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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@KazWolfe Yeah the FCC regulations require that the router listen for 15 seconds or something before transmitting on 5G to insure to no interference with radar or something stupid like that... like <100mw is actually going to make any noticeable impact
i'm broadcasting at way over 100mW
just how much txpower are you emitting?
FCC allows up to 1W at 5GHz
Plus do you have a source for the listen requirement? I've never heard of that before now.
I think I stumbled upon that when I was digging through the AOSP p2p_supplicant code
As for 1W...
if you're transmitting at that kind of power, I'd start to worry about your health
correction: 158mW @ 5GHz
and that's just to not be mean to neighbors.
I have, however, worked with multiple-watt radio systems.
I'm still perfectly fine.
Yeah but did you sit next to them for days on end?
@KazWolfe I found this on a random Reddit thread "There is a pretty detailed explanation of what has to happen when a DFS certified wifi AP detects radar. It is a lengthy process that can cause several minutes of downtime while it listens on other channels to make sure it can find a clear one."
@KazWolfe Here's a PDF from Cisco on the subject: cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/routers/access/3200/software/wireless/…
@AndroidDev that only covers Europe.
@AndroidDev, I sleep with a sample of Americium-241 within 10 feet of my head.
granted, very small sample, but a sample nonetheless. radiation is not scary.
well "next to them" meaning "a safe range that won't cause any burns"
You get exposed to much more radiation in an airplane anyway.
maybe you do C_C
yeesh, doing things the right way takes forever
(programming, not morals)
Every marvel movie ever
GAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (I just went outside to put a trashbag in the trashcan, and ran smack into a huge (4ft+) spiderweb and the spider just had to land on me! Of course, it being completley dark was what made it so bad)
spider bro
Yeah yeah I know, but I hate spiders :D
It was also quite a large spider
It was definitely not your tiny house spider
@KazWolfe uhm... oooookay?
Though smoke detectors have it to0 so.....
@NathanOsman That depends whether or not the window is open
almost done with the adding rework
I'm going to push it, and it's going to be messy, and there will be bugs
@TheWanderer New branch maybe?
I'm hoping to get it functional
What have you changed?
You rewrote the entire app? :P
uh-huh. sure sure
In PHP no less.
A Ryzen 7 1700X for less than $300 at Walmart.
@NathanOsman They dropped the prices a bit when the announced Threadripper
@Seth why though
@TheWanderer there actually is a why. watch it
@Seth gulp yeah that's the thing, black widows are pretty common where I live
Lol did you see what spell correct changed that to? :D
@AndroidDev it's actually an interesting video. You should watch it. Apparently they're not likely to bite, and if they do, usually not with enough venom to kill you.
@AndroidDev haha
Coyote Peterson really is amazing.
@Seth A friend of mine got bitten multiple times when he was putting on a jacket in the garage because a couple of them made a nest in the sleeve. He did have to go to the ER IIRC
@AndroidDev yeah, he said they can make you very sick
I thought they were deadly, but perhaps that's not entirely accurate.
Seriously though, having them make a nest in your clothes is extremely creepy.
I used to know a guy that had a scorpion climb into his shirt while he was sleeping once..
@Seth The coat had been sitting in his garage for a few months, so...
@AndroidDev yeah. still, up here that's usually not a problem.
although we can get black widows
so @NathanOsman the RequestFactory is doing weird things
No surprise there :P
it's telling me that room 222 isn't found
this is where cookies would be handy
if I'm not signed in, I can't load that chat o_O
@AndroidDev I pushed; adding chats works now, but removal is broken. I need to go to sleep, so I'll work on that tomorrow.
@TheWanderer Ok
@Seth I felt like it was crawling on Me just watching that video
autocorrect strikes again xD
but yeah. Gives me the shivers.
The centipede was the worst.
1 hour later…
Unrelated but... has anyone figured out what the purpose of Instagram is?
Trying to figure out if it is worth wasting my time or not.
3 hours later…
Smells smokey...
Q: Is there any printer driver for Fuji Xerox M115W on Ubuntu 16.04?

PTTGIs there any printer driver for Fuji Xerox M115W on Ubuntu 16.04? I cannot find it available on the vendor's website.

So I don't know if anyone's around / would know the answer, but... Any idea why my mouse would suddenly be going haywire this morning?
The pointer seems to keep jumping around by itself.... but not in a "touchpad is sending faulty signals" kind of way, but a "it seems to really like these specific screen coordinates"
I disabled the touchpad via xinput and synclient and removed the USB mouse, and it still moves by itself, so I don't think any of the attached devices are doing this
Never seen this before and all I can think that's changed since yesterday was a kernel update (and even then I can't remember if that was yesterday or the day before)
@JezW Did you post a question?
(actually if I change the screen mirroring mode it becomes a bit clearer what it's doing - it seems to be trying to keep jumping to the middle of the screen)
@Sumeet I didn't, because it feels like the kind of thing that's potentially too narrow (and given two other recent experiences with questions on other SE sites becoming tumbleweeds I have to admit I've become a bit disheartened with it)
I was just wondering if anyone was around who had any quick ideas, because this is almost impossible to work with
Ok, I think I've found it, and it's supremely weird.
I think the laptop has an accelerometer in it so that it knows if the computer's in motion (and can stop the hard drive heads from moving for safety)
and for God-knows-what reason, xinput was picking that up as a joystick :/
Q: How does this happen? Or When to comment on an Answer?

Sumeet Deshmukh Shows two same review comments from two different users Whenever reviewing Low-Quality Posts (Answers) I generally choose to comment if appropriate situation is detected, But if a comment is present on the answer already, should I select No comment Needed option?

Picking up the laptop and tilting it changed where the pointer tried to jump to (mercifully a simple xinput disable seems to have stopped it)
Wow! You people really are crazy! :D
@JezW maybe you should post your conclusion too, People will answer
@Fabby: And I'm a scary old sock again! ;P
Hello :)
hi @cl-netbox
@fossfreedom Hi David ! :) Nice to see you ! :) How are ubuntu budgie things going ? Are you satisfied so far ?
@ParanoidPanda scary old sock ... hahaha ... good morning to you ! :) Everything fine today ?
UB chugging along - 17.10 will be a very nice release ... assuming all the stars align
@fossfreedom I think there are high chances that users will switch to ubuntu budgie 17.10 - especially those ones who are not happy with Canonical's decision moving to GNOME - budgie is a good alternative to unity. :)
ah - nice thoughts. Although really, more interested in bringing in new users - much better for Ubuntu as a whole.
@fossfreedom Well, I think it was quite risky what Mark did, many users are moving away from ubuntu. So first thing should be to get them back into the boat - means rebuilding trust ! Me personally, I was very disappointed about the way (HOW) Canonical managed the lay-offs.
in many ways its up to all of us to step up and sell ourselves - sell the virtues of the diversity in the ubuntu family.
@fossfreedom true ! :) My opinion is that your project has a bright future - ubuntu budgie gives (new) users a great DE with high ease-of-use combined with a well maintained basic OS ... and I wish you best luck to achieve what you want ! :)
Q: Set Maximum Apache child processes per user

blade19899When I set the MaxRequestWorkers to 20, all the Apache Child processes cannot be more then 20. But, that means if one users used all of the 20, the rest of the users are also not allowed to make more apache child process. I want to set this up on a per user basis. If user John created 20 process...

How hard would it be to make a snap or flatpak of Blender for Ubuntu
Oh there is a flatpak of Blender
RINZY !!! :) :) :)
Chat HTTPS redirects did not go well. Rolling back now and investigating.
Hi guys, @steeldriver please be careful approving formatting edits. This one: askubuntu.com/questions/928074/… is no code, the date ended on the wrong line.
@JacobVlijm Steeldriver? How are they involved?
Kotlin has no semicolons!!!
Also, @JacobVlijm, I don't know how to fix that. The OP probably has to do it. Your edit put everything on the same line which is also wrong.
Aaah! Steeldriver approved it. I see.
@terdon The formatting is unclear except that OP mentions the date is on the second line, wich made me block-quote the section, exactly like he put it initially. One line? No, look at my edit.
Q: How can I make work a custom alias

bayocrI working on Ubuntu Desktop Edition 16.04.2 LTS, I would like create a custom alias to system update and upgrade command. I am created a alias in my .bashrc: alias upsys="sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" When run the alias at first time ask the password for sudo and run the first command t...

@JacobVlijm I did. But when you select by double clicking, it selected everything which makes it one line.
@terdon crap, you are right...
@JacobVlijm yeah I already apologized for that in comments. To be fair it's pretty hard to see where the "real" linebreaks are when the input is wrapped over multiple lines
@steeldriver Very.
I think I have it though. Look at the "source" of the original and you can see this:
Malian Aero Company,,,,,Aircraft,TZ-DDG,(Seed 1),,,Block-on (Z),18:19,      Landing (Z),,18:14,Date,06/06/16
2016  MALI  WEATHER  MODIFICATION  PROGRAM,,,,,,,,,,Block-off (Z),16:35,        Takeoff (Z),,16:41,Page,1
,Pilot:,Daniel Chacon,,Co-Pilot:,Malik,,Observer: ,,,Total Time,01:44,    Flight  Time    ,,01:33,Type,Seed
Time,Cell,Event,LAT,LON,Alt.,Ejectable (Glacio),,BIP (Hygro),,Remarks,,,,,,
@steeldriver no appologies needed, I could have done the same. very unclear
I edited again. I think it's OK now.
@terdon ...but that doesn't match his question, where the date "is in line two"
@JacobVlijm And yet, that's what the original data were. I am guessing the OP said line two looking at the question and not the data.
It seems quite clear from the source.
@terdon Haha, yeah, that could be it :)
...@steeldriver then I owe you an apology for making you apologize for nothing, we are back where we are after the first edit :)
API 26 fixes the System Settings write!
@JacobVlijm And in a few minutes I might have to apologize to both of you and the OP :P
@JacobVlijm lol we're all starting to sound Canadian ;)
steeldriver in chat? :O
Does anyone think this is actually an answer?
A: Can I take text which is in a csv and make it the name of the csv file

don.joeyYou could use cut to select the exact column you need, then you could use date (for instance, in combination with sed) to set the filename. Put this in a loop to go through all your files and you're done. To help you on the way: cut --delim="," -f17 yourfile.csv | head -n1 This will select t...

Am I being harsh?
I think this is an answer :)
@terdon Yes I guess (Am I in position to say this? I don't know)
@don.joey Ha! You would, wouldn't you :P
@SumeetDeshmukh Of course you are in a position to say, I was asking for honest opinion. Why wouldn't you be? And yes what? Yes it is an answer?
@terdon Am I being harsh? ==>> Yes I guess
By the way, I think this is better than posting a script... Give a man a fish... teach him how to fish... type of thing
But hey, I'm off to more important things
@don.joey my problem with that is that the question is asking how to rename a file using data from inside that file. Your answer is just a (bad) cut solution which makes possibly unwarranted assumptions about the file (not that the OP said the date is on the second line, for example; they may be wrong, but that's what they said). All your answer does is give the date in a format that isn't what the OP wants.
@terdon at least thanks for reaching out here and being open to think about it
@don.joey You didn't teach anything at all. Instead of teaching to fish, you said here's a fishing pole. Now go buy a book on fishing, have someone explain how to add a line and hook and buy a map to find some lakes.
No man you're taking this too seriously
I point the way: use cut to get your data, use date to transform it, that's it
@don.joey it's his job to take these things seriously (I guess) (to clarify even further He is a mod
The answer requires i) extracting the date correctly from the file ; ii) converting the date's format to something else and iii) renaming the file to that something else. Your answer sort of gives i) but with no explanation and completely ignores the rest.
@don.joey Well, that's not an answer. It's slightly less than 1/3 of an answer.
0.2 of an answer? :P
common man, spend some time on SE, you'll be happy with an answer that has more than 4 lines
BTW, if you think that this question is answerable, you should have upvoted it
@don.joey I assume you mean SO, not SE and I have spent time there, thank you. And the good answers are actually answering the question. And SO is SO, nothing to do with AU.
SO I mean
@don.joey I don't think it's answerable. Not unless the OP confirms the edit. Which is precisely why I didn't post an incomplete and barely helpful answer.
mate, you're crossing the line here
I am?
You posted an eaten apple core, to use the meta.se terminology:
Q: Your answer is in another castle: when is an answer not an answer?

Shog9I think we can all agree, this sucks: If you've been around a little while, you've probably encountered hundreds of answers like this in various forums, some of them even marked as "The Answer" by well-meaning1 forum admins looking to close a thread. We could try to enumerate the commonly-obse...

shoggy woggy
yeah, you forgot you just have an opinion... maybe that kid asking the question is already hacking his way into his data with cut
I've seen that image before,
you know what, answer the question yourself, mr appletree
oh it was used to tell me that my answer was not a Good Answer and I had agreed
@don.joey I don't really understand why you're taking this so personally. But suit yourself.
Hello. Does anyone know of a good resource for understanding the Xwindows system and how it comes together with Wayland vs Mir, lightdm vs gdm etc? I recently "upgraded" from 16.04 to 16.10 for no-good-reason-what-so-ever and ended up losing all input from keyboard and mouse. It got back when I installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop. I guess there's a bug in mir or lightdm which might have caused this but I have no idea how to even find an error log to give a hint where to start looking.
Ubuntu is moving to Wayland from Mir, right?
@terdon I'm taking this personally? I feel offended by the arrogance with which you dismiss my genuine effort to help that guy out.
So yes, I feel offended.
And yes, that's not going to incite me to tackle more questions.
@Hyperdrive Ubuntu never quite made it to Mir. Currently on X11. Ubuntu may default to Wayland for 17.10
But hey, why would you care, you have them all in the back of your mind, right?
In my defense, at least one other person thought you were to harsh
But hey now I'm really cutting my losses her
@don.joey OK, first off sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I was kind of riled at what I perceived as your arrogance. Both in your comment ("I am here to provide an answer, not to code the whole thing up. I don't do other people's homework") and in your answer ("now it's your turn to transform it").
The combination made me feel that was not at all a genuine effort to help. If it was indeed well meant, then I apologize if I caused offense.
However, I truly consider that not an answer or, at the very least, not a remotely helpful answer. It might have been a useful comment, but it isn't a full answer.
Anyway, as you said, that's my opinion and at least one other person also disagreed. I tried to explain why I felt this way and failed to convince you. Your opinion, obviously, is just as valid as mine so I will not force the issue.
I'll also promise not to handle any "Not an answer" flags your post might attract.
I will warn you that it might attract such flags though. I have very often seen answers like yours that only give the beginning of an answer flagged as NAA.
@fossfreedom Thanks for the clarification. So I've actually been running X11 and not mir when I use ubuntu-desktop then. I suppose the ubuntu-gnome-desktop is using this too, right? So the only difference that makes my keyboard work after upgrade is the display manager then? ie the difference between lightdm and gdm3?
I suddenly realized that it might not be the usb keyboard/mouse at all which is blocking input but some other thing.
What's a simple way to determine what xserver you are running? Is there a good chart anywhere which can help you identify the binaries?
Possibly you are left defaulted to xserver-xorg-input-synaptics rather than xserver-xorg-input-libinput
see if the input library is installed - if it is - check synaptics has been correctly removed
Those are two versions of the X11 xserver, the "x.org"? I'm still trying to learn out the basic terminology here. (20 years later).
synaptics and libinput are the means how mice and keyboards etc are recognised
you need only one of them installed - libinput is now recommended, synaptics has been deprecated.
Hmm.. wikipedia is my friend https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System
But it seems keyboard and mouse goes into the xserver and not display manager. So I suppose this means that I'm using two different xserver as you suggest, one built for synaptics and on for libinput. Right?
Is there any reason that the default upgrade from 16.04to 16.10 would make use of the wrong xserver?
depends on how the packagers packaged ubuntu gnome
oh, I only installed ubuntu-gnome-desktop as a desperate attempt for getting it to work. Before that I was only on default settings (using Nvidia drivers)
It was basically just default upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10 which broke my input.
I've been on Ubuntu or quite some time and it was a long time I experienced such a catastrophic failure before, so I'm really curious about why this happened.
k - as I said - check that one of those packages are installed - generally I put things like this on the "oops" bucket of things that goes wrong.
ok! thanks for the advice!
eek a mouse
Q: How can I pass variable in script via terminal when execute abc.sh

VinodI want to pass variable in script at the time of execution ex: sh abc.sh export id=3

ooooh I can use toString() on Ints in Kotlin
oh you are on the kotlin hype train?
although certain things are a little weird
mSharedPreferences?.edit()?.putInt("currentVal", currentVal!!)?.apply()
punctuation galore
? interesting
could that be valid code in kotlin
1 hour later…
@cl-netbox Yep! All good! The weather is finally cooling down! They say it might even rain some time today! :)
@ParanoidPanda We have something between 35 C and 40 C here in South-West Germany ... hot - extremely hot ! :)
@cl-netbox: That's what it's been like starting from Saturday here! :D
@ParanoidPanda not normal for the UK - right ? it's known to mostly have cold, rainy and windy weather ! :)
@cl-netbox: Yes, we Brits prefer it that way too! :P
@ParanoidPanda I don't wanna complain : for me personally, I prefer summer, so it's okay :D
By the way @terdon how is the weather in Greece ? more than 40 C ? :)
Tsk. You northern types never get it right. We're barely at 30.
@cl-netbox: For some reason I just can't stand this heat, I think it's because I'm too white, I just don't have any natural protection against the sun so it gets a bit much for me.
31 C according to accuweather. And that's not really hot given that Athens is not humid at all.
@ParanoidPanda understandable and valid reason ! :)
@terdon You're really lucky then!
The one thing this country does well is weather.
And, of course, it's the one thing we can take no credit for :)
@terdon what ? did you mean me too ? I said : chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/38302200#38302200 :D
@cl-netbox I meant you northern countries. It's either too hot or freezing! :P
And I wasn't being serious.
@terdon :D
@terdon you are right ... most people complain about everything ! :D
Wow... This got real unpopular real quick (it was featured on YouTube the other day)... "Adolf Hitler" keeps commenting on it... They're deleting the negative comments, the thing is, I would expect more positive comments. It is quite strange. Maybe the content from bots is overwhelming the actual commenters though.
@ParanoidPanda The people who comment on youtube tend to represent the lowest percentile of human intelligence.
I can only agree with that after having a brief look at the comment section
Any comment section of any youtube video.
Let's say most.
It's like there's some sort of field that deadens your brain if you so much as think of commenting on a youtube video.
I almost exclusively watch music videos there anyway, these also usually have a less trashy comment section
I must admit, I very rarely, if ever, do it.
Ha! Of course there's an XKCD for this.
I certainly wouldn't want to enter into a discussion there.
<-- proud owner of no single Google-related account
It seems like such a pointless waste of time. First because I really don't want to be involved with the people who comment on youtube videos in any way and also because there's just no point. You write your crap, it disappears 5 seconds later under all the other crap.
I only ever comment if the video maker assures me that they will read the comment and I actually have something constructive to say. So not very often, but sometimes I do comment, but only really on a certain type of video.
But yes, normally, if not always, it is pretty pointless.
I'm not sure why I actually bother sometimes, it's more as a note to myself actually than to anyone else! :D
@AndroidDev Screenshots of plain text? Please no. I also was faster... :P
@ByteCommander yeah fine :P
@terdon So true though :\
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Download Laravel is too slow using Composer by jessicabarnes on askubuntu.com
seriously. people need to read the bloody question.
also relevant, @terdon:
Man, I just wanted to know how babby was formed.
@KazWolfe YES! That's the one I was looking for actually. Thanks :)
they're both good.
@KazWolfe someone should really do that
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