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I love this 1080p monitor
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: Pattern based, batch file rename in terminal by wilkster on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
@ThomasWard use the modtanium on that ^
I wish Windows error codes were actually useful
random hex strings aren't exactly the most verbose
Windows update error codes are useless
And if they know the error why not just give you the info right there rather than make you go to the KB page about it
oh and multiple hex strings correspond to the same error
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, +2 more: brainfireadvice.com/amaBella-allure-Cream/ by eresaownew on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: supplementlab.org/t-complex-1000/ by AlishaGould on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body: The major benefit to this product Erorectin by brandonvali on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
2 hours later…
@muru: Good morning! Long time no see. :)
How are you?
And you are gone... :D
the evil reviewer... :P
@ByteCommander: I bought 3 products in a shop the other day and the price amounted to: £6.66 :P
Hello :)
@ParanoidPanda :D :D :D Good morning ! :)
Hi terdon ! :)
Q: Nginx Gunicorn Flask App is returning my random (cached) version of my website

MelcmaI hope that's a good place to ask as there are several layers of software and can't tell which one is an issue here. My browserync proxy is returning me some cached version of my website, here is my workflow: On top of windows 10, I'm running VMWare instance of Fedora 25 and this is my "base" O...

Good morning :-)
@RonnieDroid Good morning Ron ! :)
@cl-netbox hey Chris, what's up today?
@RonnieDroid I'm busy with helping users in the official Red Hat Community and I improved the question from a user whom I helped yesterday here in chat to solve a problem -> askubuntu.com/questions/930604/… see my answer below ... also I answered a question on U&L -> unix.stackexchange.com/questions/374754/… yesterday which led to a "confusing" discussion. :)
@cl-netbox oh I see, good for you Chris, you told you, you are more help to this world that Christ :-P
@cl-netbox why would he want to install grub somewhere else? I am really confused
@RonnieDroid I don't think so, but I try my best ! :) Unfortunately my topics don't attract many users ... only 1 upvote for my vbox answer and that was from the (happy) OP. :(
@RonnieDroid yes, that's what I meant ... first he even downvoted my correct answer ... weird what he's trying to achieve ... he doesn't want to accept how it works.
@cl-netbox you at least solved his problem :-) , I would up vote but we both know that's not how it works :-P
@RonnieDroid sorry, don't understand ???
@cl-netbox he wants to install grub from (let's say ) Ubuntu to the (let's say) fedoras folder in the EFI partition, but why why? Maybe I think he is trying to install grub to an accessable folder so he can see how it works?
@cl-netbox I meant, I didn't understand the question nor the answer, because I don't use virtual machines, so I can not up-vote your answer even if it is correct. Right?
@RonnieDroid no ... he wants to use GRUB as a standalone ... somehow as it works in MBR machines ... strange
@RonnieDroid no, OP accepted and said that it solved the problem ! :) but if you don't want, it's okay ... :)
@cl-netbox yeah I see from his comments, people come up with strange problems then blame others for not being able to solve them
@RonnieDroid it was a live support -> chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/38519517#38519517 scroll up the chat to see the whole discussion :)
@cl-netbox well, if it is not against the rules :-P , then why not
@cl-netbox yeah I know, I was here when you were talking to him.
@RonnieDroid thank you ! :)
@cl-netbox I am searching for a good fedora 26 beta review but can't find any on YouTube, do you know one, written or video?
@cl-netbox willkommen mein Freund :-)
@RonnieDroid no, but I can recommend it, I have it running in a VM - works flawlessly ... mostly reviews are done after the final release, which will be in two or three weeks.
@cl-netbox isn't the final release tomorrow??
@RonnieDroid Schön Dich zu sehen !
@RonnieDroid no ... some time later in the mid of July :)
Oh the main site says it's on 11th of July
@RonnieDroid yes ... but only if there are no important bugs ... otherwise it may be delayed :)
I'll try the beta on a VM so to see if I like it, and also to learn my way around it until the final release
@RonnieDroid good idea ! :)
@cl-netbox Ach so! :-D
@RonnieDroid they insist on top quality, so they only release when it's (nearly) perfect - which I appreciate ! :)
@cl-netbox That's a really good approach, Elementary OS does the same "it is released when it is ready"
@RonnieDroid exactly ! :)
@cl-netbox now I'll go learn how to download pictures and text files from the internet with a Python code :-D
@RonnieDroid Please check if you received something ... :)
@cl-netbox !!
@RonnieDroid and ? found it ? you'll need to accept ! :)
@cl-netbox ummm no, I didn't get what you mean, Ich kann manchmal dumm sein :-P
@RonnieDroid I sent you an invite ... check GHO ! :)
@cl-netbox I am really sorry, but I am receiving nothing, and I don't know what GHO is :-\
@RonnieDroid Google Hangouts ! :D
@TheWanderer you woke up loling, how cool is that :-P
@Rinzwind: Anon tried to cripple your answer.
Does anybody have an idea what this gal or guy wants?
They don't appear to withhold information but they can't seem to express what they want in a way that I understand.
@cl-netbox: I was looking to see The Faceless tonight but they cancelled their whole Europe tour like they did with their Australian tour earlier this year (and many others in the past). :-(
@DavidFoerster he sure tried :=)
Is Ubuntu Touch still supported/on-topic?
@DavidFoerster Well, it's still listed here so I guess it must be. We might want to change that though.
@DavidFoerster Hi David ! :) What is / was the reason for cancelling the tours ?
@cl-netbox So far none was published. However the promoter for the Australian tour claimed that the band and its management were uncooperative and lied to them about tour organisation in advent of the cancellation of the Australian tour.
They went as far as to offer disgruntled fans a way to contact the band and its management directly which is… unusual.
@DavidFoerster Sad to see that business beats art in many cases ! :( Are replacement dates announced ?
Eh, it's more likely incompetence. The band has history of unusually frequent show cancellations due to reasons like stolen or broken equipment and "scheduling errors" or just no stated reason at all.
All of these can be avoided or mitigated through planning and competent management… unless the band is for some reason far more unlucky than their colleagues.
No, the entire tours were cancelled, not rescheduled.
@DavidFoerster yes, this is true ... missing of proper planning and general mismanagement very often is the root cause for many (if not most) problems in the music scene.
The Australian promoter implied that they won't work together with the same band management in the future.
@DavidFoerster sounds not very promising ...
The other one got punished too?
yeah it got suspended for a year
@NathanOsman awake?
Some German towns announce the times of their religious services on traffic signs:
"Nudelmesse" means lit. "pasta mass". The logo below should be self-explanatory.
Google says Noodle Fair
I like that better
anyone here? help i deleted /home/ folder by accident
@J.Baptiste You'll have to restore from your backup then.
@J.Baptiste Hi ! :) I read it ... you deleted it with filezilla ... everything is gone ... no chance to get it back ... sorry :(
@terdon IF he has one ... :D
Damn i was never fan of filezilla...
@J.Baptiste that has got nothing to do with filezilla - it is a great FTP tool ... YOU deleted /home ! :)
Yeah but it even didn't asked me to confirm
@J.Baptiste normal behavior ... did you use filezilla for the first time ?
Well complaing wont restore my files :P whatever... lets start from beginning
Very few things will ever ask you for confirmation on a Linux system.
@J.Baptiste true ... lesson learned ? create a backup of your personal stuff regularly ! :)
Don't expect to be asked, you need to be very careful. by the way, did you really delete /home or did you only delete your user's home directory?
Not that either is much better for you :(
Yeah lesson learned :P Hopefully most of my stuff is in the cloud, just not applications configuration files.
Not sure if i deleted home or user directory as I have only one user on this machine and they were automatically recreated. Is there any difference?
@J.Baptiste doesn't matter ... when you delete the user directory, everything is gone :(
BTW why it didn't landed into trash? Limited volume?
@J.Baptiste No, "trash" doesn't exist outside the GUI.
It is a virtual thing. If you delete, you delete. It's only when you right click -> move to trash that trash is used.
@J.Baptiste you deleted it immediately :(
Right I understand
thank you guys :)
@J.Baptiste You're welcome ! :)
@terdon You can use the command gvfs-trash to move files to trash like in the file manager.
In any case you should stop working with that drive immediately and only access it in read-only mode lest newly written data (even by background processes or file system log keeping) may overwrite the inode table entries and drive sectors of the removed files.
@DavidFoerster in most cases all attempts to recover deleted files fail (more or less) - you don't get them back in 100 % perfect state ... so either you have a backup or you better start over from scratch. :)
@cl-netbox I know. But if you don't have a back-up like @J.Baptiste then a recovery of most deleted files is much better than no recovery at all.
In my personal experience the important files are often rather small (text documents etc.) and thus have a much higher chance of full recovery than a large file.
@DavidFoerster well, he said that he stored his personal stuff in the cloud ... so it's just the settings he has to redo when the new /home/user directory gets created. :)
Also, many file formats of larger files can dealt with partial losses "gracefully", i. e. you lose a part of a music or video file or a partial archive.
@cl-netbox Oh. I only read the part "lesson learned […] create back-up". In that case I agree completely.
@DavidFoerster I am astonished why the majority of users don't create backups ... this was the first thing I decided when I started using a computer ... also all my personal stuff is stored on separate partitions and I have backups of everything : systems / data / VMs ... everything :)
@cl-netbox because they don't realize they need backups. They assume nothing is going to go wrong
which is added to the "Users are inherently not smart" category of rules.
which are just IT facts.
@ThomasWard unbelievable ... :D
in other news, new laptop cooling pad with 5 fans, and my system runs a lot cooler now heh
after i busted the fans in the other ones xD
@ThomasWard five fans ??? what kind of power machine are you using ? :D
@DavidFoerster Uhm. While using filezilla?
@terdon maybe he missed that part :)
@cl-netbox he uses 1 fan to fan the other fans
@cl-netbox yeah, four small ones in the corners, one big one in the center. My laptop makes a ton of heat when gaming or running VMs, to the point the keyboard and panel where hands get rested upon get insanely hot where I can't touch it all.
@TheWanderer I am now.
Updating to Canary 5...
@Rinzwind hahaha ... :D Rinzy ! :)
@ThomasWard what kind of human are you? Your hands are not fire repellent? :X
@Rinzwind oh they're fire repellant. But we're talking the CPU averaging at 110C and hard disk temps upwards of 75C
with the graphics card near 130C
@ThomasWard If a hard disk drive goes above 60, you might as well buy a replacement.
That thing is going to fail and fail hard.
@NathanOsman you're right, it will. Except that's at the peak when thermald pegs proc and graphics to min power to cool off.
@ThomasWard makes sense ... I don't play games, so IDK ... but even when some VMs are running at the same time, the heat is acceptable on my notebook. :)
but i usually catch it before with all the alarms going off at 95C CPU,50C HDD, 99Cgpu
i can run my MacOS VM without killing my laptop or generating that much heat. Java's a different beast and some games I play are Java based
and eat resources
My GPU is rated for safely operating at up to 105.
adjustable fan speeds are nice though
this is a four year old laptop though, so its internal fan isn't as nice as it used to be :)
@terdon You said "trash doesn't outside the GUI". Since FileZilla has a GUI I didn't think you were referring to it. However, I thought you referred to terminal interfaces.
@DavidFoerster but filezilla doesn't provide an option to trash files, so they get deleted immediately. :)
@terdon "Prejudiced"? This is Satanism we are talking about for god sake! The thing you described on Wikipedia is practically atheism, and that is not what I am referring to, I mean the people who actually worship him and that energy. Fine, call me 'prejudice' against evil, but with good reason.
@cl-netbox that can be solved with one alias I'd assume?
@DavidFoerster Yes, OK, but trash is a gui thing. gvfs-trash is just a way of using a GUI feature from the comandline. My point was that deleting something on a *nix system doesn't put it in some magic trash folder, it deletes it.
Yes, the unlink syscall.
@Rinzwind no idea ... I use filezilla as a FTP client - not as a trash tool ! :D :D :D
If someone wants to start a new room, I'll gladly move the messages over.
Might even join the discussion :D
Sidenote: Gradle is stupid slow.
Agreed --^
@ThomasWard Uhm, the CPU will hard shutdown after it gets to 105+, so not sure how your computer is still running :D
Depends on the CPU.
AMD CPUs tend to have higher max temps. than Intel CPUs.
@AndroidDev that is a setting in the bios often
Haven't we had this discussion before? :P
Lemme check what mine is...
Now Intels have higher max temps
For example, FX6300 is rated for max 75C
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly dots in answer: System Settings won't start, Ubuntu 16.04 by Onur Tuncel on askubuntu.com (@ThomasWard)
@terdon: You should move this message as well then otherwise it just looks weird.
So I have an AMD A8-5600K with:
Adapter: PCI adapter
temp1:        +38.6°C  (high = +70.0°C)
                       (crit = +70.0°C, hyst = +69.0°C)
@AndroidDev Hmm... maybe I got it backwards...
@NathanOsman Yeah, I think the Ryzen chips can go higher, but the FX and APUs aren't supposed to go higher than 75
And intel is fine at 90 :D
So just out of curiosity, how close are you to getting messages coming in with WebSocket?
Because we were thinking about using some of the room15 project's code since it already works
I'll take a look today and see where we are.
I was just updating AS.
...and Gradle.
...and the Android SDK.
...and whatever-else-decides-to-break :P
And giving your internet connection a workout in the process? :D
P.S. Kaz doesn't like ngix. (See starwall)
1 hour later…
Q: Permission denied with cgroup

user238945I'm new with cgroups and got stuck with adding process in specific cgroup. This what I did so far: I created a directory in sys/fs/cgroup/memory/ with mkdir mycgroup, I want limit the memory and I did it with the following command: echo 30M > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mycgroup/memory.max_usage_in_by...

If there is anyone who is familiar with LVM RAID, please take a look at:
Q: Unable to determine sync status errror when trying split LVM2 RAID 1 mirror

Faheem MithaFor context, see my answer: Move a logical volume from one volume group to another. It looks like I didn't test this enough. While trying to apply this to my system, I got the following error root@orwell:/tmp# lvconvert --splitmirrors 1 --name debian_boot_copy /dev/newdebian/debian_boot Unab...

Goodnight! :)
@AndroidDev i didn't say that
nginx is just... odd.
it's still leaps and bounds better than apache.
did someone mention my favorite topic?
I think Java tends to get more hate than it deserves
It works cross-platform. That's a pretty big bonus
java is awesome. nginx is awesome. satanism is awesome. puppies is awesome. the review queue is awesome. linux is awesome.
"satanism is awesome" - uhhh not so sure about that one
it is. source: am one.
are you trolling? :D
i am not.
grammar is awesome
puppies is not
@AndroidDev Yes?
Better not tell Panda btw.
It will lead to a never ending discussion
@KazWolfe hue
@ByteCommander sounds fun. i'll have plenty of... resources... for... things...
Just today he asked a question on Sceptics.se
i saw the chat.
what did he ask?
I am disappointed.
@AndroidDev mostly because i can be
@KazWolfe But what are you disappointed about?
mostly stereotypes
his disappointment
@KazWolfe be whatever makes you happy, don't care about what others say, live happy :-)
pretty much what i do
except i also judge others.
good for you :-)
I judge others too :-P
but that doesn't mean i should give a $hit about what others say :-D
1 hour later…
1 hour later...

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