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02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Yeah the Phenoms are great..
@Takkat They're obviously going to benchmark against single core games. That's where Windows wins...just my 2 cents
I have this suspect too.. :/
I think suspicion is the word you're looking for, but yes
I love Ubuntu betas!

Every day feel like Christmas receiving all those updates and every time you update is like a box of unsorted chocolates, you never know what you are going to get ;)
:D like the idea of unsorted chocolates
As long as it is chocolate \o/
I like it when beta works. My desktop stays on stable and my lappie gets beta
<-- desktop still on 11.04
I think that's how it's supposed to be though
I always update one after the other. First comes the VM, then the play box, then the netbook. Last the desktop.
Haven been using Ubuntu enough to say if betas are cool or not, had a laptop with 12.04 alpha1, still updating, and my desktop is on 12.04 since alpha2, cool till now.
I do look forward to upgrade the desktop in May or so...
Thing is my wife does her whole work on this desktop. If I brick it, I will have a hard time for a long time.
I have confidence you could unbrick it pretty quickly
I could, but it's a matter of time. She may need it before I am finished ;)
In fact she will need it before that.
Just because it does not work at the very moment.
From what I've seen so far i don't ecpect any problems however.
Yeah. I really do think about pulling answers when you provide a cut/paste way and someone chooses to deviate from the text and it borks...then they blame the answer. And true. I don't anticipate problems.
anybody got a close vote who thinks this is an alpha beta issue?
Q: screen flickering after update

lukesauI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and I did a regular update. I did sleep the computer mid way through the package download process (note I did not sleep the computer during installation only during the download) and resumed a couple minutes later. after reboot, the unity launchbar flickers when I mo...

i got votes
i think it's more non-constructive than anything...but imminently answerable as bug, don't sleep during updates
I spontaneously had an ATI driver that came to my mind...
I always find myself staring at the screen during an upgrade to make sure I don't miss any messages.
When there weren't any I always think: what a waste of time ;)
Same here.
google has hardwired my brain so I can't make searches on other engines, they simply do not work!
^--- Pure awesome.
That's nice
My application still looks as ugly as it did before.
Q: Let me Ask Jon Skeet for you (LMAJSFY)

Andrew Rimmer For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than Ask Jon Skeet for themselves. Enter your search term and click the search button. You will be given a link to an animation, that will show a search being made prior to diverting to the Ask Jon Skeet ...

@jrg Your application?
we need a "Let me ask Jorge Castro for you"
@GeorgeEdison What, LMAJSFY? no. Thats not mine
has anyone else had an issue with 12.04 unity not redrawing the screen on resume from sleep?
Heh - I've had that problem a lot earlier than 12.04.
^---worked for me until latest update
I just made a feature request to make inbox alerts easier to note even if you do not have a Stack Exchange site tab focused:
Q: Show inbox updates in page title

N.N.Recently the following was implemented New Feature: real time updates to questions, answers, and inbox. With this feature the amount of questions with new activity is shown in parenthesis at the beginning of the page title, e.g. "(2) Meta Stack Overflow" means that MSO has two questions with new ...

Yay, just got my first 'nice question'
\o/ Congrats
^--- No at what?
Somebody has hacked my site :(
That is no fun
:"( too bad.
Looks fine to me...
TRUST me on that one.
I've since taken the offending page down.
It was Stack Mobile and it wasn't pretty.
Now for the really fun part - paging through logs to figure out what on earth happened.
I know - I am sooo mad.
But I've changed the CPanel password.
I could imagine :S
...and probably need to change the FTP password too.
people are sick
It was pretty sick what it was redirecting to.
Out of necessity, Stack Mobile is offline until further notice.
Well it looks like you didn't make it to zone-h...so that's a good thing
Yeah, I'll talk to my hosting provider to see if I can figure out how this happened.
9 of 10 it's sqli or bruting
They hired an intern to do security.
@aking1012 I use prepared statements with PDO.
and then the intern left, and they didn't bother changing the passwords
@jrg that could be it too
9 months later, the intern isn't getting another job, so he's now angry and got payback.
Did they catch him?
Oh this is true? (the story you are giving @jrg)
No idea.
@RolandTaylor No, its urban techno legend.
I've heard it multiple times from multiple people with multiple companies, and I'm willing to bet its happened at least once before.
Yep I've heard of r/l cases where it happened more than once.
One guy used child pr0n to mess up his company :(
@RolandTaylor That's low
Well, it's up to my hosting company now.
Yeah dirty
@GeorgeEdison if they don't do enough, you should switch to someone else
I have no idea how the attack occurred (FTP, CPanel, vulnerability in Stack Mobile).
...so it's hard to know what to do.
@RolandTaylor Well, they've been great in the past.
Oh I see
Great answer: How do I upgrade Ubuntu to 12.04? http://askubuntu.com/questions/110477/how-do-i-upgrade-ubuntu-to-12-04/110483?atw=1#110483 #upgrade
Would anyone have an explanation for the launcher not auto-hiding?
@JessParker did you set it to autohide in the system settings?
@JessParker if you are referring to 12.04 - the default is now not to hide, but you can change this as Roland says.
Well i went into display settings and set it to on, restarted and it was still not auto hiding, but i found a ? that was answered with a terminal command so I'm currently trying that.
Just to make sure we are on the same web page, I'll take a screenshot
@JessParker ^
Yes it is on, and the "Left side" radial button checked.
Now a quick question, how did you take a pic that fast
:) I used my super powers
lol jokes aside, I have a program called "Shutter" installed
You can take and edit screenshots quickly with it.
Ahhh, thank you!
You can also take screenshots with printscrn or alt+printscrn (for even faster shots)
(That's what I did for the second screenshot)
and, you're welcome :)
Terminal command?
You prefer the terminal?
Such as: sudo apt-get install shutter
there is a program called `scrot`that you can use from the commandline (can't remember if it's installed by default)

and yes, that works :)
Ahhh thanks
But you can of course do it from the software-centre as well
Don't let me discourage you from the terminal, lol
I like the terminal myself (as do most of us in here... though none as much as @jrg :>)
But if you are new to Linux, it's best to learn via GUI first
Nah you didn't. Now I hate to bug you about all your tricks, but how did you edit the pic? And I've had a little bit of experience, but i prefer command line. I code in batch (in windows of course), a bit of html, and a bit of vbs, and a very small but of vb.net
oh cool
I edited the pic with Shutter :D
(another screenshot on the way)
Ok well it just finished download and I just started it, and thank you so much with the help!
@BrunoPereira Hey so Mark S. is building his own cloud in his garage and would like to try BOINC. No pressure. :)
No problem, I love to help (and I must admit have not been as active on here recently as I used to be)
you got any other tips to make Linux more "productive"?
Don't install Gnome Shell :D
just kidding :D~!
It depends on what you want to do on Linux, really
For example for your HTML: Bluefish
for VB.net: Monodevelop
Oh yes, also, sudo apt-get install synapse grun
Cool, like any "add ons" similar to shutter?
Whats that?
When you need to run applications from the commandline (and you are not on a virtual terminal) - grun application - and for quick access to anything synapse does files, commands, apps, everything from a simple ctrl+spacebar shortcut :D
/rant off
(Unfortunately I can't get a screenshot of synapse on this system cause it is segfaulting :()
I think it is because I am using a pre-release of it
@JorgeCastro lol, sure, no pressure. Kid and gf are on vacation, cutting some loose ends and sorting things out, no promises but it will all be over soon. that's the best I can do :/
What version of Ubuntu are you on?
12.04 :D
but in a way, I'm from the future
Cool same here, Precise Pangolin?
Yep ^_^
I use PPAs for almost every app in existence:

I have Firefox 14,
Ubuntu-Tweak 0.7.x
you know, running 12.04 makes you one of the cool kids here :D
all of us run it :P
@RolandTaylor Almost all of us.
(where is @jrg to scold me for encouraging this?)
@GeorgeEdison haha true :D
Yup, and true
but you are above our level :D
I just need stability.
woot I got synapse to work by downgrading it :D
Jw, but how does synapse work again?
I just installed it
You have to run it manually the first time,
and when you need it after that, just need to press ctrl+space and voila
Type a letter or a number or a word or anything and it starts suggesting things. You can press the arrow keys to filter or choose an item
Rlemon wrote it for me :D
Really? Wow :)
I never used it because that would have been wicked :>
But I have it sitting there if I ever need it ^_^
FlackBot used to be able to star stuff.
Speaking of which, where is my virtual brother gone to?
Well, I'm still waiting to hear back from Jacob on that.
Oh I see
Now how to send pics on here....
lol the mods will have a lol at that string of "Removed" later :D
There's an 'upload' button to the right of the 'send' button.
@JessParker I am not sure if you can as yet, you need the right amount of rep
I forgot how much
@RolandTaylor Does that restriction apply in chat though?
Oh yea well thats easy for you to say Mr. 30k rep.
@GeorgeEdison yeah
nope i dont have that
Do you have that button?
Oh well then you need more rep
yup but thanks
@RolandTaylor what is your fav Ubuntu program/addon
Myself :D
I can't really put my finger on it right now, I would probably have to go with Inkscape, Blender3D or hmmm
tough one
The Gimp is some kind of awesome... but it has a steep learning curve.
Also, Qt Creator (for software development).
The GIMP is high on my list, but right now I can't get 2.7 from a PPA anymore :(
@GeorgeEdison Yea i herd that
@RolandTaylor I got synaxpse to work th
yay :D
btw, reload this page - I voted up your questions, so you might be able to post pics now
Sorry nope
but thxx for the help
comon roland, you know better.
I feel better now :D
@jrg hey bro (I pinged you like 3 times, I must really love you man :D)
@RolandTaylor TERMINAL!!! sent via lynx
wait, this works in lynx?
(lynx is a terminal based browser)
no, it doesn't.
i'm trolling. :D
:D I wish it did lol that would be so awesome
lynx needs to take a lesson from ruby on rails - require a javascript runtime.
instant awesomeness.
@jrg Lynx doesn't support JavaScript.
Seems legit.
@jrg do you know how much rep it takes to put pics in chat?
Whoa sweet!
I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts on that.
Just something I was tossing around in my head.
I agree with:
 "However, today's web applications are becoming increasingly complex and are forced to rely more and more on JavaScript to provide an interactive user experience."
Yeah - the page markup needs to be able to do more of what JavaScript is currently doing.
I haven't figured out how or where to fit stylesheets into this yet, though.
I think that is the goal of HTML5, though I haven't had a chance to "play" with it as yet, and much of the "HTML5" I've seen still uses too much javascript.
HTML5 is awesome - but HTML itself doesn't support inheritance.
You can't have a "base control" and then create other controls that share some of its functionality.
It's impossible.
My biggest headache with the current situation is how you need to define (mainly layout and certain style attributes) outside of the main HTML - that can become pretty tedious as things get bigger - though there is the benefit of being able to recode/reload the CSS without having to recode/reload the HTML
@JessParker I think its 100 rep.
But i'm not sure.
Oh cool thx
@RolandTaylor Yeah, I think CSS needs to stay separate from the markup - though I have some changes in mind for CSS too...
@GeorgeEdison very true. XHTML should have allowed this but afaik did not
@GeorgeEdison Just do sass/scss?
@jrg cual?
@jrg Yeah, something like that - only better.
@GeorgeEdison ... why the questions on easybcd?
@GeorgeEdison i'm stumped as to how you could make that better.
(I forgot what those are)
@jrg Make the browser support it natively for one thing.
@fossfreedom Just curious mostly.
(last time I even heard the terms I was in my early/mid teens :P)
@GeorgeEdison Isn't that the problem LESS is supposed to solve?
@jrg Yeah, but CSS won't work very well with OOML.
It'll need some modifications anyway.
This is making my head hurt, so maybe I'm not understanding. :p
Okay, HTML == out the window.
NOOOO. Then my beloved hipster HAML is gone!!
I'm writing a custom markup language called OOML.
(continue please. :))
I just had a nice little breakfast.
@jokerdino this is good!
@jokerdino now I'm hungry again.
The language adds support for inheritance, stuff like that.
Ok, interesting.
So I'll need to write a browser for it.
...and either adapt CSS or write a new stylesheet language.
Sometimes, I don't mind eating and this is one of those. :)
@GeorgeEdison introduce it to Mozilla :D
So instead of making HTML/CSS/JS be simply for markup, you're going to toss them out the window and make it be a full-blown-bonifide language that can do the laundry? (sorta)
I'm all for it, because inheritance is a huge selling point
@jrg Yeah, kinda.
Oh no, I lost my 8th rank in this first quarter.
I'm confused. I've been doing this (hackishly, but i've been doing it!) with sass.
But that doesn't make HTML elements inherit-able, does it?
(Is 'inherit-able' a word?)
No... but since I'm writing HAML and SASS, it does magic and makes it pretend and act like its inheritable. (is now!)
@GeorgeEdison Yes it is.
(I don't want to speak gibberish or anything.)
(no gibberish here, you're talking to people, not a computer or a working group trying to make something a spec)
@jrg In other words, not the W3C?
@GeorgeEdison Yes. You're talking to us, not them. Words are not important (well, they are, but they aren't as important)
Anyway, i'm liking this idea.
html7 perhaps?
Header : OOMLElement {
        OOMLLabel(text='', width='100%');
        text(content) {
            OOMLLabel.text = content;
Ta-da - a header element!
Then in another element you do:
Element MyPage : OOMLPage {
    Header(text='Hello World!');
And you can stick that element anywhere.
DML? Dynamic Markup Language?
This cuts down significantly on bandwidth because each element is in a separate file and only needs to be retrieved once.
(Let's rewrite HTTP while we're at it - very poor efficiency.)
What would rock is if we could have sane layout without css.
Hey, yeah!
Well, on second thought - we'll keep CSS for colors.
But let's forget about layout.
This is sounding more awesome as we talk.
Let me give you all write access to the doc.
For example: [box][box][box]
Instead of:
And then a separate file saying "align blablabla" for every element :P
(Sorry if I keep sticking to one point - I had hell with that)
Thats a horrible idea there roland
because then we get code that is a bajillion characters wide
@jrg lol if it's done right it's not a horrible idea
and therefor is almost unreadable.
It'd be worse than reading minified javascript.
I didn't meant hat was how the code would be laid out :D
@jrg Don't worry - the goal here is to avoid the requirement to specify layout at all.
I was refering to the elements (when rendered)
OOML elements should be able to automatically figure out the best layout.
You had me really worried there roland.
@jrg lol my apologies :D
Ok, time to get ready for lessons.
@jokerdino you're leaving?
Basically we need people to do the following: start a new page in the Google Doc and let their imagination help them write a reasonably complex page in OOML.
Make up syntax as you need it.
Be creative.
Don't let restrictions of HTML or CSS keep you from using an idea.
Be warned, I'm probably going unknowingly to ditch all the Json-style syntax and write something more python or rubyish. :p
I'd write something... human
How can you not call this human?
twas trolling :D
def a_model < Inherits::From::A::Class
$variable = 123
@RolandTaylor lol. :)
Should the header and footer have names?
@RolandTaylor Leaving for lesson time, soon.
Start a document.
  The title of the document is "My Page".
  The page contains a header and some content.
    The header has my name on it.
    The contents contain "Lorem ipsum...".
End the document.
^--- HRML - Human Readable Markup Language.
@GeorgeEdison Thats almost Gherkin like - github.com/cucumber/cucumber/wiki/Gherkin
@jrg It does for a fact.
Its interesting, because its so simple, yet to powerful.
@jokerdino cya
@jrg Left a couple of comments on that.
Just threw something together :P
@GeorgeEdison are you user #5?
I don't like that though, its too JS-y.
@RolandTaylor No clue.
Add me by email to see real names.
(At least I think that works.)
@jrg lol
I forgot your email off hand
lol 1 sec :P
Can you answer this? How do I host my own Bazaar shared repositories? http://askubuntu.com/questions/116479/how-do-i-host-my-own-bazaar-shared-repositories?atw=1 #bazaar
02:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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