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is this on-topic? because none of the Ubuntu variants are barebone linux askubuntu.com/q/915843/61218
the latest desktop version of telegram is making me really really angry
why would you do this devs?
@Anwar I think it's completely off-topic
@Zanna why?
I cannot figure out what the guy is trying to say here:
A: Run a shell script as another user that has no password

FrankKWhat if one needs to start 1st command as sudo and the next one as a user: #!/bin/bash #script to monitor progress of "dd" command # sudo kill -USR1 $(pgrep ^dd) watch -n5 'sudo kill -USR1 $(pgrep ^dd)' The second command won't start, neither with the addition of sudo -H -u <user> bash -c

@Seth it has this HUGE emoji panel taking up 1/4 of the screen
But maybe someone should flag it, I recently flagged something and it got rejected so it's not letting me flag anything now... Annoyingly...
but I've found an issue that leads me to the way to get rid of that thing
@Zanna oof! so it does! and they don't let you resize it horizontally! eww
why would they think that was a good thing to do?
@Zanna it was ArchLinux
now my window is super wide and I can't resize it ಠ_ಠ
@Anwar :) that doesn't make it ok
Hello @seth, lol.
@JasonBourne Hi!
@Seth: When I started reading that I took it to mean an actual window in your room! :D
@Seth to get rid of the emoji bar, click the emoji icon on the right of the method input field
Then when you started talking about resizing it I had a very odd imagining and them came to my senses on the matter.
@Zanna I mean we got a proof. Already voted there
@Anwar I know :)
that was to them, not you
Other than Unity being scrapped are there any other major recent news I need to know about Ubuntu or Linux in general? =)
Yes it is. It exists.
Sigh. Must be a bug.
@JasonBourne Well Windows will soon have Fedora, OpenSUSE and Ubuntu in the Windows store.
@Seth What does that even mean? Downloading the ISO images?
@JasonBourne I don't even know >.<
@Seth I thought you knew everything. =)
haha nope
@JasonBourne I think it's just the linux subsystem for Windows with a different base
I really don't like Fedora and openSUSE though.
compiling kernel with 6 patches for my toaster :D
@Zanna Does your toaster run on Linux?
"limp" may be a more appropriate verb :D
These days I just install Debian with MATE to have a very minimal MATE desktop.
I use Ubuntu MATE
it works well actually, I'm being unkind to my machine
I did try to install Debian standard live ISO and install a desktop manually following instructions, but I never got to see the desktop.
it's a very nice little driver
it just hates Linux
I am always contemplating of whether to use Debian or Ubuntu or Mint, and MATE or Cinnamon.
I use Ubuntu because Ask Ubuntu - no contest!
But now on I won't install anything outside this combo.
you found your sweet spot
@Zanna You can always still ask here and pretend. =)
I mean, everything is 99 per cent the same.
Hmm... I'll try to remember the name ;)
hmm I rarely ask
it's the answering I want to do right
Why do you want to answer? Points can't buy you health or bread or love.
I am my dad's tech support on Mint. I find quite a lot of things are different!
@Zanna Good for you for even getting him to use Linux at all :D
What fonts do you guys use on your computers? I still like to use Arial and Times New Roman and Courier New for Sans and Serif and Monospaced. =)
@JasonBourne I grabbed all the MS fonts off my Windows install so I can use them in Ubuntu too :)
@JasonBourne Is it only about points? I don't think so
@Anwar Exactly, just wondering what motivates people here.
@AndroidDev In case you didn't know, the Microsoft Core Fonts, not all Microsoft fonts, is available as a package in Debian and Ubuntu as well.
@AndroidDev thanks :D he loves it. My mum is next hahaha still working on that!
@JasonBourne I used all sort of fonts. Currently using Roboto, Open Sans, Cantarell, Aller etc
^-- expert
@Zanna not an expert. enthusiast may be
@Zanna Using many fonts though does not make one a font expert. =)
@Zanna I wonder how long it would take a Mac user to figure out that Macbuntu isn't just a newer version of OSX
I didn't say that. I know Anwar is an expert. I did not meet him for the first time today
@Zanna I also didn't say you said that. =)
@AndroidDev lol idk, depends whether they use the terminal much! But my mum is not a mac user - we are working class folks XD
@Anwar I think you are still the only one with the badge :)
@Zanna Well, I honestly like Win7 alot better than Mac. I just hate the lack of features and such.
And also Apple is way overpriced
Just make sure to install the security patches on Windows :)
@AndroidDev I hate Apple and everything they make
I should start a new company called Orange.
You Will Use It The Way We Want You To Use It And You Will Love It
Couldnt agree more
@Zanna That sounds like the Unity desktop. =)
@Zanna Begs the question though why so many techies love Mac
I don't get it... just a status symbol I guess
I think Macs are good for book publishers and artists because they contain a lot of tools for that I read somewhere.
CPU still chewing away on those kernel sources. Should have said make -j6 instead of -j4. Going to get a shower while I wait haha
@JasonBourne Meh.You can't work with documents in this day in age without MS office.
*cough* LaTeX *cough*
@AndroidDev At least someone agrees with me that Office is excellent. Sorry but LibreOffice is not good.
@Zanna You're compiling the kernel?
see the starwall -->
@JasonBourne Libreoffice's UI is horrible, IMHO
@AndroidDev There is a big difference in the equation editor of LibreOffice and Office.
fianlly got sound, but it borks hibernation, so I'm compiling to run make menuconfig to make one driver modular
@Zanna LOL! You don't actually mean to say that you found a way to run Linux on a fancy toaster oven, do you?
@AndroidDev toaster is her hostname afaik.
@JasonBourne True, but the bigger issue is that Libreoffice can't even render documents created with MS Office properly.
btw, off for today.
@KazWolfe Hope for the best but plan for the worst?
@AndroidDev No. Always assume the worst for everything. In other words, be pessimistic.
@AndroidDev Also, I love using the shapes in Word to draw geometrical figures.
@NathanOsman Although Linux is for human beings, LaTeX is not. =)
It isn't that bad.
it is.
@AndroidDev haha that would be awesome but it's just what I call my low-spec machine
although in IoT future I'll probably be doing it for real
still compiling...
Anybody tried to install SolusOS?
I keep getting:
> "Warning: Cannot find a valid bootloader location (MBR disk)"
Well, my prod server just crashed with an OOM error. With a 128 GB swap. Serves me right for trying to run a Tomcat app that returns "hello world."
Q: Ubuntu needs to be more idiotproof

theo adornoI have a college degree from an excellent university and I excelled in math and physics but I was terrible at computer programming. I have been using computers since the mid-1980's. I am used to using the Microsoft system but I have also owned Apple/Macintosh computers. I despise Microsoft for...

^ I smell rant...
it's their second rant today
whoa , wtf wall of text
Can we press them for an Ask Ubuntu version now? :P
@AskUbuntuMeta Wooo, this takes me back when I had time for Ask Ubuntu. SPAM
@NathanOsman make one
@NathanOsman There is an Stackexchange Android app. Why need one for every SE site??
I know.
> "For now, the two apps have nearly identical functionality."
> "The new Stack Overflow app has one key difference: It only contains Stack Overflow questions and answers. "
> when I tried to erase them the Ubuntu Software Center program was erased completely out of the computer.
I just overwrote the running kernel
@Avery um good riddance
I am an idiot
@Zanna trying to vote on the comments or any post says that the post is locked, but I don't see any banner indicating this. There should be one. Bug?
@ByteCommander no banner? migration rejected?
But migration rejected != locked
I think my answer only made it in there because of some race condition :)
they know \o/ [obvious sarcasm is obvious I hope]
It has a migration rejected and a put on hold banner, but no locked banner.
@Avery i love how someone upvoted that
I was going to upvote but flagged instead.
@KazWolfe it got deleted, but your reaction to it was gold
@ByteCommander it did? aww...
/me casts delete vote on post
does anyone else think that whole post reads like a Trump speech btw?
@ByteCommander No.
People always ask me about ubuntu, It's fantastic. Let me tell you about ubuntu. I do very well with ubuntu. No one loves ubuntu more than me
BELIEVE ME. We're going to have so many ubuntu you are going to get sick of ubuntu. The ubuntu just got 10 feet higher. I have the best ubuntu
rebooting into new kernel...
it's a fun change of pace to do fake mod stuff in meta. nothing ever happens there.
@KazWolfe poor kaz
you need real mod
with real diamonds
in the sky
i have cubic zirconia.
with lucy
and I have beatles playing in my head right now.
also, one more delvote needed on that rant.
I disagree on removal
idiocy criticism should be documented and visible.
Legitimate criticism that brings up valid points that can be discussed, and are on-topic for the site, yes.
(I'm not calling the user an idiot, they are by calling themselves that the OS is not idiot-proof and they can't use it because of that)
no, he did explicitly call himself an idiot too. Twice.
Yup, he did.
@Avery Are you sure recommending that guy freebsd is a good idea?
yup, he did.
@ByteCommander no. That's why I did that.
Ah, ok. Maybe I should add something about Gentoo.
Because he wanted something idiot-proof. Ubuntu isn't. FreeBSD is.
Arch also is.
Just Read The Wiki™
Why doesn't he make his own OS?
or rather Just Read The Handbook™
Can't be that hard, can it?
@Avery "idiot-proof" == "you can't turn it on if you're an idiot"
If Microsoft can make it so that everything fixes itself always...
I'd just love to see that at least once.
@ByteCommander it does?! wat.
If you don't like the preinstalled stuff, then use arch
or freebsd
or LFS
That's what he claimed
ok, to be fair, it did once. that network wizard does reset the network on rare occasion.
but if you want something stupid-proof, then just deal with the prebuilt software
The simplest way to stop being an "idiot" is biting the bullet and not living in "idiot proof" software.
i threw myself head-first into linux and look how well that turned out.
AAAAAAAAa why is that removed
@KazWolfe destroyed
I was in midst of typing something
oh sorry
nw :)
I got a screenshot >:)
new kernel does something I do not understand
@Avery I guess it will not stay his last post...
Next one will be ranting about how his rant was deleted
@ByteCommander brb stalking meta.
@KazWolfe I literally raged at kde neon freezing and just booted into arch iso and nuked my whole drive without even backing up. I was more than "head-first" tbh
well, take care of any post-rants quickly and effectively.
in other news, I have perfected the art of linuxing.
but yeah... ubuntu could use better documentation.
I used to play that on win 98 all the time
the archwiki is just this sublime piece of work while the ubuntu wiki is meh at best.
ubuntu wiki sucks
@Avery seriously o.O?
archwiki + askubuntu = hey what's even microsoft's documentation
do they even have something like that?
@Zanna Hopefully you don't get a KP :D
or just that ugly knowledge base where you need a link from your error message to find anything
yes, where they tell you to try everything you've already tried.
linux has man.
bsd has more man.
man is good
like, "please run SFC /SCANNOW" even though you mentioned running it 12 times in the original post.
Alright, can't seem to really fix this problem: "Warning: Cannot find a valid bootloader location (MBR disk)"
@AndroidDev it works perfectly, except I can't hibernate even with my hibernate script to unload the buggy drivers first. I have all the debug params set, and I can't debug it because I get NO output whatsoever
maybe I need to modularize i2c_hid as well...
@Zanna Nothing in dmesg?
How'd overwriting the running kernel work out by the way?
Did things explode?
@AndroidDev system boots fine, but when I try to initiate hibernation I get black screen with flashing cursor and no way out. Maybe I should be more patient...
@AndroidDev haha I misread - there was actually one number different, I didn't overwrite
but the kernel is in RAM right? it won't mind ;)
@NathanOsman That's what you should do to your Windows server. You should find a way to overwrite the Windows kernel while the system is running! :D
@Avery and now i have it on repeat.
@SmokeDetector fp-
Windows batch files don't do wildcard expansion?
@NathanOsman Do you think this is actually real, or is it just showing random stuff? Something tells me it's not real.
@AndroidDev It is real.
But, it doesn't track actual attacks on actual hardware.
It instead tracks attacks against honeypots.
@KazWolfe Hmm... how come MS is attacking so much?
@AndroidDev Azure.
(According to that site)
It's not Microsoft attacking anyone, it's people renting servers from MS.
And using those to attack people.
Well then.
Isn't that against the TOS?
Nobody really does anything, because it's very hard to find these attacks real-time.
And if MS did, they'd get into a lot of trouble for spying on their VMs.
@KazWolfe doesn't work in here
@ByteCommander I know.
It was more meant for the users of this chat to know.
And they understand fp-?
Some obviously do.
I promise never to complain about Bash again. I tried to do something incredibly simple in a Windows batch file and nearly lost the rest of my hair.
Waiting to see your next updated picture... :P
But you have my sympathy.
Maybe install cygwin or gitbash or mingw or something like that
Don't want to do that on a server.
then face the evil
(and this time I don't mean Thomas)
hey, i'm not evil. just a researcher.
You aren't Thomas.
I know.
though he is my new role model. Sorry seth, you got booted.
I'm not a good role model anyway.
lrelease error: Cannot open C:/Jenkins/x86/msvc2013/workspace/nitroshare-windows/toolchain/windows: No such file or directory
What's that supposed to mean?
Oh, hang on.
I know what the problem is.
Wow. lrelease really doesn't like & in a filename.
@NathanOsman Have you tried Powershell?
This new problem isn't batch-related. It's CMake and Qt not cooperating.
Ah. BTW, that short burst of you me and zach doing android development is over now. I'm taking a break and playing with other things, like that character LCD
Q: Will both VMs having the same IP cause me to ping myself

Joshua_TI have very little knowledge of computer networking, Unix, Linux, and VMs. However, I find myself in a job requiring these skills. Please explain everything to me like a noob (sorry). I have been tasked with creating two virtual instances of Ubuntu on my windows 7 machine and having them transfe...

Q: Why is my program compiling to weird addresses?

Serra AbakI'm following Hacking: The Art of Exploitation along with their lessons, and I've hit a roadblock. When I try to compile the same code they are using, my program will compile to considerably different addresses, making it very hard for me to follow along. For example, for this same code: #incl...

Does anyone know if Alpha 1 for 17.10 will ship with GNOME as default or if they are planning the main switch somewhere a little more ahead in the development cycle.
@ParanoidPanda It's the change for 17.10, so it should be there from the beginning.
So is it there already?
I heard that they haven't even decided on default GNOME packages to be pre-installed yet or which GNOME version to ship by default.
So it can't be in there quite just yet.
@KazWolfe and @NathanOsman Would either of you happen to know how to change the Wi-Fi direct channel on Android? I've tried editing /data/misc/wifi/p2p_supplicant.conf and adding p2p_oper_channel=1 and also frequency=2412, but it made no difference.
Unfortunately, no.
@NathanOsman any idea how I can set up multiple python versions on the system and use a virtual env for the tests?
because apparently things are going sideways heh
@ThomasWard Do you care if the virtualenv is created with each build?
@ThomasWard Wait a second... since you're the dark lord, that mean's you're the creator of wannacrypt and are using the compromised computer's free CPU cycles for all of your other evil stuff, right? :D
@NathanOsman It'll take 3.6.1 an eternity to install, but i don't care if it's created each build. If I could somehow build and install the Python versions first and then have them explicitly referred to during runs that'd be great but IDK how
new to jenkins :)
(travis and circleci both "just work" heh)
\o/ @ThomasWard \o/
@ThomasWard Wait - you're not using the versions on Python bundled on the host?
@NathanOsman 3.4, 2.7. I can use 2.7, but I also need to test against 3.6.1
hence, virtualenvs
So how are you installing each Python version then?
@NathanOsman trying to figure that out now.
I might just ask Circle or Travis how they do it lol
Can you unpack a tarball and stick the directory in front of PATH?
@NathanOsman sounds doable with a script
Meh, apt is throwing 404s...
somehow ubuntu managed to properly install install grub to my main machine, but I can't get it to work on backup
everytime I try to boot up the backup drive, it just boots to the windows recovery drive
Woot! My mDNS library works on Windows! \o/
Even plays nice with bridged networks.
Next up: macOS.
This is very silly:
But it's kinda fun, if you ignore all the men. :P
Goodnight! :)
@ParanoidPanda Screw the men. Listen to the voices of the women!
That song (original perhaps) is really old like 70's I think.
Holy Moly... I just cleaned my laptop screen and the fonts are no longer fuzzy :p
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