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also, remember. IWindowManager is an interface. It carries no code by itself.
yeah I actually need to get this:
Wait, doesn't that return an object that already exists?
maybe idk
because I can't find the source anywhere
Well, if it returns an object, you can just call setForced... on that object directly.
pretty sure the object is IWindowManager
no, it'll be something that implements IWindowManager so it'll work.
private IWindowManager mWm;
mWm = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.checkService(
so yeah
there you go
IWindowManager implements IWindowManager?
That method returns an object that implements IWindowManager.
therefore, you can consider it to be type IWindowManager and execute against that.
that being said, you might not even need reflection. If the method you want to call is public, it'll just work.
Otherwise, you'll have to reflect on the object you just got back.
return new android.view.IWindowManager.Stub.Proxy(obj);
what are you trying to do?
well it's mostly experimenting
but I need the setForcedDisplayDensityForUser method
@SmokeDetector what is it with long path tool.
what does that even do.
yeah, and what's your goal with this experiment?
@KazWolfe change Android DPI using the internal API
is that even possible?
well I'm trying to find out
it's possible
if you're root.
I'm trying to work around root
I have a method that mostly works
Q: nmcli wifi access point isn't showing up

AdamI've created an access point using nmcli however it isn't showing up . user@user:~# sudo nmcli connection NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE (green) Wired connection 1 00000000-000-0000-0000-000000000000 802-3-ethernet eth0 (green) wi...

by writing to secure settings
just use the elevation glitch
you can also do it by running adb commands
wm density <value>
so look at whatever the wm command is.
@Avery wat
@KazWolfe that's what I've been doing
where do you think I got the mWm thing?
I mean sure it was fixed in linux kernel v4.6.smth iirc but most phones are old
and can just use that exploit to create a runas/sudo file and then just do more craziness with that
or that was how it was iirc when i last used android like 3-4 months ago
yeah, mWm returns an existing object.
which does not need reflection.
so, in theory, it's two lines of code:
mWm = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.checkService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE));
mWm.setForcedDisplayDensity(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, density);
yeah but IWindowManager is a hidden class
can I ignore IntelliJ telling me the class isn't found?
er, it depends.
if you add android core or whatever provides android.view.IWindowManager, you can.
I'd have to extract framework.jar
or add that to your classpath.
i think if you add that jar to your classpath, that should be enough.
wow, accepted and upvoted within probably less than 10 seconds...
how is that possible
that must be a truly satisfied customer
no idea
check your docs
docs lol
Q: Correct way to add external jars (lib/*.jar) to an IntelliJ IDEA project

knorvWhen creating a new Java project in IntelliJ IDEA, the following directories and files are created: ./projectname.iml ./projectname.ipr ./projectname.iws ./src/ I want to configure IntelliJ IDEA to include my dependency JARs in ./lib/*.jar to the project. What is the correct way to achieve thi...

the problem is i'm not sure if framework.jar is exposed to userland apps.
that's a good question for Android Enthusiasts
@KazWolfe Android development Qs are OT on AE
this is more of an os question.
namely, whether userland apps have access to the base framework
Meh, I do that.
You do what?
Ask noob Qs?
cat | grep
What's wrong with that?
Okay, point being.....
I do cat | grep too
@KazWolfe So where's the meh coming from?
4 mins ago, by Android Dev
@KazWolfe Is this guy a CLI noob or what? https://askubuntu.com/questions/913234/finding-a-word-a-line-in-a-file/913235#91‌​3235 :D
@KazWolfe Oh. Yeah, I know, we were all noobs once...
Oh. You mean we're not talking about how noob cat | grep is? haha
Always best not to judge eh ;)
Although, whether or not Oli was ever a noob; that might be debatable :)
DNS record updating is SO CONFUSING.
In one part of the RFC it mentions comparing record name and type.
Then it becomes clear later on that this is not enough for TXT records since there can be more than one.
And according to RFC 6763, there can be more than one SRV record.
It's all madness!

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