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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Oh dear, this flu is really getting to me now, if I'm not in bed from tomorrow for the next week or so I'll be happily surprised.
you never accepted my hangouts invite
@Seth: Oh, I never received anything like that.
I think you have to be in my circles first before you can send it to me.
no it sent
Well, I haven't received anything like that.
can you send me one?
@Seth: Oh... It put you in spam. :P
@Seth: I've accepted it now and sent you a message. :)
how do i force gparted to NOT check ntfs systems for errors?
@craftxbox Have you made a full system backup using ddrescue?
o/ Fabby. Long time not seen again. How is life going?
ugh i already catted the entire drive to dev null and now i need to back the entire thing up?
you don't need a backup... until you need it
@craftxbox If you haven't made a system back-up then: don't do it!
@ByteCommander I'm OK.
Finished 2 projects in one week (7 calendar days)
still the same amount of extra hours?
Boss is already asking about giving me an additional one
Today I worked from....
09:15 to only 20:30 or so.
Cooked a nice meal:
Chicken tits with Indian Curry and mango
I guess there have been slaves with a less busy workday than yours...
@ByteCommander I also had 30 min lunch!
@ByteCommander I don't think so...
Slaves in Roman era worked 12-16h days...
Slaves on plantations too.
er, not supervisors or similar. they tended to have much more lenient hours.
Hold on... I work 12-16h days too!
:D :D :D
You're not far away from those 12, and you used the word "only" in your sentence...
This can't be healthy
Is it even legal?
@ByteCommander Well, started the day with Grocery shopping and ended the day with cooking food!
Good food!!!
@ByteCommander AFAIK under German law you cannot work for more then 16h without a break...
so, yes, it's legal...
Recommended for pussies?
:D :D :D
My current career maximum was 40h straight!
(39h once about 10 years ago and 40h a few months back)
@KazWolfe I stronly believe in: "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"
counter: enriched uranium.
everything kills you
@KazWolfe That kills you, so doesn't make you stronger...
Proves my point!
@Fabby Radiation poisoning does not necessarily kill you.
some things are just quicker and more effective than others
Or, at least, immediately. But it will definitely not make you stronger.
It could also make you grow laser eyes...
@ByteCommander make you spider-man...
The Hulk...
Btw, I recently saw a music video in steampunk style which you might like....
The odds of you winning every lottery for the rest of your life are better than becoming the hulk or getting superpowers from radiation.
:D True!
Watching video now... BRB
I don't know why, but I love these hats with cogwheels and goggles and whatnot on them...
uh what
my Lollipop emulator is rooted.....
oh @KazWolfe I know that whatever setForcedDisplayDensityForUser is doing involves Settings.Secure
have you tried running a decompiler on it yet?
@julianor @MattT_Cyber @nathanosman_dev @thatcoderiguana Rigging sha256 into a stream cipher would be rolling your… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/862021315015786496
I don't know where to run
@bob_parks1 @MattT_Cyber @nathanosman_dev @thatcoderiguana why do you think it is unacceptable, do you think RC4 is better than that ?
and also, what decompiler?
@Seth stahp
Q: cp error message uses different quoting on Ubuntu 12.04(?) and Fedora 24

NickI develop on F24 and my tests pass, but when I try them in Travis CI, they fail. AFAIK, they use Ubuntu 12.04 VMs. The test compares the output of a run with previously gathered "gold" output and flags any differences as failures. In this particular case, the difference arises because a cp comma...

rebooting router, computer and TV...
minidlna doesn't want to work...
@TheWanderer any java decompiler
show meh
of course
I am not reading hex
it'll at least pull the symbols and give you a partial view
also, aosp source doesn't have anything?
well I would like to actually know what the function is doing
@KazWolfe nope afaik
yeah, that's why you use a decompiler.
It's an amazing piece of software, able to decompile probably any imaginable executable format, and visualizing it nicely as hex, ascii, assembler, pseudo-C code or graphical diagrams.
it'll give you a view (albeit a partial one) of what's going on.
@ByteCommander Did you pay for it?
Do I look like I have money to throw away?
So how do you know it's so good?
there are ways...
Does anyone buy ida?
I don't think anybody except a few who use it commercially ever bought it.
this is the only thing that actually implements IWindowManager github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/…
@TheWanderer check android.content.res.Configuration
there's something there called displayDpi
@Seth Did you see the bug report I linked you to (the Windows vulnerability)?
@NathanOsman no, I have no memory of that. Where?
public void setForcedDisplayDensityForUser(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3)
        throws RemoteException
        Parcel localParcel2 = Parcel.obtain();
        Parcel localParcel1 = Parcel.obtain();
          this.mRemote.transact(12, localParcel2, localParcel1, 0);
problem is I have no idea what that's even doing
where did you get that?
ah, i see.
one sec, looking at code
idk what mRemote is
it lost me going through all the methods
   private static class Proxy
      implements IWindowManager
      private IBinder mRemote;

      Proxy(IBinder paramIBinder)
        this.mRemote = paramIBinder;
Stub.asInterface calls that
right. and how does that get called again?
and ServiceManager.checkService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE) is passed to asInterface
iWindowManager = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.checkService(Context.WINDOW_SERVI‌​CE));
public static IWindowManager asInterface(IBinder paramIBinder)
      if (paramIBinder == null) {
        return null;
      IInterface localIInterface = paramIBinder.queryLocalInterface("android.view.IWindowManager");
      if ((localIInterface != null) && ((localIInterface instanceof IWindowManager))) {
        return (IWindowManager)localIInterface;
      return new Proxy(paramIBinder);
so mRemote = ServiceManager.checkService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)?
which equals "window"
public static IBinder checkService(String name) {
        try {
            IBinder service = sCache.get(name);
            if (service != null) {
                return service;
            } else {
                return getIServiceManager().checkService(name);
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "error in checkService", e);
            return null;
so it gets a service from a service cache.
I guess so
but that service get is also internal
Goodnight folks! :)
either way, you're looking for a window service.
Q: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, Lenovo y50-70 How to force usage of nvidia 860M

SheakerThis is my first post on this forum so I would like to say 'thank you' for Your help to every unix user. My laptop is Lenovo y50-70 with Nvidia GTX 860M dedicated card. I have CAELinux installed on it. It is based on ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS. (I can't use any other linux distribution) What I need to ...

@TheWanderer why don't you just copy what adb is doing?
@KazWolfe because ADB is using the internal libs
that's where I started
yeah, and what are you trying to do this with?
I love how almost overnight, TheWanderer, AndroidDev, and I have taken up Android development nearly full time :P
I honestly think that you can't set display density without internal libs.
@NathanOsman :D I know right? On that note, I may have another APK of my app for you to test soon.
Oh, cool.
also, @TheWanderer, you can always compile Android from source and look at the jars that way. They won't have obfuscation and you'll have symbols.
I'm still trying to figure out why the color picker object is null...
@TheWanderer What kind of a commit message is that? github.com/zacharee/SystemUITuner2/commit/…
seriously people. use good commit messages.
and branches, and tags.
in short: use git right, ya gits!
Er... I don't?
@KazWolfe That got a chuckle out of me :D
@AndroidDev stuff
On that note... I have other "stuff" to do...
@KazWolfe honestly, I'm just interested in finding out how it's refreshing everything to update the DPI and resolution
and I have no idea what the name of the service is
and american politics is going crazy again
You can't get away from it.
Have you all become Libertarians yet? :P
The less the government has their hands in the citizen's affairs, the better.
Statement from @WhiteHouse @PressSec on @FBI Director https://t.co/EdBRntMim5
They just fired Comey?
oh no
"a new permanent FBI Director" lol
But guys.
The humor of Donald Trump saying to him... "you're fired!"
@NathanOsman Trump just likes hearing himself say that.
Hey, I'm no Trump fan. Can't stand the guy.
But I take great satisfaction in seeing Comey get the boot.
Puts on controversial hat.
Can we please get rid of the FBI altogether?
Hey, I can dream.
No, as in it's a bad idea.
The FBI is an inefficient bureaucracy stuck with old ideals.
All they do is violate people's privacy.
If we get rid of them, they'll be replaced with something that might do a better job.
or an expansion of NSA power.
So we keep them so that things don't get worse?
Pretty much.
That's a nice dismal outlook :P
But probably fairly accurate :(
another reason: the FBI allocates a lot of resources to anti-piracy.
Their replacement might not be as willing to do that.
@NathanOsman Starred!
@KazWolfe But are they using the money efficiently?
@NathanOsman It's the US Government. Of course not.
See what I mean?
The government bungles everything they get their dirty hands in.
on that note, i have a new office plan.
is it possible to dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/disk.iso
or of= /mnt/disk/
Wow, Trump fired Comey.
26 mins ago, by Kaz Wolfe
Statement from @WhiteHouse @PressSec on @FBI Director https://t.co/EdBRntMim5
@NathanOsman yikes..
@craftxbox Ubuntu is off topic in this room.
@NathanOsman that's hardly all they do. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
@craftxbox Yes
@craftxbox No.
so yes to iso no to /mnt/disk/?
You got it.
Interesting thing is Snowden has come out saying he doesn't support Comey's firing.
Technically, it's wrong to use an iso, bot oh well.
.isos are CD/DVD images of a specific type.
what should i use then?
Hard drive images are .img
can you boot imgs?
Which is amazing.
alright ill start dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/disk.img
You can boot them about the same as you can boot an ISO.
(so, assuming you have some sort of loop mount)
of course, you can also burn the IMG to a hard drive, like how you burn an ISO to a CD/DVD
how safe is this dd
on a scale of 0% to 100%
@Seth What do they do?
If /mnt can hold it, and disk.img doesn't exist, perfectly safe.
You're just reading from /dev/sda
see here for img vs iso
like DMCA violations.
@NathanOsman Investigate federal crimes. They're the only people with jurisdiction beyond state lines.
(well not the only people with jurisdiction beyond state lines but everyone else is highly specialised, eg ATF, secret service, etc)
Can't type on phone..
@NathanOsman if you want more examples Google the FBI files (e.g. youtu.be/QYl0M8VAAjc) those are real cases.
They've definitely done a lot of nasty stuff in more recent times, but that is more the govs. fault than the bureau's fault
Yeah, I don't know much about their history.
@craftxbox dd is the abbreviation of disk destroyer.
(check twice before you press [Enter])
Ah yeah, raspberry pi beat tesla cbinsights.com/…
to be fair, tesla though does have some impressive stuff.
@NathanOsman They weren't good before either mind you. Look up J Edgar Hoover who ran the Bureau in the 60's. Did a lot of illegal spying. But again, that was because the President et al allowed and encouraged it, not because the Bureau is evil (besides Hoover and some folk at the top)
@Mateo And you can buy 12,345 rasppberry PIs for the price of one Tesla
@Fabby I think a Tesla would be more useful to me than that many Pis.
I think Comey was a terrible director, but Snowden has a point. I'm not sure that Trump really fired him because he was a bad director
@NathanOsman I already have a car, I don't have any PIs...
Wonder if the batteries in the tesla could power all those if you had both
@Mateo that's interesting!
well, actually, you can buy 1000 RPIs for the price of one tesla.
(assuming Pi 3B and a Model 3)
@Seth He was there too long and knew too much...
@Mateo I was at a linux convention last weekend and I saw someone that looked like you :P
That's why there is a limitation on how long you can be an FBI director...
@Fabby I don't know what you mean by that.
@Mateo :D :D :D
@Fabby And yet Congress has no term limits..
@Seth Ah, they're elected...
FBI Director is appointed...
@Fabby True, but they still need term limits IMO.
@Seth Please no.
@Seth wish I could go to conventions, maybe ill try and schedule time near the next us ubucon
That'll just make lobbying even worse.
@KazWolfe Sorry but why should a Congressman be allowed to spend their entire life in office? That's not a good idea.
@Seth Democracy at its best...
@KazWolfe Lobbying should be banned period.
I think so too, but most people don't...
@Seth That is not happening. Politicians like their money too much.
@KazWolfe Case in point.
Also we should switch to STV.
^--- THIS. 1000 TIMES THIS.
Yeah, also not happening.
Congress will not change the system that got them into power.
Because people don't "get" it.
Then there would be no "must vote for the least 'evil' candidate"
Whenever you hear or read the words Lobbyist, Lobbying, replace them in your mind with Corrupter, Corruption...
@KazWolfe Well no. Truth is: We're screwed.
There's no way out of it.
Other than...
You know...
@NathanOsman well yes, but we're a minority
@Seth In my language that means Sexually Transmitted Virus...
So were the Americans in the 16th century.
Whta does it mean in English?
Single Transferrable Vote
and people tell me people are better than they were 10, 50, 100, 200 years ago. Haha.
And in English, we call what you described STDs.
Going to google that
STV is how SE elects mods.
"d" being "disease".
@NathanOsman That's SOA
That said, I also have my own ideas how to manage election systems in a sane method. I am getting ready to patent said things
@KazWolfe I call prior art! :P
@KazWolfe oh great. Don't even get me started on patents..
@NathanOsman No you don't.
@Seth Hey, I have plans to take to market (as FOSS, of course)
I just want to retain IP rights for it.
@KazWolfe Imma file a patent for "representative government whereby a people select, through means of a single assigned vote, an individual to govern them by simple majority".
@NathanOsman I believe in direct democracy: No congress / senate or President.
well I've got to run. I had an interesting conversation about this with an OIS person at LFNW though.
@Seth "I've got to run" - for office? :D
@NathanOsman You're patenting something completely different.
Just a king voted in for life with only ceremonial purposes
@NathanOsman :D
@KazWolfe Oh? I'll have to make my patent more broad by making it more vague.
Everyone else is doing it :P
Hey, it's not like I won't give relatively free rights to use it.
:D Apple...
^--- exactly :P
@Seth everyone gets a monkey! ;)
I can't stop my discontent that professor assigned us a project 2 weeks before the end of the semester. And it's due today. I can't figure out how to tie it all together to at least have my damn "elevator" serve 1 floor at a time
freakin' verilog ! it doesn't recognize "break" keyword in the for loop
I wanna smack the designers of this language
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Well, maybe I can cheer you up with a joke. So, why did the chicken coop have only two doors? Because, if it had four, it would be a chicken sedan!
@NathanOsman hahaha
@AndroidDev didn't get that one, but still thanks :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy It's a pun - "two door coupe" is a type of vehicle.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy They actually don't have a break statement?
That's lame.
Does it allow inline functions?
@NathanOsman well, the newer version, SystemVerilog apparently has it, but we're programming in the old-style verilog
@NathanOsman inline functions ? You mean like lambdas ?
Well, in Go for example, you can do this:

func() {
    // do stuff

If so, you could wrap the for loop in one of those and use return to break out.
I often do that to add a scope in Go that can use defer.
It does have function definitions. I might use that. Or I might use a variable with if statement. if (!found) begin . . end
What I'm really trying to do right now is to figure out how to figure out which bits in array are set. Once I figure out that, I can send "elevator" to that array position . . aka floor
You can test if a bit is set with bitwise and.
Yeah, but I'd need to know index of that bit
sigh . . . I've no idea what I'm doing
Oh, so you know one bit is set and you want to know its offset?
Technically, yes
@TheWanderer Are you okay?
@TheWanderer be efficient and pythonic : print("hue"*25,end="")
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Oh well, then I guess I'll have to try another one. Why did the football coach go to the bank? To get his quarter back.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Can you take the log2() of the integer value?
@NathanOsman gues
@TheWanderer Do I get a sticker if I guess correctly?
@NathanOsman I think yes, there's a $clog2() function there apparently
@AndroidDev heh, that's a nice one
@NathanOsman lolno
Chat script is being updated.
(In case anyone wonders why it just died.)
You is getting new emojis. \o/
How you know you're a software engineer: You have a play for a decentralized internet under your belt.
And/or blockchain.
And/or VR.
A crash course to getting money from a VC: Mention you're working on a decentralized internet backed by the blockchain using an AI for routing and system optimization.
*buzzword explosion*
frick frack tick tack clicky clock
I've no idea
innie minie minie moe... catch an android user by the toe.
oh wait the WHOLE ROOM :p
I should probably switch to using "hue" like Zach does, maybe that'll help
The Wanderer now.... :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy No.
Also, more people need to own chickens.
It'll probably take me a year to forget Zachree1 because I invested so much time in spelling it.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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