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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Hello :)
@cl-netbox Hi!
@dessert Good evening to you ! :)
hello all and good evening
hello @cl-netbox
wow i did not expect this when i answered this one and went for an afternoon nap :)
another question i answered in the HNQ :D
and i hit the cap for today
oops, wrong window
quick, upvote him!
@dessert well this is actually on top two of the HNQ i guess i will get a lot upvotes until midnight which will not count toward reputation, but give badges
so i don't mind, and being in the top three HNQ means the question will stay in the HNQ for at least another day with its 117.xx arbitary hotness points awarded
erm correction 137.xx points ...and place #1 in HNQ
I see you're back to zooming up in rep
also, Ubuntu's default gamma level is way too low
@Videonauth Good evening ! :) Sorry for the late response ... was AFK :)
@Videonauth Congratulations :) Well done :)
@cl-netbox figured you had dinner or so :)
@Videonauth yes exactly :)
@TheWanderer yep, i have a lots to catch up to ;)
wrote for that 26 answers in the past 10 days :)
Q: Why does man print "gimme gimme gimme" at 00:30?

Jaroslav KuceraWe've noticed that some of our automatic tests fail when they run at 00:30 but work fine the rest of the day. They fail with the message "gimme gimme gimme" in stderr, which wasn't expected. Why are we getting this output?

lol 10 days
o/ jrg, how did you'r seminar go?
Pretty well
went a little long
because we did a bunch of Q&A
thats all together a good sign if the Q&A prolongs the time :)
measn it got the people so much interested so they ask questions
@Seth yup!
They also asked me to propose giving a shorter (about 30 minutes) version of it to the entire student body
@jrg That is awesome!
@Seth Congrats!
Welcome to sagehood!
wow! that's legit
@KazWolfe Thanks!
I finally just spun up a DO droplet and gave up (for now) trying to get IPv6 on my LAN working well.
Between Comcast and lousy dd-wrt IPv6 support that wasn't going well.
yeah that's... not fun
also, I didn't know HE had videos that explained all the material until after I finished xD
that would have made a few things easier..
yeah they're pretty much just looking for excuses to give away shirts lol
now... go get yourself a /48 :D
I don't think Comcast will assign me one without switching to their business plan D:
Getting a simple UMDF driver to compile is proving very difficult.
Why are you building a USB toaster Nathan
I'm trying to build a webcam driver.
We are aware non-logged in users are unable to view #Stackoverflow and are working on the issue
Huh. It's working for me in Incognito.
They must have fixed it already.
i mean that's almost 15 minutes old
Heh. I wonder if George could be redesigned to monitor the Twitter accounts and post them in a more timely manner.
@dessert we do, it's called chat
Hey all :)
I have some question about VirtualBox
I can't use a bluetooth dungle because of "Failed to create a proxy device for the USB device. (Error: VERR_READ_ERROR)."
Btw this dungle work on host os
so much popular music in this show
they cut like half of Renegades out
blah humbug
throws @TheWanderer into the scrap heap
too late.
meh i'm tired, how's things here.
Although it does seem that a form of Dirty CoW is back medium.com/bindecy/huge-dirty-cow-cve-2017-1000405-110eca132de0
not sure what to do with this beside CV it as unclear : askubuntu.com/q/981940
Startups is shutting down. Again. :(
Q: Startups Stack Exchange will be closing on December 11th

Grace Note3 years ago, this site made it into public beta, as announced here. It was not without some level of trepidation - Startups had previously been on the network and resulted in closure due to the lack of any remaining moderation hands on the site resulting in its quality dropping. So it was stated ...

@jrg --^
@Seth Well guess there cant be much done or?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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