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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Yeah, I did make a comment
I just deleted it earlier when Byte pinged me to say he had answered it
I don't remember doing that lately, and I'm not saying it's the best way or even a good way but I imagine I was trying help OP to do it themselves as much as possible
like, maybe the comment will be TL;DR, so if I can show what I mean for part of it instead of explaining, it will be easier, and they might not find the revision history, so it may be a little easier if I leave it in the post. I saw someone else do the same thing and I thought it was smart and nice
@Zanna Don't you think that the user asked the question to get an answer in first place rather than getting help how to improve his post to fit the "high" standard of the site ?
@cl-netbox sorry I don't understand
@Zanna I read the discussion between you and @ByteCommander and checked the post ... and (IMHO) @ByteCommander did the right thing.
@cl-netbox hmm? That person already found their answer.
I agree completely that he he did the right thing
that is not at all in dispute
he did an excellent job
he asked me to explain my actions, which I was trying to do
eventually, I would have made the self-answer into a CW myself, but I hadn't got around to checking back on that comment yet (I'm currently on Feb 27th hahaha)
@Zanna yes, you said : "it's trying to show the user what to do rather than explain at length (I'm a teacher...)" ... and IMHO a user asks a question to get an answer in first place rather than getting help how to improve his post.
The user posted their own answer in the question
that's not how we like things to be done, so the post, I think, needed to be improved to fit the site format
the OP did not need further help, I think
@Zanna I know ... and you deleted it in your edit ... @ByteCommander then put the answer back.
but I wanted to encourage them to fix it themselves, so that they could get reputation for their answer
@cl-netbox it is not a choice between getting an answer and help improving the post, is it?
@Zanna na, I would probably leave it in the post and just leave the comment.
I favourite such posts and come back to it later.
And, you could probably use snoozetabs in Firefox and set it to reopen the tab in x number of days too.
I come back by checking my old comments
@Zanna this is a new 1 (one) rep user ... they have no clue how to use AU (in most cases) ... he asked a question and accidentally found the answer which he wrote as an edit into the question.
I do it systematically
@NathanOsman If you are around at some point, I have a Go question
@cl-netbox the answer should be in the answer section, right?
@Zanna yeah but I am just thinking no need to edit the answer out if you are not going to copy it to the answer right away.
@jokerdino yeah I agree it's better to leave it in the post and explain. If they don't get it right, we can always edit. I don't think I have removed any answer-edited-into-questions lately except when I am making the answer.
@jokerdino you mean better not to leave the answer-in-the-question for so long?
No, if you are going to edit the answer out, then make an answer ASAP.
If you want OP to do it, then don't edit it out.
oh yeah, I agree
I'm pretty sure I'm doing that lately, but I'm so sleepy I may very well be totally confused
Because if you edit it out and come back to it several months later, we probably missed out on helping a bunch of other people who were looking for the answer.
this is a very good point
@jokerdino yes - of course ! and that's my point : @Zanna deleted the answer part completely and @ByteCommander put it back into the answer section ... do you really think that deleting his answer part would really lead to make him learn what he has to do here ? IMHO users are focused on getting their main problem solved ... and their main problem is not how AU works.
Byty ! :)
Yeah, cl-netbox and jokerdino exactly covered the points I had in mind.
@cl-netbox that looks weird
@ByteCommander True ... hahaha :D
Bytey maybe?
Rinzy ! :)
boxy! :)
@ByteCommander maybe :D
bytey! :+
ok @ByteCommander : BYTEY ! :D
@cl-netbox please tell me how we should help users learn how AU works if not for commenting and editing.
@jokerdino kick them to the "help" section or force them to get 200 rep on U+L 1st >:)
If the new user doesn't bother about how the site works and asks their question in an answer, probably no one is going to help them.
@jokerdino a friendly comment is something else than deleting (editing) important parts of a post like it was done here - right ?
@cl-netbox I don't see how an answer is an important part of a question. Maybe you can help me understand.
@Rinzwind hahaha ... our rinzy ... :D
Editing that answer out of the question definitely is the right thing to do. The only reason it was brought up was how it was done (using <> to hide it) and the lack of follow up (not making an answer).
Once again I have doubts about a post in teh reopen review queue. (askubuntu.com/questions/926132/…). The recent edit makes it "unclear what you are asking" instead of "too broad". Should we reopen it, just to close it for another reason?
Hi Kaz ! :)
@guntbert No, don't do that. Waste of 5+5 votes
@jokerdino right, lets leave it closed then
@guntbert Did the edit by OP make the question clearer?
@jokerdino Quick question. I know technically inaccurate posts are flag-decline, but how should I deal with those in VLQs?
@jokerdino So, you think that improved the post ? If @Zanna would have removed the answer from the question and at the same time posted it as an answer like @ByteCommander did, then it would have been helpful ... and only then ! Or am I completely wrong here ?
@jokerdino no, it was closed as "too broad", now he said he want to replace Ubuntu with gnome - which makes it totally unclear
@KazWolfe downvote+comment maybe?
@jokerdino but hit "looks ok" vs delete?
If you are sure it's inaccurate, I would be fine with a community deletion.
@cl-netbox yes, you have to do both things at the same time.
@jokerdino good - thank you
I already told Zanna about this, so yeah.
Why is askubuntu.com/q/46833/367990 accumulating delete votes? It is off-topic and correctly closed as such, yes, but I'd say given the vote count and the time it has been on the site, it's worth being kept for historical reasons.
@guntbert gah, could we ask for more info if he wants a reopen?
The info provided is not sufficient to answer the question in its current state.
@ByteCommander yes, we should keep that.
we can always undelete, though.
@ByteCommander what value do we see in that post? o.O
@jokerdino the answers explain differences ... so can be useful for new linux users who want to try ubuntu.
@jokerdino Historical significance, and a good signpost for when people ask about "what's the difference? mint is just reskinned ubuntu"
it's greener... wow
Feel free to tease Luis regarding that answer, @here.
Um.. what? I thought we only needed three DVs?
no it scales based on score
I don't know the formula, but the maximum is 10
ah, til.
I'd find it for you on MSE, but I'm trying to pack to move house D:
i found a link that says that, so...
@KazWolfe what is going on here ? is there a "closing and deleting race" started ?
@KazWolfe the exact formula I mean
@cl-netbox no idea. big-list question, so i don't see why we should reopen.
@KazWolfe then we can close and delete a huge amount of stuff - right ?
also, 1000 edits stats: 617 accepted, 269 rejected, 117 improved
@cl-netbox we should close more, and delete the useless old cruft when it's not really good to have around.
@KazWolfe well, who wants to decide what's useful or not ... think of the many command line posts ... e.g. how to display time in a terminal ? what does that have to do with ubuntu ? But : when we close and delete such things - what will be left ? Who decides ?
@KazWolfe No idea why that was reopened. Classic too broad as far as I can tell.
possibly someone wants to protect it from deletion
could be locked perhaps, like the cheeseburger one...
oh, so it was reopened.
@Zanna What was your rationale?
@terdon I didn't want to delete it
or to reopen it
I don't think that posts with positively scored answers are deleted, are they?
I'm speculating about others' motivation
@Zanna Didn't you vote to reopen? Your name is there.
they can be if closed for a long time
@terdon it had 4 delete votes
Reopen voters:

Paranoid Panda
Byte Commander
Sigh. The delete happy brigade strikes again.
oh, sorry about that. I guess that was my rationale then lol
It is too broad I agree
@terdon one of those was me. i had a "wtf" moment at three DVs. my bad.
@KazWolfe time isn't involved apart from the initial 2 day delay before you can vote. >10kers can vote to delete any closed question
@KazWolfe It's OK, it's just that there are a few users (none of whom are in this room) who tend to vote to delete a lot. As though there's any benefit in deleting old, bad (by today's standards) yet popular questions. They're closed, just let them be!
@terdon hmm isn't deleting just to remove crap and harmful answers?
yeah, i've noticed that... mildly annoying at times.
@KazWolfe How can you know this ?
@Rinzwind Supposedly, yes.
@Rinzwind and crappy useless questions
@cl-netbox I have powers beyond your wildest dreams.
but not that one which is fun and cool
Deletes are usually supposed to be used to get rid of "bad" things.
(or the Timeline if you know to get to that)
@cl-netbox newbie :=)
@Rinzwind agreed :)
@cl-netbox know about this one? askubuntu.com/reputation
@Rinzwind Yes. Tell that to the delete brigade.
@terdon gimme a list >:-D
Nah, don't want to name people, but just look at the various posts on meta about all the old list questions that would be closed now and the people who want to delete them.
for sure we are supposed to delete crap questions - otherwise why would we have the ability to vote to delete questions?
Presumably in the name of racial purity or whatever the Q&A equivalent is.
@terdon delete brigade : that nails it
@terdon so we have postists on ask ubuntu. wonderful.
@cl-netbox and do you know about data.stackexchange.com/askubuntu/queries ?
@KazWolfe Postism! Yes, that's it exactly :)
@Rinzwind you know things ... nice :) thanks for teaching me internal stuff :)
there is a metric ton of data hidden around the place.
some of that data is extremely useful
@KazWolfe The first time i read that, I thought you wrote post-its and went to the main site to search for yellowish stickers...
@Rinzwind some people don't care how the site works and only want to help/get help. ;)
Does anyone here know something about snaps? I have a snap loop device on my 16.04, but I don't think I still have any snaps installed. How can I check?
looks like a good question :)
sounds like a dupe
$ snap list
Name  Version  Rev   Developer  Notes
core  16-2     1689  canonical  -
What is that?
does it have a man page or something?
$ snap info core
name:      core
summary:   "snapd runtime environment"
publisher: canonical
contact:   [email protected]
description: |
  The core runtime environment for snapd
type:               core
tracking:           stable
installed:          16-2 (1689) 83MB -
refreshed:          2017-04-11 14:28:54 +0200 CEST
  latest/stable:    16-2                     (1689) 83MB -
  latest/candidate: 16-2.26.4                (2085) 83MB -
  latest/beta:      16-2.26.4                (2085) 83MB -
Hmm... do I need that?
I think Seth knows something about snaps.
Actually the only snap I ever had installed (for just a few minutes, it did more harm than good) was Anbox.
So I don't need anything snappy to be running currently at all
I guess you can shoot it probs.
$ sudo snap remove core
error: cannot remove "core": snap "core" is not removable
Doesn't like being shot
@ByteCommander that is the core snap - once you installed ubuntu-core it is mounted ... on top of that snaps get installed.
@ByteCommander here you find more information in my question -> askubuntu.com/questions/895634/… how to remove core snaps
@ByteCommander sudo snap remove core --revision <number> is the command ... but the last one cannot be uninstalled with this method ... you have to boot from a live media and delete it from there.
@terdon OK, where am I messing up here ? I'm confuzzzzl'd
$ perl -pe 's/^(.*)(\d+?)$/\2AAA/'  <<< "test1234"
use Java
bleh , no thanks
use PHP
Nathan would have something to say about that
use Brainfuck
I'll stick with Python
That's closer to Python
Haitch Tee Emm Ell
raises eyebrow
Cascaaaaaaaaading Stylesheet
Duck Duck Goose.
$ perl -pe 's/^(.*)(\d.*)$/\1X/g'  <<< "test1234"
OK, I'm clearly doing something wrong here
@cl-netbox Thanks, but I found askubuntu.com/q/772912/367990 and now simply purged snapd.
@terdon nevermind, figured it out
The coincidence of user names in this Q&A... askubuntu.com/q/926221/367990
Java is a perfectly fine language.
@KazWolfe Yeah, I think it gets a bit more hate than it deserves.
woohoo, am now #20 on VLQ reviews :D
is there a mod here?
there is not, no.
@ByteCommander because I don't think this is a coincidence
they're both going around with some pretty LQ answers
with a 5 month difference in account creation?
look at the activity though
they don't really have any coinciding activity
@TheWanderer I noted that too after posting this...
worst case, it might be two alts, but i don't see any immediate signs of system-gaming
I figure it's worth an IP check
Btw, are all those "Will Ubuntu work on Model XY?" questions on topic here? I personally find them pretty annoying as they either need to be answered with "just try in a live session" or requires extensive research of the components of that device etc.
And always likely opinion-based.
I think we have a canon dupe
Q: Should we have a blanket question for "Is this hardware compatible with Ubuntu?"

RobotHumansI know shopping recommendations are off-topic, but I think "Is this hardware compat" or "What hardware is compat" could have a useful answer that links to the Canonical certified hardware page. A good question would be worded in a general way. A good answer would make it clear that there IS o...

there we are
@ByteCommander very true
@TheWanderer since when would they do a thing like that with BLUETOOTH_ON? where did you see that?
@TheWanderer I mean what documentation?
I knew it was Android
or Settings.Secure
can't remember
And I'm sure you'd prefer not too :D
It's not in Settings.Global.
will check Settings.Secure
@AndroidDev >_>
Oh I get it guys
Settings.Secure.BLUETOOTH_ON was deprecated, use Settings.Global.BLUETOOTH_ON instead
that's what it is
but the plaintext doesn't make it very obvious
Ooh, I just upgraded old Skype to the newish SkypeForLinux after reading @KazWolfe's answer, and I found a Doctor Who bot playing some kind of interactive adventure game.
@TheWanderer disappears again
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy greedy matches. I guess you found perl -pe 's/^(.*?)(\d.*)$/\1X/.
Hey, i think it's duplicate: askubuntu.com/questions/779765/…
lol terdon :)
@Benny Thanks for bringing that up. Next time though, please also flag it as a duplicate. Mentioning it here in chat is great and helpful, but if you flag it, it also goes into the system.
yes I also flagged it
i think here is a some loop
Q: Nautilus not opening up, showing GLib error

Shubham ChowdharyWhen I launch nautilus from terminal the following error is printed and nautilus doesn't open up. (nautilus:25179): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_interface_skeleton_unexport: assertion 'interface_->priv->connections != NULL' failed (nautilus:25179): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_interface_skeleto...

the comment on the question
is reference to the closed question we already closed
The comment of the person @Dimitrios Desyllas
@terdon yes, found that. But apparently just wildcard alone works. I'm on lunch so don't remember what I ended up with
@Benny Oh, so you did, yes. Sorry, it wasn't there (or, more likely, I didn't see it) when I checked.
@Benny: You wouldn't be able to help me with something would you? I am just trying to remember in which South Park episode Eric is obsessed with Jews having a little bag of gold round their neck so he sets up this whole thing to get the gold or something like that I don't quite remember. I thought it might be Imaginationland, but I'm not sure, do you know of the episode of which I speak and what it might be called because I can't seem to find it? :)
If you do have any idea, please ping me, I'm off to bed now!
Goodnight folks! :)
What's the frackin purpose of my college life if it gets me nowhere and eats money, soul, and time ?
@KazWolfe not any more
@ByteCommander -_-
must you always one-up me?
@NathanOsman You violated Apple's EULA? gasp :D
ok. i need a new wifi card
broadcom is getting really really annoying
So who was working on a native stack chat app?
You peep should really add a travisci config.
And make it upload builds automatically.
Q: Flag disputed after post was edited

Android DevI was looking at my flagging history because... I don't know why, actually, but anyways: I had flagged this post as rude. It seems to me that my flag was disputed because the profanity had already been nuked by the time the flag was reviewed. So my feature request: show a little box when reviewi...

@AndroidDev what? Where?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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