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@KazWolfe halp
what did you break
nothing yet
but I have no idea what I'm reading in Google's source
particularly interested in mWm.setForcedDisplayDensityForUser
but mWm is an interface and idk what's going on
Q: I can see this deleted question even though I don't have 10k?

Android DevTitle pretty much sums it up. I am somehow able to view this question even though I don't have 10k reputation. Is this a bug?

ok, what are you trying to do?
I want to see how wm density works
ok, so you need to find a class that implements IWindowManager.
    public void setForcedDisplaySize(int displayId, int arg0, int arg1) throws RemoteException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
one that actually has code.
If you're in Android Studio, Ctrl+Click on the method you want to inspect.
well Google only returns two things
it'll show all implementations that it knows of.
IWindowManager is an external lib
"implements iwindowmanager" site:android.googlesource.com
then this implementation will be somewhere else.
Look at whatever provides Context.WINDOW_SERVICE
Q: I can see this deleted question even though I don't have 10k?

Android DevTitle pretty much sums it up. I am somehow able to view this question even though I don't have 10k reputation. Is this a bug?

alright, and that takes an IBinder.
it's a hidden API
check that --^
public void setForcedDisplayDensityForUser(int i, int i1, int i2) throws android.os.RemoteException { /* compiled code */ }
@KazWolfe what's Class.VAR vs. Class#VAR?
@TheWanderer typically, class.VAR is static. class#var is per-instance.
but really, class#var is javadoc.
@terdon These comments need to be moved to chat: askubuntu.com/questions/910809/…
@NathanOsman Know of any FOSS Android text editors that I can just pop into my own code? Or do I need to modify the likes of Turbo Editor or simmilar to work within my app?
@TheWanderer What's the best way to report a plagiarized app on Google Play?
There's this one app that's literally just a build of a FOSS application
So much so that the namspace is the same
@AndroidDev Afraid not. Do you really need to include one?
Couldn't you just launch an intent for text/plain?
@AndroidDev If it's an open source app, then there really isn't an issue since anyone can redistribute it.
I could do that, but what if there isn't an app installed to handle that intent
Now, often times the name of an open source project is trademarked.
In that case, something most likely can be done.
@AndroidDev In that case, you are correct - you'll need to bundle something.
@NathanOsman They don't even mention that it's using the open source code at all
@NathanOsman The FOSS code is under GPL, which says that the notice has to be preserved, but it isn't
@NathanOsman Furthermore, the "developer's" website of this app doesn't even exist! (It just gives a DNS error) it's blatantly obvious that they just took this guy's github repo, changed the name and icon, and then uploaded it to the play store
@AndroidDev Yeah, that's probably grounds to report it then.
Although the only person that can realistically do anything is Google.
Dragging a GPL violation through the courts is an extremely cumbersome process.
The best thing would be for Google to just pull the app from the store.
Back to the text editor - Android doesn't bundle a file browser either so I had to write my own for NitroShare. Luckily, both are fairly easy to build. Maybe a page-full of Java code.
@NathanOsman That's actaully how I stumbled upon the plagiarized app. This is the github repo I was looking at: github.com/paulmach/Text-Edit-for-Android/blob/master/LICENSE
It looks pretty promising
@NathanOsman And here's the app in question: play.google.com/store/apps/…
Oh look, there's even two reviews stating it's just copied!
@NathanOsman Now, if I were to use some of that guy's code, what lisence/notice do I need to include in my app to comply with his GPL3 lisence?
Probably GPL3.
IIRC, the GPL means that any derived product must use the same license.
@NathanOsman But what if I also reuse some code that was originally under Apache or MIT or something else?
That's fine.
Those will work with GPL.
4 hours later…
Can ffmpeg do anything fancy with 16-bit PNG images?
I went a bit overkill for my next render. 16-bit PNGs at 60fps - in DCI 4K.
Each frame is 50 MB :P
1 hour later…
Why does youtube.com/watch?v=h2LG7JXK5mQ remind me of @ThomasWard...? ;-)
@NathanOsman nice :D and doubt ffmpeg can do a lot there :X
is there a good rss applet (or something like that)? :P
3 hours later…
'lost the internet'
1 hour later…
Q: TCP parameters SACK and Window scaling do not change on Ubuntu 16.04

userXktapeI want to turn off SACK and window scaling options in TCP in Ubuntu 16.04 running in a VMware virtual machine on windows 10. I am actually sending some packets through my Ubuntu to an embedded device which is connected directly through a LAN cable to my computer. No internet connection otherwise...

is it just me, or is meta.askubuntu.com down?
nevermind, it's working again
I was getting the following message on the homepage of meta It was not possible to perform this tag search at this time due to an unexpected error.
@Dan just refresh
there seems to be something going on
@Dan That was a global fubar :P
i answered a featured question on stackoverflow
but it has only 30 minute to close
@MOHRE watches as @MOHRE drowns in rep
what happen if nobody vote up me?
bounties are awarded by hand
they can still be awarded after the time ends
someone else had answered with 2 vote
but that's not the real solution
does he won the bounty just because of more vote?
The bountier is expected to try the answers and award to one they like. Or not award at all.
it's the question:
Q: Open new window when clicking Unity launcher icons?

Jonathan LandrumBackground I realize middle-clicking on a Launcher icon opens a new instance, but my mouse doesn't have a good middle-click option (clicking the scrollwheel works for this, but it's cumbersome). My workflow tends to involve numerous windows for programs such as terminal and Chrome. Currently, te...

can you try my answer and vote it if that's correct?
@MOHRE the bounty hasn't been awarded. The system won't autoassign the bounty to anyone, I don't think - it will, however, go unawarded after a while
we can't all 'test' solutions necessarily because we don't all have the same systems or setup, just an FYI. Patience is also a virtue - if nobody's downvoted or said it doesn't work then just wait.
someone (maybe the bountier) will test and probably complain if it doesn't.
but the bounty isn't guaranteed to go to anyone.
@ThomasWard I like your picture
chaos incarnate >:D
thanks though
now if only VPNs were faster than 2MB/s >.<
@ThomasWard Thank you all for your explanation
Hello :)
@ThomasWard (shameless plug of my free, log-free, purely for privacy vpn)
@Avery In this case, the VPNs aren't for privacy :P
access to secure internal resources :P
slow tunnels
hello everybody
I have a question that a few people around me didn't manage to solve.
I am really not a pro when it comes to networking...
The issue is very simple I have difficulties to have internet on my ubuntu machine at home....

I have one laptop running linux mint where I can just plug in the ethernet cable and it works out of the box. But when it comes to the other machine running ubuntu 14.04.4 just plugging in the ethernet cable doesn't give it access to internet.

I don't have access to the router or whatsoever...

Networking experts, what are the steps I should follow to track down the issue?
Mint isn't Ubuntu, just sayihg.
Mint belongs on U&L
afaik I didn't say that mint = ubuntu
@trilolil when you plug in the cable on 14.04.4, does it try and negotiate a connection? What happens when you try and manually refresh the connection IP data? (first use ifconfig -a to find the ethernet interface, it should be eth# where # is a number, then use sudo dhclient -V eth# replacing eth# with the interface name)
@trilolil i just wanted to make the distinction known is all
the core part is my last question
when I plug in the ethernet cable there is no reaction at all. I only see the leds of my ethernet port blinking. Executing the command you explained ie: sudo dhclient -V eth0 gave me:

Internet System Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.4
.. (some stuff about rights)
usage: dhclient [-4|-6] ...

("screenshot": http://imgur.com/ND2iwwL)
yay stupid shift key
one more try
with lower capital v
@trilolil well you have an IP address. What's ip route list show?
when you try and go to a website what do you actually see for your errors? NXDOMAIN? No DNS servers? Etc.
@ThomasWard reexecuted the prevous command as well: dropbox.com/s/dwvwcfoyipys36e/IMAG4647.jpg?dl=0
you didn't answer my last question
@ThomasWard when using a browser I get "server not found" and when using wget google.com I get "failed: Name or service not known. wget:unable to resolve host address google.com"
@trilolil ping -n 5 - does it work without errors??
probably not... will try
Connect: invalid argument
@ThomasWard gasp You've equipped your LAZORZ!
@trilolil that sounds like... evil... are you sure you don't have an IP conflict?

source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto eth0 inet dhscp
that's the only thing I did, after installing ubuntu (that file was originally empty)
and internet doesn't work
@trilolil Ubuntu Desktop uses Network Manager, not /etc/network/interfaces by default, and Network Manager uses DHCP. Remove that auto eth0 line, reboot, try again but DO NOT edit the interfaces file
@ThomasWard which file do you want me to modify then?
I want you to edit no files, except to remove that last line in your /etc/network/interfaces that you added, and then reboot.
@ThomasWard ok so did what you said. I could see the newtork icon in the upper right corner doing stuff. After a while a messgae pops up saying: "Disconnected - you are now ofline Ethernet network"
(which I didn't get before)
sounds like you're not getting an IP then, which is a little beyond our standard setup. What are you connecting to, a modem or a router?
or an ethernet connection at a workplace (and if it's that i'm throwing you at the mercy of your IT people)
I don't know I am currently not so far from Russia. Where I currently am they only give you an ethernet cable and you do the rest...
however on my other laptop running linux mint it just works out of the box.
and that's why I said "Mint is Not Ubuntu" earlier
i understand now :)
my guess though is...
the IP address reservation is held by the MAC address on your Mint system
and they're not assigning you a second one
and are restricting to that MAC address.
Especially if DHCP works fine on the one system but not the other.
can't I duplicate the mac address from linux machine to the other machine? I only have one ethernet cable so it is impossible for me to connect both of them (that would then have the same mac address) at the same time on the network.
@MOHRE That's the usual procedure on any post on AU. No reason for posting an answer in chat if there is nothing specific happening.
@ThomasWard ^
@ThomasWard Yes it is. If the person who posted the bounty doesn't award it, half is automatically awarded to the highest scoring answer. The only way it is lost is if there is no answer with a score of >= 2.
> If you do not award the bounty within 24 hours of the bounty period ending, half the bounty value will be automatically awarded to the top voted answer posted after the bounty start, provided it has a score of at least 2. If no new answer matches this requirement, no reputation will be awarded at all, and the reputation used on the bounty will be lost forever.
@MOHRE see what I said above. Note that there are still 23 more hours in which the bounty can be awarded manually. If it isn't awarded until then, half the bounty will go to the other answer.
@terdon thank you kindly for the update.
i need more coffee.
@trilolil in theory you can, but I'm not fluent in how Russian ISPs work :p
since I'm all the way across the pond in the USA :P
There's a silverfish on my bed o_O
You want it?
hm... anyone know any good ubuntu irc servers?
i'd like to set up something that supports SSL at the very least.
take your pick of them lol @KazWolfe
well, i'd like to get some ideas as to what people use.
@ThomasWard does that matter? A mac adress stays a mac address no matter where you are, right?
and +1 >:-D
@Rinzwind take a look at my answer lol. +1 overarching "Death to the systems if you try" answer is godly.
@ThomasWard I was on it too
/usr/local can be shared though
you should still avoid doing that :p
if it's dynamically built and not static built the library differences can cause evils
Q: Can I share /usr/local between multiple Linux distributions?

ArunMKumarI tried Ubuntu 12.04 and based on my understanding I made the following partitions: 2GB Swap (I have 2GB of RAM) 1GB /boot, since I'll be installing different kernel versions (I'm starting kernel development) 35GB /var 40GB /usr/local 407GB /home 15GB / (root) Now I want to install...

I trust Gilles >:-DDDD
he's a fun guy.
I like Gilles :=)
hi! Yes I respect Gilles a lot :)
but that was also a pun ;)
ooh blue flags, Russian again :P
Q: Share installed libraries between Debian and Ubuntu

dev_nutI'm trying to partition my harddisk and install Ubuntu and Debian. So, I have no need no need to preserve any old data. Latest editions of both OSs will be used. I'm trying to understand how I can install libraries, programs, etc. through apt in Ubuntu and not re-install it on Debian and vice ve...

chat died???
that q does not deserve downvotes. Yes, not a smart idea to do but without asking nobody will learn from our experience
@Rinzwind Did it ? nobody replied -> chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/37108975#37108975 Hi Rinzy ! :)
Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.
I just got that D: sounds serious
@ThomasWard i won >:)
suspends @Rinzwind nope, I did. lol jk. It's also not a competition. So shush. focuses on not passing out due to lack of food
yes it is!
it is mods against non-mods
and we are winning :=)
suspends everyone, and as a result SE goes into full on read only mode
I still win.
@Rinzwind hi :) It was an interesting question
sure is
I bet Thomas was the downvoter :=D
but what's combo?
he hates us users
@Anwar I typed almost the same comment. changed it after I saw yours ;-)
oh! I see!
should I include "mount binds" or will that make it too difficult :P
I know someone who has a system where he put /usr and /etc on SD's. You can' t boot his system w/o the SD in the system :P
lol. nice security feature!
yeah oh and has boot on it. so he goes into bios to boot from the SD :P
Told him I like my 7 seconds boot from my ssd >:)
my boot time varies between 4 and 5.5secs
yes! 7 seconds :=) from button press to desktop.
I use my notebook commuting so I need the speed
oh I got an older ssd ;-) A new one might speed it up more
install takes me less than 20 minutes <3 <3
@Rinzwind I have a 650
and a 3.5 year old pc
My Go package for Let's Encrypt works.
Sucessfully signed a certificate, yay!
Gratz Nathan
Now to plug it into my Nginx-monitoring app.
Anbox is currently supporting Ubuntu github.com/anbox/anbox
Very interesting music:
Q: How to get network information like IP, Gateway, DNS, etc?

ehbarbianI need a script, or even better, a single command to get the following information: eth0 assign: dhcp address: netmask: gateway: dns: eth1 assign: static address: netmask: gateway: 10....

2 hours later…
o.O that death stare...
Lame Gimp effect is lame.
@ThomasWard new contact lenses?
No, most likely lasers.
He went to a laser clinique? :)
Cyclops (born: Scott Summers) is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and is a founding member of the X-Men. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the comic book The X-Men #1 (September 1963). Cyclops is a member of a subspecies of humans known as mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. Cyclops can emit powerful beams of energy from his eyes. He cannot control the beams without the aid of special eyewear which he must wear at all times. He is typically considered the first of the X-Men, a team of...
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭
Hey cool, it worked.
Serif fonts for everyone! \o/
@NathanOsman 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕙𝕡. 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕓𝕒𝕕. 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕠𝕜 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕠𝕣 𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕥 𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖.
@Avery Google still treats the characters as their ASCII equivalents :P
But yes, point taken.
𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖈𝖍 𝖉𝖔𝖊𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖓𝖐𝖞 𝖙𝖊𝖝𝖙, 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖘.
^ how it looks on my phone
@NathanOsman except for phone users >:-D
@Rinzwind pls, use ubuntu phone.
"Would it help if I switched to images of text?" :P
1 hour later…
u wot m8
anyone have a copy of Illustrator I could borrow?
How on earth would that work?
Goodnight folks! :)
@ParanoidPanda Goodnight.
@ThomasWard: And our own evil daemon. :P
thomasd and its associated program thomasctl
@JacobVlijm Thirty-eight seconds exposure to extradimensional particles put supernovas in my eyes and high powered lasers to channel that energy. :P
@ThomasWard you might find a use for the app I'm working on. It runs alongside Nginx and watches the Docker daemon for containers starting and stopping. If the container has a special label, my app will obtain a TLS certificate for it, generate an Nginx config file (with proxy_pass), and send SIGHUP to Nginx, forcing a config. reload.
Presto - a hands-free proxy for all my containers :D
i can't select text in my terminal.
or gedit.
it select for like a half second and then deselects.
I need testers
for a DPI changer that, in theory, doesn't need root
@NathanOsman cool. Extend it to use LXD containers and you'll get me instantly using it. (I tend to use LXD because easy Ubuntu spinups as full 'VMs' lol)
@ThomasWard It's fairly modular - probably wouldn't require too much work to add an LXD watcher and switch it out. I already did that with the Nginx one with the intent of adding Apache support.
anyone wanna download my malware?
@edwinksl maybe
grabs a phaser rifle off the wall, as well as the control systems for the orbital laserz
are you distributing malware now, @TheWanderer?
Do I need to unleash CHAOS upon thee?
@ThomasWard yes and yes
suspends @TheWanderer network wide
Problem solved. NEXT ITEM on my agenda...
... burn the flags queue.
meh i'll finish setting up this server first
I talked to someone from Unreal and they suggested rebuilding UnrealEngine from the master branch.
I kinda don't expect a big difference but still.
It's worth a shot, I suppose.
oh god
that AP exam really killed me
you're not dead yet
hands @TheWanderer a box filled with more exams to complete
they're also all 800-level college course exams.
Good luck to you.
@ThomasWard They got rid of CHAOS
CHAOS is a code name for a new device i've been working on, @JourneymanGeek
they can't get rid of it yet
(CHAOS was an early iteration of the community team for new sites)
@JourneymanGeek that doesn't explain why Shog still carries a CHAOS rifle for bringing doom to targets.
Time to crash my video driver... here we go...
False alarm. Stupid build tool didn't compile UE4Editor the first time around.
I mean... it's not like I'm hoping it crashes.
I just have this gut feeling it will.
And I can't run it on my Win2012 server because that thing barely has 1 GB of RAM.
So - I either get it working in Linux or I am forced to use it in Windows.
...which is not a thrilling prospect. At all.
My next PC needs to have 16+ cores.
you need a workstation or a server then lol
@NathanOsman i presume you mean physical cores :P
@ThomasWard Workstation is exactly what I need.
A server is going to be too noisy.
'server' just means you build it from parts
doesn't mean an actual rackmounted server lol
@ThomasWard (I mean, not really)
@Avery in the context that Nathan and I am speaking, yes.
@ThomasWard Then my Raspberry Pi is a server?
Lots of parts went into that.
@NathanOsman you know what I meant lol.
throws @NathanOsman into the void
Even added a copper heatsink for overclocking...
depends on who you ask
there's little difference between a proper workstation and a server
Exactly :D
Gaah! I can't read this guy's code! Who puts the { on the same line as the statement and puts zero whitespace in their code?!
Workstations aren't necessarily built for running 5 years without a reboot though.
(Job -2 used to have dual processor xeons under every desk)
@NathanOsman freebsd, however, is.
Lol. And I believe that.
Actually, I had a Linux server run for almost two years without a reboot.
and well, I suspect most places treat individual servers are replacable components these days
Finally had to power it off because I didn't need it anymore :P
Waaaay beyond my price range.
@NathanOsman alternative. Get a second hand one.
I also thought of doing that.
tho, I can't think of that many places dumping workstations (or servers)
Ebay usually has some decent prices on second-hand servers.
personally in your shoes, I'd consider a stack of cheapass machines.
Take this for example: ebay.com/itm/…
"Includes 48 GB RAM"
What the heck is this junk?? --^
Q: Accessing SSH through web

user229607I was given a website to connect to an SSH server but my browser says it doesn't exist(both in Windows and Ubuntu). When I do the ssh [email protected] command in the command line it works fine. Is there something I should be doing for my system to be able to access the website itself?

Hi there: I am on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-375.20.run installed along with DKMS. First there was a login loop issue after an ubuntu update, then after uninstalling the proprietary drivers, it started using open source X.org X server. But I seem to loose both wired and wireless internet due to "no network devices " available. I looked at some questions but could not solve it. Can anyone link which question or workaround should help me out of this ?
@AndroidDev Rule #1 - do not omit braces for single statements.
I KNOW! Gah!
@texenthusiast you should probably ask a question on the main site.
And put them on the line BELOW
@JourneymanGeek doing right now
@NathanOsman those are pretty nice. Not that loud. And price looks decent
Some of those issues, though, may be caused by editor issues (tabs => spaces, etc.).
@NathanOsman That has got to be some of the most ugly code ever
> "Does NOT include Hard Drive, Graphics Card or Power Supply"
But I can supply those parts.
lack of power supply is the only thing that matters there
I have 750-watt PSU here.
Would that be enough?
er. Not entirely sure if they use standard PSUs
dual processor may mean 2x processor power supply connectors are needed
There's this one: ebay.com/itm/…
Comes with a Nvidia Quadro FX4800.
$800 though.
non standard PSU
Yeah, I'm not going to hack that together.
So I am either buying a PSU for it or getting one with a PSU intact.

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