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well i guess that answers that one...
What about the symlink tho?
wont that cause it to collide?
I mean you don't need to test for the directory when creating it, you'd still need to do so with ln
ah ok
-d may not be the best resource for that... time to google it
man test
also, using both $DIR & $DIRECTORY?
no that was a leftover
already caught it and cleaned it
if you're running it like ./setup_my_environment.sh then I think dirname will always return .
Well that worked
then i notice i have my target and directory reversed in the ln statements
HI, i use linux long time, knows what i ams doings
linux? I just use ubuntu ;)
@lazyPower it's not the not making mistakes. it's the finding them quickly
Yeah i'm distracting myself so i'm asking for noob help
however the $() seems to have corrected a fairly large issue i was having. the ``'s werent behaving.
glad to be of help :)
thanks @ajmitch :)
charles@failbox:~$ if [ -f "~/.bashrc" ]; then mv ~/.bashrc ~/bashrc-old; echo "woot"; fi
charles@failbox:~$ if [ -e "/home/charles/.bashrc" ]; then mv ~/.bashrc ~/bashrc-old; echo "woot"; fi
charles@failbox:~$ ls
Fetched 59.9 MB in 5s (11.4 MB/s)
dist-upgrading a chroot is nice & quick with a local mirror
bizarre, it doesnt expand the ~
very nice @ajmitch
much nicer than the several hours it took to upgrade my desktop last night
& then it took about 45 minutes or more to boot
@lazyPower if [ -f ${MYBASHRC:=$HOME'/.bashrc'} ]; then echo "woot"; fi could be wrong though...
Interesting, that works
Yessir. Sure tested it before I fired at you
If I were going to use it I would unset MYBASHRC first though
i gave up and just hard coded some paths.
its not nearly as portable as it will be on my systems, but it'll get the job done.
2 hours later…
Q: How do I get KLIPS or NETKEY on 11.10 server?

IncognitoI'm attempting to run OpenSWAN on my Ubuntu11.10 server. All I've done so far is install openswan from the package manager and attempt to set up conf files. However, IPSec support seems to be broken, thus OpenSWAN can't do it's thing. Attempt to start IPSec $ sudo ipsec setup --start ipsec_setu...

Shameless self-post.
@Incognito I'll def give it a look in a bit
my kneejerk is openswan-modules-dkms
I have to get a hold of a server ISO to check it in vbox though
@lazyPower I was waiting for a WAT?
well that was less than stimulating
? You were expecting a witty retort ? It would have been a pulp fiction video paste that I think is a bit...off for AU
Ok fair
@lazyPower but yes...highly relevant and a hackish workaround for what bash, imo, should be doing
I made a full switch to ZSH today
Which has extra Wat powers.
>< - I'm waiting for the day python is considered a shell
without the VTE lib that is
Can you answer this? Thinkpad fingerprint scan only at login http://askubuntu.com/questions/82624/thinkpad-fingerprint-scan-only-at-login?atw=1 #terminal
So I'm trying to get my head around gtk.Builder instead of generating everything programatically. RAD for the win. Learning curve though.
lol @ the HTML block
I really think thin web-UIs are the future of most applications, but it's still funny
I really think this one is a package install and conf true/false edit: askubuntu.com/questions/120216/…, but I'm waiting on the server ISO to download
@lazyPower wait a sec...he said he's on 11.10 and he's at 2.6.18. current kernel for 11.10 is 3.0. If the ISO doesn't install an ancient kernel I can't possibly test that.
You can still get the 2.6.18 kernel from the repository
Okay, I'll take a crack at it when it finishes downloading
@Incognito - I'm looking in to that, but I'm expecting it to take a while. Probably going to be package conflicts
ah, yeah its going to be dependency hell and downgrades across the board
@aking1012 Thanks, I really appreciate it. :)
@Incognito is updating the kernel out of the question? That would make it WAY easier
I'd prefer not to, I'm running some websites on here.
Okay. I'm going after it. It'll probably be a two part answer where it's "steps if you can update" and "steps if you can't". Ksplice looks sweet but I have zero experience with it.
Interesting. I'm installing that module-dkms right now.
=/ wanted me to install grub, decided that was a bad idea as this is some magic vps.
Cool, I haven't finished installing the server ISO yet
brief aside...oracle needs to fix that crushing all processes on a system when you create a virtual-disk thing
Oracle isn't on my favorites list.. one of the reasons i'm kind of scared to move things to MySQL. I'm thinking I'd be better off going with PostGres just because I know they wont arbitrarily b0rk things because of some nitwit idea.
@lazyPower I'm more on-board for mysql than postgres. That's just me though
@Incognito if that's what it want's you're talking about re-rolling a deb to change dependencies...which can get UGLY, but is possible
I don't see a reason for a dkms module to require grub, so it's probably a chained dependency thing...which makes it even more fun
and the server CD installs latest kernel. it would be easier to find an archive iso probably
I don't think I can install a kernel that old from repo and I don't have an ISO that old. I'm checking Natty Contents-amd64.gz now, but I'm starting to think without an archive ISO this isn't possible
`cat Contents-amd64 | grep 'linux-image-2.6.18'`
returns an empty set
2.6.18 is a bit old, I think that's what dapper shipped with
Yes, the OP claims to be running 11.10 with 2.6.18
please read it and call BS if it seems unreasonable -- Without an archival ISO and archived packages, I can't solve this. The extract of the Contents-amd64.gz from Natty repos tells me cat Contents-amd64 | grep 'linux-image-2.6' from 11.10 returns an empty set for that query. As far back as I can go is 2.6.38-8 as indicated by cat Contents-amd64 | grep 'linux-image-2.6.3' | sort -r
@aking1012 it's a VPS, so likely running a kernel on the host rather than something that can be changed
okay...then definitely not answerable. leave this answer or delete it: askubuntu.com/questions/120216/…
it depends on the VPS provider
So leave it or delete?. I tried to justify the why and leave an avenue for recovery without just voting to close.
dunno, I'm a mere user :) but I'd probably leave it for now
I thought it was polite enough. If it was running 3.0+ it wouldn't NEED a kernel module, but I left that part out
@ajmitch speaking of hacker shells
@lazyPower I love happy when commands return success...
he goes frownie when commands return 0 or tests fail
that's what pokemon error handling and 'something bad happened' are for ;)
Not gonna lie, i was in a TMUX session with my buddy Jesse today and when i saw his prompt i had to gank it.
It makes me happy :D
i'm down to 4 or so unanswered on the eclipse tag btw
Very nice @aking1012 ! Great work o/ \o Hi5
Hello all
@lazyPower ty...3 of the 4 are bugs and one is no longer relevant on 12.04 so it'll age out
Hola @AmithKK
@AmithKK hi
Hey @lazyPower @aking1012
seeing a 0 unanswered would be nice...then it's about closing abandoned that have legitimate answers after 12.04 LTS goes stable
side note...my first original confirmed bug today on launchpad
Q: can't mount ntfs partition without root access

tachyonswhenever try to mount ntfs partition it says Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library. Either mount the volume as root, or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated FUSE support and make ...

A: Is Jorge Castro a Robot?

OliThe facts: Jorge is the result of an elaborate Chinese botnet running on millions of Windows XP computers around the world. He became self-aware in 2003. He controls more bandwidth than Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Akamai combined. Using early-day MakerBots, he built himself an android avatar ...

@tachyons He's a meat machine I agree, but I wouldn't call him a bot.
Jorge Castro and Bluxrider are really bots
I doubt that. I frequently carry on coherent conversations with the latter
@lazyPower heh, nice shell
Also...I took a picture b/c it won't last stackexchange.com/leagues/31/week/askubuntu
woohoo, I'm at #56 for the week
@aking1012 you are first
To be fair half of it was a bounty I asked pretty loudly about.
I m at 11 th position :(
I think it'll take about 2 years for me to hit 10k :)
@aking1012 oh eclipse
I'm fairly certain i'll forever be under 2k rep
it's taken 1 year, 8 months to hit 5k for me
I specifically target questions not bountied questions though.
I'll keep my 2.5k Till I get someone to upvote me :P
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
425k 123 1843 3161
@AmithKK wanna downvote? :p
I wonder what will happen when it kernel panics.
I like focusing on something I'm not particularly good at for a bit. It gets me a)familiar with something new and b)makes me google instead of waiting for oh god what do i do??!!??
can you reach 425 k??????????????
only if you're jon skeet
I want to steal his brain
@aking1012 I should try & come up with some tricky questions for you then ;)
@ajmitch You mean a particularly unsolvable one??
not unsolvable
@ajmitch Recompile your distro from source isn't particularly solvable. It could be done, but it's better to switch VPS providers
Truth - if i wanted to run Gentoo - stage1, i'd run Gentoo - stage1.
I should set up my computer to rebuild all of ubuntu
@lazyPower That's what gentoo is built for though, freeBSD too...Ubuntu isn't built for it
@lazyPower <3
<3 \o/
your blog?
wait for it... i.fra.bz/11eq.jpg ...a comment that may make sense eventually
mine? yeah.
@aking1012 I think I shall try & come up with some questions about ubuntu development that I might self-answer :)
@aking1012 i have a Legend -- wait for it -- Dairy hoodie.
@ajmitch I've never posted a question that I answered outside of ones where it was obvious and honest.

BrianI have downloaded ubuntu 11.10 and have been surfing the web pretty good. I have done all the add-ons and updates, but flash videos will not play. Any ideas?

simple qn wanna answer?
@tachyons apt-get install restricted-extras close as dupe
@aking1012 why complete restricted extras ? just install flash player plug-in
@aking1012 answering your own questions can be useful in limited situations where you're wanting to get some answers out there
@tachyons I don't want a follow up question for chrome h264
@ajmitch yes, i asked in chat about that once
which qn?
it's on SU
just a sec
Q: Is there anyway to add links into conky?

Mr AxilusI currenly have a conky setup with which I display useful information such as my google mail, google reader, and calendar events. I'm looking for a way to make each of the sections a browser link to a specified page. That is, something like this: Mail <= links to gmail Email title 1 Emai...

Answer is simply no?
@tachyons superuser.com/questions/294750/… -- I saw a lot of ppl complaining about the card and it worked mostly for me
@aking1012 hmm you are a super user
@tachyons going to take that as a compliment. and I don't use conky so I couldn't say
I think it is offtopic
then drop it in moderators
I don't think it's off-topic, I think I just don't know
G'night o/
@lazyPower good morning
@BrunoPereira - just a tag to give you context
@lazyPower cya
Bounty offered: How can I make the volume change in smaller increments? http://askubuntu.com/questions/10525/how-can-i-make-the-volume-change-in-smaller-increments?atw=1 #sound
1 hour later…
Oh please @lazyPower Can you show me how you did that with zsh?
1 hour later…
How to change desktop theme periodically http://askubuntu.com/questions/120254/how-to-change-desktop-theme-periodically?atw=1 #desktop
3 hours later…
Backing Up application! http://askubuntu.com/questions/120271/backing-up-application?atw=1 #backup
@AmithKK oh-my-zsh, and then use a awesome theme. done.
@lazyPower Ahhhhhh yeah.
@jrg Where can I get that exact theme anyways :?
@AmithKK thanks for accepting fb friend request :)
@ThinkDifferent good evening
@tachyons You were in Tagore Vidya Niketan?
@tachyons np
howdy peeps!
1 hour later…
How do I forcibly stop the X server? http://askubuntu.com/questions/120312/how-do-i-forcibly-stop-the-x-server?atw=1 #xorg
@AmithKK Its available in my dotfiles repository
@lazyPower Whatsthat?
Hello all
@AmithKK the ZSH theme you were asking for.
Q: building a custom kernel

user17545I want to build a custom kernel under Ubuntu. I configured and built the new kernel. When I try to boot the new kernel I'm stuck at the mknod step. Simply, it tries to mknod new devices like /dev/sda1 /dev/vca4 but, it fails because the root partition is mounted read-only. Could anyone help m...

10.04 Window manager not working http://askubuntu.com/questions/120371/10-04-window-manager-not-working?atw=1 #compiz
> "By buying WAVs, you can avoid the potential data loss incurred when the file is compressed into a FLAC."
Er... no. FLAC is a 100% lossless format.
@GeorgeEdison Even wired writers make mistakes...but I laughed a little when I read it
Hi @jrg
Howdy @aking1012.
open eclipse questions near 0 yay!!! :)
shutting up now
Has anyone experience with Rhythmbox and can have a llok into:
Q: Rhythmbox doesn't show CD track titles

NikoI have a problem with the Rhythmbox media player. Let's say I want to rip a CD. I open up Rhythmbox and insert the CD. But Rhythmbox doesn't show the track titles! It just says "Unknown Audio". It is a original CD, and I have internet. The titles show up fine in banshee (but I prefer Rhythmbox). ...

Q: Gnome Terminal won't autocomplete

AnkurVjMy gnome-terminal on a ubuntu 10.10 machine is not working the way it should work. No autocomplete is working. ctrl + l won't clear the screen, bash prompt is simply a $ and nothing else. I got this machine passed on from someone else. I just created a new user for myself and hoped that I would g...

Not bad.
hi guys
@jrg Nice
@aking1012 thats something to be excited about homie
its been in installer since 11.10
Nah, its a little different this go-around.
And then there is the lets talk #ubuntu thing.
didn't notice them
We've been in there for a while, but I like the twitter feed and the additional text
Yeah, agreed.
11.10 installer, fyi
I like the 12.04 one better. Its not all about us.
Brings in the community aspect with the twitter feed.
@lazyPower let me get you that review
hook me up with your branch again please.
@MarcoCeppi I love it because we are forever immortalized in the installer. (Look closely on the right.)
Lol... even FlackBot is there.
windows are moving slowly on ubuntu 11.10 http://askubuntu.com/questions/120404/windows-are-moving-slowly-on-ubuntu-11-10?atw=1 #compiz
@JorgeCastro before we get carried away with the MAAS stuff, how "stable" is it considered?
It's in 12.04 and works
hggdh just didn't remember his password
so I put it there instead of irc
because I don't want us getting a bunch of stuff that we end up having to completely rewrite in two months
oh, ok. fair enough.
hey speaking of
we were going to remove all the crappy 12.04 bug reports iirc?
I can't find the meta on that right now
oh, yeah.
I don't think we decided "officially"
Q: Should we clean up the 12.04 closed questions?

Jorge CastroI've noticed that a bunch of closed questions on 12.04 are clogging up the search column on the related questions for each question, and also are generally all alpha/beta stuff anyway. Should we make a concious effort to remove these before 12.04 is released so not to clog up the new incoming qu...

ok, so we've got the go ahead.
I don't see any opposition other than my devils advocation.
+4 and an accepted answer = decided!!!
:) If you want to flag them, feel free, otherwise I'll go through and give it a whirl after i've written all these emails and meta posts that have been piling up for the past week... :P
dunno if it was going to be a flag-a-thon or just telling people to vote for delete?
either works for me. @MarcoCeppi, around for a moment to weigh in?
I'm easy
flag if you got 'em
vote to delete takes 3-5 votes IIRC
Ok, flags it is.
And its 10 votes, and 20K+ users only have like, 5 of them anyway.
anybody know if there is a way to forward a webcam from another computer through ssh or something like that and use it as an input on the client computer?
using it as what kind of input? there was a project I saw at one point for streaming mjpeg from a webcam so it just looks like webpage
as a device i have no idea
hi all
hi @fossfreedom
yeah like as an input stream into skype or something like that
nope. if i did i would have answered that question already
@NathanCazell I'm referring to this one: askubuntu.com/questions/91582/…
oh ok ha. thanks ill read up on that thread, see if i can figure anything out. Thanks!
@aking1012 What is that meta question all about? I got seriously confused just by looking at it.
I'm trying to find out about answer selection on meta. Should I just choose highest upvotes since it might effect policy and meta should be consistent with policy?
@aking1012 Highest upvotes as a rule.
Okay, going to change one
(rule of thumb)
See if that's an okay answer
Or if I should just delete the question and now I know
No, thats fine.
@lazyPower Do you have a launchpad id?
@jrg - regarding your uber-starred captain picture, I'm thinking about feeding it repeatedly into a pic morphing tool and taking the half way snapshot to even out the skin tones and make it even more epic...do it, or leave it alone
I don't like you anymore. ;D
(go ahead if you want to. :D)
I'll just leave it alone. I thought you might play to it being embarassing in public but have it as your wallpaper or something
I personally would have taken it as a huge compliment
Oh, I think its great.
a little annoying that it won't just uh, "die", but still great. :)
What is the version numbering logic for open source developers managing software releases? http://askubuntu.com/questions/120450/what-is-the-version-numbering-logic-for-open-source-developers-managing-software?atw=1 #applicationdevelopment
@MarcoCeppi you around these days?

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