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Isn't this dead?
@Terrance Nevertheless I think we should and do.
I was just wondering because Canonical dropped it from the Ubuntu ISOs a long time ago.
@dessert You wanna give the link or should I?
@Terrance Don't just give the link, write a short answer with the workaround, that's useful information for AU! Of course it's you who should have the rep.
@dessert Really doesn't matter to me. You did the work finding the issue. =)
@Terrance But I want to go to sleep now, it's 01:14 here! :D
@dessert =) Alright, if no one has written anything by the time I get home, I will write up an answer for it.
@Terrance That's the spirit, I'll leave a short comment for the OP to know. Get home safe!
3 hours later…
Q: How to install rEFInd for DIY multiboot USB

EraserPencilI intend to create a dualboot persistent usb. I'd like to try creating a USB where I can boot macOS High Sierra and WIndows 10. From what I understand of LVM, I can create 2 VG, 1 APFS and 1 NTFS. This would allow me to boot into Windows10 on a PC and Windows10/macOS on a Mac. I know workarounds ...

2 hours later…
How did I not know about this sooner.
1 hour later…
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Regarding this: The only other reason i could think of might be the many offspring's from base Debian which would make it difficult for apt-get to know them all and their respective correct sources.list lines. so they skipped to include such functionality.
1 hour later…
A: Cannot upgrade unsupported version of Skype for Linux (v5)

Nicholas OdicohIn 32 bit linux, make skype a "higher" version: sudo sed -i 's/' /usr/bin/skype It replaces the version number in the binary for a higher one to work around the forced incompatibility. Make sure that you have the same version by calling skype --version or update the com...

@dessert Wiat! What? hes applying sed changes to a binary file?
probably a bad idea ...
@Videonauth To change the version number!
What do we do when encountering a possibly valid answer that's just a bad idea?
@dessert downvote it, it will then be sent automatically to the review que for low quality as soon it hits a treshhold for downvotes
if i got this right
maybe comment on it why this is a bad idea:)
@Videonauth Interesting, that sounds very reasonable! I feel like this has to be documented anywhere, where does EliahKagan and Co. take all his knowledge?
@Videonauth Could you do that please? I will look biased as the accepted answer is from me…
in fact if there would be a number sequence in the binary lets say 41320337 this would get cought by s/ too
remember the sed substitute first field is a regex
omg you're right, it's not even a correct sed expression
and . can be anything
\. would be a dot
wait no
he did escape the dots, it's fine
well not fine, but at least not totally wrong ;)
yep i guess the \ got eaten by the page because not properly code formatted
still, a bad bad idea
might work, but might as well kill the binary
escaping the dots in the replacement section is unnecessary though (but not harmful)
except youre using r/.../.../
which would make both fields a regex
if i remember this correctly
I'd rather advise the use of a hex editor instead of sed as this could go horribly wrong. And please if you stick to this answer use -i.bak so at least a backup of the file is made before the change. — Videonauth 1 min ago
there's no r/…/…/ in sed AFAIK… what would be the use of a regex in the replacement?
horrible layout, good content ^^
I also use sed.sourceforge.net/sed1line.txt a lot, it's like an extended cheat and tldr
there is an r/ but i was wrong, long time not used sed tbh.
> r filename

Reads text file a file. Example:

$ seq 3 | sed '2r/etc/hostname'
SCrolling 2 minutes to get the the edit button, cant we have those buttons at the top please ? askubuntu.com/q/981159
@Videonauth Shoot first, read questions later. ;D
Tbh editing this question is a pain and since he used quotes for formatting all the lines are off now.
@Videonauth sed "s/['\"]//g" ;)
sed 's/^\>\ //'
still would leave the lines in their messed up format
since making something a blockquote inserts newlines if used on a long block of text
2 hours later…
Mate 10 normal works in the US...
2 hours later…
Of course you can preserve /home in an Ubuntu reinstall and you're done, but in this case Ubuntu is being installed over Mint, not over Ubuntu. I don't know if it would work that way, because I've never tried it. — karel 5 hours ago
@karel Is it in installer? and even if the /home is under root partition? I haven't seen such in any versions yet!
@Anwar Your comment led me to a solution to the question: askubuntu.com/questions/56051/… Someone's going to answer that question for sure unless somebody dupes it to that link and I can't CV it because I've already retracted my CV at that question.
@karel Do you need somebody to CV? ;)
Anybody please mark this as a duplicate of that – OP said he tried it, but after a comment war it turns out the second answer is exactly what he needs. sigh Unfortunately I already used my CV and retracted it later…
@dessert done
@Videonauth thanks!
Why was this deleted? oO
deleted by OP
Q: Using wmctrl with zenity prompt causes budgie-wm segmentation fault

TomI'm attempting to write a bash script that switches between workspaces with some dialog prompts along the way. I'm running Ubuntu 17-04 with Budgie remix. When using wmctrl or zenity separately, they both work fine. Put them together however and budgie window manager crashes with a segmentation ...

do you have an actual answer for that?
not a clue
but I'm sure it's a bug → off-topic
@dessert I already CVed wrong and then the OP edited the question and I retracted it, so yes I need a volunteer to CV that question because I can't CV it.
@karel Sorry, which question again? I got confused here… Is it a duplicate?
@dessert It's this question: askubuntu.com/questions/981541/… however it has already been correctly duped and closed, so it's OK now.
@karel OK :)
Q: After doing chroot , a copy of nodejs inside jail do not launches node console?

user3769778I am trying to run nodejs from a jailed system using chroot. This is where I wanted my jail [mnt/mylinux] : bash and all its dependencies [found using ldd] are copied to correct folders in jail. I copied nodejs in bin folder as such: Then I also copied all dependency required for node [using ...

1 hour later…
Hello :)
@CharlesGreen Hi Charles :)
Q: Ubuntu 17.10 with KDE Plasma Desktop Manager & PAM multifactor authentication

mrlungshotI wanted to enable two factor authentication on my Ubuntu PC. The authentication (after adding the google authenticator pam plugin) is working on ssh and in the terminal too. BUT if I lock the screen and want log back in, it doesn't let me in (tried first with the code and first with the password...

I broke 175k \o/ Oli on the brink of 200k
2 hours later…
Welp - all we have now is Let's Encrypt.
1 hour later…
@NathanOsman What about CAcert.org?
Never heard of that.
@NathanOsman :(
Q: How to speed up dd on macOS High Sierra?

A QI was trying to create bootable USB of Ubuntu 17.04. First, I erased everything from the pen drive and then started to copy using sudo dd if=path_to_ubuntu_image of=/dev/rdisk2 but it is taking around 5 hrs to complete the process. I read previous answers about speeding up it using rdisk instead ...

1 hour later…
Any ALSA experts around? I'd like to have my volume adjustments to the center channel persist after a reboot.
But as it stands now, the volume always resets to 100% after a reboot.
^--- that channel
Master volume is preserved across reboots.
@NathanOsman Not an expert, but you can easily script it using amixer get Center and amixer set Center <value>.
Good idea - thanks.
Oh, there's also
alsactl store
> store saves the current driver state for the selected soundcard to the configuration file.
maybe not quite right :P
alsactl restore
> restore loads driver state for the selected soundcard from the configuration file. If restoring fails (eventu‐
ally partly), the init action is called.
Goodnight folks! :)
@ParanoidPanda Hi!
man, Inkscape is brillant, and I didn't even start to really learn it

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