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And what is an IPO, for the non-English people?
Forgive me the rudeness, I am tired and saw too many figures today, but can comments get any more stupid than here askubuntu.com/q/913146?
@ByteCommander IPO = initial public offering, basically becoming a publicly-traded company.
ah, so they're planning to enter the stocks market
@JacobVlijm what exactly? I couldn't spot anything offending the eye by quickly skimming over the page...
@ByteCommander $, $HOME, ./ in a .desktop file? even suggesting it in a comment shows they never ever tried it and have no knowledge whatsoever on .desktop files. Then "if it works, I'll make it an answer" looks dreadful to me. Admitted, I should not look at that in an exhausted state of mind.
Hmm... I haven't done that much with desktop files either, but now that you're mentioning it I think that such stuff was indeed not working there.
Right, that's why I normally just wrap everything in bash -c '...', just to be sure.
^ that works
@Anwar It is now
@JacobVlijm you should look at the script snippet in the answer... Now that is making me facepalm
:) it's all part of the daily fun
Looks like they fooled my family as well! :D
A: How to keep a military technology secret while using it?

SeparatrixTell everyone that eating more carrots allows them to see in the dark No really. That's how radar was kept secret during WWII. The idea that it might is due to a myth begun by the Air Ministry in World War II. To prevent the Germans finding out that Britain was using radar to intercept bombe...

@NathanOsman hm, not sure if good or bad :/
@NathanOsman Install Linux.
@Seth Time will tell. My gut feeling is that it could be a good thing if the shareholders have the community's interests in mind.
@NathanOsman yeah
I wonder what they'll start at.
@Seth I don't know how easy that would be since I'd have to somehow copy the raw image while Windows is running.
I'd consider buying some, but I couldn't afford enough to make a difference.
Actually, I can probably just detach the block storage and manually put data on it.
But where's the fun in any of that?
@ParanoidPanda I can vividly imagine "Karotten für's Vaterland" propaganda posters now...
@NathanOsman There is a program called dd for windows
It might work
I wonder how Windows would react to having the filesystem overwritten while it is running.
A friend and I once run a recursive rm on a windows server. That was fun.
I could do that.
But I thought Windows had some sort of protection to prevent system files from being deleted.
And with respect to AWS, there's not much you can do if the node doesn't come back up after a reboot.
@NathanOsman Actually, I once accidentally wrote a 1.44MB floppy image to the C: drive of a Win7 machine because Win32DiskImager got confused somehow
It kept working for like another day,
before it BSODed
I can't imagine Windows wouldn't be somewhat resistant to such a small area of the disk being overwritten.
A BSOD makes sense though.
Did chkdsk help at all?
@NathanOsman it did, but it still BSOD'd after enough time :D
@NathanOsman But get this - it only BSODed when I opened the "Windows Features" program
@NathanOsman No, because the partition table and the NTFS master table were both destroyed
And also the boot sector
And testdisk even reported that the backup copy of the master table was gone too
Why does NTFS store the MFT so close to the beginning of the disk...
That doesn't make sense to me.
@NathanOsman They store it at the beginning, and at the end
...the two most likely areas to be overwritten.
Where does EXT4 store the MFT?
it's called inode table, I think
Isn't it called the superblock?
And yes, they store it at the beginning as well.
Don't ask me why.
Isn't the superblock just the first 512 bytes or so that contain some file system info like type and size and some other magic numbers maybe?
Yes, but obviously that information is necessary for using the filesystem.
Q: Fix File Path Casing

LorenI have a list of stored file paths ie (impl/src/main/java/org/jboss/weld/util/collections/multimaps.java). The paths were coverted to lowercase prior to storing. Now, I need to access the file in a bash script. Is there a simple command to "fix" the casing and find the file? For simplicity, a...

wooooo, look at those numbers
I need another 4 there though
@TheWanderer i gif you 1-star review
the official ubuntu flash drives are pretty cool. They're suuuper tiny and metal.
and 8GB!
it's smaller than my yubikey.
flash drives? i prefer floppy disks
would be cool if they increased in size with Ubuntu version, hehe
imagine an 8GB floppy
I'd go for 16.04 USB with 16 GB
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy more is always better, but for free 8GB is pretty nice.
I remember one flash drive I got.. excited.. plug it in.. 512MB -.-
anyone wanna buy me a bigger SSD?
Do you want to buy me a Vive?
a hwat
oh that Vive
I think a 320GB SSD costs less than the Vive
even if it's PCI-e
Oh VR. Am I the only one that barely even cares about VR? I'd rather do something real.
@Seth dragons aren't real.
@KazWolfe not anymore. So why waste your time?
I don't have a Bladesystem whatever that is
@Seth when were dragons real?
also, magic is also not real. vr fixes that.
@KazWolfe well, never real like they are depicted now.
actually, i wish magicleap would actually do their thing.
mSATA not PIC-e lol
Question still stands..
@Seth then vr makes dragons real.
Oh dear... I think I am coming down with the flu, again... :(
Or at least, I have a very saw throat and the rest of my body is starting to feel bad.
@ParanoidPanda welcome to humanity. our immune systems suck.
I predict that I will feel awful tomorrow. :(
@KazWolfe no, it doesn't.
it makes them Real Enough(tm)
@KazWolfe: Well, who knows, I recently had it upgraded so maybe it will make this thing go away faster.
doubtful. flu is stupid.
just start an aspirin regimen.
don't take aspirin
it's a damn sight better for you than tylenol is.
That -^
if you start using it regularly and then stop, you could have a heart attack
What Zach said.
especially if you're under 18
that's why you don't take it regularly.
use acetominophen + ibuprofen
they're safe to take together and will work better
take it from someone who gets headaches like every other day
and that's how you get liver failure.
well I don't take both every time lol
and I don't take any every time either
I have some herbal medicine which I'm taking and normally helps as well as lots of hot drinks and a Vitamin C boost from the chemist. So hopefully that and keeping warm should do it for me. But judging how things have gone before, I'm probably in for a week or two of hell.
yeah, try real medicine. it'll actually work.
@ParanoidPanda don't sniff
there's a reason your body makes your nose run
... or just take it like a man
@ByteCommander >_>
Well, my nose hasn't kicked in yet... But I guess it will soon.
I would trust some herbs that may or may not work though more than I would some random chemical compound that has many side-effects and could be dangerous. :P
btw, @KazWolfe, we have a vive at work :)
"random" is not accurate
but don't take aspirin because that is dangerous
all the herbs do is introduce the placebo effect.
(as is tylenol)
ibu and acet are good though
@TheWanderer this is true
basically everything is dangerous, just in different doses
@ParanoidPanda idk if they have it in the UK, but Excedrin Tension Headache is pretty good. It has acetominophen and caffeine
@KazWolfe oh you believe in healing by the mind? Interesting.
Even water can kill you in high enough quantities.
@ByteCommander aspirin is dangerous in every dose lol
actually, i counter that these homeopathic treatments are even more dangerous than actual medicine. Look at Steve Jobs.
I just don't trust the knowledge of the doctors in terms of medicines, if they really understood how the body worked to the degree that medicines would all be safe, then medicines wouldn't have side-effects, or at least they would know about them before hand, but the fact that they have to use trial and error shows that they don't understand the workings of the body properly yet.
@ParanoidPanda so who's to say that those herbs aren't killing you?
they've been studied even less
@Seth I don't believe it actually does anything except make you think you feel better.
The best thing by far is to let your body's natural healing abilities do their thing. Only use medicine if that somehow isn't sufficient.
@TheWanderer I don't believe so
@KazWolfe said like a true person who has never tried anything "natural" ;)
@NathanOsman can you tell that to my headaches pls
@KazWolfe Lots of medicines are plant based you know, and unless you've tested all of these herbs yourself you can't possibly know that. Anyway, when I started using it I very strongly believed that it wouldn't work, and it did. But I don't think, even if it does work, that it works very well because it's not doing much for me now. So who knows, maybe just coincidence.
(which we haven't defined btw)
containing carbon?
Looks at Zach's headache: be gone, yo!
@NathanOsman poof
nope, just got worse
It worked! Next patient, plz.
@ParanoidPanda I personally haven't tried them, but I have access to studies.
@TheWanderer Yeah, I know, but I'll still keep taking them. :P
actually though, I had a really bad headache this morning, took ibu and excedrin, then ran on the eliptical about 2 hours later
works well
hire someone to wave around with some penguin feathers and dance around you, hopping on one foot and with a GNU mask...
might help too
@ByteCommander How often must I say this? It's GNU/Linux.
@ParanoidPanda so apply the same logic to medicine. It's the same thing, just engineered
@Seth And I don't try them because studies say actual medicine is more effective. Double-blind trials are one hell of a thing.
@NathanOsman LINUX
You're welcome.
No need for Linux to run on that mask...
@KazWolfe yay let's ignore all the studies we don't like xD
It should be noted that herbal medicine and homeopathic medicine are two completely different things. One works with herbs, the other with using meditation and machines to making water have the energetics of whatever it was they were basing it on.
@ParanoidPanda yeah homeopathics are weird.
isn't there some sort of scalar wave infused water? (which makes no sense at all)
@TheWanderer Plants have evolved much longer than the engineered medicines and have been taken for much longer so I trust them more.
@Seth I ignore the studies that fail peer review and that don't get any sort of verification by anyone outside the study.
@TheWanderer It's jargon at its worst.
@ParanoidPanda homoepathy has nothing to do with meditation
@TheWanderer no. also don't use the term "scalar wave", because that is completely undefined scientifically.
@KazWolfe lol
@Seth that's the point...
I do recall seeing something silly about special water the other day.
Maybe on Skeptics.SE.
@ByteCommander It does with some of the people who make it.
@TheWanderer yeah but no homeopathic will use the term.
@ParanoidPanda please don't say you're against vaccines though
@NathanOsman yeah
You were saying?
actually I won't say no, because I'm sure someone does..
I know someone who uses meditation to do homeopathic stuff.
Q: Can drinking "harmonized" water prevent sunburn

AdamOsmosis Skin Care offers what they call "Harmonized H2O" This product is a UV Neutralizer-Tan Enhancing[sic]: Boost your body’s defenses with this innovative new technology utilizing frequencies that work against the damaging effects of the sun. Specifically, they claim that drinking this water...

that's two things combined then, but homeopathy does not include meditation by default
@KazWolfe Yeah, that was it.
@KazWolfe that
@KazWolfe yeah that. Super weird.
@ByteCommander Ok, look, I really just don't know anything about the homeopathic method.
basically scalar waves are nonesense. Could there be waves that someone calls scalar? Maybe. But the fact that they called them scalar makes me doubt it.
@ParanoidPanda but plants have evolved randomly, with the ones that are most likely to survive, well.. surviving
that could include being poisonous or toxic like peppers
@Seth from what I know about scalars, it makes absolutely no sense
@ParanoidPanda get some pure clove oil. That stuff helps.

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