So if another answer has a higher score, it makes sense to show that one at the top.
Jeff Atwood on January 06, 2009

Have you ever wondered why you can’t accept your own answer on Stack Overflow? If so, you’re not alone.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words; here’s what I just did to one of my own questions:



Hey, look at that, I just accepted my own answer!

Now, there are some special rules around owner-accepted answers, to prevent gaming:

Wait 48 hours. You must wait 2 days from the time you originally asked your question before you can accept your own answer. This gives other users a chance to answer the question in good faith, and earn the accepted answer. …

@terdon Do you get rep for accepting your own answer?
> Now, there are some special rules around owner-accepted answers, to prevent gaming:

1. Wait 48 hours. You must wait 2 days from the time you originally asked your question before you can accept your own answer. This gives other users a chance to answer the question in good faith, and earn the accepted answer.

2. No change in sort order. Normally, accepted answers are “docked” under the question. This is not true for owner accepted answers; they stay in standard sort order like any other answer.
@dessert No. See point 3 above.
Ah, OK – I'm not the only one who don't get any rep out of it.
users erroneously marked it as a duplicate simply because I had a similar goal in mind
but obviously the question is different and the goal is different
@DBinJP At least to me that's not at all obvious, please edit the question and clarify what exactly you want to achieve and how that is different from the other question's scope.
@DBinJP As it is now it may actually not be a duplicate of that other question, but nevertheless I'd vote to close it because it's unclear what you're asking.
@DBinJP Btw, when you edit a closed question it's automatically considered to be reopened by reviewers, so while there's nothing wrong about that you actually don't need to ask here in chat.
I don't understand how the question is not clear: I want to click-drag to scroll slowly through the document.
The other question is merely asking how to return to a given page.
I have elaborated just in case ...
Thanks for the feedback.
@DBinJP Which “Document Viewer” are you referring to?
The one Ubuntu Software calls "Document Viewer".
I also have the 'evince' tag in the question to clarify.
The Ubuntu Software lists evince twice
or more than twice
Document Viewer = Comic Books = evince, according to Ubuntu Software
It would be helpful to mention evince directly I think.
Q: Is it possible to use hand cursor in evince?

jiunDefault cursor in Evince is text selection. Is it possible to use a hand cursor (which support dragndrop) instead?

So this is what you're asking for?
Yes, thank you, though I am looking to click-drag, not specifically have the cursor resemble a hand.
That answers my question.
OK, I'll take care of the rest.
@DBinJP I edited your question to make it clearer and reopened. I'll now close it as a dupe of the one @dessert found.
great :) always a good thing to have a terdon around.
"As you wish." -- Darth Vader
I'm in a foul mood. I'm in pain, frustrated, thirsty, and "behind in my research"...
... and other things, too ...
@DBinJP Surely you mean "Dread pirate Roberts!"
But joking aside, is your question not answered by the dupe?
Did my edit break something?
I added a comment that may not display (dunno) that may be unnecessary or redundant given your actions, but your edit appeared acceptable.
I don't know if you corrected the link to the correct duplicate.
ugh, my profile pic in this chat is dreadful
@DBinJP The comment was automatically deleted when I closed as a dupe (there must be some sort of automatic parser that looks for things like "this is a duplicate").
i should write a hit song called "Everything Sucks", but it'd just be a knock-off of Trey Parker's "Everyone Has AIDS"
'k thanks @terdon
@DBinJP I reopened and then closed against the right one.
why did so many get confused by a passing comment into marking the wrong question as a duplicate?? busy and not reading carefully?
@DBinJP I had no clue what your question was about. You hadn't explained it very clearly. So different people understood different things.
Ah, this is probably why:
> (Sometimes I must multitask in meetings and wish to preserve my place by scrolling to the next unread sentence, so I quickly know where to resume reading.)
That sounds like you were looking for a back button.
"by scrolling to the next unread sentence"
That sentence does not say that I close the document.
So I still don't understand. But regardless, my question has been answered ...
I am overwhelmed with work. /sigh
Why do some people work so hard and others ... don't? i mean, do we really have to work so hard? Will society collapse if we all stop working so hard?
Or does the US government demonstrate that it indeed will?
Perhaps being in Japan, my scrutiny of English is becoming a little different from how others surrounded by English perceive it.
3 hours later…
Hey guys. I'm still very new to Linux (Ubuntu) in general. What I'd like to understand is how members of a group work? Basicly my issue is that I've installed ISPConfig on my server. Web roots are owned by "client1" for example. Which is a group. When users upload files / folders through FTP, they are owned by "www-data". Which is a member of "client1".
However, the script doesn't have read / write permissions on chmod 0755. For uploading files through the web for example. Could anyone explain this to me?
@icecub It would be much better if you posted a question on the main site. Make sure to include the output of ls -l on the relevant directories so we can see the permissions and explain what you ran the chmod command on.
@terdon Thanks I'll see what I can do
Doing this sort of thing in chat is painful both because we need a lot of back and forth to get the relevant information and having a question we can refer to makes everything easier, and because when we answer things in chat we don't add any useful content to the main site.
Oh, also explain who runs the script, what user.
And what script, for that matter :)
I have no idea who runs the script. Is there a way to find out?
With script I simply mean any web file. <?php phpinfo(); ?> for example. Called in the browser
@icecub OK, if it is called by the browser, it will probably be run as whatever user your web server uses. Most likely www-data.
So your basic question is why can users upload (write data) to a directory if the script doesn't have write access to it?
@terdon Agreed. But if that was case, I wouldn't have this issue. That's why I'm asking if I can actually check it somehow
No. Basicly if I run ls -l on var/www/ for example, I get: -rwxr-xr-x 1 web1 client1 2132 Dec 12 13:02 config.php etc. But when a user uploads a directory, it returns -rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data 2132 Dec 12 13:02 upload. Now if the user goes to his website and tries to upload something, there's a read/write permission problem. The dir must be chmodded to 0777 or it wont work. So that suggests the php script isn't run by www-data
Just trying to fix that because I think chmod 0777 is just wrong, haha
@icecub Yeah, that kind of thing is much easier with an actual question, if only for the formatting. But what you describe seems normal. The directory is created by www-data. Who is supposed to write to it?
@icecub Absolutely! chmod 777 is a horrible idea.
Whichever user is running apache2 must be able to write to it. That's all :)
But I'm working on a question to make it a lot more clear
cool, thanks!
@terdon Alright, this is what I could make of it: askubuntu.com/questions/985597/…
@icecub Great! So, why would you expect www-data to be able to write? Only the owner has write access to the images dir, not the group. You could always chmod 775 to give access to the members of the group.
@terdon Ah. I didn't understand that part. I thought the group was automaticly the owner
@icecub No, it's just that some groups have the same name as their member. So on my home machine, the user terdon belongs to the group terdon. But the two entities are different: one is a group and the other is a user.
@terdon Right.. So in my case, web1 would be the owner and client1 is simply the group
@icecub Very well done! +1
@dessert Thanks :) I always do my best to figure it out on my own before asking^^
@terdon is a synonym for , but is a synonym for , so in the case of “files” the plural is the main tag while in the case of “directory” it's the singular one – is there a policy about whether singular or plural is preferable?
@dessert No idea. I doubt it. Don't think it makes any difference, really.
@terdon OK. ^^
Q: Ubuntu 17.04 Apparmor local web development

wriver4How do I get apparmor to change hats when apache2 owner www-data calls for http://example.com/subdirectory/some.svg? I have no problems with example.com. I believe it is due to: <Directory "/var/www/Local/example.com"> AAHatName example.com </Directory> I tried: <Directory "/var/www/Local/exa...

Q: External hard-drive's FAT32 partition not recognized by Windows after size increase with gparted

Fede9390I had an external hard-drive with a fat32 partition (which I used for exchanging files between ubuntu and windows), some unallocated space, and a ext4 partition (which I used to backup my linux system). I then used gparted to enlarge the fat32 partition to include the unallocated space. After th...

1 hour later…
Happy Jamhuri Day y'all!
Jamhuri Day is a national holiday in Kenya, celebrated on 12 December each year. Jamhuri is the Swahili word for "republic" and the holiday is meant to officially mark the date of Kenya's independence which happened on 12 December 1963. The country became an independent republic after gaining full self-governance from the United Kingdom on 1st June 1963. Jamhuri Day is regarded as Kenya's most important day, marked by numerous festivities which celebrate the country's cultural heritage and looks back at her journey to independence. == References == == See also == Republic Day in other countries...
greetings.. was curious to know if a jar file can be created from a tar.gz. Never done it and not finding any Q&As
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ Depends on what the .tar.gz is.
appears to be written in C
trying to make this a JAR so it would be portable.. never played with C
I'm afraid it doesn't really work like that @DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ. To make it a portable jar you'd need to rewrite it in Java
ah thought that may be the case.. is there a way to make C files portable without requiring the lib to be installed?? I'm not finding any results from my searches
You can static link it. That'll bundle all the needed libraries into one executable.
Let me download it and see what we're playing with
interesting, never done that before, I'll have to research it and if I dont find it I'll make it a question
Can I ask what you're trying to run this on?
PNGs to reduce file size for a blog
no, I meant why you need it portable :)
to write it into an app so I can load it to github for others to use that dont have permission to install libs on their machines
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ TBH this is why I like Python stuff.
because you can get the libs via pip and store them in userspace :P
my two cents :)
if it's C though, you can't just JAR it up
you'd need to static-compile things with static linking and then distribute those binaries. And depending on the libraries it needs there might be licensing headaches.
agreed but dont have the timeframe to learn python then learn C to write it into another language, lol..
If I was going to re-write it I'd go Java but this was just a temp solution get reduced PNGs
then your only option is to try and static-link the libraries you need at compile time
but I don't know enough about your program to say if that's feasible.
but C -> JAR is not doable sanely
nah just need a way to call it just like a terminal command
1 min ago, by Thomas Ward
then your only option is to try and static-link the libraries you need at compile time
^ that means you compile the binary and have it static-include the libraries in the compiled binary
that in turn lets the binary work in multiple locations, provided you meet the C standards for the C backend on the systme.
because those pesky libs are annoying
yes, I get that now, as stated:
13 mins ago, by DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ
interesting, never done that before, I'll have to research it and if I dont find it I'll make it a question
seems like this would be harder then I wanted to dive into, that's a bummer
i didn't see that one :p
@DᴀʀᴛʜVᴀᴅᴇʀ yeah, making C things portable is nontrivial
really nontrivial
Q: Kernel upgrade to 4.4.0-103.126 fails and /boot is now too full to remove it

NesterI'm running Ubuntu Server 16.04 and my upgrade to linux-image-4.4.0-103-generic fails because my /boot directly is almost full (188MB out of 200MB). gzip: stdout: No space left on device E: mkinitramfs failure cpio 141 gzip 1 update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-103-generic with 1...

Hello :)
@cl-netbox good evening
@dessert Good evening to you too ! :)
1 hour later…
Another security vulnerability for SSL (RSA) has been discovered: The ROBOT Attack. Take a look at your servers!
Happy Tuesday.
Checks websites...
tldr: this is bad, yo
But nothing of mine is vulnerable.
It appears as though Let's Encrypt certs are not vulnerable at this time
That's good.
or at least none of my LE certs are vulnerable.
Cloudflare-hosted websites also seem to be ok for now
Are they their own certificate authority?
I can't remember now.
i cant buy ubuntu wily shirts anymore
@NathanOsman LE? I think so.
1 hour later…
@NathanOsman That is a joke, right? Right?
3 Mbps.
faster than ATT's LTE >:D
@NathanOsman Mind. Blown.
@TheWanderer Lol.
@terdon, @ThomasWard: Could (either of) you please clean up the comments on askubuntu.com/questions/985452/how-to-block-program-in-firewall (possibly move them to a chat) and leave a comment with the common reminder about extended comments. OP and I got a little off topic and I feel it would both be confusing and enable his curious views on the rule of law if I just removed my own comments.
A deletion of the entire question is worth consideration since OP is basically asking how to circumvent DRM of illegally copied software.
@DavidFoerster We are not here to enforce the law and have no way of knowing what law would even be enforcable in the OP's jurisdiction. That really isn't something SE, let alone SE mods are qualified to do.
On a side note: I say "his" on purpose because I only ever witnessed this level of aggressive arrogance in males.
I moved the comments to chat.
But in future, just downvote if you find what an OP is doing distasteful. Or edit to remove the distasteful bit and make the question into a generic technical one.
Much simpler that way.
Nice edit @DavidFoerster!
@terdon: Thanks for the “invervention”!
…and for the compliment^^
@DavidFoerster Well at least you tried to make the OP see reason and your arguments where valid, i down-voted this question already this morning, but didn't bother to comment
@Videonauth: I apologised to him in chat in case he feels insulted since that was in no way my intent and indeed I don't believe I said anything a reasonable observer would perceive as insult. However I stopped any mental and practical engagement in a meaningful discussion when he proclaimed he was above "stupid laws made by ordinary people".
I see no way to overcome that level of arrogance or delusion of grandeur.
@DavidFoerster best way to go to be honest, my grandad always said 'Don't argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and win there with expertise'
Exactly my thought here.
IMHO it is a shame that a software which can be tested without timeframe (i.e. used for free) needs to be downloaded in a cracked version or been run with a stolen cert
I guess if this guy would write a programm he would get a temper tantrum when he realizes his software getting pirated
@Videonauth Yes, I don't see the point of that either. Especially since the only drawback of the shareware version of Sublime Text is a nag screen that appears every 50 save actions and it doesn't even have a close timer.
I really hope he asks the mods to delete his comments on the grounds that they are "his", thus invoking his author’s rights. I haven't reached my daily recommended dose of irony yet. ;-D
Yep, i could understand it if it would have been a software which has no demo version, available and he did that for evaluation of said software
(evaluation with the intend to buy it or delete it after having checked it)
…or to circumvent annoying or problematic DRM of a legally acquired piece of software.
DVD content scrambling comes to mind.
yep i have some games which I own legally where i have a crack for it laying around because of DRM problems
or better to say it wont play ball when i try to launch the original in wine lol
Ugh, yes. Launching DRM-protected software in Wine is a pain. Still, for older titles it often works better than in current Windows editions.
i actually have a problem with wine in 17.10 but no clue how to fix it
when i tell it to install an environment it hangs and the windows for wine itself are about 2 pixels wide and 50 pixels high

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