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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

@JorgeCastro Too bad that guy's name and email are still publicly accessible.
yeah, shrug
my name is Roland and I have a problem. I run linux... and I like it too much
is this alcoholics ubuntuous?
@Chipaca Raw means unprocessed so, curing being a process, cured ham isn't raw, it's just not warm.
1 hour later…
@Oli, I assumed he logs in to his ec2 instance with SSH, is that correct?
not sure what cd where_your_key_is; your amazon command means :) (I've never used ec2)
@StefanoPalazzo Yeah amazon give you a hairy ssh command to connect with a private key (that they give you)
I'm just suggesting that as a replacement for him having to punch that into a command line himself.
I too thought he was talking about making a VNC connection - Not sure if you can see my deleted answer
yeah I can
Okay, thank you. Our answers compliment each other very well now (:
@StefanoPalazzo Congrats on your 10k btw
thanks :)
If you decide to incorporate the alias and launcher links into your answer, I can delete mine. I suppose it's better to just have one answer with everything in it
yay 10k!
Now there are 3 of us!
Enough for a rock band (:
My chat notification sound doesn't work for some reason
Now it's between DoR and fluteflute
they are close, who will hit 10k first?
* cough**cough *
karthick :P
@StefanoPalazzo Do you have any idea as to why this might not work?
A: How to change Gnome-Terminal title?

Stefano PalazzoYou can define a function to do this. Put this line of bash in your .bashrc or .bash_aliases file: set-title(){ echo -ne "\033]0;${1}\007"; } Then you'll always be able to do set-title "Hello World"

I've just noticed that I've upvoted almost all of your recent answers @DoR
@DoR mh.. no idea, I've just tested it again, it works here
got it:
@StefanoPalazzo It already is set to that
Huh. No idea then
this bug perhaps? (it's to do with screen)
some people have no sense of humor, i tell you
@StefanoPalazzo @DoR it does work
but your $PS1 is overriding it
try set-title "hello there"; sleep 5
not overriding, overwriting
@Chipaca does that happen with the default $PS1?
mine is pretty much empty
@Stefano yes, the default .bashrc does
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
case "$TERM" in
    PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
^ see?
the \[ and \] are to tell bash that the things between those two delimiters don't take up space in the prompt
\a is the same as \007
(in bash)
and \e is \033
this is why i shouldn't mess with my settings too much :-(
allow me to grumble some more about people being too boring
Q: What problems I may face during upgrade due to removal of following packages ?

Harbhag I have remove Ubuntuone, empathy, evolution and gwibber completely from my system ? In synaptic, these are shown as recommended, so I am worried if I will be having any problem to upgrade to Natty due to this ?

And I was baffled why that answer hasn't got more upvotes :P
ha (:
that "deleted" image reminded me of that weird comic ... but I forget its name, and google isn't helping
@Chipaca that's from homestarrunner.com
Yeah! that's the one :)
Ah I finally got 'Disciplined' :P
umm, on a base ubuntu, to install the desktop GUI, do u install ubuntu-desktop, or gnome-desktop?
@KaustubhP I'd go for ubuntu-desktop
@KaustubhP or maybe one of the other *ubuntu-desktops :)
@Chipaca thanks for seconding!
just out of curiosity, is there an order of installing packages, when I install ubuntu-desktop? Or are they just installed alphabetically?
there is a partial order
I am trying to help this guy out:
Q: How can I connect to my Amazon EC2 server using a desktop client

Chris WilsonI've already setup an Amazon EC2 instance running 10.10 and am able to connect to it using the ssh command provided by Amazon. I noticed there is a 'Terminal Server Client' and a 'Remote Desktop Viewer' included with Ubuntu, and I was wondering if it's possible to use either of these to connect t...

i instaled the ubuntu-desktop on the remote system and enabled remote desktop by typing the command
gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true
but I still cant access the remote computer. what port does remote desktop use?
@KaustubhP whatever vnc uses, as it's just vnc :)
@KaustubhP however
the best way would be using tightvncviewer's -via option
that tunnels things over ssh :)
i can ssh into the remote server from the terminal, but not from the remote desktop viewer.
i have added the keypair to my identities
can you try using xtightvncviewer -via <the remote host> ?
@KaustubhP ?
i have installed tightvncviewer on the remote machine
and run this command there vncserver :1 -name "My-Server" -geometry 1600x1100
ah, I misunderstood
I thought you wanted to see what the remote machine was showing
but it seems actually you want to show amazon your desktop :-p
sorry, being overly sarcastic there
i want to see the amazon desktop :)
you installed tightvncserver on the remote machine?
i ddnt mind :)
@Chipaca yes, installed tightvnc on the remote machine!
and xtightvncviewer on the local machine?
lol, no. i thought the remote desktop viewer would suffice
I think there isnt gdm running on the amazon machine
sorry, there is. i only see a grey screen in the xtighvncviewer
if you're running vncserver on the remote end, you don't go through gdm
may i suggest you start with a smaller screen
@KaustubhP and by that, I mean:
first, on the remote computer
one sec, reading the manpage (haven't used it in a while)
tightvncserver -geometry 800x600
(nothing else)
then, tell me what it printed out when you hit enter
also do a 'ps fx' and pastebin the output of that
@Chipaca OP of the first command:
OP of the ps fx
ok, good
now, from the local machine, do this
xtightvncviewer -via remotehost -compresslevel 9 -quality 5 :1
where remotehost is some amazon IP or hostname
@Chipaca strange, Im denied permission, because of public key
ill use the -passswd flag
passwd is for the vnc password
which is distinct from the ssh password
are you sure it's because of public key that you're getting permission denied?
(how are you sure?)
Permission denied (publickey).
could you show me the ssh command you use to ssh in (that works), and the vnc command that fails?
the certificate is added to my keyring, via ssh-add cert.pem
hah! i think i know what is the problem
show me the vnc command please
the one on the remote machine?
no, the full command you use on the local machine
here's what it should be:
xtightvncviewer -via [email protected] -compresslevel 9 -quality 5 :1
xtightvncviewer -via ec2-50-16-120-105.compute-1.amazonaws.com -compresslevel 9 -quality 5 :1
works like a charm!
wow, just three commands. thanks a lot good denizen of the internet! ;)
xtightvncviewer is rather clunky
F8 gives you a menu
wow, interesting
last time i tried, fullscreen in particular was very wonky and could leave you without being able to get back to the real desktop
(when started in fullscreen from the commandline)
look! it's got the option in vinagre also
@KaustubhP way at the bottom, "use host as ssh tunnel"
yeah, i tried that too, was only seeing a black screen.
try ubuntu@...
Connection closed :( yes, i tried it as user@host
I see glitches
ah well
wow, its a bug i think. I see it differently
tightvnc is clunky and don't mess with its fullscreen setting too much, but it works :)
yeah, tightvnc works :)
Q: Why is Ubuntu 11.04 switching to Unity?

popeyI understand from Jono Bacon's blog that Ubuntu will be switching to Unity as the default desktop in the upcoming 11.04. What's not clear is "Why?". Could someone explain the benefits of Unity over GNOME 2.x or indeed GNOME 3.x so that people can be informed about this decision?

I wonder if any question has as many negative answers as this one.
Isnt it subjective?
Can i use Unity on my Desktop ? if so how can i install it ?
1 hour later…
Does anybody know anything about installing NVIDIA drivers on Ubuntu 10.10?
3 hours later…
Hi all
May I ask something here? Kinda noobish, but...
Well I guess everybody's idling :(
3 hours later…
@MarcoCeppi @StefanoPalazzo @JorgeCastro
Q: Do not like unity, asking for options.

DL-UBNEither one of this: I need an option to use desktop UI instead of Unity while installing Ubuntu Netbook 10.10. I need an application to remove Unity after the Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 is installed, without doing it manually. Is there no any easy way to do that? I did try manually but had problem...

This is ugly!
His question was closed yesterday and he keeps regurgitating 'em dupes.
And someone keeps "favoriting" them!
Q: Is Ubuntu doing GUI research?

alexandruGui is one of the most important things in dealing with computers. I love the terminal because i understand it but there are milliards of possible users who don't understand it. Gnome or KDE desktop environments[others also] are okay but in my opinion are not very natural. Is there any serious g...

Ahem ahem!
1 hour later…
@Sid Yeah, he's going to have to go away...
@MarcoCeppi Someone has been downvoting my age old answers!
@MarcoCeppi What about tag: failure ? Is that all right? There are just 2 questions under it.
I don't think failure is a valid tag
Me too.
<failure> me </failure>
"Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street." – Zig Ziglar.
To all Indians: "Wish you a very happy Republic Day, have a splendid year ahead."
@MarcoCeppi How to enter Wikipedia URLs that have parenthesis? Markdown doesn't like 'em either.
@Sid In chat, comments, or answers/questions?
You can do this instead of doing an inline link

[1]: lol.cats/no-dogs
Oh! I didn't know HTML could be used.
@Sid Sure, you can use HTML too
@Sid you flagged a duplicate - but you didn't provide the link to the question that it duplicates
Whoops! I was in a hurry.
@Sid It's no problem! I was just trying to figure out which it duplicates
@MarcoCeppi How do you deal with duplicate questions? In this case scenario: The original question has a poor answer/no answer/comment/obsolete answer & the duplicate has an awesome-sauce-dipped-in-rainbow answer.
@Sid In that case just say "duplicate and possibly merge"
and we can merge the questions so the awesomesauce answer shows up on the "older" duplicate answer
also if the newer question is better written we'll close the old one as a duplicate of the new hotness and merge forward
@MarcoCeppi Neat!
♦s have "super cow" powers!
sometimes I remind the person answering the dupe to just post it on the original question
@Sid I like to think of it as "super stallion" powers. But only because I don't think I'm much of a cow.
Haha :D
@MarcoCeppi hey are you in the house today?
@TheX I am in this chat room - not sure what you mean by house
@MarcoCeppi Just an expression :-D
I wonder if I could find pictures of @lfaraone @txwinker and @GeorgeEdison and make a Moderator mashup photo
cool i fixed my css and didn't even have to ask you for help
but I have created a new problem
fixed :D
I am getting smarter :D
Good for ya! :)
Q: How to solve hanging at purple screen?

vishalWhen I start my laptop and select Ubuntu, the boot process hangs at a purple screen with Ubuntu symbol. How to solve this?

Q: Not able to boot ubuntu

vishalI am not able to log in to Ubuntu. When I start my laptop and select Ubuntu, the screen with the Ubuntu logo and progress bar dots is shown. I wait for some time but it doesn't show me the login screen. I have tried to restart it but the same problem is there. I am new to Ubuntu.

He's asked the same question twice.
what's the format for writing tags in an answer?
@Sid is it possible to merge the questions?
@TheX: Ask @MarcoCeppi
I ain't no mod. :)
@TheX it is possible, yes
@Sid oh my bad... I won't ever confuse you with being more in charge then what you are...
It's probably time for a "how do I debug boot/startup problems?"
@MarcoCeppi ah I see, it doesn't show up on previews
@MarcoCeppi Reference to Ubuntu in a question is redundant, innit? As in: How to do "Bazinga" on Ubuntu?
@TheX :P
@Sid For the most part yes - it's not all inclusive as a rule, but the majority of times it's redundant.
@Sid edit it out with fire!
@JorgeCastro I've been. :)
how do i install ubuntu onto ubuntu?
or with ubuntu
that doesn't make sense does it?
@Sid I won't edit them as much so you can get Copy Editor
Q: Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 1H 2011

Rebecca ChernoffIt's time once again to support your favorite open source project through our Free Vote-Based Advertising for Open Source Projects. We are clearing the leader boards to start the first half of 2011 anew. Here is your chance to create a Free Vote-Based Advertisement for an Open Source Project. Cr...

Vote for Zeitgeist!
@JorgeCastro Cool! :)
@JorgeCastro what is zeitgeist?
click on the ad!
I can't find it
Oh... lol I over looked it my bad
@JorgeCastro It's already live
@JorgeCastro I am going to have to take a look at that when I get home...
All you needed was 6 votes to get it included
yeah but I want to win!
You'll never beat the SE Scripts made by Rebecca Chernoff :P
She has too much Klout
Speaking of Klout @JorgeCastro Have you seen this? klout.com/castrojo
oh cool!
now that we passed gaming it's time to grow the lead
is it hard to install this zietgiest thing?
@TheX it comes installed by default with Unity and if you install things that need it - like Synapse
It's literally going to be rolled up into Ubuntu for future releases.
so you install extensions?
Let me get you some reading material
@MarcoCeppi are you sure I am capable of reading??
ah, rhetorical questions
Kind of an old article
but it highlights one possible use for Zietgiest
It's just an awesome idea in general
I couldn't resist, but I always forget you are a robot, and therefore have no sense of humor...
@MarcoCeppi so is the gnome activity manager installed by default?
hey @MarcoCeppi
when's your next moderator shindig?
@JorgeCastro No idea, Likely next week
askubuntu.com - Spanish edition

Proposed Q&A site for devoted fans, just like askubuntu.com but for Spanish speakers only.

Currently in defintion.

so you know how we need localization in order to "sell" AU to other ubuntu teams
can you ask if things like that are an option?
I suspect not, but I figured why not ask
I can ask now - but I'm pretty sure that will get shut down pretty quickly
I think if SE somehow implemented some kind of translation service via Google Translate onto the platform that it would be pretty epic
I'll bring it up
it'll just be tough to kill LP Answers without something for other languages
then I just stumbled onto this proposal and was like "hmm, maybe this would work"
but it doesn't feel very SOish
Q: How to start a business and not destroy your marriage?

Steve WilkinsonAlthough the question has the word "marriage" in the title, it is really about any most important relationship in a founder's life, be it husband/wife, fiancee, boyfriend/girlfriend, partner or significant other. During my first start-up, there were times when I thought the pressures of the busi...

Q: crontab not working: top reasons why

Adam MatanHi, Many a time and oft, crontab scripts are not executed as expected. There are numerous reasons for that, for example: wrong crontab notation, permissions, environment variables and many more. This community wiki aims to aggregate the top reasons for crotnab scripts not being executed as expe...

@DoR I think that's actually a great CW question
I don't have time to finish this section today
A: What can I use to automate backups of Gmail?

Jorge Castroofflineimap is a popular solution for this. Enable IMAP in GMail (Google's instructions) Sign in to Gmail. Click Settings at the top of any Gmail page. Click Forwarding and POP/IMAP. Select Enable IMAP. Configure your IMAP client and click Save Changes. Setup offlineimap After you instal...

so I could use some help on the cron section if someone is looking for something to do! :)
Man, I love five guys
I know
it's sooooo good
I just found out there's one 7 blocks from my office
that could be bad for your health, heh
200 Five Guys will be opened in 2011!
I'm scared of fastfood! :) After reading about Taco Bell's fake beef, everlasting burger, and weird KFC experiments.
@Sid I wouldn't call it "Fast Food" more like specialized restaurant. Fries are all fresh cut that day, beef is hand formed, all decent raw ingredients.
@MarcoCeppi Good then. :) But they aren't in India. :(
Q: What personal productivity / time management / motivational tips & tricks do you use?

ChrisWhat little tips and tricks do you use to try and be as productive as possible each week plus be as motivated as possible? Here are a few I use: I will schedule meetings that normally would be an automatic one hour for just 45 minutes and then stick to that. Rarely do I feel like there's any im...

@Sid I don't think they would succeed as well in India since they make primarily Hamburgers and Hotdogs
@MarcoCeppi You're right!
"Many a time and oft" LOL
Any ideas why this answer looks fine in the preview, but when posted the links are all messed up? askubuntu.com/questions/23169/…
I get that sometimes if the apt-link icon thing is in the middle of a sentence
I never could figure out why
It happens with inline image linking
@andrewsomething I'll show you a fix
Looks like someone else already fixed up. =)
I did. :P
@MarcoCeppi is a genius... never doubt what he says
How many times can one answer be edited :P
infact, I think we should make a fan site...
I wouldn't edit it again, it might go CW
@DoR How many edits does it take to make somethin' CW?
10 I think
A: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardWhy have Community Wiki posts? One of the goals of the website is to be a continually evolving source of good information. Community Wiki posts help enhance the wiki aspect of the site. How do Community Wiki posts work? Community Wiki posts work by transferring ownership of the post from the ...

I don't get how the other dude got 2 votes
direct linking a .deb, pshaaaaaawwww
The body of the post has been edited by at least five (5) different users.
The post has been edited ten (10) times by the original owner.
@Sid ^
@Jorge It certainly doesn't sound right to me...
@DoR Thanks!
unfortunately I am already out of votes for today, so you'll get a +1 from me in 4 hours or so, heh
You've got an up from me and a down for him
So if anyone who hasn't already edited that post edits it, it will magically transform into a community wiki.
I didn't know that Stackexchange Day follows GMT! It'll be 12:00am in England in 4 hours, and I'll get a new set of votes in 4 hours.
Q: Can I put Ubuntu Netbook Edition iso on 2 storage devices?

JaredI have a netbook, a flash drive (512MB), and an SD card (512MB) and the Ubuntu netbook edition is 696MB, is there any way I can put half of the installation on the flash drive and the other half on the SD card, and get it installed?

I was thinking the same thing when I read that answer
I think he is trying to destroy the universe
I bet he can just put /usr on one and it'll fit
He should just buy a 1GB USB....
Q: Is there an iso of ubuntu under 512MB?

JaredI only have a 512MB flash drive and was wondering if there's an iso for ubuntu that will fit on that, I really need to format my netbook.

Gentleman I'm using vmware player to run Linux. Everything went okay until I fiddled with cpio command and it froze up. I restarted virtual machine and I get Grub loader. I can't exit it, can't quit, and don't know the Kernel path . Is there a way to skip that? thanks
For $8 I purchased a 4GB USB drive
Hello all! Wow, this is kind of a weird chat implementation. Or maybe I just don't do chat apps very often. Ever.
@jgbelacqua We like to think of it as our own slice of heaven from the IRC channel
Well, good enough. It has pleasant enough colors, in any case.
So, is there a chat faq? Or is the purpose of chat just to be awesome? I hadn't seen anyone ask technical question until a coupla minutes ago.
@marco brilliant. thanks.
“killing two birds with one stone” should be replaced with something more relevant to modern times like “killing two pigs with one bird”
@jgbelacqua It's mainly an "Anything Goes" room - you can ask technical questions, talk about Ubuntu, not talk about Ubuntu, etc
or just hang out!
So how's askubuntu doing these days, stat-wise? Looks like from odata things are going well, but I've only been here two weeks. (And I guess the unix site has just started really.)
@jorge. cool. I'm good at that.
@jgbelacqua: Have a look:
I figure all of the naive site-building questions haven't been asked yet, so I'm asking or planning to ask more of those.
we are doing well
though I wish we could do a better job on the answer percentage
Math has taken over Gaming! feels proud :)
we are currently the 4th busiest site traffic-wise, we are just edging out Gaming since like yesterday or so
@jorge Yeah, I notice a lot of hard questions with hardware/software specificity. And historically the hardware stuff even linux forums have never been good at answering.
Apparently math is taking over the world.
Re: data.stackexchange.com -- that data is sooo Jan 9th. But I expect it to be even better by the next data dump.
@JorgeCastro That's old data, I have since passed you...NOT
I don't even exist on askubuntu until the 11 or 12th of this month. I am dataless, I think.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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